The Sydney Morning Herald from Sydney, New South Wales, Australia (2024)


TO LET. SHOPS. SHOPS, na rnananni R14VTK fr, TO LET. Sir tTwo Hnoe (about 12 words). i Saturday.

10.1 K5 I A BTARMON, near tor 1 Otc. W. (Sir Hen and 32 Pittsl, Ir A RNCL1FFK. near station. Cottage, eelf-contalned, ill niCB rooD1s.

kitchen. HO Wolknigong-td. 25. '(til A 0AKAaE' tollable (or cur, rent 7. Apply 169 TO LET.

OSMAN, Ourimbali -road. COTTAGE, 4 rooms, kit- chen, 32,0 per wcL-k. PERPETUAL TRUSTEE COMPANY, LIMITED, 33-3.) Ilunter-st reet (w OTOR GARAGE, suit mcclianio anxioue to make I small start, plenty work la district. ner AVeek. mn: rauoiiigiuo, A -HF1U-D, cioto small Unfurnished Flat, ielf-contained.

25. 2(1 Blsnd-st. AswribLU. Modern CMuute Karace, 00ft wireless mast, 178. Toltwood, Armtitroiiir-st, Oueen-st end frjjM A VILLA, 6 rooms, electric, teas, select, rny-chree, Dun.stairem.fte-t.

HurUtone Pari A NNANDALE, 37 Bed ark. tiirnishe! Ben- Unit- ROOM, conveniences, electi ic. ga, water. chen, offices, every convenience, sootloaslv clean K'i minute tram, shops, references. 30 Ucohamst, Bondi.

A UST1NMEH. -Up-lo-dat iJliJ rfX Chemist pr-t tried. if. SI 1101'. on conmiet ion.

SEVERW RIGHT, Dunnu- AN Upto-dite FACTORY, 2 floors, 70ft ft. wit I' rfl manufacturer, cheap. Apply J. BURGESS, i ll O'n sett-street, Dulwieh lllll. Petersham i5o.

It LA Attractive Cottiitfcs (or good tenants, AH puMiioii, iuo, 'rnone, Atuoti. ROBERT HAHLEY and SONS, a 1 Station. Auburn. Rent 16. C.

OK It and lUa Pitlalroct. BIS81. AT William ami BtiuttKE streets, Curuer. single-fronted mill Modern, Suit nkefc. nil run- wmk STANTON and SON.

133 Pitt-street. iBWlgfiB) A JUat reiiuvuieii, tlim Station, sirvt-t, lxiomi Itght, teas tnvo, reut 376. XI one Control Railway kitchen, electric iicilev(ji-6treet. ou amion-birect. city.

AUlHaU KUAU (iVA). rooniB, a kitclieiis, giJB ecovfif, liutli-lieitlr, cleciiic light, emit, two vo'ing ilaaTiftd Coui'itn. mnt ltcriihaiii Sutiuii. i KTAKilO.N, liuxiy to station, motor 'hub, and traau. Hritk I rooui and kitchen.

80. AKTAKMON, 6 miuutw burn Cottage, 6 rooiiis and kitchen, etc. T. McKbXL, ABBOTKOilO. Silenuifi corner position.

Shop and Dwelling, suit Chemist, Hairdresser, Hutcber. or 13mallgooctsman. Itli.NTAb 35 pr week. FlVELOOii. Cottage, rooms conveiiiencob, per Week.

CASHMAN and Ct) coiner h'ivedock. A SHOP, 6 roonit, main roud, at section, fuit Canh and Carry Urocer, (ireeiitrocer, or any business, 40 week for three months. WARD 4ul Wll lougliby-road. French's- wegg tram scruon. STRATI IFiELD.

Nice Cottaire. 4 roomn, J. SO. Others, 60, 00, 7j. At ENKlELD.

hew Btiek Cottage, 3 rooma, 2SG; others liiifl. 80, 33, 34, So, id. yEALE, Broadway. EnHeld. and at Station, IStralhlield 12 O.XtOlUi-arKfclET, CITY, NEAK LIV'EK- POOL-ST.

aplondtd WoikroomB and Olticos, beautiful daylight, electric light, power, gus, and every conven.cncet all sizeb, and rents Ivom 15. Also a fine bHOP, right opposite tram btop, beautiful up-to-dat itiand windows, and next lo Winn's, drapers, flood opportunity for live man. Low rent. Long lease, ho taxes. Apply ftfcfc.MS ia uxiora-aireei.

near luiverpoot-btrcet, tmna.u ON Dl. Cottage, 4 rooms, kitchen, washiiouse, con-i1, JJ veuienccs. 6 Keele-st, North Sydney. North 3745. near Liverpool-street, my.

leic, nuimm COl'TAOE. 4 rooms, bath, kitchen, laundry, rfr gas, electric unnis, -'i r.mi.vui, 'uatwwu- ObAO'm'Ub HVuK. a or 3 NICK CO I'TAOKS, in JJ good positions. Mruanmaitti, ageiu. nyoe.

twEECROFT. 7-rooinea Bungalow, 50 minutes city, mountain airr cuit 2 families, 35. Ring Hunter 1U2. fXJANKSTOvVN. Briclc Cottage, 3 rooms, aucnen, etc.

'J Near stal loo. Orvieto. leonard-st, Rent a'Jii. tM-W MIS 111. "LJU UXIO li-Sl.

nituiinn VANJilOVVN. l-room Cotiane. verandahs, J- wei'k. Mpinrath, Old hcnt-nl. Collage, rooms, kiU-hen, laundry.

uioa. VllirtNTK. beacll. 'otlaKe, references. 3 Satiirdav.

8 Hcwlett-st. Bronte. -0 rooms, p.m. Cottage, 0 rooniK, elrctiic, garage. House, Kltcncn.

uurran, oi uuriinn-a TJONDI JUNCTION. Cottage, 3 bedrooms, all con- AJ von lence h. Apply 172 Edgccliff-rd. ON Dl. Furnished Houno, 4 convenience, electric light.

rooms, kitflien, every si if icner st, TjONDI. New Cortajie, rooms, 62ti. Oarage available. WIMMAY, Keniieth-streel, way. Tram Terminus.

2 rooms, kitchen. 13. inco*ck-st, off Iliile-st. Miliar. ACHEJ.OR desirea Let Furnished HOME, married counlc.

return room. 45 week. EveiiinRs. after 7 a ciock, maite. at nooi laura Ciagg-strti't.

Weatherboard COT- TAOE. 4 rooms, kitrlien. 'nunclrv. and bathroom. IjJ.

M. t.liUM urnnfe-roau, ncimure. OND1 BEACli. lUinnalo' 6 6plcndir roonih, pop- ered. extra nice, out.

JilLlAVKbST JlliCAUlI, Mali-street, noinn. HEH.HTS. ocean view, minute tram. Well furnished 'Brick COTTAGE, looms, grounds, fceater, electriinty, 50'. .10 iMpprinl-av LOMI-ROAU.

DOUBIJi MOiOit GARAGE, humiy J- position, rent 15 weekly. 'A. Hit It DIE anil MA 1 li-l 1.V "pEXl.IiY.lirick t.ori'AtiE, 3 rooinn, kitchen, large i vcrnndalis, copper, uas move, einiveniein efi. asockev Simial Stutiun. Miller' Point.

'Phone, City 77 cheap rent, incuminir tenant buy linoleums, blinds, J'ule flirivittire. J0. BEACH. Modem Seini-detii'-hed COlTAfiE, H7(l Week, nil Knn-inMlll'l. Ill-Ill I)er TTaLMAIN, HOt'SK, 4 r.

ion kitrlien, liim -I .13 cniivtmicnccs. near tram and ferry. Bent kitchen, linindry, all l.l HB IIIHHI.K. Wo nn-rd. Bui mn in.

W10-" 1JOMf. Nearly new 4-rooiiifd Cottage, all moder conPliienieS. close 'bus, tram, fhops. Rent 1 f. Piowmun-n venue, Btiiidi.

modern con residential, BOND-STREET CHAMBERS, Bond and Ueorge street's -WeU-Ughted OFFICE. 2nd floor. 22 14 fset. au per sraijvrciuAi. in.uoiac tjuairAni, LIMITED aa-3 Hunter-street.

(40 ARET HOUSE, George-street, near Market-street. A FEW OFFICES AVAILABLE. Excellent Lignt! RENTS 66, 1)1, 110. 8 SUARPE and SON. i ll Managing Agents, 107 Pltt-atreet.

CORNER Clarence and Margaiet city. WeYV. lighted OFFICE to LET. also Worb CarDflntj-P. Unriart.ttrf.- ntrir ilTY.

Suitable OtUcc, Sample Rooma, ltr0Mt7flrit v- noor, ao weet SXLiEY and MELBOURNE PUR. USHJNG Alberta-street (corner Wentworth- AVPIHI4 anH vy. li'Y, JUACQUAUIE-STHEET. Well -lighted CON- "otiiiiB-room, ana ooor attend ance. Rent 33 per week.

xuauia ouu (uu.jAAm riiux'ltiXXAllY. LTD 9rt a uoijHtAwi-aiiibtr, in central Position. uretu. srAli and ACCOM'MODA. T10N In new modern building.

Particularly suitabla for Club Room Suace. MODKRATR ftinflHuouj anu wuc.Mjti, nu, 02 Pitt-street. iviTY OFFICES, right 111 tin heart ol KvH. -Si LET, In Boomerang House, 137 King-street, near Pitt-street Suite, including large Front Ofllce, facing King-street, and smaller OMcea. Excellent light, large strongroom.

Suit Professional Firm. Apply ALBERT'S MUSIC STORES. 137 King-st. Svdnev. "UTY 0FFI0ES OR SHOWHOOSIS! No.

852 KENT-STREET. DPPEtt FLOOR, 45 51 feet MODERATE REnTAL. Full particulars from PERPETUAL TRUSTEE COMPANY, LIMITED, 41ASTI.EREAGH-STREET. nenr A OFFICE SUITE, comprising 2 large private rooms and large general office in modera well-liglited build' Ing. Suitable for Surveyor, Accountant, Solicitor, etc Rent 44 per week.

Apply RAINE and BORNE. (L.70.) to Pitt-streei. SPACE, Glass Case, Oft 4ft, TO LET "in MARTIN-PLACE. Apply O. WAGER, 42 Martin-place.

'Phone. B2171 STATE AGEN'rs OFFICE to LET, North Shoni E1 1 LIZABETU-STR EE'l T. and O. BUILDINO. OFFICES.

Very moderate rentals. For Professicnai Men, Companies, etc. Apply G. WATSON HALL, 'Phone, City 6203. on Premin-.

GROUND Floor OFFICE, 16 8, suit agent, ii week. Newsagent, 17 Macquarie -place, city. GOOD Front OFFICE, well lighted. Inquire 6th floor, National Mutual Building, formerly Equitable, 350 Geurge-street. GEORGE and BRIDGE STREETS, PAYTEN CHAM BERS.

3 well-lighted OFFICES, 326 each per week. Full particulars from PERPETUAL TRUSTEE COMPANY, LIMITED, 33-39 Hunter-street. (19) HAYMARKET, CENTRAL STREEt, FIRST FLOOR, RAWSON LI AMBERS. 800 square feet. Moderate Rental.

PERPETUAL TRUSTEE COMPANY, LIMITED, 33-30 (20) KEMBLA BUILD1X0. 68 MARGARET-STREET (just off George-st). OFFICES ON ALL FLOORS, singly or in suites, available, including: PORTION OF GROUND FLOOR AND BAsem*nT. This building, just completed, is equal to any in the city of Sydney. Every modern convenience has beea supplied.

SIX ELEVATORS. NATURAL LIGHT all sides. LETTER CHUTE, ELECTRIC POWER In every Office, Rents moderate. For Plan and full particulars, apply THE MANAGER (Mr. Rorke), ou the building.

vr, mug Dag.13. ARGE well-lit OFFICE or WORKROOM to lt. -M-4 Mrs. iba ueoige-si. ARGE ROOM, with Strongroom, First Flour, bulk J-J able for uttice or sample itoom.

Apply CARPENTER and Ifl Q'Coimell--trcet, LYCEUM BUILDING, PITT-STREET, NEAR MARKET -STREET. SEVERAL ROOMS AVAILABLE at from 1 (reduced renta). Apply P. N. SLADE and i 11 LARGE OFFICES or SAMPLE ROOMS, street, 2nd FLOOR Corner Room, 2i at IS, JlCm p.

a. Centre Room, 30 lti, p.a. Another, 36 16, S1 p.a. Immediate possession. Leases if RAINE and U0HNE, (K.21) 70 Pitttreet.

FFICES, f*ckNIbllED, to Ut, 25, cU-e L.l'.O. Telephone. Turner and Sons. 70 Pitt. -jt.

TkErTCE." Apply Room 20, Banking Hoyw, Piit lunuyliei, 'phone, Vi niomli. Ati'l J.O. 2lJtl U.ot, 14 over Washington Soul's, Pitt street. and lower, hint I.iugorie or ill Hitler. oE.Gi(i;EA ulid t.U..33 OFFICES, Pitt and Bridge streets, Queensland ante Buil.Iin;, renlais 70 and per Facin? Good tight.

II. HORNING and 30Maitin-puce. AFTiClSS, 'ULAiiSTO'XE CHAMBERS, i'J PilTlt Miiern, Central, Good Liuhl. cle i'-O. Low Rents.

IN SUITE Oil bl.vt.LL. R1CUAHDSO.V and WIIKNCII, re '( HOrK, i'-1 and 1.LIZAB1.TI1 S1KEKTS. TWO ll.tT FLOOR. 35 per week. Apply PLRI'ETL AL COMPANY.

USUI LI'. 33-30 iliihter-strtet. t-i) FFICES. OFFICES. B1NGLC Wtla.

n. pinnr Access to Street. Excellent Llsht. Moderate STAXDARII INSURANCE 51-'7 I'ltt -trnt. (J l.N Nt.iv aiuur-it ucii.oi.'"'.


Between Hunter-street end llainiltoli-plaee. Modern Oflice Accoinnlodation in Neiv Buildine-Available in Suites or Silicic Knoius, HiOil it week. LOW RENTALS. i.aiticulaif, HICHAH DSON and WRENCH, 1)2 KJ HOSKINS' BUILDINGS, Coiner SPUING and UKESIIAM SI I'lES, ou First, Second, and Third loom SAMPLE ROOMS, IN BAsem*nT. With GOODS ENTRANCE FROM LANE.

Part IcinjirnmWAIJCCR lie Castkr. jgh-jt. FF1CES, 42 UUllXiE-STRKKT, 1 KA.I;.I IiUi.SE. opposite Etlucalion Departincnt. and near Principal fioverniiient Ofllces.

OFFICE ACCOMMODATION" shorU.v availab in Suites or Sinele Rooms, at very moderate rentals. Excellent Natural Light on Three Modern Lift Services. SUITABLE FOR PROFESSIONAL OFFICES, Etc. Fnll particulars and Plans, RICHARDSON anil WRENCH. 92 TO LET, miLLir nouo PHILLIP -STREET.


FOX, McINTOSU and SONS, 1tTA. 100-119 Phillip-street, Opposite Automobile Club. P' rimrose buildings" 265 SEVERAL WELL-LIOHTED OFFICES, ON FIRST and SECOND FLOORS. MODERATE RENTALS. PERPETUA-L ljS.

TJITTsTREET. near PAHlv-slRELX-Uirge Lp-f JL date OFFICES, from 2o. rrnRGE and COMMERCIAL CHAMBERS, Comer GEORGE BATHUKST STREETS, from 12 0 week. ALEXANDER HOUSE. 1S1 Uverpool-str, tilSi tU i ii.

GOLDSTEIN'S BUILDINGS, College and Oxford Apply CHARLES TlROMENADE SHOPS DE LLAI MAGNIFICENTLY UOlipp and APPOINTED PHOTOGRAPHIC STUDIO, in "ADAMS' BUILDINGS," 482-484 GEORGE-STREET, opposite Queen Mctona Markets, in the centre of the busy thoroughtare- THE WHITE WAY. THIS BUILDINO la fitted with elaboral appoint; menta throughout, giving superior efleot to all li- UTh. natural lighting effect, and been carefully etudied, making the holdings cngnv "uSlXDUTE POSSESSION CAN BE GIVEN. RENTALS and full particulars from MbKta? HARDIE and GORMAN PROPRIETARY 86 MARTIN-P' OOMS and FLOOR SPACE. First noor, Eden Building, opposite Rawson-place.

B2642. C. LAWSON, 84 Pitt-street RECORD CHAMBERS, 77 OASTLERbAGH Sr, Close to King-street. MODERN OFFICE ACCOMMODATION AVAILABLC Good Light. Every convenience.


i II SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS INOLUDED. TWO PASSENGER AND GOODS LIFTS. Natural Light, Electric Light, Gaa. Every Office newly Painted and Renovated. Now ready for Immediate occupation.

and 8 room Offices. Moderate Rental, according to space reauircd. Bent Irom 88 to HSSSr- BSffiiSSfg W. ROBERTS. OS lUweon Obarabera, "Phone.

City 8508. 5 I AMPLE ROOMS, OFFICES, SHOWROOMS. NATIONAL BUttDINa, OO PITT-STREET (between Market and Park streets). ROOMS, 10 20, 20 SO, 20 60. Or larger ereee, up to tOOO square ht TO LET, In thii new, up-to-date, fireproof Building, Splendid Lift Service.

Magnificent Vestibule Entrance. Natural Light to every Boom. RENTALS MODERATE, J. GARDEN, VANAOLNO AOENI. ua wisiiooj.

10 LET. ROSE BAT. Superior Brick OOTTAQE. 4 noma, kitchen, and all offices, garage, 45; New Cottages, 4 rooms, kitchen, eta, nicely papered, 45; othera, 36, 37, 42: BUNOALOW, 65. CONNELLAN and Sod Old South Head-road, Rose Pay (opposite Ice 'Phone.

FU9155. ANDWICK. UNFURNISHED COTTAGES. Modem Semi, right at tram, .3 large rooma. kltclien, offlcee.

electrlo light, 370. DETACHED BUNGALOW, 4 kitchen, end offices, handy tram. A SNAP, 46, Williams. Whyte, and 10 Belmore-rd, Randwlek. ANDWICK.

Brick Cottage, 4 rooms, kitchen, elec- trio ugtit, gas stove, nanay tram. nenr. RANDWIOK. Brick Cottage, close shops and trams, 4 rooms, kitchen, electrlo light. Rent 836 week.

RANDWICK. Furnished COTTAGE, 3 bedrooms, living room, breakfast-room, electrio lleht. 33. AVPNELL and 4 Belmore-rd. Randwlek.

R. 2300, ROSE BAY. Superior Bungalow, 1 minute tram, rooms, kitchen, and conveniences, light, gas, sewered, 'phone, 44 week. ROSE BAY. Cottage, high position, 4 rooms, kitchen, etc.

Immediate possession. jfiBS week. J. F. EI RAN, Bank of N.S.W.

Building, ROSE BAT. 'phonei. F7126 and F7141. REDFEHN, Main Street, 1 minuto from station. Large Brick House, 12 rooms, kitchen, and every convenience, Including electrio light.

Under complete renovation inside and out, and ready for occupation within fortnight. Unique opportunity for first-class residential, and upper floor adapted to 3 self-contalued Flats. Apply Camperdown Estate and Cash Order 22S Parramaiia-ro, i-amperaown. RICHARDSON and WRENCH, LIMITED, 03 PITT-STREET. ESTABLISHED I860.

B6001. SHOPS, GEORGE, PITT, CASTLEREAGH. ERSKINE, and LIVERPOOL STREETS, also Suburbs. UNFURNISHED RESIDENCE, best part, North Sydney, 44' per week. UNFURNISHED RESIDENTIAL, POTTS POINT, 26 rooms and offices; good lease.

Renovated. GROUND FLOOR, GARAGE or SHOWROOM, CASTLEREAGH-STREET, low rent. FACTORY BUILDING, REDFERN, 6000 square feet, ground and 1st floors, 4 week. GROUND FLOOR, CAMPERDOWN, 6000 square feet. In new building.

per ANDWICK, near Alison -road. Family Residence, 4 bedrooms, drawing-room, oreaKiast-room, dining- room, and Kitcnen, xiiecincity, gaa move. 11 per week. Detached Brick Cottage, 8 bedrooms, dining-room, and kitchen. Electricity, bath-heater, gaa copper, gaa stove.

60 per week. BONDI, 20 O'Brfen-st Semi-detached Brick Cottage, 2 bedrooms, dining-room, kitchen, gaa stove, 320 per week. Semi-detached Brick Cottage, 2 bedrooma, dining-room, kitchen. Electricity, bath-beater, gaa stove. 376 per week.

Also one at 35 per week. BONDI JUNCTION. Semi-detached Brick Cottage, 2 bedrooms, dining and kitchen. Electricity, gaa stove, 376 per week. WAVERLEY.

Brick Cottage, 8 bedrooma, dining, kitchen, 376 per week. PADDINGTON. House, 4 rooms, 20 per week. MOORE PARK. House, 5 rooms, 20 per week.

W. S. THOMAS. Wav. 1027.

1562. Bond! Junction. RUMMER 6 rooniB. electric light, conveniences. 376 week.

43 Parramatta-rd. CJ1IOP and Residence tnew), 2 per week first IO year. Irving. 17 Charlotte-st Ashfiek ijliOl' and Dwelling, 10s Unuge-bt, Drummoyue, kv,. Com'a Khni.

nrtimmr.viio S' T. PETERS, Brown-st, handy station. Cottage, 4 ai id kitchen. 3d', bagar. town Han.

lollop, lock-up, suit hairdresser or mixed business, IO lfase. 233 Castlercaglwt. HOP, room attached, gas stove, tram stop, 15. 236 ilendcrsoii-rd. Alexandria.

HOP, Dwelling, low rent, dressmaker, hairdresser, handy station. swain-st, ayaemiam. S1 HOP and Dwelling, 650 Purrumatta-rd, near Norton- st. Jtent tw. Appiy tm, ticraio.

HOP lo Let, in the Strand. Particulars 0032, Herald. tJJHOP, 4 rooma, garage, gas, electric. "Phone. 526.

l.ease. viiiasor-6c ruanuigtou. 3H0P and Dwelling, Waiker-st, North Sydney, 3 per week. Applv on premises, Juoiioay, 11 a.m. CHOP, Belmore Station, opening for Boot Repairing, iC Tobacconist, etc.

30. Thone, Manly60L ritonr. wmi KSHOP. iitiOft. Ilirht.

cheaD rent an- proved tenant. A'aiiley. 2 Washington-st, clt; SHOP, opposite school, suit Fruiterer, Cakes; also Shop, suit Dressmaker. 'Phone, Randwlek ..250. SHOPS and DWELLINGS, SUMMER HILL and NOlim SYDNEY, ELECTRIC LIGHT, 2.

R. SHAW and Challls House, 4 Martin-place. SHOP and Dwelling, new front, electric light, 21ft 18ft, next to busy sale yards. Low reut. 809.

netcner rennin, SEWING Machines and Workroom to bet, cnance to start now without capital outlay, right of pur-chate. Hall, 405a George -street. SHOP, 107 Gcorge-st West, 10ft Gift, 710 also STORE or Workshop at rear, 2 30, 2 week LEVENSON, 244 Pitt-street City4480. SHOP. 181 Marrlckville-road.

14 00, Modern Premises. Eest block. REDUCED HEN V. W.L. Pitt -street.

B3500, 4400. SHOP arid" DWELLING, with ti'ttings, good order, Milendid position, excellent opportunity, L. CA MPBELL. 104 Brldtfe-street, DniminoytiP. LJTANMORb Furnished ROOMS, suit married couple, fj also Room, suit two friends, gas and electric llgnt.

14 Aiiiany-roao. JTORE, complete, with Residence, electric light, good locality, znf ween. rtppij CH RISTIA NSEN and Tele, 20 Liverpool. 1 HOP and Dwelling, Ashttold, inai-i road, in busi ness CCUire. UciilT BLitHOIl.

jviiuirov, ei City 2004, S1 HOP, Half, large, well lighted, busy centre, suit MUiuier. tuiViiiuB, 40 wlliougnny-road, urows rest. and Dwelling, Penshurst, splendid premises, in 5 busy centre. Apply to J. GLEESON, 114 Pens- rmrst-sr.

I'enfiiiurst, SHOP to Let. George-street, next Strand Arcade; also OFFICES. Apply THE STRAND INVEST MENT CO. 103 The Strand. SHOP and DWELLING, 4 Abercrombie st, city (off George-st West), rent 215 per week.

Key at No. 24. Apply L. B. HOUUSO.N, 18-20 Martm-pl 'HOPS to Let, newly erected, next school, net ore to, vougee, Appiy mio.

Melody-street. Coogee. QHOP, lock-up, good window, iuit quick-service boot repairer. Ktockintr parlour, or similar business. 22Q Uxford-rtreet.

DarliPghnrst. TORF. 4 fioors. hasem*nt. larce office, near Ouav.

IO hvdnmlio hoist, electric light, moderate rental. COWLISIIAW 24a Pitt-street. S1I0F LIVEltl'OOL-STKEET. DOUBLE-FRONTED SHOP. Modem show window.

Rent 2lu per week. STANTONand STORES, ClTV. 3 FLOORS, 16ft x65ft "5 per week. STORES. CITY, 3 FLOORS.

S2ft 65ft, 10 per week. BACK AND FRONT ENTRANCES. R. SHAW and CO.M;hamsJHoU!ie,4 Martin-piace STANMORE. Comfortable House, 7 rooms, kitchen, all conveniences, 8 minutes station, 30.

SUMMER HILL. Cottage. 6 rooms, kitchen. 4.1. BROWN, Terminus.

Hurlstone Park. CI HOP and Dwelline. in best business wart of Bel. to more, to let. Moderate rent.

Suit any business. Apply, Mn. HAWTHORNE. 4i Hurwood-rd, Belmore. HOP, BONDI BEACH.

Suitable florist. mtlBner. trr in atht- bnalnnM. Main position. Rent 1 per week.

uuijia a. yajuroiLL, wav. ponai neacn. SUMMER HILL, close to Station and Farramatta-rd. Large House, suit residential or 2 Flats, renovated throughout, kitchens, bathrooms, eta Lease If required.

Apply 87 Kensington-rd, Summer Hill. Cl TORE. WORKSHOP, and OFFICE. lo Close to Quay. Natural light, power.

tfil 3, and 8 PER WEES. SIDNEY RAPER. WOT. Adyar Home. Bllgh -street.

STORE, No. a Nloholeon-st, WooUoomooloo, GROUND and FIRST FLOORS, 14 66. Bent 3 per week. Apply PERPETUAL TRUSTEE COMPANY, LIMITED, CHOPS, OFFICES, STORES, and FACTORIES. kj in ail parts oi city.

Sound letting service from SIDNEY. RAPER, B5017. Adyar House, Bllgb -street. CTTORE TO LET. lo No.

20 Young-street, Cheular Quay, 4 Floors, lift, all conveniences. Now occupied by Messrs, Roht. I. Clark and Early occupation can be arranged. For full particulars apply ALAN L.

DAVIS. 17 Castlereagh -street. C1TRATHFIELD. high position. 3 minutes station.

yj Good Cottage, rooms, breakfast-room, electric light, room tennis court, garage; 310. BURWOOD, comer position. Cottage, 6 rooms, kit chen, sleep-out' verandah, 26. ORTON Strathfleld. SHOP, with MODERN DOUBLE SHOW WINDOWS, right in the BUSINESS CENTRE, malu Military-road, MOSMAN.

FLAT ABOVE if required, of 3 rooms, and offices. Moderate rent. Lease. GRAY and 888 Military -road, Mosman, YS163; and wo nit's ircct, cuy, uivitiz-t). HOP, IN BEST POSITION OF UAYMARKET.

Large display windows, big depth, lease, on direct route to station, fittings optional, but for Sale cheaply. HANco*ck, CONNELL, and GA11TRKLL, 80204-6. 78 Pltt street, SHOP and RESIDENCE. BAYSWATER-RD, DARLINGHURST. Suitable for Bootmaker or other hualneee.

Moderate Rent to APPROVED TENANT, JOHN U. TURNBULL. Estate Agent, 203 Victoria-street. Wlm. 00 and 152.

Darlinghurst. SHOP, 164 William-street. DOUBLE FRONTED. Occupying-ao excellent position. Suitable aa Provieion Store.

Further particulars, apply RA991 1IAR8ITAI.I. mnA TlKUPfl-rvn B0226. 112 Pitt-street, opposite O.P.O. C1HOP and DWELLING. lo 101 Evelelgh atreet.

REDFERN. PrezauMal now need as Butchering Boaineaa, Fitting, can be bought Further apply B6224. MABSHALL end DEMPSTER, Bam. 112 Plttrtreet. 0.a SHOP.

MODERN LOCK-UP SHOP, WITH DOUBLE SHOW WINDOWS, RIGHT AT TRAM. JUNCTION, end of tint eeotlon, WHERE ALL TRAMS STOP AT DOOR. AM EXCELLENT POSITION lor any good elaaa bualnese. Good lease, moderate rent. GRAY 888 Military-road, Mosman, 3168; and jjo ri-rreet, city, awmm.

QHOP IN OEOnut-STBEET, Haymarket, right In the bualnesa spot, on right aide, 90ft 83ft, 3 cart docks att rear, beautiful laland windows, 80ft deep, 3-Btory Chance 'In lifetime. Beet businesa stand In city. Or owner will titer Into two shops, with Showroom, on first and second floors. Apply B.r.r..-,K ci. 13 uaiorq-BTyect, city.


HOPS. SHOPS. SHOPS. IV GEOROE-STREET BLOCK, HAYMARKET. A great business atand, splendid shop, 80 .88 ft.

Island windows, 80ft deep, 8-ttory building, with- two cart dock, at rear In lane. Cnance. to lifetime; owner will alter Into 2 Shop, with, Showroom, on first and second floors. KEENE'S, IS Oaford etreet, city, CjnoWROOM, WATERS' CORNER, King and George about 6tt 40tt. WOULD DIV1QE INTO THREE SEPARATE ROOMS, eult DrasntkerWllincr, Halriraaeer, Dentirt.


TTtLOOR SPACfl, over X200 feet, CUrenee-at. X1 PaaMiiger, good, lift, natural light. B3W2. TTUOTORY. WIIX BUILD TO SUIT.


MOTOR WORKS OK BUSIKESS requiring good apace. McEVOVSTREET, ALEXANDRIA, off 110 100, Low rent, CO. BRICK BTJILDINQ, 1 -story. Do I 40, concrete floor, Eveleigh-ltreet, Redfem. Lov rent.

MlTCHELf. and CRANSTON, 110' Abercrombie-strect, Sydney, iten. itn. GROUND FLOOR SPACE, suitable storo or vrork-shop. Bridge-rd, Pyrnont, opposite Saxton'a.

GAItAUE, Paudlngion, p.ivate, ligut and water. 10. 130 Clentuore-rd. near Browu-st. LADEVILLE.Hrick Cottage, ft loonit, close tram.

ft. J. L. Baker, opposite pictures, uiaoesviue. GAHAGE, suitable hire.

Motor Repair Shop, clofc station. 92 Railwav-st, Chiilvoofl. Gl ARAGE to Let, central posilion. Apply 150 4 Queen-st. Woollahra.

ARAGE, lock-tip. roomv, cement floor, cheap, weekly. McMuhon. wi Crown-st, city. ARAGE to LET, 6 week.

Draemar, Paclflc-st, T- WaUon's Bay, 01 ARAGE for 2 large cars. Friarscroft. Edgecliff, New South Head-road, Hose to P.O. MAR-SHALL and DEMPSTER. 112 Pitt-st, opposite G.P.O.

AKAGE, "central position, Eastern suburbs, ample VX accommodation, good opening live man here, 410 week. i.r.u. rut -si reet. "om. ARAGE, 25 14, concreted, electric light, and Flat of 3 large rooms, haicony, scit-roniaineu, tojinis court.

3 minutes cilv, suit private car owner, No. 3 Flat. '4 Hopewell-st, I'addingtou. 101 Padd, GARAGE SPACE, for fid cars. We hpacialise in Washing, Greasing, and Repairs Opeu day and night.

ALLEN'S GARAGE. 163 CaMloreagh-strecU Thone. Jity 40J3 402. tl OR DON HOUSE," WENTW ORTH-AVENUE. One Floor 60 143.

Well lighted, Electric Goods Lift. Cart Dock. WW RENTAL. Immediate Possesion. R.

H. GORDON and SOl-s ljeorgc-Trceu 4 1 KEENWICH, 25 PER WEEK. VI BRICK COTTAGE, Contains 4 rooms and all ottices, including gas, water electric light, etc. CROW'S NESI. BRICK COTTAGE, RENT ONLY 320 PER WEEK.

Con taint 4 rooms und offices, gas, water, electric light, and sewer. In a good pouitloil, and very handy to tramu, 'buses, which puss the door, and shops. SEE THIS AT ONCE. CRAMER NEXT P.O., CROW'S NEST. ALF HOUSE, renovated, electric light, balconies.

I4o Jonnston-stieet, Aiinanuaie. H' UL'SE, 0 roouiti, every convenience. Apply 11 i C.aM.aue-rt. raJdlngtun, iiiBiKii Home. fiO: Unfurnished.

220. 30. 42. right and Bcrryiuaii, Hurst i I le. RLSTONE PARK, close station.

Cottage, 4 rooms, kitrlien. Apply uurihtqne, utn ave, H' OUSES, "2.1 MVWi CotrageB, i210. Fred Vatighan, 1 Nelson-bt, woollauva. ALF Furnished Cottage, right at station, piano, and ton venicnces- waimea-Bt, purwooa. ABERF1ELO.

Ramsa -Kt, Cartmoriw-Cottage, 6 kitc.icti. Baker. 2Su tihtleteauli-st. city ALF Cottage, gas copper, conveniences, Jul week. twa (jarring lou-rti, naiiawicK.

wioveny iruin. ALF Uuturiiisiied Cottage, electric light, gas stove, copper nu uaiu-neaier. fttAuuius -avenue, iiauormtio. HUNTER'S HlLUFiiie Water-tronUge Residence, per week. J.

L. Baker, opposite Pic- tures. Uladetville. HUNTER'S HILL. FKRRY-ST, RIGHT AT WHARF.

HOUSE, rontaiubig 4 rooms, kitchen, etc. 20 per week. WALKER 11c Cahtlerengli-streel. HURIjSTONE PARK. Semi-detached 3-roomed' Cottage, even- convenience, linen, cutlery, 2 per week.

3 nlinutes stal ion. Ernestine. Uunlroon-sl. HUHStvlLLE. Weatherboard COTTAGE, 4 rooms, kitchen, electric light, large grounds, 'bus puss*s door, minute school, it.

"Phone, TTAZELBROOK. Blue Mountains. Fiirni.xhed Cottage. -aJ- dining-room, wide verandahs, 2 bedrooms, electric light. 30 per week; smaner cottages irom i.i.

Phone. HW-SOX Hi. 11. A. BOURNE.

Agent HALL Lei, tor practice purpose, week days, Saturday. Apply at Hall, 43 EdgeclftT-rd. Woollahra, one stop from Grosvenor-st. Bellcvue tram or bus: OUSE, fi rooms, kitchen, bathroom, with garage, to bold 4 cars, or workshop, 60 20, at rear; lease given, rent reasonable. Apply after 1 p.m., nose-Mi pf' HAHERFIELD Border.

Very pretty Brick VMta, just being completed, splendid position, close to tram stop, 4 rooms, kitchen, baek and front verandah, verandah and bath tiled, sewer. 100 deposit, 30 week. Open all da v. KAZLETT, Ramsay-road. Ffvedock.

U270R. 1 KENSINGTON. fieml-dftui'lipd, 4 rooms, art. By jetter, Rubsell, 3.t Sulishiiiy-rd. Kensington.

TIRRIBILLL Garage, eleclric lisht. lock-up, at 76 XV Upper Pitt-st. Kirrihilll. 17: North. KENSINGTON 40', 42.

and 310 A nm -parade. South Kenyinuton KENSINGTON SOUTH. lfarker-st. 1 minute front train. Cottage, 3 bednmms, Hi fng-room, kitchen, hinndry, bathroom.

2. Rami. I.i". KOGARAH. LARGE HOUsK, (-HST RENO-VATED), electrio light, gas, sewerage, dose station, shops.

HARDEN VILLAS, PAINE-STREET. 'Phone. 2318 Wa verify. -ILLARA. MODERN; BUNGALOW, unfurnished, rooms and offices, excellent locality.

3 per week. BLAKE and HANK1NS, Estate Agents, Ktllara. Jj.iftO. KING-STREET, NEAR PITT-STREET. Exceptionally LARGE SHOP and airy Basem*nt, fine display windows, long lease.

Immediate possession if req'uircd. Suit any business. HANco*ck, CONN ELL, and GARTRBLL, 1MK6LS. 78 JING-STREET, No. 106b, a Few Doora from Pilt-st.

Large SHOWROOM, overlooking King-street, suit tailor or. coetumlere, 5 per week. To be renovated. HANco*ck, CON NELL, and GARTH ELL, 7S Pitt -street. 521 Balmain-rd.

facing Callau Park. 6 Apply atw 11o'cl(ick. JOCK-Vp STORE, large" yanl, opposite Leonards 1 Station. 22 Arncl*tTe. l-'irHll A mT.

Thro mifiirnished Itoom. use ever v- thing. Ross's Agency. Cannon-st, Petersham. A EMElt UA'l Fin nhetl Balcony Room mid J-J "illrhentte.

2i. to ONGIJEYILLE. near Tram. Brick Bungalow, 6 rooms, nice position. Appiy iFeorge-m LARGE FLOOR to Lei, Circular Wuay I-ist.

Space alwiul 13l)0ft. 810 per week. 40 Macqiiarie-Bt LIVERPOOL. Laundry, In main street, no opposition, tlV8 week. Christiansen.

Tele. 20 Liverpool. I' ARGE ROOM, suit.smnll warehouse or workshop, cheap rent. 23 comer Goulburn-Susfex sts. ARGE GARAGE, with Concrete Floor, and foui wnops, iroDtage eston-roaa ana jLvtuis-sireci, RoMlle.

Apply T. LTIMER, 86 Weston-rd, Rozelle. LONOU EVILLE. Furnished Cottage, with player piano also, 6 rooms, bandy boat. ring J3482 any time, item jfco.y lease "mi.

lDCOMfiE. Lock-up Shop, in main town, rent 30. XJ LIOCOMHK. opposite nation. tlDOOMBB.

Brick Cottage, 4 rooms, kitchenette, etc, ileeptng-ont verandah, tennia oonrt, 0 minutes atatloo, 80 week. Apply Joseph-street. F.TfTH rt A HTiT. near Town Hall. Superior Brtok i- VILLA, 6 rooma and kitchen, conveniences, 276 A.

Q. BOARD. 17 Norton-street, jjeicnnsrot. IvfiRPOOL-STREET. fieH-contained FACTOR.

XJ Ground and Upper jTIootb, each 20 28. Own yard, convenWee. Rent 210 per week. STANTON and SON, 138 Pltt-atreet (BW12M) I EICHHABDT. Modern COTTAGE, double fronted, 4 electrio light and power, gas stove, 6 rooma and kitchen, all conveniences.

Rent 2 per week. Apply 43 Marion-st, Micnnarot, ARGE FLOOR. GOODS and, PASSENGER Linw. XJ BETWEEN CASTLEREAGIf and Pirr STS. BEliMORK BUILDINGS, 41 Campbell -streeL C.

IL RELHI atid SONS. 4't Plat e. I' ANE COVE, Osborne, Park-road. Scmi-dclachod COTTAGES; wonderful position; room for car. Nicely decorated.

Largo block of land. 326. Applv CARROLL and CARTER, Catbcart House, Casthrcagh-Btreet; or ring J5303 for appointment to inspect, TAKEMBA. LAKKMHA. I BRICK COTTAGE, close to station, 2 bedrooms, and enclosed back verandah, dining-room, urcak-fast-room, and kitchen.

33 per week. BRICK COTTAGE, close to station, 826 per week. WEATHERBOARD COTTAGE, 1 acre of laud, 27fl per week; also another Weatherboard, 276 per week. SHOP, and DWELLING, main business centre, 2 per week. Lease given.

BBOWN. BAYLISS, and Ebtate Agents, Lakejnba, rOTOR O.UtAGE io Went worth ave, 40, 200; also j.ta in uxioru-st. n-tiu. jxypiy wuibu-h. OSMAN, Bel mont-rd.

Nice Cottage, 4 rooms, offlcea, 30. Jackson, l.indneid. i-none, jum, ANLY. No- 40 Xlift-strcet, line position, Cot- tage. ropms ana omces.

King o--i. ARRICKViLLE. Cottage, 40; Fine liouw, 45, Lowe and nsnway urnmii, wuiuvM-mc 'ANLY, yiieeiiscli ft. Furnished 6-room Bangalow ANLY. Furnished and Unfurnished Cottages and Flats.

Robev. Hanson, and Strong, Corso. ARHlukVJLLE. high, handy. Bungalow, 4 rooms, 8ft.

Aval IIS, at ltuiwicn mil. j-eu AROUBRA Junction Cottage, 5 rpome, all conveni- ences, rent 376. 03 Doncatter-ave, Kensington. AROUBRA Junction. Number Cottages, 4 bed- rooms, 87o, Maroubra Heau.r yo.f junciion.

A AKKlCKVILLE New Brick Cottage, 8 rooms, S2- ftetan arid Cnmeron. A (rents, near Station, venienees, gas and fuel stoves, electrio light. So rtcmr-parage, Appiy to jo-aay. MODERN nrct cUsa SHOP and DWELLING, in go-ahead suburb. 2 per week.

O. W. II. COLEMAN, opposite station. North Strathfleld.

Oostumlere. with iroid connection, will Share Window and la rite Showroom with unort Milliner. tinty IM Ox ford -street, MA.NUV. Corner Shop, 25 2S, dwelling, 6 rooms, rare chance areneral atore. Rent MlWt.

lo mjnutH boat.Mallng. 81 Plttwater-foad. MERREN Naremburn, 8. Double-fronted, 0 roonts. kitchen, laundr electrlo light.

Apply Brockfleld Mcfturney-st reet, Nsrembum. MODERN BRICK COTTAGE, 8traHifleld. every eon-venience, light, gas copper, bath-hotter, motor shed, 'bus stops at door. Apply vi Aioion-siret. city.

M' ODERN PREMISES, 118 Sussex-st. 4 Floors, OlOOft, lift, electric itgut, omces. HEATOX 'jaiP, U.P.U.; or 'PHONE, IjAND WICK 26. TTfARHiCKVn.LE, Sarnla. 04 REN WICK-STREET.

HOUSE, 6 rooms, kitchen, coachhouse, good piece of land. j'ALKER Ho Cast Icreagh -street. MARRICKVILLE. 1 minute tram. 6mfnuW station.

Weatherboard Cottage. 4 roomi,, laundry, electrlo light, Und 60 110, .80 week. Apply Tin (j lints, lew-arrcet. pat'imay ernoon. and DWELLING, No.

10 BoUnj-td, PERPeVTUAL TRUbfEll MIUTatD, IMP Htrnter-etreet. (U TJONDI. HOUSE, 8 rooms, kitchen, all venlences, outtahle private hospital, 44. 57 BoiiiII-pI- Apnl.v 2 to kitchen, all DOUBLE BAY. Clif rmlng Cottage, rooms, beater, electrlo light, all offices, 40 week.

J. D. THANK, KdgeclltT. DWELLING over shop, fi room's, electric gas stove, gas copper, 376, with light. 476 Old South- roan.

Bona i junction. DULWICH HILL. Beautiful Self-contained FIAT, 2 larva bedrooms. Ilvinir-room. kitchen, and averv uioaem convenience, a-sx per weex.

W. J. LAW, Estate Agent, Dulwich Hill. Pet. 08.

DENTISTS. Suite of Dental Rooma at BONDI, well let, in prominent position, and business locality. Rnt and particulars from Wav. O'BRIEN Wav. 220ft.

302 Bondl rd, Bondl. DOUBLE-FRONTED SHOP and DWELLING. HYDE, containing dining-room, 3 bedrooms, kitchen, etc. Moderate rental. Apply PEItPETUAL TRUSTEE COMPANY (LIMITED).

nunter -street. iqj TOWELLING OVER SHOP. NEWTOWN. 5 Rooms and all Conveniences. Kent 110 per week.

Appiy CHARLES SALON. 62 EH sabeth -street. DARLING POINT, YARANABBE ROAD. GENTLEMAN'S RESIDENCE, commanding splendid VIEWS of Harbour, 10 rooms and offices. MOTOR GARAGE.

Garden and Lawns. Rent 45d per annum. HARDIE and GORMAN PROPRIETARY, 3tf Martin-piace, DA, ARLINGHURST. PARTLY -FITTED SHOPi witFi Ihvellinit. an establiheI business tliat needs im proving.

Owner of property cannot carry on owing to Ill-health. Smallgouds and Cooking. NO INGOING. Rent. Mi leafe.

HKiSliAMi huuip, twie Agent. n) rirt-streei. VRLINGHURST. KING'S CROSS. Bloek 18 RESIDENTIAL FLATS, lialeonies to I)1 each, and kitchenettes.

LONG LEASE. MODERATE RENTAL, to approved tenant. Bank references. Full particulars to SOLE AGENTS, ,1. DWYER.

WM. J24S. 23 Darliiighurst-rd. King's Cross. DarlingburBt.

DARI.IKfi roiST. fT.RXISIIl'.O KKSIDESCK. in good position, overlooking Double Ray and the harbour. 3 reception rooms, 5 main bedrooms, 2 maids' bedrooms, bathroom, and all modern conveniences, OARAOE. Lease by arrangement.



2t2 Victoria-street, Darllnghurst. Win. 66 and IjACbLLENT Residential I'rouositlou, 17 rooms 2 kitchens, etc. Irving, 17 Charlotte-st. Ashlield.

JjAsrWOOl). Brick Cotlage, rooms, kitchen, high -I position, vehicle entrance. 30. Epping 4SS. TjllTI.

ML VILLA, rooms, kitchen, 210, minute station, on neignts. E. L. WAUDY ami POULTON. 18 Martln-plaee.

EI'PlNd. Brick "Collage," kitchen. 320. EASTWOOD. Brick Collates, 6- rooms, 320, 3.V.

KIIOUKS, AUE.NT, EPPINfi. JNMORE. HOUSE, ti looms, kiiclien, Ituthroom, iauudry, electric Lgh't, gas etove, 50. EKIN and 16 Enmore-rd. Newtown.

L1008. Prick COTTAGE, 7 minutes i-tation, 5 roomn. all convenieneiiH. rent SMALL and WATSON, Rail way -parade, EASTWOOD. EPPISG.

Brick Cottages, mid 0 ruomis, all conveniences, one with tennis court, all handv to station. Ml'NRO and Estate Agent. Epping. 'Phone. 24.

EPPING. FL'ifMSiiEO COTTAGEs, 3 and 1 rooms, kitchen, all conveniences, lease un to 12 months if required. iinu i.u., Krflti. 'rnone, ITIPPINtL FUR.NISHED or UNFURNISHED BUN OALOW, WITH TENNIS COURT, MOTOR SHED. Living-room (3dft long), breakfast -room, 4 hfdrooms.

large verandah, opening on to garden, fruit trees. 3. PHILLIPS, WUEELLR, Bnd 110 Plttst. IDti ECLI FF. ftrick House, of 4 rooms and kitchen.

hatliroom, laundiy. eleetrlc light, gas stove, just, been thoroughly repaired and kaleomined, und painted throughout. elvated position, 3 minute from tram, 320 week. 3d pectiun. VKEU.

22s Pitt-street. City 0304. TjW.IZA BETH -STREET. CTI Y. LOCK-UP SHOP.

SuMuble for mnt any dans of businrfs. Lea to an approved tenant. from PERPETUAL TRI'S'IKE COMPANY, LIMITED, nuiiter-rtreet. tit) 1't-R-STALL STAKLES. "msir Verona -st, Pitddiiiclnn.

vst'f, Picture 1AritNISHKD LOTTAtiE, 3 rooms, 25, near siauon. Fniit Shop, Clnrer.doii-n!, StratliHeld. Ld52S. jlACTORY, brick, IMdOrt, power, light, gas, handy si a lion. 32 WellingUMi-st, Newtown.

pACfoHY, electric liu'it, water, suit garage. Key 61. Newtown. Rent 15. iVLKMSIIED HOUSE, 7 rooms.

75; or Half. Con- vmieni'es. jjeitei1. 3 McKenr-ie-st, Bond! Junction. TjAUKNi.HEI Cottage, Neutral Bay, (J rooms, modern -i- convmuenres.

phone, iniuitns, 1 44oi. 171URNISI1ED HOUSE, 5 rooms, handv position, cheat. rent. Clean. Applv 07 Fiterov-st, IpURNISHED BUNGALOW, all conveniences, two Claremonl, Audrew-st, Meadowbank.

TjlOU -ROOM ED HOUSE and kitchen. To-day, 63 i.nnnor-Kr, near ioomn nrewer', IURNITURE STORE. Workshop, Factory Premises. drv. laree timner rarK.

im Kesepoir-w. miy. FACTORY, 2 floors, 1000 square feet, good position, rent 30. After 12. 142 Balmaln-id, Lelchliardt TjlAOTORY, brick, 3200ft, 2 floors, good yard.

Pratt, -s-- 2m Nelson-st, Anr-andnle. MWIHIO. I FACTORY, Garage. Enmore, amoft, natural light, moderate rent. Andrewa and 101 Clarence-st.

IURNISHED IKtL'SE, 0 rooms, piano, all coneni-- ences, best position Darlinghurst, reference, 60 week. IV I.KN. Win. tdi.i. I BURNISHED HOUSE, ti rooms, comfortable, 210, week, reliable tenant, no small children.

Thonifon-street. iiarlinghnrst. 17ACIORY. 30 40, 5uti Liml ut rear, situated 2.1' Mitchell-road, Alexandria. Apply next door.

FURNISHED Cottage, Otford. close railway station, tt rooms, verandahs, HO fruit treea, 3 milking cows. Mrs. 71 Forcst-rond, Arucliffe. FAOTORY FLOOR, 4000 feet, suit paint shop, store, 4 week.

KWI.AM'. 3i I' a Toao. aniienju n. Ta1 EDOCK. Modem Brick OUITAGE, 4 rooms, ktt-X? chen.

and all convenience, So per week. V. E. HOLLIS, Anzac-parade, Phone. Rand.

1203. Mnroubra Junction. FURNISHED HOUSE, CIUTSWOOD, rooma, nice home, 2 minutes station. H. B.

8TEVENS, 10 Castlereagh-street, Sjtliityi Jeo Ooogee and cioveiiy. -rnone, hjj. FURNISHED COTTAGE, Garage, everything for rxm, position, one minute tram, water, baths. Terms, 26 per week. Inspect Monday, lieryula, IAIRFI ELD.

Cottage, new, 6 rooma, laundry, elee-trio lurht. all conveniences, 'but passes door, rent 1. Between lire nan and Granville sts, Ut. 1AKU, Orompton, Sm It hfle Id street, Fairfield. J7U Ground moor, cue Bntnnow.

U9 ElLubeth-street, South Bydney. About 7000 feet Apply E. HOGBEN, Katoemh. TJWVED0CK. Double-fronted Brick COTTAGE, rooms, kitchen, all convenience, 22, HOMEBUSH.

Double Brick COTTAGE, 4 rooma, kit chen, electrio light. OKU. Ij. IMB.1i, OO IWfflUymni. mmitmu.

FLOOR SPACES. and others, in cur NEAR SUBURBS, suitable Sbowiooms, Offices, Factories, also SHOPS, anil BAsem*nTS in the heart of Mm city, at retitals from 30 to 80 per wet IU372. R. C. AWUbltiW.N mid in T.1ACTOR FI-OOR.

OOULHURN-STRfcr. NEAR WENT WORTH -A EN E. IfiOO stpjare feel, v-ell-nghtcd loor. Goods Hfl, power, good Uglu, lacing street. Rent 3 ner week.


GARAGE. Verv large living-room, nlng, and morning rooms, 3 bedrooniM, kitchen, bathioom. elcetricity. heater. 'phone, piano, cutlery, cip.

wnmnn PHILLIPS, WHEELER, and IIP New Cottage, 3 rooms, kitchen, bath, mid laundrv, eln'ptng-out. verandah, corner position, about 1 acic, 1 minute 'buses, 4 minutes station. Rent 1 week. Lease 0 or 12 months. Option to pur- OWNER, 16 Samuel street, off Campbell-st, Surry Hills.

Home day Sunday. TjiLOOR SPACE at DARLINGHURST, two Floors. -T each 80iH)ft. Ground Floor concrele, two Car entrances; electric light and power. Also, Corner Shop, l.VXIft, and Flat, adjoining.

Recommended for Garuge. Showrooms and Workshlp, Furniture Factory and Showrooms, or any Business requiring first-class position and light. Will let together or Mparate. Moderate Rent. Apply to Owner, 1 GRANT, Poit-offiie, Crow 11 -street.

Klgin Opivtsito Railway Institute. MODERN SELF-CONTAINED BUILDLNG, 4 Floors, each 1000 square teet. EXCELLENT ADVERTISING POSITION. tSuItable for Electrlo Slsn. RENTAL ONLY 9 TER WEEK.

Or will Ijet- Floors SepiMteJy. HARDIE and C8 MARTiN PMCE, SYDNEY F1 TO LET. PANKS' BUILDING, SYDNEY. THE THREE TOP FLOORS (each 100ft it 114ft) ABE READY FOR OCCUPATION In tlif NEW A1SD MODERN BUILDING, slluatrd In PITT-STREET, BETWEEN BATHUKST AND STREETS. Central lo leading Hardware tnd Softgoods Storei, tnd dose to heart of the clty'i business activity.

i-ii cinmiu irv LIGHTED, and are tvro ided with SEPARATE ENTRANCE, PASSENGER and GOODS LIFTS. Thes floors are suitable for A Permanent Manufacturer- Exhibition, Displav Rooms for local Manufacturers. A enitivnlent centre for Agenta and Indentom con- iiected wiih the Hardware trade. Dlsplav Roma for Interstate sample Rooms for local and visiting Traveller and Indcntorr. Workrooms, Showrootne, Offlcee.

FLOORfi WILL BE SUBDIVIDED ON SUFFICIENT INDUCEMENT. -HMlcnlan from Leading Annts, 1 4QBX DANES and 80V OARLTOIf -Nw Bungalow, ft rooms, gtrmn, stova. electric, facing prk. 'Phone. Kog.

fe. nAMl'M i i rAUi'btfc. 4 teoonut, kitchen, 'laundry, namnu. rant-si. aaturaay aiternoon.

lot 1AUK, 6 rooou and kiiclien. Kent At- aoo iwiiorq, uuiwico lllll BUUon. 10110. Water-frontage furnished Cottage Bbat OAMPUtOOWN. Furntahed lloiitc.

6 mama, nlina. gai itove. Nicholson, 204 Oxford-st, Paddlngton. CIIAT8 WOOD. Let, unfurnlahed, 2 Roonm, kitchen, electric light, close station.

Mora James-st. iOTTAGE, 7 rooms, kitchen, gas, etc, rrcu tauenan. Aeiaon-at. Uoollahn, Oi 1 Aljb, large rooiutt. MarriekviUe.

lit Illawarra-Vd, (ItKMOHNE, 6 Allisterst, off Rangem-rd, Creniorne, first section, new. Open. "If Y. ti A It A (it: lor 3 car rent 2A, W. Hardie uiiu -t 0' ILYUE.

cloae station. Small Cottage, i con- Itobt. Harley and Aubum, every modern convenience. Apply Urocer, ui -Mizac-paraae and i.orne-ave, Kensington COITAtJES, i brick, 2V. 826, S6, vehicle en- Hunnerong-rcl, Malravillo .1 kilcben, elpctrlc liglit, 2.1 After 10 a.m., 'Mi Yomig st, Anuandale.

4 rooms, tram, sliofw, position, rent lo. Wiltshire. Junclion-st. Miranila. To i Lei, 4 rooms, kilehen, etc.

Kogarali. Proprrtlei. "PiTSSed ii 'r'f or ring, Cronulla 103. 4 heautiVui rooma. modeTi, mting, electrloitv, gs, trama.

Applv moininc or ia rOOljEK, SI Jleacli Bt NGALOHTix sn'rf. "ISe (XSP" 4 rooms, 5) acres, liandv neiron. '111 rKliinSI'S in FLOORS un oi'vic. 17C', tmuw, etc. C.

ii, rur-Btreet. city 47fiO. room, and kitchen, all com weekly. LHAHLI-A AlhMAX and CO. I Rand.

40. Kni.lnira. CTTrz rrrrr 'Tk- s'eepnur-oiH, e.ectrtc RaniS; Kogarali. near lit.O. BAKER.

Q-'S i.u.. nice KltcliMii, electricity, not id onlpr. 37 'ft HUME. -136 PlU-strect. B350O.

Uw. modem from, two hoorb above, 8 10 voek. JRA? 0 rooU18' k'tcne. Bage, could let as two Flats, i'H AlllM.ii-roti.l. HutuKvii-lt.

pHATSUOOD.rew Hrick Cottage. 4 largo roon, nAui.ri.i i- o.i?- gaa stove, Attractive modem Double fronted BLNdALOW- Inrtfi tniinirA i iwmi, iicat-vr. gewyr. J. COTTAGE, at Croydon for iale, 6 rooms, all con-rtVP! 3 from 8tflTton.

Apply, full PARK. -e harming New BUNGALOW 1 rooms. nlhnpc Sfl; CHEYNF. and MACKENZIE, 'Croydon park. U.rSUn.

tiuuw AfcSi. ttoils.toiiwrni't. 4 rooma, enclosed back verandah, electric light, heater, etc. Rent pyr ween. nxiey-street.

ffWTY STORE or GAHAGE, WOUKSHOP, near OvfonT street. Darlinirliurst. Annlv OXFORD FLATS. Palmer-street. COTTAGE.

Rent or Lease, nrammnviuV'Rvde district, Brick or Weatherboard, nice block land, not more week. Slrnnif. Ferndale. Albert-it. Ilnmsbv.

I.OVELLY, 4 riioms, kitcnen, all modem convenieu-ces. 6. Apply 4 Susan and Brook sts, 1 ('MNTKHBISRY. New ottage, 4 rooirw, 6 minute Ktntlon, 3); ft rooms, Shop and Dwelling, 0 rooms. Town Hall comer.

So; Shop nnd Dwelling, Hurlstone Park, 35. NICHOLAS. Canterbury. U1S0. O-VNi'EitBL'RY, ROSEMOND, GEOHi.ESTREET.

HOI'SE, ft rooms, kitchen, per week. PERPETUAL TRUSTEE COMPANY, LIMITED, nunter-meet. tij ptONCORD.Two HOUSES, 4 rooms and kitchen, cl FIELD and S1MMOSDS. Major Rav-road and Wellhank-htrt-et. CONCORD OTTAGE, 4 rooms, kitchenette, gas stove, laundry, cupper, electric light, closed front, iwic verandahs, vehicle entrance.

2Hrt weekly. Near bench, tram, school. Owner, Mncinnnte, Souci. CENTRAL. 15 40.

Rfusoiiahle Rent, lung lease, show window. SIDNEY BMH7. CLARENCE-ST. i'O PER WEEK. Gmund Floor, Warehouse, ShowTOom.

SIDNEY RAPER. R5017. Adyar House. Bligh-street. (ILOYELIA.

2 "minutes tram, beach, and shops. 3 La ire Bedrooms, dining, and break fuM rooms, kiti-hen, tiled bathniom. heater, gas copper, licht and ptmer. week. Muliretta.

Ki-ilh---treel Clovelly. CHATsttOOD, comer William and King Edward ste. I'litUige, A rooms, kitchen, hathroom, separate lanndiy, eiecirio ngnt, gas nnd uiei swive, sewereo, Open for inspect ioii. North 2-JS7. i' tllA'I'SWtXH), Macpmrie-sl, near Ashley-st.

3 I'hnice V- New Bl'MiAMrVt rooms, oiiu'en, sewer, iuei bathroom, rent 112 3, Sole AgcnU, BAY aml S2 Pitt Mrect. 'Phone. aOIKXT PARK. Poatc-rd. off Parkrd.

Mo yJ dem Brick Hunc-atow, 5 rooms, kitchen, lease optional, Just bulb, 33. ,1. MERCHR, 02b Pitt-street, Sydney. Cottage, 6 rooms, kitchen, sep- v-' arate laundry, gas, electric ugni. Uoitnge, 4 rooms, Kircnen, tJiovriiy.rtiiru--tlve Bungalow, 4 rooms 25.

DUNNE and GREAVES, iram Terminus, Cloven 1HATSWOOD. Cottage, rooms, kitchen, separate V- launrlrj-, garage, rent weeKiy. Anorner, 4 linilrnoms. dlninff. drawliie.

and breakfast re mis. tennis court, 3 per week. Leoae. W. 0.

CLARK and at fiiAiju.N, uriA iiiwuui), urjw. CREMORNE, No. 20 HAMPDEN-A VENUE. COTTAGE, containing 7 rooms, kitchen, le, 2i12fJ per week. Applv PEItPETUAL TRUSTEE COMTAST (L1MITED1, 33-3 Hunier-street; (16 O1 WAREHOUSE.

07 YORK-STREET. between KINO and FIVE FLOORS and BAsem*nT. LIFT. About 12.2!0 hipinre feet tloor space. ,1.

B. tmiwisus. la-go COOGEE. Modem BUNGALOW, Oberoti and Wolse-' ley roads, containing lounge, dining-room, 2 bedrooms, kitchen, bathroom, etc. Every modem convenience.

3 per week. Applv PERPETUAL THLBimi LWir.w., 3-3fi llunter-strpet. 0) Shop, imposing new building, 4 large show windows. 30ft frontage, main street, auit draper, auction rooms, furniture, provision store, or any business. Will divide if necessary, moderate rent, lease.

APPV ClfY "WAREHOUSES. OFHCEa, FLOORS, FACTORIES, excellent SHOPS vacant. See us promptly with vour requirement. Firm offers secured. liAitUl.

nUIUaft WOW BRUNTNELL and BANNT5RMAN, 118 ritt-ttreet, opposite vi.r.n. iOOQEB. Unfurnished COTTAGE, 4 rooms, kitchen, electne llgnt, nrepiaces. nent. mo.

COTTAGE RESIDENCE, 9 large roomi, end usual offlcee. MOTOR GARAGE, electric light, fireplaces, now vacant, 70. OODFRKT and SOKB, THAN TEKMIiM'n. (nKtER. Han.

WW. AE ITLfeREAGH-STREET. NKAK FAHK-BTnSSSTi VACANT FLOORS. lettable Warehouse, Sample O. WATSON HALL, 101 sniMbetn-etrect.

Tnone. Otty (tLOVELLY. Brick Cottage, 6 rooms and all office. Electrlo light, gas store and copper. MOTOR (lAtfAUtt.

itent N-. Apply 3rd cottage on right In C1.0-VEI.LY. Leave tram at Bundy clock, take first sheet on left or WOODS an-r COMPANY. Agents, KENSINGTON. "I IT Y.


IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. Inrge Strongiodin, pa-sseuger lilt, and goods lift. Cart dock, electric light and power. Will Subdivide if required. SHAHPE and SON, LIMITED.

Auctioneers, B40KP. 107 Pitt-street. CLOVELLY, Right at Train Stop, Splendid Ocean Views. rf.TT.U.R. vomndah.

hall. 4 rooms. kitchen, all offlcea. Gas stove, electric light, and batu-tieater. RENT 22 PER WEEK.

WAVERLEY, liandv Bonni junmimi. nr.Tniirn norsK. verandah, haleonv. 6 roomi. kitchen, laundry, und offices.

Electric light. RENT 22 PER WEEK. WAVERLEY. Close to uueeirs rnrK. ptpiemini iwhwii.

nniBtH iViiiMe-fmnl-efl COTTAGE, front and hack verandahs, 6 rooms, kitchen, laundry, and bathroom. UARDIE and GORMAN PROPRIETARY, Branch Oftlce. oiidl 1ARLT0N, four niiuutes fr.nn Station. WeiLnuilt Brick Cottage, 3 bedrooms, diuing- room, Kltcneneiie, vcxamians, conveniences, sewered, S2rt per week.

Keys at- office. BEXLEY. -Double-fronted Brick Cottage, tile rcof, 3 all conveniences, per wek. Vacant. CANTERBURY.

Weatherboard Cottage, rooms. Ml- epen, very large bloek of land. Bus pnwea door. per week. Cottage, 1 rooms, kitchen, vacant, all conveniences.

26 per week. PEACH KOOARMI; 7fl Pltt-M. Svdney; and htony Creek -toad, Bexlt-, DARL1NG1URST. Oaragti( Lock-up, suit private owner. lot Darliiiglnirst-rd.

near tram, Wardelbrd. 18 Albert st. Peiernhnm. 1) with flttlrigi, nnnge-BT. ummmovne.

iuiHKM, ii iioiiievard. 5 rooms, gns ttove and copper, heiter, e'crtrlc ltaht. Rent D1 Shop and Dwelling, central position. rent 2.V week. Apply 4qt Bunvoovl-rt).

Belmore. to Let, rooms andgdi. Aligns nani'tien-rn. fuone. dW.

I RUMMOYNE. iter -frontage Cottage, fi rrxims. kitchen, 2 sleep-out verandahs. 'Ph one City inn. 0ULWlClTHlfL, 1 mlnutetv from Butlon New Double-fronted Bungalow, 4 roomi and kitchen.

Appl? 239 1 la warm road1Marrlckvll I e. DOUBLE BAY. VILLA, Detached, 0 rooou, kitchen, all conreniencesv open position. Apply Ocean -aretwie. CodBLErRbWflD Brick Bungalow, moderate rent; Proeztectlre tenant meet owner, Koea Smith -ave-mt UmtoifUMk, DttwMsi tad I 9wa BeAtirA, gaopa (Pitt-street, from 10 to 30, and no tuee.

AND OXFORD-STREET BLOCK (next Winn's, Drapers, beautiful Shope, with long leases, very low rents). Sea these to-day. KEENE'S. 12 Oiford street, city. INGER BUILDINO, 119 YORK-STREET.

FLOOR SPACE TO LET. Approximately 1000 square feet LONQ LEASE AND ALL CONVlIENCEa. Apply FIRST FLOOR, 119 York-itreeL CAPACIOUS FACTORY or STORE, having brick walls, concrete floors, no posts, cart dock, light, power, lavatory, etc One tram section from railway. Rent 8 weekly. Apply Mr.

Foy, care Geo. Beuiett, Pomeroy House, I oiK-Btrcri. HOP and RESIDENCE, at FIVEDOCK. New front. 'O' FOUR HiiOMS.

kitchen, all offices. ELECTRIC LIGHT. Double gates, cantilever verandah, good tram stop. No opposition for HAM axd BEEF, FANCY GOODS, MILLINER, or DRAPER. LEASE arranged.

Rent 65, will make allowance to establish tenant. Other Shops are two Grocers, Fruiterer, and Baker. GORDON, CLARKE and 3-l I'arramatin-roao, retersnain. STRATHFIELD. SUPERIOR HOME, 3 bedrooma, dining and breakfast rooms, kitchen, 40.

HOMEHUSH. Bungalow. 2 bedrooms, 82fl. STRATHFIELD. 3 rooms and large kitchen, 85, BURWOOD.

Large Cottage, 4 bedroomF, dining, and breakfast rooms, large verandahs, 50. STRATHFIELD. 3 bedrooms, aU 85. STRATHFIELD. Cottage, 7 largo rooms, 60.

STRATHFIELD. near Station. New Bungalow, 5o. T. C.

HAWKINS, Estate Agent. Moseley-street, Theatre, 'l'honc. UJ3035. Vf lIUIMtV. Kiiit aov S1 nut-, in taw Business out urocery or SIIOP.

with double wlndowa, roomy and brignt. Good opening BOOT STORE, eto. 60 weekly. clean, up to date, and attractive, large windowa. Rent very moderate.

-ta eon AUBURN has an industrial populat on of over and GROWING. FAST. GET IN NOW. ROULKT llAltLCI anu -lf and at Cast lereairh House, 2b ra.tlereagh-street, city. C1UOPS.

buuro. Short or loog term, leases or weekly rentals. Call and see W. ROBERTS for detailed Information. Immed ate attention given io I consider aw rSftJSl 1 BARLOW-STREET, CITY, 210.

ELIZA BETH -STREET, CITY. OXFORD-STREET, CITY. REGENT-STREET, REDFERN. ROBERTS, 333 Rawson chambers, Rawson-place. 'Phone, City 2508.

STRATHFIELD, close pretty little Bungalow Cottage, nicely decorated and date, containing 4 nice rooms and kitchen, fiJW-Garage ii necessary, STRATHFIELD AND DISTRICT. We have large number of COTTAGES to Let, ranging rrom 30 lo to per Please come and see us and let ua abow you toem. n.v STRATHFIELD. Nice rosttion, ronuau.ui. Cottage, containing 4 rooms, kitchen, laundry, gas nf land.

3' 'fl. .1 i.i-VTivrr.T. Strntlifleld. IO LET, uioilern Cottage, aandy station, all con- -m Hi la Fit. 424 nVO Unfurnished or Furnished Rooms, use of largo I i rnmnnie.

KltC mill. L-ia, 1 iWOT'nf unlisted Rooms, uae kitchen, handy train, tnn Miiw. 415 Livcniool-rd. Ashflold. nHREE Basem*nt Roomtt, concrete floor, large yard 1,1 nr rnmmonweallh-st.

citv. 110 LET, Summer Hill, Gower-st, HOUSE, 8 rooms. Appl.V me venue, "IIO LET, Shop and Dwelling, Ramsgatc, all fittings, sull traceries, etc. iO LET, Concord West, half Shon, Window, cheap, at station. ifiifen-hc, womuohj rPEMPE.

2-story liouaC, 4 rooniB, kitchen, 2 stoves, electric light. 3-JO. 71 Station-st. mo LET, 337 Pitt-street, FLOOR, ltioo square feet, subdivide If reuuiied, reasonable rental. Grand Secretary.

G.U.O.O.F. rno LET. 88 Forbes st, East Sydney. Undergoing J- through repair, uood tenant oniy. mO LET, Granville, Prospect-treet, COTTAGE, 3 J- lieu rooms, jiving-rooiu, aii muuwu tum ciiicutm.

Telephone. Randwick 3.5 fllO LEI, 0 rooms, dotioie-ironted Brick CO i TAGE, pari lunuiure uiuioiiiii. ii. Lantcroiirv-joiin. ijhiiiiiht him, iic-m, rooms and everv nifulerii convenience, beautiuilly kept.

Suit married couple. References, it ice week. CRA.M'-'R nt'd TnrriimnrTa. Wall. i i.

i' uiifii) KJii. iictit in the cent J. riintV few dnois from the Civil Service, and right opposite Hordern Bros. Apply BIBER FURS, Foster-street, Svdney. A SHOP, situated in heart of city, Castlereagh-street, excellently suited for a restaurant, fish or fruit shop, moderate rental, lease.

Apply. -Mr. BENNETT. Pomeroy House, comer YorK and 'iarracs si reft s. mi-uu f.niil;i Atr.

-Ucaunill J- furnished or unfumihlied, for long period, 3 iinnuteii station. One acre of lawn, flower, and vegetable gardens. Three sitting-rooms, five bedrooms, garage, septic tank, electric llgnt anu gas, JAMES W. TAYLOR, Real Estate Agent, 53 Wah. itnxni?" HARRIERS.

MANUFAC- TUBERS. PARR AM ATTA, Main Sydney-load, fine dwelling, 6 rooms, kitchen, electric light, pas stove, also adjoining is large Store, 2 floors. 30tt 40ft, ground floor concrete, top floor with hoist, large open shed. 20ft 30ft, with weighbridge, 4 tons, stabling. Land 18Sft 350ft Rent 210.

Lease if required. ALLEN ANTON, 'Phone, UW86T7. opposite station, Parramatta. rAUCLUSE. Gentleman's Superior IlUilL, containing 7 rooms, sleeping-out verandahs, kitchen, and conveniences, 'phone, garage, etc.

Owner going away, would consider letting either furnished or unfurnished to approved tenant at a reasonable rental. J. F. KEIRAN, Bank of N.S.W. Building, BA.

l)Un. VTl'lli nnd Filtl. T1TILLOLGIIBY, Edinburgh-rd. -New Bunualuw, VV rooms, kitchen, 37.0. Epplng 631.

TT06lL.1IRA. 0 Rooms, 2 bathrooms, etc. Ann 17 Ho rtswort i-st. i conesiiu" I'- 4 rooma, kitcnai, electrio VV light. Kevs.

50 Wller-st. Coo.1 order. Br.41. YV-gira 'OS: Amdy C. bo'BSON; I'eiiisier-rd, l-ui nev.

ut and Dwelling, low VV rent. Splendid opening for any business. OWEN, Rnilder. uamnoeii-B WILLOUGHBY. 2nd Bungalow, 8 J.

I-. rt TTILLOUOHBY, 2 Hudson-avenue Cottage, 4 rooma, conveniences, 270. on 1 to 6. Dlnsdale, Dewabuiy, Longuevllle-rd, Lane Cove WABEliOLSK, uiareiice-si, oilj. iic, be Let from September floors and well- i -11 tVaflOtt JLrvnlv Ugnteo m.

-ffi. WILLOUOHBY. New Bungalows, 4 roomfc kitchen, handy tram. 820. 85 wkly; A.

DIOK1SON, near Publio School, 70 Penihurat itreet, Wllloughhy. J4749. nnKSimP HEART OF CITY, 0RKSHYABD. SUIT ANY R501T Adyar Bouse, Blfgh-etreet, SIDNEY RAPER. WATERLOO, no.

ail Oroundfloor FACTORY PREMISES, about 80 HARDIE and GORMAN PROPRIETARY, MTENWORTII-AVESUt. ft Two Fine floors, logemer j. 3000 square feet, newly renovated, perfect light front HANco*ck, CONNELL, and GARTPELT, LTD TO261-5. i8Plttetreet. WAsioner.

Protestant, Funiished ROOM, use of kitchen and pat, very reasonable. Apply Sunday afternoon or Tuesday to i.iairuieiv, StrnthScld. Take Bankstown 'bus from Burwood to nre Mnrinn. 1LLOUOIIUY. New Brick Cottage, 4 roomi, kitchen, electrlo light Brirk Cottage, rooms, kitchen nt atqWOOD Brick Villa, 6 rooms, kitchen, etc.

for England. Will give LONGUEVILLE. Bungalow, 2 bedrooms, dlninB-romn, kitchen It. T. FORSYTH, Auctioneer and Real Estate Ae-jt.

230 Penshurst-street, Willoughby. m.K TI4K4. pETRDi WATSOiTS REMOVAL SERVICE assures those who contemplate moving the maximum i in.w nl. reasonable coat. Removals and siorage of Furniture and valuable work, of art can safely be entrusted to na.

Let ua robmlt WATSON, and LTD-. EMOVAtS AND STORAGE oi Furniture are ramw wu. A. I 4 at a ft Wn aTtt4MtallM in long-distance country removals by road, having a fleet of up-to-date Motor Vans, special transport boxes being used for Interstate and oversea removals, Xatlmatea Free. GOURLAY 116-122 Miller-street, NORTH SYDNEY.

Kotth 1 (t HneO. OFFICES TO LET, WANTED. ETC. Two lines (about 12 words), 2t Saturday. 2fl.l 1WO IliiCB tmwius, -it J.

A SAUNDERS CHAMBERS, 247 Elizabeth-street. Nice FRONT orUCfiB, rirsi ann oineT rioors. Modera te rents. lease. Appiy itvto fMfc OffleA HDace.

In basem*nt, subdivided Into RICHARDSON and WRENCH, 98 Pitt-street 80 GROSVENOR-STREET. MODERN OFFICES TO LET. Splendidly Lighted Suites, from 800 to 1800 feet Recognised parking apace In front. BL1GH-STREET. SfRATHKYLE (opposite Union Club).

A SUITE of 8 OFFICES and Strongroom. BENT f-jffl ner annum. 'ALSO two SUITES of Two Roorot. Rente from 78 per annum. RENTALS INCLUDE CLEANING CHARGES.

BARDIE end GORMAN PROPRIETARY. no aiartin-piace. BARRACKtSTREET, i well-lighted Ol YORK-STREET. well-lighted Offlcee, 12t end 170 per week. STANTON and SON.


lloiise. tt rooiiix. kitchen, TJALMAJN, LAVERTY and FORD, Agents. LANE COVE. rosmv fm Spml.

detached Cottage, t'X rooms, kitchen, i per week. Electric light. Apply PERPETUAL TRUSTEE COMPANY, LIMITED, 33-39 Hunter-street. MANLY. In good locality.

Double-fronted Brick Cottage, 5 rooms, kitchen, electric light, heater, large vani, sleeping-out verandahs, 210. LINCHAM and GILFORD. The Coreo. 'Phone. Manlv 1438.

Manly. MACQUAitlE-sTHEET. Ground Floor Suite of two Consulting Rooms, rent 14 per week. Clean-lug and Attendance included. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION.

SHAHPE and SON, LIMITED, Aiictioneern. i nii-nm- OSMAN, 30 CLANALPINE-ST. BRICK COTTAGE, vestlhiile hall, living-room, 3 bedrooms, kitchen. laundry, bath heater, electric light and power, gas stove, rent 526 per week. Apply I.

B. HODGSON. 18 Mart in pi ace. MODERN BUNGALOW, Neutral Bay Heights, containing 4 rooms, every convenience, large brick motor garage, electric light, perfect condition verv handv position, 3 per week. Apply W.

II. MinSHAl.l, iVn Militiirv-road. Neutral i44ftl. AIODEHN SHOP to LET, in ie nest position, ivo i'X King-st, Newtown, up-to-date double-fronted wiu-dowB, 12lt.

return. Shop 60ft. Suit up-to-date business. Apply Owners, II. WOLFSON and SON, 57 George-street, opposite Anthony norflerna MOSMAN, lircss-circle.

Bradley's Head. Gent I email's new superior FLAT, beautifully FURNISHED, 4 large romns and lovely tiled kitchen nnd bathroom, smoke loumre. cheap. "1'. ANOTHER, Hl.j.UU-V.1 IllAO IlU.lK.

Garage; also, SUPERIOR FURNISHED HOUSE, over looking harbour, well furnished, 6 rooms and kitchen, lovelv grounds, cheap. 44 guineas (reduced from 66); alsoOTHERS. to 77. P. A.

WAGGLES and 6 doors Mosman Poet-offlce, MOSMAN. Y3.H2. A rO'MAN "MOSMAN. 11 UNFURNISHED COTTAGES. MODERN DOUBLE FRONTED DETACHED COTTAGE, of 6 rooms and offlcee, 210.

DETACHED COTTAGE, i'i SPLENDID ORDER, 4 rooms, and offices. 2. BRICK COTTAGE, in perfect order throughout living-mom. 8 bedrooms, offices new enamel liath, bath-heater, new gas stove, electric light. S70.

GRY and CO. 688 Military-road, Moidnan. Y315S, a id riii-biiwi. "ii OUTH STRATHFIELD, Wcllbank-st. 5 Rooms and and lrnragc.

appi.v t- NIXFIV FU RN1SH ED COM AU suit inurrieo Quple, nianola. low rental. 73 Brldge-rd, Glebe. XTORTH SYDNEY, Bav-id. Newly-funiished 4-roomed 1 House, elect! ic HghL gas, 35.

HunjeMM. TVTOHTII SYDNEVT 201 West-street. 2-story HOUSE, i 4 rooms, kitchen, etc Electricity. 23 per week. i vi v.

i in I 'm an Mart In -mace. 17 Halmain East, near uarnng. st. .1 rooms and kitchen, rent 25. Annlv Monday.

-VORTH STRATHFIELD. Modern new Bungalow, JjS rooms, all conveniences. Ackroyd's job, Mac- nn mara-avei iJOUTUBRIUGE. He have a limited number of itungniows nanny pumuuim, i-f. POOLE.

Tram Temilmis. NORTHBRIDGE. vTEVlliU, BAY. close 1 HOUSE. 0 rooms, etc.

Electricity. PIANO, CUTLERY. Moderate rental to approved tenant. II. W.

HORNING nnd 30 Martjnjilace. XT EUTR Close Ferry. Gentleman Me6i-iN deuce. 6 rooms, kitchen, and offices. Newly reno- vatrd

isn CQ a XTFWTOWN. HOUSE, 7 rooms (4 bedrooms), and laundrv. gus and fuel stoves, 1 mlnuta train or tram. Nu. 9 Holdsworth-street, oil Wilaoti -street, Tram io I'oroef-siii-iM DltTH looms.

2 kitchens, natns, parker-st, 3 minutes from ferry, ut McMahons Point. Keys at Woonona, corner East-crescent and Buvview Klr'eets. XfKlYrick COTTAGE, contains hall. 4 roorns, kit-XS chen, laun.lry, electrio light, and gas. Rent 30 week.

One minute tram and motor 'bus. Glenoa, fotf abarita Park-road). Concord. XTTAV UJCiv-Ul' SHOPS, 2 and Large modern ilouble-t routed Snop and Dwelling, suit Draper or Grocer, 5. LIONEL S.

ROSEBY, r.iiim-. VOU l'll SYDNEY, 20 KCKl AUA-BUAU. JN HUL'SE. 4 rooms, kitchen, iJl26 per week, '''peSpctlGcstee oosipasy (limited), VEItY CLIlsr. SIAIKW.

i ltrick Cottage, perfect order, 4 rooms kitchen, sleeping-out verandah, gas leiiFl0 ISTliRCOLONIAL INVESTMENT 4-Ji r.llerenglv?trtTt. 'Phone, llfinl. -C-biirmvoon. oarthowrn, kobthwood-boau. tontiiining 7 rooms, kitchen, elcclric light, excellent views of Lane Cove Klver, 'TIU STEE COMPANY.

LIMITED, K-rifJ lljit'ter-street. (l" VTE1 Til M. HAV. f*ckNISUED, Vo" 21 BKNSKTT-STHEET. COITMIE.

3 rccention-rooms. 3 bedroolna, sleeping-out verandah, kitchen, electric light and power, telephone, and all modern craivenicnt-es. PKHl'liTCAl. TlirslEE COMPANY, LIMITED, 31 3'i Hunter-street. U- OHTII "SYDNEY" No.

7 Kidge-street. NEWLY RENOVATED RESIDENCE, and artis-tlinllr KEPAPEHED. containing six rooms, kitchen, bathroom, and scullery, connected with gaa and electric light, etc. Rental 3 per week. Ar, ly MARSHALL aod DEMPSTER.

112 Pitt-street, opposite O.P.O. N' OR TH SHORE PYMBLE. MOflrrn iiungaiow, giiroire, aim tenuis court- a-o per nOSEVILLE. Bungalow, 5 rooms, kitchen, verandahs, court, 3 per week. CHATSU 00D.

iiungaiow, 5 rooms, kitchen, apacioni verandahs, garage, 215 per week. Others at 40, 378, 85, 2'. NEALE and HENRY, 811 renshurst-street, Willoughby. 'Phone, J436D. ut'KN At.lj JJAt aaiuauai, "Vf OHTII SVDNEY.

First Section. Brick House. JV rooms, kitchen, 30. Fin Section, Brick UouBe, rooms, kitchen, 30. Good position, Brick Cottage, 6 rooms, kitchen, electric light, aU modem conveniences 35- Willoughbv.

Seeond section. Brick Cottage, 4 rooms, kitchen, 326. 1-aue Cove. Brick Cottage, 3 rooms, kitchen, linoleums and blinds, 32,6. Northhridge.

Superior Brick Bungalow, 4 rooms, kitchen. 370. Also numerous Flats and Shops to Let. NORM-VN GILL, 117 PITT-STREET, SYDNEX and DDING ION. burnished Room, twin beds, suit friendj.

moderate. 6 Glcnview-st. Paddington. 1J DHINGTON, lilemuoit-.

Attractive Brick Rrfidence, 6 rooms, electric light, gas stove, MERCKIt. 02b Pitt-street, Svdney. Brick Cottage, 7 rooms, orchard. 6 acres, city water. 55.

SCHLOEFFEL and BLACK ET. opposite P.O., Hurstville. Kog. 1151. OETERSHAM-STANMOliE, 41 Albert-st, 2 minutes Petei-eham Fire Station.

lo Let, uniumisnea Bottom Half House, 4 rooms and kitchen, own conveni enees, nig yard, newiv renovated. an. YRMONT, in Handy Position. Ground -floor STORE, about 90 100. Entrances from two street.

Rent fi per wees. HARDIE and GORMAN PROPRIETARY, 30 Martin-piace. PUNCHBOWL, ON THE SIGHTS, Brick Cottage, 4 rooma and kitchen, every convenience, 8 minutes station, 826 per week. Another, at Bankstown, close to station, 276. WALTER BUTLER (late Wataon and right at station, Puncnbowij -rnone, mint PETERSHAM, close Park, just completed.

Brick HOUSES, 22 to 26 Andreas-street, cb ha verandah and balcony, 4 good rooms, kitchen, laundry, bathroom, fuel and gas stoves, electrio light, rent 86. EKIN and 16 Bnmore-road, Newtown. LI 008. PriT -STREET. Half Urge SHOP, exomllant show window, in very good part, eminently suitable millinery, hosiery, or fancy goods.

Rent only 10 week. Good lease. B1372, C. ANDERSON and 90 PITT-ST. O0M to Let, suit a working man, boaril-optlonal.

1" England-et. Brighton-le-Sauds. R' ANLiWlUh, "23 rooms und kitchen, conveiiieiieff. Clowe Coogee tram. li Cotuige, luoilif kitcnen, 2.0 wcemy.

Applv 1. (to Uerinitage-ni, ityue, KOSEKLUY, Daliiieny-ave. Detached Brick Cottage, 4 rooms, ga, electric light, gas stove, garage, rent 426. .1011 CANTY. 1 51 Regent-street, city.

and Dwelling, 8 roouiB, gaa atove, all convtnienceii, 220 per week. MARSHALL. Hyde. 13 YDE. Corner G.ebe and Devlin sireeU, three rooms, Lr.

i .1,. oiirin icrht tnnrlprnt rent- AOlV Perpetual trustee 33-39 Hunter-street. (10) BAY. Jcrani, lau aunivan-ru. door.

Detached Slodern Bungalow, 6 rooms, rent 60. 'Phone Rand. 1010 (owner). r.i r-zz, ii Hi iDFLRN. Casiiereagu-dt.

uriCK rooms, aiicuen, eiecino nguv, -o. -i-k a i wick Si'ini-deuichud Cottage. 4 rooms ana XV kitchen, all modern conveniences, lient 46. APl'iy I Miiuiv.r. lOSEVlLl.E-Ctiatswood.

-Modern Brick Bungalow, J- elevated po-dlion, rooms, ttuciien, ck4 dry, electric light, gas stove, bath-heater, sewer, handv train and 'bus. Rent 45. Ring J4027. ANDWICK. Modem Cottage.

4 bedrooms, living-room, large kitchen, separate laundry, gas stove, copper, minute tram, shops, 210. J. A. BARDON, 40 Frenchman 's-road, Rawlwluk (Clovelly tram). VNDWiCK.

COTTAGE, 6 rooms, kitchen, gaa, fuel stoves, ricciric ium, -v-, 40, with garage next door 46. 11 Oarrlngton- IAJiDWlCK. Brick UOITAUK. rooma. verr venience, garage, tennis court, verandah, 80 i v.

Anouier, rooms, mowr kum, -32 Wentworth-ft, Randwlek. 'Phone- Ran. 3076. TTOSEVILLE.Gcntlemaa a Kcsineuce, k'v' tennis court, lawns, etc. G.

Purdie, Chemist. 2S3 Elizabeth-street, Sydney. 'Phone calls not recognUed. --r-r tTaIIsGATE SECTION, KOGARA1L Lovely new one XV Cottage, 4 rooms, kitcnon, iigiiw HA SJ.vS.vil sSn DAY, Large BAKEHOUSE, with overu: Jlao chnlc.

oosit-ion. let Mparately if desired. Low rental. V. A.

St4 uia oouin tnevt Wlioeriorce-avenoei. lyniw wvea-o r. BRlCK COTTAOE, Pleny-et. containing 4 rooma, kitchen, e. All convenleneee.

n. Annlv PENDER. Tobacooniet. Mor- risoii.road; or ST. JOSEPH ana J7 eltv.

RANDWTt.K HE1UHTS, near Centennial. Park. PRETTY COnAaE, bedrooma, living-room, kltclien, electric light, gas stove and copper, bath-heater. IN EXCELLENT CONDITION. Best street.

Lease. Others, 10. 42. T. PENROSE, rrencnman s-rosn tctovellv tram).

OSE aY. Verv choice position, clone tram. Mod- Cm brick Cottaff. 1 kit wien, i.uoory, ever, moaem convenienoes, n.

Mortem aetecnea onca uottefe, 4 epaotonf" kitcbep, hetbroem, heaur. etc 40,. Othen. ffif. 40.

til. i O- laundry, electric light, good order, nanay riifn, large ynra, rent CLUBB ami H1BULE. 12S Wenton-rd. Balmaln. W1Q57.

MS: 3 J' r. IS i A 1 i. Hi iv? Mi" IV. If CI i P1' fb jj, HI if1 1' j- In'- Hi il ij (. TrllS- I i Vl Ml lv lu linn it Mi I ,1 IT! 'H (I i Itt'I' iU 1 1 'Sin I dSi'lj' V.i, i J'.

Al'v -PI. jrr Jjlf' if rl.J'i'i in) 'j (J, fi'fjl" A k. i tl At' i i Jl'ii 1 m'J'; Uf! 1 If ml li' Wl iilC'I 14 1 rl 4 I U- II' ftiX Uif UK WOOD. Cottage, 4 elcctrio light, tint, rooms, kitchen, laundry, car entrance, ciose "ous, tram, train, 35 week. 11 Melbournc-st, Concord.

4552. YlO.SDJ, OVEBI.OOKINO WAVEHLEY PAKK. JJ Hwiiitffiil Modem Residence. 6 lame rooms and vrflefts, suitable high-class residential, etc. Rent SW.

Garage, Store, or Factory. Land 62 112 -i-J island bitivk, off I'i arramatta-road, Petersham; will luiid to suit toxant. i i A HAM, Piti-iitrcet. "DUNOALOW, heater, elc( rooma. kitciieii.

tiled bathroom, erlric liiihl. l'jih t-tove, irlusncd vemn- rtiili, gaiatje. Apply Xlyrani, comer Ldwnnis arid uon-' raster avenues. So Alinht Struimn-fit BUDf Commiidicus BLNGALOn', 1 luuiuto to smf and right at tram and bhops, has 7 Inrge r.i'tUr., kilchen, etc. tmhienlly suited for a Kesnlen- tial or Boarding-house.


Ct U''w), 4 rooms, offices, 87C; Cottage, 4 bedroom, lounge, breakfast, oftlces, 476; Fumislied Home. 3 bedrooms, loiiugc-roora, breakfast-room, offices, piano, linen, cutlery, garage. 15. E. E.

Martin. 79 llnll-et, Bo'idi. Wav. 2337. BUNOALOW, 2 bedrooms, double living-room, kitchen, bathroom (healer), electric light, gas, and very modern convenience, beautiful view, 1 minuto from tram.

Rent 22. Apply Daffodil Villa, Marcel-avenue, Randwlek. Taka TfcONDL tULIXREST QUICK LETTING AGENCY, Xi HALL-SIltEET. Mrs, unuis, BOUSES. FLATS, SHOPS, ROOMS.

OWNERS B1N0 WAVEKLEY 1ML atuntlon. Helwa tenant. ToitWOOD. Beautiful Home, 6 rooma, lectrli light, 8 nlnutea sUtioo, 26. rVfX: fjrEATHFIBLU.

Hew iiungaiow, -Sa bT T. HOOK and CO.r Station. Btratnneld. tr UKOKC.B hll.U.i. I-uxk-ot shop.

onnr O.AM or mm AMIT CHARLES 8AMW, Elisabeth -street. 1 IrlrnhMI 89. 1 blt-hn R5. INRW. 1 tYMMiw' kitohen 35.


Kino ReKiilPii.Hi i. l.iro-o 10 rooms, 3 kitchens, nil conveniences suitable nospitai or private residential, immediate pKsrlin. Only 5) Btilneas. a. n.

ftw, Kstate Agent, New Bouth Head-rd, Dover-rd section. Hose Bay. Hm, fto. K.iri. Onn nil Sltuntny.

BQNDI. COTTAGE, 4 rooma, 3711, Sir Thomas Mit-rhell-rd, 42, with ganiire 476. 3 rooms: vxQ, 4 room, 42. Furnbmed Cottage, rooma, 'plume, riata rrnm an. JOHN KNIOHT flat" Ci-nck and Estate Agenta, Trem Terminua, Bondi Dcach.

On-n till X0'DI. UnftirnUhed Cottage, 2 bedrooms, living-room, kitchen. laundry, all In perfent order. Hent 4ft.

BONDI HEICinTS. rnlurnlshed Cottage Flat, 2 larg, kitchen, laundry, tiled Mtbroom, vparate yard, and entrance. Ocean W1U.CT and norUINS. gas Bondl road Wav. P45.

I1KXT 4-V. COTTAOE. Moms, etc. nd iilSZ. handsomely papered JrlWp.fSThoo?.''' Others, 42', Ro.

44, Wav. 7t. ens), noNnr BKAcn. Brick 8 la. rooms, kitchen, acnarni.

1 kitchen. sen.r.l 1, I bath-heatcrj at trim aS? tlnvni nnrm WAV. 748. 1 1 "net HOME, 5 nnmis, near beach week. newrp.

-r DMtn' WUTH New HOME, rooms tnjn entrance, near tram. 'bus. 1:25 vv IfAROUBH A. Beautiful sltiiAllmi, lovely views. TWO nr.n riAis.

spirnriiuiv mnnie.i, a rooms, SFWF.n. aud niBJtfl j.flMu.r.i'. nice yarn, inundrv, Mparate, 25 week, reduced rental If longed. A. M08ELY, Estate Agent, tram atop, Maroubm Ham wick itvj.

TELLKVirE HILL. OSNTf.EMAN'S PURNlSnED REStDENCB I AVAILABLE FOR SIX MONTHS. GROUND FLOOR: Entrance loung, cloakroom, din-' tnd and drawing- moms, bill lard room, office, kitchen, maids' dining-room. UPSTAIR! 4 bedrooms, sitting-room, tiitliroomi, as ids quarters, 3 bedroom. 1 bathroom.

Oarage, drlre, beautiful gardens. This one our finest home, very compactly built. Hot water senice. Furthnr particulars, M. TURNBUI.L, Eslnte Agent, BB2 yictoi'ia-st, oarilnlnirnt.

nm, tuj and Iii3. COTTAGE. 2 rotmis kitchen, gas stove, electric light. 2W Neleon-hi. Ann in-'ide: Bui ma In fain, COTTAGES, at

20 lo 4ft. ttntt Tmbriek, mul Hornjihy. tefl Wah. Cottage, ft rooms, elccUlc light, 2 min- Hti.nmote, references, receipt required. 1 "'it Apflv Wl Allianrrd.

atl.r a.m. ItIl.ljIJTTAtil!, Hlghwaj.avnnue. Croydon, 4 inimtn from .1 all wivMimn. oa. 3 Norlli MUtoutrnt, Aailhld.

ca'aut pJi V. A. ORABAXE, 874 Old South Hnd.roeeV toae tsu (next WUbertoraMTetne). Ut. peaM.

WOtBL r' W'. iv v..

The Sydney Morning Herald from Sydney, New South Wales, Australia (2024)


What is Sydney Morning Herald known for? ›

The Herald is proudly committed to fearless, independent and accurate journalism as Australia's number one news brand, whilst generating high-quality and informed opinions and debates to help readers make up their own minds.

Is The Sydney Morning Herald left wing bias? ›

The contemporary editorial stance of the Sydney Morning Herald is generally centrist. It has been described as the most centrist of Australia's three major news publications (the others being The Australian and The Age).

What is the major newspaper in Sydney Australia? ›

The two main Sydney newspapers are The Sydney Morning Herald, which was founded in 1831, and The Daily Telegraph, founded in 1879.

What is the oldest newspaper in Sydney? ›

The nineteenth century: the Sydney Morning Herald dominates

What is now Australia's oldest continuously published newspaper began in 1831, originally as a weekly under the title, the Sydney Herald.

What political party does the Herald support? ›

The Herald declares in every edition that it does not endorse any political party.

What is the most widely read newspaper in Australia? ›

The Herald Sun has the highest circulation in Australia.

Is the Sydney Morning Herald independent? ›

The Sydney Morning Herald's fierce spirit of independence is stronger than ever.

What does left wing stand for? ›

Ideological groupings. Generally, the left wing is characterized by an emphasis on "ideas such as freedom, equality, fraternity, rights, progress, reform and internationalism" while the right wing is characterized by an emphasis on "notions such as authority, hierarchy, order, duty, tradition, reaction and nationalism" ...

What is the most trusted newspaper in Australia? ›

The 2024 Digital News Report for Australia, conducted by the University of Canberra's News and Media Research Centre on a sample of more than 2000 Australians, found that 54 per cent of those surveyed said they trusted the Financial Review, versus just 15 per cent who expressed distrust.

What is the most popular Australian news source? › is Australia's leading news website featuring the latest breaking news, national and world stories, sports, business, and finance news, technology news, and travel and entertainment news.

What happened in 1973 in Australia? ›

1973. Queen Elizabeth II opened the Sydney Opera House, and is now entitled as “Queen of Australia.” Young people over 18 can vote for the Federal Elections, and the pensions of older people are no longer means-tested. You can spend new Fifty Dollar notes at Australia's first legal casino in Hobart.

Who reads The Sydney Morning Herald? ›

The Sydney Morning Herald is the country's most read masthead, with a cross-platform readership of 7.3 million Australians, according to the latest Total News readership figures released by Roy Morgan.

Is the age the same as Sydney Morning Herald? ›

The newspaper shares some articles with its sister newspaper the Sydney Morning Herald. The Age is considered a newspaper of record for Australia, and has variously been known for its investigative reporting, with its journalists having won dozens of Walkley Awards, Australia's most prestigious journalism prize.

What is the history of The Sydney Morning Herald? ›

The Sydney Herald, founded by three English emigrants—William McGarvie, Alfred Ward Stephens, and Frederick Stokes—was first issued as a weekly in 1831 and became a daily in 1840. The following year another Englishman, John Fairfax, bought control of the paper, which remained in the hands of his family for 149 years.

What is Sydney renowned for? ›

Sydney is most famous for: Sydney Harbour Bridge. Sydney Opera House. Amazing zoos (Taronga & Sydney Zoo) -Iconic Beaches (Bondi, Coogee, Manly to name a few)

What made the New York Herald unique? ›

New York Herald, American daily newspaper published from 1835 to 1924 in New York City. It was one of the first papers created in the penny-press movement, and it developed many aspects of modern American journalism, including nonpartisan political reporting and business coverage.

Is The Age the same as Sydney Morning Herald? ›

The newspaper shares some articles with its sister newspaper the Sydney Morning Herald. The Age is considered a newspaper of record for Australia, and has variously been known for its investigative reporting, with its journalists having won dozens of Walkley Awards, Australia's most prestigious journalism prize.


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Name: Tuan Roob DDS

Birthday: 1999-11-20

Address: Suite 592 642 Pfannerstill Island, South Keila, LA 74970-3076

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Job: Marketing Producer

Hobby: Skydiving, Flag Football, Knitting, Running, Lego building, Hunting, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Tuan Roob DDS, I am a friendly, good, energetic, faithful, fantastic, gentle, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.