Fawning for You - nkirukaj319 (2024)

Chapter 1: Complicated

Chapter Text

“Alastor,” Voe entered the room with her phone, live-streaming the red demon reading. She turns the camera to herself and laughs “Alastor.”

He ignores her, quietly turning pages in his book as she continues.

“Alastor,” her laughter almost overtaking her speech. He raises an eyebrow


“Alastor,” his body doesn’t move but his eyes shift to her



“Am I annoying?” She laughs

“Yes you are,” he looks back at his book, and Voe begins to cackle.

“Yo he hates me bad,” she says to the live “Alastor, do you hate me?”

“Yes, I do.”

Voe doubles over with laughter, still holding the phone in her hand. Alastor closes his book and walks up to her. He takes her phone and grabs her chin while she laughs, placing small kisses on her lips.


The Radio Demon is Back!

The Radio Demon No Longer Works Alone??

The Radio Demon Has A Radio Sweetheart??

The Billboard Doe is Now Solo..?

Who’s Responsible for Deaths of the Vees? Sources say The Billboard Doe Named Voe the Beau

“I would 100% sell my soul to Voe the Beau. She’s so fair and powerful and the killed the f*cking Vees! Like what more proof do you need?”

“I think Voe would make an amazing Overlord,”

“I don’t think Voe the Beau is all that. So what she killed a few Overlords? Big deal, that means she deserves to own souls?? I swear y’all just put ANYBODY in power”

“Voe can suck a donkey dick I hate that bitch!”

“Voe the Beau can have my soul…if she wants it,”

“Tonight on Ravin’ with Rave, we are sitting with Miss Voe the Beau; the Billboard Doe discussing her time and experience working with and for Hell’s most notorious media trio, the ‘Vees’, as well as her split and their downfall. Good evening to you Voe,”

Voe leans down into the microphone “Hello Eric,”

He covers the microphone “Actually it’s Rave, it’s okay we’ll edit it out,” he whispers “So how does it feel being back in the hotel where it all began?”
“I love being back in the Hotel. I finally don’t feel like someone is watching my every move,”

“Nice, nice. We hear that you’re now on the path to redemption. Is that true?”

She nods “That is true, I am finally taking this redemption thing seriously,”

“Have you heard the rumors about you becoming an Overlord? How do you feel about that? Would you be an Overlord?”

She thinks “I’d love to be an Overlord. A kinder one of course. Is that possible? Can one be a kind Overlord?”

“I guess we’d have to find that out,”

“Yes, we will. What about you?”

“Whoa, what about me?” He plays a surprised audience sound effect

“Well, your podcast is finally taking off,”

“It is I’m glad that somebody noticed. I’ve been out and about, I wasn’t even worried about the views and they just went up,”

“Good for you dude,”

“Yeah, that is good for me,”

Voe folds her hands on the desk “What else would you like to know about me?”

“Got a special someone that we should know about?”
She gasps “Are you flirting with me, Rave?”

“Aw, no now-“

“I thought we were keeping things professional,” she leans down to look at comments “Apparently your audience ships it,”

“What? Guys, come on…” he looks at the camera disapprovingly “Everything is a ship nowadays, I feel like I’m gonna drown,” He plays a laugh track

“Is this your way of asking if I’m available?” she smirks

“Why? If it were would that be weird?” He plays a whooping applause effect

She tilts her head “Well, unfortunately for you, I have a partner,”

He plays an ‘aww’ “Are you going to tell us who the lucky fellow is?”

Voe plays coy “Who said that it’s a fellow?”

“Oooh, lucky demon,”

She raises her brow, smirking “Indeed,”


“Alastor, I know that we promised to not keep secrets from each other anymore,”


“So…I have something that I need to tell you,”


“While I was living with the Vees…I- “ she pauses “We- had an orgy….” she trails off

Alastor closes his lips and widens his eyes “Hmm” he seems surprised “Okay,”

She looks down and back up “Yeah, I know. I’m sorry,” she steps forward “It was a dumb thing to do, I wasn’t thinking-“

“You don’t have to give me,” he puts up quotes “the deets? As you all say?”

She stares up at him looking through her lashes “So… what do you think?”

“That I no longer want to talk about this and we should change the topic,”

“Are you still upset with me?”

“Not upset, however, I will tell you that my trust is thin,”

She nods in understanding “I get that,”

“Good,” he stands with his arms behind his back, assuming the stance of a true gentleman, though keeping his eyes on her

“So I guess you like me again?” She bats her eyes at him

“Darling, I never stopped,” he states with the utmost certainty, lidding his eyes as he stares at her with admiration

Voe can’t help but smile but tries to make it seem as if it doesn’t matter to her, “I like you too, Alastor,”

He gives her a sincere smile and stiffly turns, walking away.

She sits with that boost of confidence in the hallway, knowing that everything between them might be okay.

“You know, isn’t it weird that Freaky Face has never had you on his show?”

She turns to Angel Dust as they lay on her bed “Hmm?”

“I’m just saying, you’re like a performer or whatever and he’s got a radio show, so why hasn’t he had you on it?”

She looks up at the ceiling “I don’t know, I’ve never asked him,”

“Maybe you should,”

“You just wanna cause some drama,” she shakes her head

He sits up, placing his hand on his chest fluff “Me?” he smirks

“I’m serious Angel, I’m already on thin ice with Alastor, I don’t want to start an argument that doesn’t need to happen,”

“Why would it be an argument? It’s just a simple question,”


“All right alright, I’ll stop,” he lays back down

Voe turns on her side “How are you?”

“I’m fine,”

She sits up on her elbow “No, like how are you? Now that you can do whatever you want?”

He sits up with her “Honestly, I’m just doing what I did before. Just on my own time,”

“Is that what you want to do?”

He shrugs “Yeah, making money,”

“So you’re a prostitute then?”

“Eh, I guess,”

“But do you wanna be?”

“Yeah! Money’s money!”

She sits up “That’s not what I’m asking you, Angel,”

“Look, who likes Hell? Hell is Hell, it’s not a vacation. There are so many more Overlords, it wasn’t just the Vees.”

She tilts her head “About that, how would you feel if I was an Overlord?”

“Well, that would be kinda cool, but what would you do different? And you gotta own souls to be one and you don’t look like the type,”

“First things first, I would delegate and I would do my best to be kind,”

“That’s it?” he raises a brow “Like I’m asking, is that it?”

Voe throws her hands up “I’m not really sure, it’s just an idea,”

“If it’s just an idea then whatever, but if you wanna get serious then you need to get serious.” he smiles “Husk told me all that,”

She smirks “Mhmm, you and Husk huh?”

“Yeah, we’re just talking. We’re just friends,”

She raises her brows “And you got on me for lying,”

“Eh, everyone lies it’s Hell. Lies are lies,”

“So you are seeing Husk?”

“Is that what I said?”

“You implied that you’re lying,”

“I imply a lot of things,”

“Angel please!”

He shrugs, giving her a toothy grin where his golden one shines in the light of the outside.

“You like acting?”

“Uh yeah, I love acting!”

“Would you like to do some non-p*rn acting?”

He tilts his head “What’d you have in mind?”

“Oh my goodness, that’s amazing!” Charlie is jumping up and down with excitement

“Now you have to get people actually to come to it,” Vaggie puts her hands on her hips

Voe looks smug “So you admit it’s a good idea?””

“Well yeah, I think these sinners need more hobbies than just killing each other,”

“Theater saves lives!” Voe stares up at the lights with her dreamer face while Vaggie chuckles and scoffs at the same time

Charlie is still filled with glee “Voe this is the most amazing idea that anyone has ever had ever!”

“Great! Then I need a building,”

Charlie blinks “Why don’t you just buy one?”

Voe blinks back at her with a blank stare

“Babe, what did we talk about?” Vaggie touches her girlfriend’s arm

“Right, what do you need?”

Voe plays with her fingers “Don’t you and your dad own all the buildings here? And I haven’t seen your dad since…”

“You broke his heart?” Charlie asks cheerily, then retracts seeing Voe and Vaggie’s faces “Sorry,”

“Yeah, since then. So could you help me out? I think I could really make a difference. Kinda like this hotel,”

Voe looks up and Charlie has tears falling from her eyes, Voe is very confused.

“Are you crying? Why is she crying?” She turns to Vaggie

Vaggie picks up Charlie and carries her away ”Sorry!”

“Let me know about that building!” She calls after them

Voe turns toward the bar, seeing Husk there as always. She walks up to the bar and sits on one of the stools.

“Hi,” she says to the bartender

“Hey,” he grumbled under his breath, not caring about her presence

“I want to apologize for the stuff I said a few weeks ago,”

He looks up at her bored “You’re gonna have to refresh me ‘cuz I don’t remember,” he slurs his words

“The stuff about you being a dumb alcoholic?”

“Hmm I may be an alcoholic, but not a dumb one,” his head drops onto the bar, and she hears him snoring.

“Okay,” she slinks off

She sat and thought about it. Who else had she done wrong here? She legitimately wanted to give being kind a try, and this was how to start, right? She stood in the middle of the parlor when Alastor came strolling through. She smiles and waves to him, as he approaches where she’s standing. When he reaches her, she wraps her arms around his neck.

“Is that my big, strong, handsome Overlord?”

He removes her arms from his neck “Indeed,” he replied with a grin

Voe retracts her arms “Are you okay?”

“I am fine my dear,”

“Are you sure?”


She looks to the side “Okay...” she holds one of her arms

Alastor tilts his head “Did you need something darling?”

“I- was just happy to see you, that’s all,”

“Hmm,” he replies and walks past her, out the door


“So you say you’re gay, but you f*ck dudes. Specifically Alastor. You seem stuck on him,” Angel asks

“In my specific brand of queerness, it’s all women all the time. But for me specifically, if I find a man that I’m attracted to, I become like obsessed. It’s very inconvenient,”

“So you’re obsessed with Alastor?”

She blushes “No! I’m not! It was a figure of speech!”

“Oh,” he said, not believing her “Okay,”

“So are you and Alastor like …together?” Charlie asked full of glee

“I don’t know, we’re…something,” Voe responds looking off to the side

“Ooooohh!!” Charlie claps “That sounds so exciting!”

Voe plays with her ear “It’s not really anything,”

“Are you sure?” the Princess gets close and personal

Voe lays down on the couch “I don’t know, it’s like really weird. Sometimes I feel clear about us and sometimes it feels fuzzy,” she twiddles her fingers “Waaaahhh,” she says disappointedly “I’m sorry, why am I telling you this? You guys don’t care,”

“Aww of course we do, right guys?”

Angel shrugs and Vaggies lets out a quiet “Not really,”

“Well, I care,”

Voe sits up “So how about that building Charlie?”

“We are working on it, you just have to ask my dad,”

Voe groans “Your dad?”

“Yeah,” she sounds sympathetic

“I don’t even think he wants to see me,”

“Yeah, but he’s in charge of all that. I just take what he gives me,”

The doe grimaces “Can’t you just go to him on my behalf?”

Charlie grimaces back “He’s doing this thing where he wants people to go to him directly instead of through me,”

“He had to choose now of all times to do this?” Charlie nods “Look who finally decided to step up as king,” Voe mumbles “Where even is he?”

“In his castle,”

“So I have to go there? He can’t come here?”


She pleads “Charlie…”

“Sorry, those are his rules. He doesn’t like that you all are using me,”

“Ugh! What’s the point of being friends with a Princess if you can’t ask for favors?”

Charlie stares at her “So you are using me?”

Voe scoffs “No! But like…” she gestures with her hands

“Well, you can’t use me for this!”

Voe rolls her eyes and drops her face into her hands.

When Alastor walks by once again Voe chirps up.



Voe is apprehensive but asks anyway “Can I ask you something?”

“Of course,”

“What do you think about my idea to open a theater?”

“I think that it’s a wonderful idea,” he blinks

Voe waits for something more, some elaboration or a snarky comment “Is that it?”

“I suppose so,”

Her chest falls “Really?”

“Well, what would you like me to say, my dear?”

“I don’t know, something!” she whines audibly

“Tell me when the first play is?” he begins to talk away

She turns after him “Why haven’t you had me on your radio show?”

“Finally!” Angel looks up

Alastor turns back “Would you like to be on my radio show?”

“Well, it doesn’t count if you ask me now!”

“What do you want from me, dear?”

Voe whines loudly

“I don’t know what that means, use your words, darling,”

Voe puts her head in her hands “I don’t have any,”




“Whatever, never mind! UGH!”

He raises an eyebrow at her and then dissipates into shadow.

“Wow,” Angel comments “You broke the Radio Demon! I- I ain’t got any words either!” he turns to the bar

“I’ve never seen it either,” Husk comments

Voe drops herself onto the couch and blows out her lips. She had no idea where to go from here.

Chapter 2: Stressed Out

Chapter Text

“How do you get to the castle from here?”

“Well, you have to go through this war zone, take a bus, not sure if it’s 2 or 3 stops, maybe it’s 4-“

Voe looks frustrated “What?”

“What? I usually take a limo there,”

“So can you just call me a limo??”

“Oh, why didn’t you ask?”

So the princess had a limo come and pick the doe up and take her to the castle in the center of the city. It was a long and quiet ride. She sat and thought about all the things that took place since the last time she saw him. She didn’t mean to break his heart, she didn’t even know she had his heart to break. What did he even see in her to fall for? She thought that everything about him was amazing, he was such a brilliant man, but the way she felt about him couldn’t hold a candle to her feelings for Alastor.

She sighs, Alastor. She didn’t know what to think about him right now. Ugh, should I even be thinking about him right now? This is why I need redemption. Maybe it was best that she broke things off before he asked her to be his new Queen. It would’ve been cool to be Queen. The difference is that Lucifer felt like an option, while her entire body and soul craved Alastor.

She shakes her head, this was not what she needed to be thinking about right before she went to speak with the man that she chose Alastor over. When she came back to reality she realized that the limo had stopped moving. They’d been in front of the castle already.

“How long have we been here?”

“About 15 minutes miss,” the driver answered

“Thank you,” She tells them, exiting the car

She stands in front of the door apprehensively. She raises her fist to knock and the large golden door creaks open on its own.

“Hello?” she calls into the door

“Enter,” she heard the King’s voice call, and she obeyed. She closes the large golden door behind her and the room is completely dark until a snap turns on the lights “Hello,” Lucifer says with surprise when he sees her

He looks good, as always. His eyes are bright and his cheeks are full. He’s wearing his hat and suit, she thought that he must be doing much better if he can groom himself to this degree.

“Hi,” she waves and stands awkwardly allowing him to examine her fully

“What can I do for you?”

She seems taken aback. Guess we’re getting right to it “Um, Charlie said I would have to come to you about getting a building..?”

“Ah! Yes, that! For what? I need to know the deets,”

She cautiously steps closer “Well, I want to open a theater,”

“Hmm, that’s nice,”

“Yeah, and I think it would be helpful for the sinners of Hell to have other hobby options, I guess?”

“Hmm, okay,” he snaps his fingers and an application appears “Sure, just sign this and I will approve it right away. It’s a theater right?”

She nods “Yeah,”

“Okay great, I approve applications and they’ll say that it’s a clothing store, but it’s secretly a drug ring, and what can I do? It’s Hell!”

“Well, you are the King,”

He shrugs “So you can just sign this and you’ll get your building right away,”

She takes the quill and holds it over the line “Nice, can I just read it over? The last time I signed something I lost my soul,” she chuckles

“Yeah, sure. I don’t want your soul or anything. Everyone thinks I want their souls, but it’s the other sinners that have ‘em. Seriously it’s really annoying,” his expression flattens

Voe chuckles “Yeah,” then clears her throat looking down at the paper

“Yeah, so read away,”

She gestures to the couch he’s sitting on “May I sit?”

“Oh yeah, yeah!”

She sits down and reads the application over, the terms seem fair so she signs them. “Here,” she hands Lucifer the papers

“Thank you, and….approved!” he sounds silly and it makes Voe smile “So where do you want your theater to be? Lots of abandoned buildings in the Pride Ring,”

Voe shrugs “Well I’d like it to be in Pentagram City,”

“Plenty of vacant buildings here! You can pick one!”


“Yeah. All right, if that’s all then..you can let yourself out”

“Oh uh- okay,”

Lucifer widens his eyes “Did you need something else?”

“Well I don’t need anything per se, but, I just thought that we would talk. I-If you want to,”

“Uhhh, what would you like to talk about? I’m not busy,”

She turns her body toward him “How are you?”

“I’m fine. How have you been?”

Voe pulls in her ear “No, really. How are you?”

“I-I’m fine,”

“How are you…when you see me?”

“I’m fine Voe. Did you need something?”

She purses her lips “We miss you at the Hotel,”

“Yeah, have a lot to do,”

“You said you’re not busy,”

“Not busy busy, but you know,”

“Lucifer...” she scooches closer to him


She looks away “How do you feel about me?”

“I feel fine,”

“Are you sure?”


“Okay, I guess I’ll go then,”


She stands to her full height and approaches the doorway again, looking back at Lucifer, waving. He waves back with a fake smile on his face. And she exits.


Voe lays on the parlor couch alone, scrolling through her phone when she hears Alastor’s humming, she decides to be silly and sticks her leg up in the air as he approaches her and Alastor grabs it, massaging her foot.

“I already knew what you wanted,” he purrs lifting her foot to his lips. He nibbles on the side of her toes, and she giggles pulling her feet back “No no, this is what you wanted” he cheeses at her, nibbling her foot more with his large, sharp teeth.

“I can’t believe this is a man that tears apart souls,” she laughs “When was the last time you did that?”

“Oh many years ago darling, long before I met you,”

“Would you ever tear my soul apart?”

He snickers “Only if you’re being a bad girl,” he nips at her foot again, making her giggle

“Where was all this a few days ago?”

“Hmm, I just felt like being alone,”

“And today?”

“Well, obviously today I would like some company,”

Voe kneels on the couch, facing the tall deer. She drapes her arms around his neck again, and this time he does not resist, in fact putting his arms around her waist

“You look, so good today,” her voice low and sultry as she runs her hands up the bare skin of his undercut

"Thank you, my dear. I take it, you like my new coat? I just got it tailored, and- oh, I need to show you the shop, you'd simply adore it. Perhaps we could get you something new? Better fitting? Of course, you look ravishing as always, such a stunning beauty-"

"You want an excuse to pamper me."

"You know me too well, darling." (@hazbinhotelie)

“You know I never turn down a chance to be pampered,” she smirks at him

“Oh, I know,”

She tilts her head and stares at him curiously “You know what I just realized?”


“You never gave me back my panties,”

“Who told you that you were going to get them back darling?”

Her jaw drops and gasps “The smell must have faded now,”

“I’ll never tell,”

Voe scoffs “Where did you put them?”

“A magician never reveals his secrets,”

“You’re not a magician,”

“But Husker is,”

“Ugh, you dragged Husk into this? You’re sick!” she tells him with a small smile forming afterward

Alastor chuckles “So I’ve been told,”

She sighs “I love looking at you,”

“Aww, me too,”

“You love looking at yourself?”


She laughs and they stare at each other longingly, but just as abruptly he pulls his arms and steps back, forcing Voe to drop her arms

“Well, this was nice. I have things to take care of today in my radio tower,”

“Really?” Voe is incredulous

“Lots to be done, my dear,” he says before dissipating

“Wait!” Voe reaches for the air where he used to be. She groans in frustration and shoves a pillow over her face, screaming into it.

The activity for today was riveting, Charlie was so very excited to get to her idea, that she skipped over everything and went straight to Voe.

“Voe tell them about the totally awesome thing that you’re planning!!”

Voe looks up somewhat startled “Sure, just I have to say something first”

“Of course! Go ahead!”

“Do you know a few weeks ago when I said that you weren’t a sinner?” she pauses “I wasn’t saying that as like a gotcha, I was saying that because it’s important. Your not being a sinner explains why you’re finding it difficult to get to the root of redemption. I feel like you’re focusing on the sin itself and not on why each person sins. You were born here in Hell so you don’t know this, that’s not your fault, but it is your fault if you continue to not know this. Your approach towards redemption acts as if sin occurs in a vacuum. But it doesn’t. People sin because life on earth does not reward good people. Good deeds are punished, and bad people succeed all the time. There are a multitude of reasons why a person may feel like they have to sin. Because of social norms or maybe even family pressures. Or perhaps some sort of trauma experience that teaches them that the only way to act is this. There may be some people who send just because they can but I feel like that is a minority. And even the sinners who don’t intend to get redeemed, are just people who don’t want to address their trauma because it hurts. It hurts to address your trauma. It’s a long arduous process to heal from your trauma. Some people don’t want to do that, maybe they don’t want to experience that trauma twice. That’s something I feel like you should think about.”

Charlie seems flabbergasted by her speech and starts slowly clapping “That was amazing! And so true! Thank you for that! That’s actually super informative, I will have to keep that in mind. Maybe you can help me. But first, get to your idea!!” She sounds sing-songy at the end.

“Right, so I want to open a theater here in Hell. I’m an actress at heart and in my days of doing theater, I’ve found that doing shows brings people together in ways that nothing else can. I’ve also found that when people participate in the arts they become better people over time. Maybe it’s having something to do with their time, maybe it’s because it’s much easier to be a good person when you have a support system, or maybe just because it’s fun and not destructive. I’m not sure, but I genuinely believe that the more sinners that participate, the more will get redeemed. Theater gives people purpose, and theater is mine. So this needs to happen. I already got approval for the building, so what do you guys think?”

“I think it’s a great idea,” Angel chimes in

Voe smiles excitedly “So what about you guys?”

“Sure, why not” Husk shrugs

“I love the theater!” Niffty exclaimed kicking her feet

“What about you Bean?” Voe asks

Bean sits up as if she wasn’t listening before “That sounds fun,”

“Awesome!” Voe smiles “And you Cherri?”

“Eh, I’d come watch the first show,”

“Are you sure? You seem like a performer,”

Cherri furrow her brow “Nah, I’ll just watch,”

“All right, I already have Angel as an actor, anyone else wants to sign up?” there’s a prolonged silence in response “Okay. Is this what it was like?” She asked Charlie

“Yes,” she smiles

Voe shakes her head “Okay whatever, that’s not gonna stop me!”

“That’s the spirit!” Charlie grabs her shoulders “I knew my positivity would rub off on someone,”

“It’s okay I know that a lot of people are just afraid to invest in themselves and put in the work because they’re afraid that it won’t work out or they don’t think they’re worth it!”

Charlie smiles widely “You just have to make people see the benefits!” She shakes her shoulders “I believe in you!”

Voe smiles back “I know. Thank you,”

“Is the meeting over?” Angel sticks his hand up

“Uh, I mean is that all you have to say Voe?”

She shrugs “Uh, yeah I guess”

“Then yeah!”

“Babe wait, you didn’t do the activity!” Vaggie reminds her

“Oh sh*t right! No, it’s not over!”

“f*ckin thanks,” Angel says to Vaggie, who shrugs


It seemed like Alastor was avoiding her. He didn’t say he was and when she spoke to him he was more than cordial, but Voe just could not shake the feeling that she was being ignored. This was not something she could learn to be okay with, if this was anyone else, she would say screw them, but this was Alastor, she wanted to be around him so much and he didn’t feel the same way. He said that he still liked her, but now she wasn’t sure if she believed him.

Voe turns on the live, sitting in front of her laptop camera “Hey guys, I know that I haven’t seen you all in a while, but I was sorting things out in my life and now I’m ready to come back.”

hey guys look it’s that crazt bitvh that killed the vees


hey bitch! what you been up to?

nah remember when she killed val?

wyd sis

“I’m mostly just chillin’ y’all what y’all doin’?” she eats from her bag of chips

none ur bizness

getting my ass destroyed

“How you f*cking on my live?”

lol you don’t have nothing to talk about

nahhh lmaooooo

frfr thoooo

“Nah, this is just a casual live,”

casual my ass look in her eyes she’s uncomfy

nah who looks in peoples eyes

nah tf you sum psychic? don’t luk in my f*cking eyes?

wtf i’m not a psychic

then y u luking in my f*cking eyes? 👀


aint nobody fighting abourt eyes

then wth yall talking bout???



“Woah relax y’all damn, I’ll ask y’all a question since y’’all can’t behave without structure. What do you think it means if someone starts behaving like distant from you?”

maybe they dont like u no more??

they prob want u to figure it out?

is this about the info you spread about the radio demon???


nah that sh*t was hilarious



i missed vox

i miss zaddy


“Wait, the Vees are back?”





“How do the Vees have the same amount of power when everyone they owned is free now?”

power is earned

but they’re not overlords anymore

but they still got power


“What about me though?”



no offense but killing the vees dont mean nothing

the radio demon killed heavy hitters

likw vox vs alastor????? cum on!!!!!! 😹

“How y’all telling me that the Vees are hella powerful, but me killing them isn’t enough?”

lmao the vees count as one person

the radio demon is different kill him and now we can talk

“I’m not gonna kill Alastor,” she looks away from the camera

we know you love him too much 💗😹

Voe blushes and looks down “I don’t-“

holy sh*t



i feel so bad 4 u ….not really tho

“I don’t,” she pauses “love him,”

thats good, cuz if you did and he found out he would use you to heaven and back

hes used more people than the vees

“Wait, what do you guys mean by that? Like, would it be awful for someone to…love him? Has anyone ever loved him?”

lol no idea!

probably not lmao

any1 that trusted him ended up on the end of his chain

“No, but Alastor doesn’t want to own me,”


r u sure

“But he burned my contract,”

where u belonged to velvette

now ur free….to b his 😹😹😹😹😹

‘he burned my contract’ 😹😹😹

“He knows that I don’t want to be owned,”

and what do oyu know about him?

“A lot, actually,”

ooooh tell us



hop u not tryna be an overlord

“Wait, why not?”

uhave no clue what it takes

Voe slams the laptop closed. She pulls at her ears and hugs herself at the same time as tears sting her eyes. She sniffles and looks around the room. What was she even doing? What had she gotten herself into? What was she thinking that she could be somebody important?


Voe approaches the bar and a frustrated Husk. She sits on the stool and he sighs

“Hi,” she says

“What can I get you? Some apple juice?”

Voe blinks “Is that a joke?”

“What do you want?”

“I want to talk to you,”

He rolls his eyes “Can’t tell you about Alastor. Boss’s orders,”

She seems very confused “Wait, what?”

“You think he’s gonna want me to talk about him while he’s not around after that incident,”

She sighs and taps the bar looking away “Am I ever gonna live that down?” she says under her breath

“Well, it’s Hell, but you’ve got time. But don’t expect things to go back to the way they were. Once you lose trust, it’s gone.”

She looks back up “That’s not what I’m here for anyway,”

“Well, what do you want?”

“Tell me what it takes to be an Overlord,”

He scoffs “Is this a hypothetical?”

She raises an eyebrow “Why does it matter?”

He snickers “‘Cuz if you’re serious…” he turns and drinks from one of the bottles

“What?” she snaps

“Not really the Overlord type,”

She throws her hands up “What is the Overlord type?”

“Not you,”

“What does that mean? What about me?”

“Oh, you’re serious,” Husk scratches the back of his neck “Wow,”

“Yeah,” she states flatly

He groans “Why?”

“Why what?”

“Why do you want to be an Overlord? Power?”

“I mean, yeah but not selfishly,”

He laughs at her “You gonna take the souls for charity?”

“I would employ them and protect them,”

“It’s not as easy as you think kid,”

“I know it’s not easy, that’s why I’m here!”

“And I’m letting you know it’s not easy!”

She slams her hands on the bar table “I KNOW THAT’S WHY I’M HERE ASKING WHAT IT TAKES!”


“You were yelling at me,”

He sighs “Anyway, first you need to prove that you can be an Overlord. Right now you’re just some influencer,”

“I killed 3 powerful Overlords!”

Husk uses quotes “‘Powerful’. The Vees are petty children that no one takes seriously. They lie and manipulate, that’s all,”

“So what would I have to do then?”

“Back in my day, it was just getting rid of heavy hitters, collecting souls, proving that you have what people want,”

“Okay, but that’s the Overlord ‘type’?”
“Ruthless, not caring what people think. You wanna be an Overlord, other people’s opinions really shouldn’t be on your agenda,”

She pokes her chest out “I’m confident,”

“I didn’t say anything about confidence. I said caring about what other people think of you,”

“You don’t think any of the Overlords care what people think of them?”

“If they do, they don’t show it. You show it every day. It’s on your face, it’s on your face right now,”

She slumps “I have to go back to masking?”

Husk stares at her “I don’t know what that means, but you’re breakable kid,”

“No, I’m not,”

“Honestly, I’m surprised that you got rid of the Vees that fast, people still think highly of the Vees you know. You gotta destroy their reputations then destroy them. I thought that’s what you’re in Hell for. You ruined boss’s reputation,”

Voe blows out air “That wasn’t on purpose,” she speaks quietly

“Well, you did it,”

“Doesn’t that mean that counts for something?”

“No, because you care too much. Apologize or don’t. Move on,”

“So I’m supposed to become a cold and calculation, unfeeling machine?”

“I didn’t say cold and calculating, you just need to control your emotions better. Are you sorry about what happened?”

She raises her brows “With Alastor?”

“No the Queen of England,”

She rolls her eyes “You could’ve been talking about the Vees,”

“Are you sorry about them?”

“No, they deserved it,”

“That’s not what their supporters think,”

“Who gives a f*ck?”

“Good. Are you sorry about Alastor?”

She lip trills “Yes,”

“Then say sorry and move on,”

“I did!”

“What’s keeping you at a standstill?”

She scrunches her face “He’s being weird,”

“He doesn’t trust you,”

“Yeah I know,” she said dejectedly “Am I not supposed to care about that either?”

“You can, but you’re letting it stop you,”


“You wish Alastor would help you with this theater idea you’ve got huh? It bothered you that he chose his radio tower over you, didn’t it?”

Voe blushes “Why does it matter?”

“Do you want to be an Overlord, or is it just a thought?”

“I want to be an Overlord,”

“Then everything can’t be about Alastor,”

She looks offended “It’s not!”

“You’re making it,”

“If I am, that ends now,”

“Good, put some hair on your chest,” he slides her a drink

“Why would I want hair on my chest? I’m female,”

He raises his brow “Fine, here drink this it tastes really good,”

“I don’t believe you,”

Husk smiles “Good, it’s good though it’s a nice fruity drink,”

“You hate making fruity drinks,”

“But you’re my favorite customer,”

She purses her lips “Yeah, right,”

“All right,” he pulls the drink back smiling “One step closer,”


“I guess you don’t have to worry about copyright infringement when you’re in Hell right?” she asked Angel

Angel types on his phone “Eh, yeah but you do have to worry about people doing stuff about it,”

“Stuff like what? Bombing the theater?”

“Yeah, or sabotaging your production,”

“Do you like musicals?”

“They’re okay, I didn’t really go to many when I was alive,”

“Why? Too much mafia biz?”

He looks up at her “It wasn’t something a man was supposed to do. I mean, my sister went to musicals,”

“Right, ‘cuz it made you ‘gay’,”

“I went with my sister on our birthday,”

“Oh right, you’re a twin,”

Angel’s face falls “Yeah,”

Voe stares at him.


She points at him “You’re sad,”

“No no no no no. No no, let’s get back to the theater, no sappy stories. Back to musicals,”

“But you’re sad. You sad about your sister?”

Angel shakes his head “No no no back to Broadway. Musicals!”

Voe tilts her head “Do you miss your sister?”


“You don’t miss your twin sister?”

“No, I don’t miss that little girl,”

“Your other half?”

Angel groans “You know I wish it was extermination day. So you could ask me that and an angel would come down and spear me in the head. Bam! Never get your answer!”

“You know I was thinking about the extermination day thing,”


“‘Cuz I wasn’t here for the last one?”

“Feel lucky that you weren’t,”

“Right but isn’t it annual?”

“Well, we don’t have to worry about that!”

“Holy f*ck! Where did you come from?” Angel asks Charlie who is standing behind him

Vaggie walks around the couch “Why are we talking about extermination day?”

“Wasn’t me. It was her!” he points at Voe

“It’s okay, she can know,” Charlie sits down next to her girlfriend

“Yeah, so I was filled in on the whole extermination day stuff.” She turns to Vaggie “Why did we not kill Lute?”

Angel stares at vaggie with a blank face as Charlie smiles nervously “I don’t know, why didn’t we?” the spider asks

Vaggie rolled her eyes “I was feeling merciful okay? Why does it matter?” she looked to Voe

“Because, if she’s still alive, she’s definitely going to become a problem later, right? Am I the only one thinking that?”

“Didn’t I say that? Didn’t I say that?! DIDN’T I SAY THAT?” Angel climbs up on the couch

Charlie puts her hands up “Well, we’re going to cross our fingers and hope that doesn’t happen,”

“Ugh, you are disgustingly pure,” Angel scoffs

“Aww, thanks,”

“Not a compliment,”

Voe sticks her hand out “But are we prepared for if- well when Lute returns?”

Vaggie punches her palm “Don’t worry, I’m ready for that c*nt,” she says smugly

“Vaggie!” Charlie says flirtatiously

“Gross,” Angel comments

Voe leans over to Angel “So..Charlie is definitely the top yeah?”

“You never know with those two,” he whispers back

“Should we be expecting the extermination again this year? Because I’d like to be prepped,” Charlie shrugs

“Yeah sure you can hide in a cupboard or something,” the spider offers

“Hide?” Voe asks

Angel scoffs “Or fight, whatever f*ck,” he shrugs

“So all of you fought in the extermination?”

“Hell yeah!

“Wo what are the odds they come back then?”

“I don’t know, I was never good with math,”

Voe turns to the Princess “Charlie?”

She just shrugs

“Look, don’t worry about that, worry about your theater. We will take care of all of that,”

“You know it would also be happening to me too?”

“That’s why I said that we will worry about it,”

Voe looks off to the side “Okay,” she says through her teeth

“Okay,” Vaggie stands “Let us do our jobs,”

“Fine, but that means all the blame goes to you if something goes wrong,”

“vagin*’s used to all the blame cuz she hates herself,”

Vaggie groans “Shut up!”

Alastor sits in the empty parlor at dead of night reading. He liked the quiet, no insolent sinners asking ridiculous questions, no Charlie with her ever-present optimism, and no Angel Dust propositioning him. He sat as he turned the pages quietly, keeping the silence intact.

Alastor’s ears turned to the sound of footsteps that were trying to be silent but were actually loud in the process, and his nose picked up the scent he’d become familiar with.

“Yes, my dear?” He calls out into the almost pitch darkness

Voe clams up, embarrassed at being perceived “Sorry, I was just coming down to eat something before bed,”

“You’re fine,”

“I know you like the quiet,”

“Mhmm,” he says not looking up from his newspaper

Voe’s footsteps made small noise as she made her way to the kitchen. Opening the fridge, removing the cold plate, heating it up all the small noises he made note of.

“This pasta is really good,” she says between swallowing and putting more noodles in her mouth

“Thank you. The sauce is homemade!”

She smiles a bit, chewing and staring at Alastor as he reads.

“So.. how have you been?”

“Pretty good, looking for more things to talk about on my show. Not much happening these days,”

“Oh,” she eats more, not knowing what to say “You’re feeling okay?”

“Why yes I’m just fine, just reading the paper,”

“I see,” she finishes the pasta, looking for another reason to stand there but couldn’t find one. “Um, goodnight,”

She walks past him and starts ascending the stairs

“Goodnight darling, sweet dreams!”

Voe stops in her tracks “Are we okay?”

“Hmm?” He looks up from his paper

“Are we okay?” She speaks slower

“Of course! Why wouldn’t we be?”

“Because you’re-“ she uses her hands to make a shape

“I’m what?”

“Kinda.. distant I guess?”

“Oh, I’m just laying low for a while. Every time I step outside some lowlife sinner thinks they can step up to me. It’s growing tiring to rip them apart every day,”

“It’s growing tiring?”

“Well, when I do it every day, yes,”

“I-“ she scratches her head “I meant distant from me?”

“Hmm.. I don’t know what you mean,”

Under the surface Voe’s insides warned themselves, blood rushing everywhere. She was certain that her body matched her hair.

“Fine,” she tells him, charging up the stairs.

“All right?”

If Alastor wanted nothing to do with her, nothing of her is what he would get.

Chapter 3: True Love

Chapter Text

Ignoring Alastor was a whole lot easier said than done. He was everywhere, and he was so beautiful. He was at breakfast, lunch, and dinner. He even started attending all the activities, just sitting there looking pleasant. What was up with this guy? One day he’s nibbling on her toes and the next, he acts like she doesn’t exist. He’s insane! What do men want? Voe sat there, staring at him, wondering what was going on inside of his sick mind. Was this some new kind of torture that he was trying out just for her? Or was this what he did with everyone? Why had he said they were okay when they very clearly were not?

“Good morning Charlie,” she greets the Princess at breakfast

Charlie looks up “Oh! Good morning Voe, very nice to see you here,”

“Yeah, you’d think so huh?” she said glancing at the unperturbed Overlord.

They sat at the table and Alastor placed plates in front of each one of them, saying nothing to her in the process “Pancakes and eggs my dears, with a little something special added in. Eat up!”

“Aww thank you Alastor, you’re quite the chef!” Charlie praises him

“Don’t praise him he deserves nothing,” Voe mumbles under her breath, crossing her arms “Like, you should be used to it by now, he cooks all the time. Big whoop,”

“You are so good at what you do Alastor!”

Angel pipes up “Gotta admit,” he shrugs “He can cook,”

“Okay, he can cook, what about it? It’s just pancakes and eggs, I could do that too,” she mumbles

“What do you think Voe?” Charlie turns the conversation towards her

They watch and wait as Voe takes a moment to gather herself before responding “It’s okay,” she says without looking up

Alastor gives Voe the side-eye before facing forward once more.

“Can’t just be okay,” Charlie responds “There’s so much love in it,” she smiles sweetly

Voe shrugs.


“Well, she clearly can’t appreciate love in anything…” Alastor mumbles under his breath

“Hmm?” Voe sits up ready for battle “Was something said?”

Alastor turns toward her “Perhaps you didn’t hear me, ‘you can’t appreciate love in anything’ because you have no heart,”


Alastor hums “I shall be off!” and dissipates into a shadow

“Wow,” Angel said “These pancakes are good! What’s the secret ingredient?”

“Hmm,” Cherri Bomb tastes the pancakes again “Tastes like co*ke,”

“I don’t think I’m hungry,” Voe backs away from the plate and the table going back up to her room.

Sitting at her laptop Voe brainstorms ideas for the theater, what kind of vibe would it have? Old school? Golden Age? Or modern? Probably modern, she thought to herself, writing it down. Modern with a rustic feel? Something minimalistic? Or something sleek? But she didn’t want the bare minimum, she wanted everything! The pit, the orchestra, the mezzanines, the balcony, the works. She didn’t want any corners cut for her theater. But before she could worry about any of that, it was her job to plan it. What did she want?

Well, what she wanted was for Alastor to stop ignoring her, she wanted to sit down and have a conversation with him and live in bliss like normal partners do! But that had nothing to do with the theater.

For the theater what she wanted was white walls, a chandelier (a simple one), stands to buy merch and food, and bathrooms (obviously) all in the lobby. At least 500 pink felt seats (to be on par with a Broadway theater), and a black carpet on each floor. High ceilings and at least 3 floors. A pit for the orchestra, tech rooms, dressing rooms for the actors, and of course a stage. She could figure the rest out as she went along, well she would have to considering she couldn’t think of anything else.

“Do I have to buy a building? Or is Lucifer’s approval enough? Who would I even be buying from? I don’t know anyone who sells buildings,” she pulls her permit out of the drawer and reads it again, she sighs thinking of Lucifer. She looks online, finding that the average building costs about $10,000,000.

She jumps back in her chair “What the f*ck? I can’t spend that much money! I’d be flat broke!” She drops her head on her desk over and over. Why is having a dream so difficult?

She skips down the stairs and rushes toward the girlfriends when she sees them.

“Charlie, how does the Princess feel about sponsoring one of her people’s projects?”

“What do you mean?”

She puts on her people-person voice “I need someone to sponsor my work in the theater so I can pay for things that I need and for the manual labor that I need from people to build it.

“Well, sure! How’s 15%?”

Voe looks around and takes out her phone to calculate 15% of 10 million “That’s it? I know you have more than that,”

“I’m sorry, but my dad doesn’t want me giving too much,”

“Since when does he have all these rules??”

“He doesn’t want any sinners using me for my money,”

Voe scrunches her brows “You’re a grown woman!”

“So are you!”

“What’s your point?” Her eyes dart around

“A grown woman should take care of her own things,”

Voe groans “It feels like your dad is doing this on purpose,”

“What do you mean, no?”

Lucifer shakes his head “I’m sorry, I can sponsor, but no. You can’t get the whole thing,”

“Okay, so can you use your King status to make it so I don’t have to pay?”

“No. I will donate, but you have to pay,”

Voe is exasperated “Why are you doing this?”

“What am I doing?”

“Making this harder for me,”

He sighs “This is literally a rule for every sinner,”

“Really? Because it seems like it’s only negatively impacting me,”

“It’s not. I’ve had sinners come up to me and Charlie lying about getting redeemed to get money from us!”

“You literally have infinite money!” she laughs in disbelief

He groans “Yes, that infinite money is for me and my daughter!”

Voe puts her head in her hands “Are you serious?”

“Look, if you want to get redeemed you have to work hard, at everything,”

“Okay is this like a punishment or something?”

“What? For what??”

She looks around “Hurting your feelings?”

“Voe. Not everything is about you, every sinner has to follow these new rules,”

“That just happens to become rules when I want to do something,”

“Well, I’m sorry. Those are just the rules now. Many have come before you and many will come after,”

Voe throws her hands up “Wow, just wow. Thanks,” she says sarcastically

“Voe. I said I would still help. I’ll give you more than I gave the others,”

“I just thought we were friends,” she shrugs

“Voe. This is business, it’s not about friendship. I can’t just not enforce rules for one person,”

“Why not?”

His volume increases “Because Voe, you are a sinner. You did wrong. You do not get everything handed to you now,” In this tone, she could almost see him as an actual King. “You f*cked up. And now you’re here. It’s not about how I or you feel. You-“ he sighs “Yes, you hurt me. I was in love with you and I’m not over it. I’m not even over Lilith,”

Voe is taken aback by his sudden confession

“I’m sorry, look I’ll send you the money but you need to leave,” and he exits the room, leaving the doe flabbergasted in her frustration.

“Well, he’s not wrong. You were just so lucky that as soon as you dropped into Hell you were the number one baddie on the block,”

Voe scoffs “I still am,”

Angel looks at her “Yeah. I had nothing and no one before Val. Imagine being me. I can’t even tell which life was worse. You got things handed to you, and now you gotta work for ‘em,”

Voe looks up at the ceiling and sighs “Apparently the King of Hell was in love with me,”

Angel sighs “It happens. Look, I’ve f*cked so many guys and 98% percent of them fell in love with me. That’s why you gotta nip it in the bud before ya smash,”

“You couldn’t wait to brag about that could you?” she laughs

Angel Dust smirks and shrugs

“I didn’t even know until he told me,”

“That’s why you gotta ask, you gotta be careful,”

“And how was I meant to ask, ‘Hey are you in love with me? ‘Cuz I’m not in love with you.’?”

“Well no. You’re supposed to just tell ‘em ‘This isn’t a relationship’,”

She fiddles with her fingers “I just thought it was fun,”

“Then you should’ve told him that! You’re telling me that none of the women you f*cked on Earth divorced their husbands for you, but you don’t wanna be with her, and now she’s in a custody balle over her kids!”

Voe cuts her eye at him

“Sorry, just got personal,”

She looked down at her phone, that went off saying that Lucifer had sent her 30 million, she sighs “I don’t know what to do,”

“I think you need to go and apologize,”

“I did!”

“Yeah, and then told me about how you got all entitled,”

She looks away “Okay, that’s not what I said,”

“You didn’t have to say it. You went up to the King of Hell and demanded money. You might as well have tied up his whole family and put a gun to CHarlie’s head!”

Voe does a double take “Wait, what? What are we talking about?”


“I-I think you just got personal again,”

“Besides the point, you need to go back there and apologize for that tantrum,”

She scoffs “I’m not a baby,”

“Then stop acting like it! You did wrong, you need to go back and apologize!”

“He doesn’t want to see me,”

“No no, did he say that? Or did he just say leave?” Angel purses his lips

Voe rolls her eyes “He said to leave,”

“Then you need to go back up there and apologize for everything,”

“How would it look if I came right back?”

“Like you wanna fight for this friendship that you claim you had with him. Is he actually your friend?”


“Do you care about him?”


“Do you care that you hurt him?”

“YES! It hurt me to hurt him like that!”

Angel gets in her face “Did you tell him that?”

“I didn’t know I had to,”

“Well, ya do,”

She looks away “Okay,”

“Honestly? I’d give myself to an Overlord who can admit when they’re wrong,”

Voe’s eyes glisten in the light.


“Charlie! Didn’t you say that you convinced Cannibal Town to help you fight the angels with you with a song?”

She nods “Yup! They really adore the theatrics!”

Voe clings to her clipboard and hatches a brilliant plan

“So you want me to help you with your theater idea?” Rosie reiterates for clarification

“Not just you, but your cannibals as well. I need a crew to help build and set things up. If that’s okay with you,”

The Overlord puts her hand on her chest “You have to ask them, not me,”

Voe throws her head back “Rosie….”

“You know you sinners say you want redemption, but you want us higher-ups to do the work for you,”

“How should I do that?”

“Just be yourself!”
Voe rolls her eyes “Apparently that’s a problem,”


She shakes her head “Never mind. Would you like to be part of it?”

“Ah ho ho ho,” Rosie laughs, flattered “I’d wanna be the lead,” she and Voe laugh alongside each other “I’m serious,” she says with a straight face and then a smile

Voe’s eyes dart around “Sure!” she agrees “Sometimes,” she mumbles under her breath, knowing she would certainly be the lead “So may I use your cannibals?” she asks, holding the clipboard close to her chest. She psyches herself up to talk to multiple cannibals.

She approaches the children, waving “Hi! Remember me?”

“Hi! Guys! It’s the lady with the tail!”

She nodded as the other children she had met came to see her

“Hi, deer lady! This time we have an arm for you!” the little girl offers it to her

Voe respectfully declines “I wanna ask you something,” she kneels on the ground, her skirt over her knees “Have you ever played pretend?”

“Yes!” the kids shout

“Just yesterday I pretended I was killing David with a shark!” the little girl shouts

“Good job,” Voe pats her on the head “What if you could do that for an audience? Like if you do it in front of people,”

“So people would see me killing David with the shark?”

She nods “Yep! That’s theater!”

“I love theater! I want to do it!” The boy shouts


She gathers them together into a group “Theater can do all this and more for you”

Song: ‘What Theatre Can Do’

She moves from the children to the adults, starting with the kid's parents, and moving on to their friends and families. The people slowly agree as their kids convince them to listen, going down a chain of positivity and agreement.

“Okay,” she breathes excitedly “I’ve given Rosie the address please be there next week at 11 AM. Okay? Okay,” and leaves the spotlight

“Hey!” Rosie calls after her

She turns around “Yes?”

“How’s Alastor been? He hasn’t been over here in weeks and I wanted to give him this,” she holds up a wrapped thigh

Voe sighs “I don’t really know,”

“Have you asked?”

“He won’t talk to me,”

“Sometimes you gotta make him talk,”

“How am I supposed to do that?”

Rosie shrugs “I don’t know, but I do know that if anyone can do it, it’s you,” she thrusts the thigh in Voe’s arms “Now here, give him that, and shoo!” She slaps Voe on the butt and Voe takes that as her time to leave

“Yes Mother,” she whispers under her breath

Alastor sat in his radio tower, rereading his list of things to do. He’d completed it, but when he didn’t have something in front of him it made his mind wander. Inevitably, it always wandered to her. He watched her around the hotel, back to square one, as if nothing had ever happened between them. As though he’d never touched her smooth skin or kissed her soft lips, tasted her delicious c*nt. His feelings for her were…complicated at this point in time. Sure she had apologized for her actions, sure she had gotten down on her knees and begged. Sure he had thrown her contract in the fire and sure he had forgiven her, but that was during his…overly emotional state, he trusted nothing he’d done during that point. He was starting to question whether or not he’d meant it when he forgave her or if that was the wrong decision. What had she done since? She asked if they were “Okay”, or whatever that meant. What did she want from him? He had given her almost everything and yet she still wanted more? It was ungrateful, unreasonable, it was too much. Alastor didn’t know where they should go from here. All he knew was that she had ruined his reputation, and did not seem quite sorry enough. It wasn’t fair that she got to just move on and pretend like it never happened when he had to deal with the fallout. She got to prance around as if she wouldn’t be the death of him and then still have the nerve to insult his cooking. No Alastor was not sure where to go from here, but it seemed as if every direction was the wrong one.

Voe enters the parlor with the intent of laying on the comfy couch, only to find a certain someone sitting in their chair reading. She thought about turning and retreating to her bedroom, but in the end, decided not to. If she wanted to lay on the couch she was going to lay on the couch.

There was no one else there, considering that it was once again at dead of night, but at that moment it felt as though there were oceans between them although they were inches apart. Voe plops down on the couch.

Alastor hums to himself as he reads. Voe scrolls on her smartphone, only slightly bothered by the darkness. It was harder for her to concentrate with the backing soundtrack, feeling as though it was increasing volume by the second. Like it was getting closer.

“Excuse me, your humming is very distracting,” she speaks low

“My what?” he doesn’t look up

“Your humming,”


“Your humming,” she increases her volume,


Voe rolls her eyes and sits up “Your humming…is….distracting,”

Alastor looks up from his book “Oh? DIstracting you from staring at your mobile device?”

“As a matter of fact, yes it is”

“Ugh, busy on Sinstagram. Or telling Velvette more things about me?”

She looks to the side “I don’t even have her number anymore,”

“Sure you don’t”
“What you want me to show you?”

“I don’t want you to show me anything my dear, I just want to hum in peace,”

“Well, you can’t,”

“I think I can,”

“You can’t,”

Alastor checks his nails “Well if I can’t hum I guess you can’t have your phone,”

Voe raises a brow “Excuse me?” Just then, Alastor’s shadow comes and swipes her phone out of her hands “Hey!” it tosses the device “What the f*ck!”

“Now we both can’t get what we want,” he smirks

“You couldn’t just..stop humming?”

“No, apparently not,”

“Where is my phone?”

“I suppose you’ll have to find it,”

Voe slams the couch with her hands “What’s your problem?”

“I don’t know what you mean,”

“That was so petty for no reason,”

Alastor sighs “I suppose I’m just petty,”

Voe stands and begins checking the room for her phone, it would have been a lot easier if it wasn’t dark. She finds it and uses it to find her way back to the couch where Alastor was watching her search.

“Enjoy the show?” she asks sarcastically

“Oh yes, quite entertaining,”

“Fine, whatever, you win,”

His eyes widen “Win? What prize do I get?” he puts his hands together

“Me leaving,” she turns towards the stairs

“Where are you going to go? Back to the Vees perhaps?”

“To my room!”

“The one at V-tower or…?”

“Oh f*ck you!” she takes off toward the stairs and ascends

“Uh, rude,” he says in a sing-song voice

Alastor was quite confused about how he felt at this moment, but it felt good to get those things off his chest. Oddly enough, this was something. He spoke to her and gave her attention. It felt like he was playing with her again and Voe loved the feeling and being under his piercing gaze. She adored being seen by him, and she loved that she could have these moments with him and still feel like herself like she wasn’t trying to fit in anyone’s mold. Like she could be truly whoever she was.

She knocks on the door of the golden castle once more. It opens on its own and she enters. It’s a lot more quiet than usual this time and Lucifer is lying on the couch in loungewear instead of in his kingly get-up.


He sits up quickly “Oh. Hello.” He dusts himself off and stands “I wanted to tell you that I’m sorry about how our last conversation went. It was quite inappropriate and I so apologize.”

“Oh. Thank you. And.. thank you for the money,” she holds up her phone

“You’re welcome.” He looks around “Is there something you need?”

She purses her lips “Can we sit down?”

“Um..sure. Of course. Is everything okay?”

Voe takes a breath “No, it’s not. I owe you an apology,”

Lucifer sits up, intrigued “Alright?”

“I apologize for waltzing in here and acting like you owe me something. You didn’t have to give me anything, I realized that after I acted like an entitled brat,”

“I didn’t say you were a brat….”

Voe puts her hand up “I was, it’s okay,”

Lucifer nods his head in agreement

“But I mostly came to tell you this. You are not a toy to me. I value you and our friendship” Lucifer smiles “And I apologize for letting what we were doing get to s certain point without any acknowledgment from me,”

“Well I’m sorry too-“

“No, you don’t have to apologize,”

“I want to,” Voe sits back to let him talk “I’m sorry for assuming that because we were intimate, that it meant something special,”

Voe nods “Noted. But I want you to know that I get that I hurt you, but I never told you how much it hurt me to hurt you like that. You were there for me when I needed you and I never in a million years would ever want to hurt you,” she tilts her head

“And I don’t ever want to hurt you,”

“I’m so sorry Lucifer,”

He scooches forward “I accept your apology,”

“Thank you,” she says with a soft smile “Will you ever come back to the Hotel?”

He thinks “I’ll think about it,”

“We miss you. Charlie misses you, I miss you,”

“I will think about it,”

She smiles “Okay,” she stands “Thank you for seeing me,”

“Thank you for coming by,”

Voe waves “Bye,”


She turns back toward him “Yes?”

“I know you probably don’t understand, but love-“ He shakes his head “It did mean a whole lot that you came back and apologized. One day you’ll know what it means to be in love with someone. You’ll feel so many emotions, like anger, annoyance, confusion, joy, bliss, comfort, and fury, and sometimes you might think you hate them. But at the end of the day, you can’t stand to be without them,”

‘You felt that about me?”


“Hmm,” is all she said in response “I hope to see you soon,”

“Me too. Come by anytime,”

She chuckles “Or you could come by, and see your daughter,” she jokes


They laugh together as Voe exits.

As the golden doors slam behind her, Voe stops before getting into the limousine, thinking,

Holy sh*t, I’m in love with Alastor.

Chapter 4: ...Baby One More Time

Chapter Text

Voe entered the Hotel later that day.

“Hey Voe, how was it at my dad’s?”

Voe is startled but answers “I think it went pretty well,”

“That’s great, super great!”

“Yeah, I’m gonna go up to my room,”

Charlie looks around “Okay,”

Voe rushes up the stairs almost running into Alastor, who stands at the top, watching down below. “Have a nice time at Lucifer’s?”

For lack of a better term, she looked like a deer in headlights standing under his bright eyes. She says nothing, running past him, slightly brushing his arm. Alastor blinked back his confusion. Nothing? No response? Not a witty retort? No venomous insult? Who did she think she was? Alastor strolled down the rest of the stairs and approached the Princess.

“Hello there Charlie!” he greets her

Charlie looks up from her papers “Oh hi Alastor! Did you need something?”

“As a matter of fact I do, tell me, my dear, do you know the whereabouts of Voe’s trip?”

Charlie breaks into a smile “Well, it’s a bit deep, but she went to see my dad,”

He raises his eyebrow “What ever for?”

“Well that is their business, but she told me that she needed to tie up some loose ends with him. Whatever that means!” Charlie snorts with laughter

To tie up loose ends? What could that mean? Why was she seeing Lucifer anyway? This was her third time seeing him this month alone. Had she gone back to rekindle her relationship with him? Maybe to be his partner instead, to go back on her choice all those months ago and choose Lucifer this time? This absolutely would not stand. Alastor needed to know what was going on and he needed to know now.

He caught her in the hallway later that day, she was on her phone not paying attention to her surroundings and she almost ran right into him.

“Oh sorr-“ she stops when she sees that it’s him, letting out a scared bleat

“Hello my dear,” he makes his voice low and flirtatious

She just stares up at him like she’s afraid that he might eat her. Like he’s said he’d thought about it, but never decided to act on it.

“How are you today, darling?”

Voe’s heart was in danger of beating out of her chest, she stared at Alastor as he spoke to her and could only think of one thing.

Holy sh*t, I’m in love with Alastor.

Everything that he did reminded her of why she loved him. The way he stood, the way he dressed, the way he styled his hair, held his cane, stood on his hooves in his little heels, and his eyes. His smile was beautiful but she melted under those eyes. She felt naked under those eyes. She pulls down her sundress slightly and looks down, ignoring his question and super speeding away from him.

Interesting, he thought. Did she have something of a bad morning that day? Had she not heard him when he spoke? Though she had been looking him directly in the eyes. Had her ears suddenly stopped working? No matter, he would get her to talk eventually.

Voe opens her laptop, hitting the LIVE button on Sinstagram

“Hey y’all I’m back”

heyyyy it’s voe theee boe

that ain’t how you spell it..dummy


“Before y’all start arguing about something, I just wanna set the record straight. Apparently, people are accusing me of lying about being autistic. Saying I don’t ‘look autistic’. The only reason y’all are saying that is because I’m super hot. Autistic people can be hot, okay?”

yo i just realized cud ppl with down syndrome go to hell if they murder sumbody?

well voe is here soo

right she’s got downs

no she has autism


riiiight 🧠

heh she said lets set the record ‘straight’

“So you guys understand though? I’m both hot and autistic, okay. Now we can move on”

has anybody tried 2 f*ck the radio demon in his furry ass?

Voe bursts into laughter and dips her head down, hitting it on the desk. She comes up rubbing her forehead “Why his ass?”

idk 🤷🏽‍♀️

“Nah but I have a question for y’all. Do y’all actually think Alastor is attractive?”

lol well yeah




yo why you logged off las time????


anyone else ship angel and alastor

“No!” she yells defensively “Absolutely not!”

why she so defensive??

yeah they woukld be hoooottt

“Gross, you guys are gross,”

she jealous cuz she ain’t gettin nun of the radio demon

again with that theory… so two months agoooooo

never been proven

yo is that rue or nah

u f*cking the radio demon OR WAS LMAO

i’d still smadsh

after they spread ya secrets???

we looking at the same woman??? voe is fine af

nah he thinking wit his dick

i am female!!!!!!

“Why thank you,” she sounds flattered with a smirk


he was hurt tho


yall aint even ask her lmao

“What’s there to ask? It’s a theory. Wait, do y’all believe that? Like for real?”

ugh no

dumb rumor

“What if I was? What then?”

were u?

y’all got ur cameras out?

“I didn’t say that it actually happened. but I’m asking what y’all would think it if was true?”

i’d be like HOLY sh*t

u guys ever heard of the theory that alastor is owned by somebody

Voe’s eyes immediately widen. She hadn’t told anyone that, how was this a theory that people had?

is the stuff vox sed true??

you no it is

no one could make me hate vox tbh

“How are you a fan of me and Vox?” she questioned

vox is daddy

“He’s not all that,”

fym not all that?

she’s been f*cking the radio and tv demon

she luv them devices

is gen z okay?

“No, Gen Z is not okay. And I mean, he’s not all that. I will admit to f*cking Vox, and Velvette, and Valentino. It was an orgy.

omg yu f*cked daddy??

“It was fine enough I guess? I think Velvette was the best of the bunch. DId y’all know Vox’s body is blue? Including his dick. But his heart is red, so crazy!”

the vees trade off their employees like no tomorrow

“Vox’s dick is really thin. Like he literally pulled me onto his dick”

lmao what was this live even about???? lmaoooo

“I don’t even know to be honest,” she starts laughing as she hears a knock on her door “Oooh somebody needs me so I’ll see y’all sometime later. She shuts the laptop and goes the answer the door. It’s Alastor.

Voe freezes in place, staring up into his beautiful red eyes.

“I need you to do me a favor,” she just continues to stare “Refrain from speaking about private things that took place between us in your little lives” he wiggles his fingers

Voe opens her mouth, but no words come out.

“Do not talk about me or anything we’ve done to your little followers. Do we have an understanding?” he raises his brow

She nods, slamming her mouth shut

“Hmm, you can ignore me all you like, but you will not disrespect me. Clear?”

Voe stares up at him through her lashes and pulls her lips in.

“Don’t disrespect me,” he asserts, shadowing away

He ends up in his radio station, pacing back and forth in the room. Who does she think she is? Not speaking to him. Where was the Voe that he knew? The one that would fight him? Maybe he just wasn’t doing enough. He needed to hear her voice, needed to know she cared enough to bicker, to argue, to insult him. He’d told her not to disrespect him, he’d expected her to say that she does what she wants. Had she given up on him? Was she doing these things with Lucifer instead? Alastor pulls out some strands of his hair. This was too much, he refused to stress over this. Over her. She can’t do this to him, he was tired of all her games!

“Hi Husker,” she sits down at the bar


She puts her elbows up at the bar

“What can I give you? Lemonade? Apple juice?”

“Ha ha ha, Voe can’t handle hard drinks. Listen I…feel like sh*t, so what should I drink for that?”

Husk turns around and pours a drink of some green drink that’s bubbling and sizzling. Voe crouches down to look at it “What is that?”

“Cyanide,” he says with a straight face

She turns her eyes up “Are you deadass?”

“It’s just the name of the drink,”

“Why is it screaming?”

Husk leans on the bar counter “Hurry up, it’s better when it’s vocal,”

The drink sounds as if it contains all the souls that Alastor had torn apart

“How do I drink this?”


Voe grimaces and holds the drink up to her face, it smells minty and strong. Voe pulls back and slams her eyes shut

“Come on, don’t be a baby,” he tilts the drink up and pours the liquid into her mouth.

Voe coughs and sputters at the burn of the drink down her throat. When she finishes coughing she sits up and says “Peachy,”

Husk slams the bottle down in front of her “I’ll just leave this here,”

“Husk, Husk!”


“I just noticed that you have wings”


She giggles a high-pitched giggle

“What’s going on?” Angel approaches the bar “There you are!” he says looking at Voe



“I never told you how much I love your gloves and your suit,”

He seems confused “Alright?”

“They’re pink!”

“They are,”

Voe stands and runs past him “Charlie!”

“Hey Voe!”

She grabs the Princess’s ponytail “Your hair is so blonde and so beautiful,” she puts the ponytail on her head

“Aw, thanks,”

“Can I wear this?” she rubs the ponytail on her face

Charlie thinks “Um, no it’s my hair,”

“Okay! Angel!” she drops the ponytail


“Let’s go!”

“Go where?”

She dances around him in a circle “Somewhere cool! Let’s take a picture!” She pulls him down and snaps a selfie with him, “Okay now let’s go!”

“Nope, you’re going to bed,”

Voe stands on her tip-toes “Make me!”

“Okay?” He picks her up and slings her over his shoulder

She gasps “I’m so high!” She screams in delight “Angel look!”


“It’s Alastor!” she points in his direction towards the hotel door

Angel waves at Alastor, who raises his brow and shadows away. Angel rolls his eyes and carries Voe to her room.

When he lays her down she turns to face up toward him



“Do you like somebody?”

He smirks “Yeah, but I’ll never tell.”

“Is it Husk?”

“I’m not telling,”

She sits up “What would you think if I said I like somebody?”

He shrugs “That ain’t none of my business toots,”

“Angel..” she whispers, “I think Alastor’s nice”

“Yeah….” Angel looks away, in disagreement

Voe rolls over “Not like a nice person, but,” she wets her lips “Like he’s pretty neat,”

“Uhuh,” he strokes her head, stopping her from standing up

“I think…I love him”

Angel’s eyes pop open and he’s not sure if he heard the doe leaning in his chest fluff correctly

“I love Alastor,” she whispered again, giggling uncontrollably “He’s the only person I’ve ever loved. I want him so bad. I love him SO MUCH!” she pulled out of his fluff to scream and Angel pulled her back in

“Does he know that?”
She shakes her head smiling into the fluff

“Then maybe don’t shout loud enough for Heaven to hear?” he strokes her hair once again,”

She just giggles again, falling asleep inside his fluff and drooling,

“Eugh,” Angel says


“I feel like someone is trying to hammer my forehead,”

“Yeah, it’s the people in the alcohol,”

“Wait what?”

“Yeah, that drink is made with actual souls,”

She almost spits out her water “What?”

“I don’t know why Husk gave it to you, that’s Alastor’s drink,”

“I knew something was up with that drink! Like he made it? Or it’s his drink of choice?”


“I can’t escape him,”

They sit in silence and Angel’s eyes dart back and forth “So…. about Alastor…”

She looks up at him “What about him?”

“You all lovey dovey for him?” he smirks

Her eyes widen “What do you mean?”

“Oh, hold on,” he takes out his phone and plays a video of her screaming about loving Alastor

Voe’s face slowly turns her favorite color. She looks up at Angel “Did you show anyone this?”



He waves her off “I’m just teasing,”

“Tell no one about this,”

“Or what?” he whispers

“Angel,” she scowls “I’m serious,”

“Damn! Why, is it true?”

Voe looks away, not answering.

“Just teasing-“



“It is true,”

Angel bites his lower lip “Holy sh*t, you and The Radio Demon,”

“Okay no, because he doesn’t love me back,”

He tilts his head “Hmm,”

“This is why this stays here, understand?”

“Hm, not gonna lie, liking the Radio Demon is a big thing,”

“I know,”

He shrugs “But who knows, looks can be deceiving,”

She lays back on her bed, placing a pillow over her head “Do I still need to breathe?”

“I don’t think so,”

“Ugh, this is the worst. Have you ever been in love?”

He ponders “Ehhh, I don’t think so,”

“Are you in love now?”

“If I were, I wouldn’t tell you drunk or sober. I know better,”

“But I tell you everything!”

“I don’t know if you know, but you’ve been named the most untrustworthy sinner,”

“Is there a poll for that?”

He shrugs “You’ve just been named it,”

“Everyone hates me,”

“Nobody hates you, just people that aren’t on your side. But we don’t hate ya!”

She rolls her eyes “Whatever,”

“Welp, I got money to make, so don’t do anything stupid,”

She puts the pillow back on her head “No promises!”

Voe takes out her phone and scrolls through social media, there are posts and memes. One with a real life doe and a moth head on the back with the words ‘V is for Voe; the f*ckING Billboard Doe’, Voe laughs, “Okay that’s kinda funny,”, she scrolls for a bit and comes across one with a screenshot of her most famous live, specifically the above sentence and under is a drawing of the Vees, sitting around her decapitated head, reading “V is for the Vees f*cking BITCH”.

She stares at the image, feeling a bit like someone punched her in the stomach and stabbed her mother at the same time. She tilts her head and screenshots the meme, opens her SinTok (now verified), and sits up to start recording a video.

“Hey guys, today I have a bit of a more sad message for you. I saw this really nasty and disgusting meme.” She pulls the meme up on green screen “This is the meme, and it is truly nasty, and I just want everyone to know that this kind of thing is really hurtful and-“ she drops her head when she lifts it her voice cracks and there are tears falling from her eyes “You guys don’t get it,” she sobs “You just don’t know what it’s like being the baddest bitch in every room you walk in. It’s a lot of pressure,” she throws her head back and laughs “No, but seriously this is some good art keep up the good work. I love the attention,” she ends the video

After Charlie’s first activity of a two-activity day, Voe and Angel are all that remain.

“I wonder when Alastor is gonna come down,” Charlie says, looking through papers

Voe’s eyes dart around apprehensively

“Voe, what’s wrong?” Charlie looks up

Angel answers instead “She would hate for him to come down,”

“Oh, why?”

“She’s in love with Alastor,” Angel spills. Voe turns to him, full of annoyance

“Angel, what the f*ck?” She looks around to see if she can smell him anywhere

Charlie gasped “What?” Charlie was hugging her before she even realized what was happening. “Aww Voe! That’s so nice!”

“Ohhh, did you not want me to say anything?”

Her eyes are wide with anger “What about ‘tell this to no one’ did you not hear?”

“OH, you can’t hold that against me. I was high,” he slumps down “I’m high now,”

Vaggie is shocked and standing quite still “Wow,” is all she has to say

“You’re telling me,” Husk comments from the bar “But then again, I knew. The bartender always knows,”

“Okay Husk,” Voe sounded irritated

“People were gonna find out sooner or later,”

“They were not,”

“It’s not a big deal, now you can move on and f*ck the next guy,”

Voe pushes her hair back “It’s not really that simple, we’re technically partners. And I’m in love with him,”

“Well he ain’t reciprocating toots, might as well find somebody who will,”

“I could do that,”

“You should do that, plenty of demons in Hell. I’m certain you can find one,”

Charlie pouts “Awe, I love a love story,”

“Sorry, but you ain’t getting one,”

“Me and Vaggie are a love story,” she pulls her close

“Well she’s a fallen angel and you’re a Hellborn,” Voe states “You’re not sinners,”

Angel leans on her “We’re here to be punished, we don’t get happy endings,” he turns to Voe “You might as well forget about Alastor toots, he’s got more important things to worry about than falling in love,”

“Gee, thanks,”

“Anytime toots,”

“Vaggie?” Charlie looks to her girlfriend for help

Vaggie shrugs “Well, Angel isn’t wrong,”

“Yeah, I’m not wrong,”

“Honestly Voe, you might be best breaking it off,” Vaggie turns up her lip

Walking down an empty hall, Voe turned the corner to see Alastor, walking in the same direction as she. She thought about whether it would be better to just walk behind him and decided that hiding behind the corner she had turned was the best option, considering he hadn’t seen her. She carefully and silently stepped back behind the corner, backing into something solid.

“Nice to see you, Belle” she heard from behind her. She whips around to see Alastor, towering over her. His voice sounded different, not only because it lacked his radio filter, but because it was twinged with sadness and longing.

“But how did you-?”

“I can smell you a mile away.” He leans down grinning at her

“Oh, well um, I have to get to Charlie’s lesson! Um, bye!” She turned on her heels to escape him when he appeared in front of her again.

“I don’t think so.”

She turns back around, Alastor seeming more annoyed each time he appeared before her. He grabs her by the wrist when she attempts to walk away once more. Then grabs the other and pins her to the wall. “This has gone on long enough. Why darling, would you ever avoid me?” He leaned down to meet her face, his lips so close that she could feel his breath. “Frankly it’s just rude. Do you know how long it’s been since I’ve seen your pretty face? Heard your witty banter? Or touched your lovely skin? One of my few joys of being in Hell, and you’ve taken it from me.”

Her chest was heaving from taking in his intoxicating scent and holding a heart that felt like it might explode.

“Well?” He spoke, waiting for a response

“I-I’m not avoiding you.” She lies

“Do not lie to me, my dear. I do not enjoy it when people lie. Not even you.” His eyes grew dark, and Voe felt a twitch in her core.

“I can’t tell you.”

“Why ever not?” He raises his brow

“I…” she could only focus on his proximity and his scent “Please let my arms go.”

“Not if you’re going to leave me.”

“I promise I won’t.”

He reluctantly lets go of her arms and they continue to stare at each other before Voe carefully touches the stag’s face, to which he responds by nuzzling his cheek into her palm. She pulls him into a kiss, which he eagerly reciprocates. The kiss turns quite passionate before he picks her up and sends them to her room.

“I missed you,” she whines to the taller demon with her face in the crook of his neck.

“I’m right here my doe, I’m always right here.”

He places her on the bed, climbing on top of her as they continue kissing. He trails down to her neck, biting, kissing, and nibbling at her skin. And she pulls at his steadily growing antlers and hair.

“Never leave me.” She says into his neck

“I wouldn’t dream of it, my dear.” He replies hugging her back “But what has been on your mind?”

She turns away “I…can’t tell you,”

“Oh,” he nods sarcastically “So we’re still in that phase of our relationship?”

Voe sits up “Ugh what relationship?”

“You’re right, there is none,”

“What now you’re mad?”

“Am I not allowed to be?”

Voe looks around “Um, not really. You’ve been ignoring me,” she crosses her arms

“And you’ve been ignoring me. I think I have more of a right to ignore you, my dear,”

“Not if we’re supposed to have some sort of relationship, it can’t survive if we don’t talk to each other,”

“I agree, so maybe you should talk to me,”

She scowls “Maybe you should talk to me, I was ignoring you because you were ignoring me,”

“So what? You want me to just forget everything and just talk to you,”

She puts her head in her hands “I don’t think we should be partners anymore.”

Microphone feedback is heard as Alastor’s smile falls slightly, and his eyes open wide. He squints them and his left eye begins twitching. He stands up from the bed and turns his back to Voe.

He laughs a dry and forced laugh. His antlers triple in size, as does his body. When he turns back around his eyes are black with red dials. His form grew monstrous, with stitches on the corners of his grin. His form hunching over due to the lack of space in the room.

“You mean to tell me,” he begins “that you’ve ignored and avoided me for a month, only to give me a taste of you, before ending this?” His voice was slightly distorted as he grew more and more enraged.

“I just feel like this is the best option.” She said, standing and transforming into her demon form, with claws, wings, scales, horns, and the tail of a dragon.

“For who??” He bellowed

“Me and you!”

“How so?? How is that? Hmm, my dear?”




Alastor’s anger is now mixed with confusion.


“I-I just don’t think this is good for me,” She shrinks back down to her normal form, her voice now sad.

Alastor returns to his normal form “Fine, maybe you can be with someone who can trust you,” he dusts himself off “And maybe you won’t betray them,” and he shadows away

Chapter 5: Anti-Hero

Chapter Text

Alastor plops down at the bar and rubs his forehead “Give me a glass of Cyanide Husker,”

Husk looks around in slight panic “Uh sorry Boss but there’s no more,”

Alastor turns menacingly toward the cat “What do you mean?”

“We’re all out,”

“How is that possible?”

“Someone else drank it, Boss,”

“Who exactly?”

Husk doesn’t want to give her up, but he knows what happens if he gets Alastor mad “Voe,”

Alastor squeezes and breaks the glass that he’s holding, letting the shards pierce his skin and his blood leak onto the counter. This doe would be the death of him. Well, the second death of him.

“Is there something you wanna talk about Boss?” Husk questioned as he cleaned up the blood pool

Alastor ignored the blood continuing to drip from his hand and stood up, fixing his coat. “Not at all Husker, not at all,” he simply walks away letting the blood drip all over the floor

Alastor wasn’t sure how to feel at this moment. The only emotion that he could recognize was anger, but there was something in there that he had never felt before, and it was something hard to describe. She had always been able to get him to feel new things, something like anger, but feeling like he may yearn for her presence sometime down the line. He dreaded the thought and the feeling while cursing her for making him feel things he wasn’t aware that he could. And damn it, she drank his drink!

Voe met the cannibals at the theater bright and early. In fact, she had gotten there before them because she was so excited to start working. With Charlie and Lucifer’s donations, she had been able to buy a suitable abandoned building that wasn’t in awful shape. Of course, it could still use some love, but that’s what she was here for!

“So what’s the job boss lady?” Rosie asked her once she let them in

Voe clutches her clipboard against her chest “Today we’re just going through the building and seeing what needs to be fixed. That way I can know all the issues beforehand and order supplies and such all at the same time. Okay? Okay!”

She had known that this would be a lot of work, but she wasn’t prepared for how much walking she had to do. In hindsight, she probably shouldn’t have worn Mary Jane heels, but she’d needed the confidence boost. Apparently, the original carpets were ripped and stained in about 10 different places, the seats were red and busted apart, backstage was dusty and the pulley system was jammed, the bathrooms were disgusting, with broken toilet seats and hair-jammed sinks. And saving the best for last there was no stage. Where the stage was supposed to be was a giant hole.

Voe writes this all down on her clipboard, scrunching her brow in focus and concentration when Rosie approaches her.

“Wow Miss Boss lady, I’ve never seen you like this before,”

She looks up slightly startled “Oh, well yeah I’ve never been this busy,”

“So when you’ve got something to do, you spend less time doing wrong?”

Voe blushes slightly “Yeah, I guess so. Something about knowing where this is going, what it will be, and what it will do, just fills me with a sense of purpose. It means so much to me,”

Rosie smiles “Enough purpose to stay out of trouble?”

Voe nods “Yeah, just enough,”

“Good! We don’t need you doing any more’Spy work’ for anybody else,”

Voe blushes again “I’m past that. I…think I’m becoming someone else,”

“Glad to hear it! I also hear that you’re interested in becoming an Overlord?”

“How did you hear that?”

Rosie shrugs “People talk. Now for some advice, in my particular situation, you have to be trustworthy. You have to get sinners to trust you and you have to take their trust and cradle it like it’s a baby. So that might be a bit of a long road for you unless you want to be a different type of Overlord,”

Voe shakes her head “No, I want to be trustworthy,”

Rosie nods in approval “Good. Then it’s going to take a lot of back-breaking work on your part, but,” She leans down “I think you can do it,”

“Me too,”

Rosie stands back up straight nodding once more “And that’s where it starts,”


“Stop guys I don’t do that stuff anymore. I’m on the up and up now,” Voe tells the live as she lines her almond-shaped eyes.

you don’t have to lie girlfriend

buuuulllll sh*t!

mmhmm 😂

They were once again referring to the shady deeds she had done on behalf of the Vees. Voe wished that people would stop bringing those up, she felt awful every time someone referenced it, especially Alastor. But she also understood that she made her choices and she can’t undo them. That’s all she would be known as, at least until this theater was complete. And you know what? She should feel awful, it was an awful thing to do and her feeling sh*tty about it was a sign of her growth as a person. But nobody likes to feel sh*tty.

“Can we please talk about something else? You guys asked me to show you how I do my makeup and now y’all aren’t even paying attention! If you keep this up you won’t get to see how I do my goddess highlight because I will turn the live right off!”

like you did a bit ago?? 😭

ran like a COWARD

“Yup one thing about me is, Imma leave. And that’s on period!” she swipes her hand across her throat

you should talk about the radio demon



“No, I’m not going to do that. He asked me not to talk about him anymore,”


TBH tho 😭😭😭😭😭

“I know, but it’s stopping me now. I will be respecting his wishes,”




The viewer count on her live drops dramatically, hitting Voe like s semi-truck, however, she does not react facially, only saying “Welp, guess they don’t want to see the highlight then. Nobody wants to see the way I make myself look ethereal? You guys left know that I’m not a gossip influencer right?”

yeah we know

i’m here for the makeup

do you boo boo

you still wanna be an overlord ?

“Yes I do! Thank you! I question I can answer!”

then don’t let em see you sweat babes!


Morning breakfast was cooked by Alastor of course, and due to her live, she came down after everyone else had been served. When she approached the kitchen Alastor’s eye began twitching again.


“Good morning,” she told him

Alastor emits a low level of static. Good morning? What the f*ck was that supposed to mean. She was playing with him, she had to be.

“I can serve myself if you like,” she says

“Of course! Help yourself, just like you did to my drink!”

She tilts her head and raises an eyebrow “Hmm?”

Alastor squints “My drink, dear. Cyanide? Ring any bells?”

Her eyes widen “Oh! Husk gave me that cuz I felt crappy. I didn’t know it was yours until after I finished it. I’m sorry,”

His eye twitches further as he moves out of the way to let her get food. He stares down at her as she does. Did she think they were just going to move past everything she had done? A few polite words and all was bliss. Absolutely not, not if Alastor had any say in it. And he did.

She was the first to raise her hand during Charlie’s activity this morning, which was just to tell everyone what their plans were for the day and how they felt about them

“I’m going to head over to the theater and check everything to make sure I make the proper alterations so it can be to my liking. I am so excited If I’m being honest, I can’t believe this is really happening!” she lets out an excited bleat and flaps her hands

“I’m excited for you. Thank you Voe! That was lovely!”

“Also I’ve already told your dad, but thank you for your donation as well!”

“No problem Voe! I love this new you!”

Voe blushes very cutely “Me too,” and sits down

Did she think this cutesy act would make everyone forget the kind of person she was? She was a ferocious and deadly woman! To bodies…and hearts. Alastor shook his head, slipping out

“Hmm so ecstatic, you’d think you were headed to the Vees,”

Everyone stares at him and Voe’s blush grows darker and she slumps into her seat

“Alastor…” Charlie says

Vaggie shakes her head “Unnecessary,”

“What? I just made an observation,”

“We all know about her past actions, but reminding her of them constantly is helpful to exactly no one,” Vaggie “She can’t grow if we don’t let her,”

Voe smiles softly “Thanks Vaggie,”

Vaggie gives her a thumbs-up and a smile.


Alastor turns around, seeming curious “Hmm?”

Voe approaches him, a storm in her eyes “Why would you embarrass me like that?”
He looks down at her “I don’t know, why would you embarrass me on a much larger scale?”

She turns her head down and closes her eyes “I’m not like that anymore,” she looks back up “Everyone seems to believe in me but you!”

“Because none of them have felt the damage of your deeds firsthand, now have they?”

She puts her hand on her forehead “Ugh I know!”

“But do you know my dear? I’ve felt your damage twice now, all in the name of your own interests,”

“Look, I am sorry, I am so sorry for hurting you. I’ve told you so many times. I don’t know what you want me to do now! You won’t talk to me! What do you want?
Alastor leans down and picks up his cane “I want everyone to simply know what you are. You have them fooled, but not me. Remember, I know you. You’re a fiery, uncontrollable, ball of destruction, uncaring of who you hit with your passion,” Voe was unsure if she was being complimented or insulted. “If anything, I’m helping them to not get burned,”

She flattens her brows “Oh how altruistic,”

He places his cane back on the ground, standing straight up “Indeed,”

“Look, Alastor, like I said, I can’t know what you want if you don’t talk to me. Does embarrassing me make you feel better?”


“Indeed it does,”

She sighs “Okay, whatever makes you happy, Alastor,” she says as though she is not mad, but simply disappointed

Well, that hadn’t gone the way he wanted it to, what was wrong with her? Where was the fight he had grown so accustomed to? Did she not care about this at all anymore? When looking up, he noticed another sinner, a siren, staring after Voe. Alastor merely squints his eyes and dissipates in deep-seated fury.

Voe hauled herself back to the theater. She knew that she had just been there with the cannibals, but something called her there. Another thing that she wanted for this place was an office for herself, so she wouldn’t have to stay at the hotel all day. Normally she would have loved to stay at home and work there, but it had gotten difficult to be around Alastor when he insisted on punishing her for something she’d thought he’d already forgiven her for.

She sets up her camera and her laptop and hits record.

“Welcome to my newest project. Theater saves souls and if it doesn’t save yours, then you’re doing it wrong,”

The comments were not kind.

that sh*t DUSTY

dirty af

she finna get tentanus

But some were actually good ideas.

throw another party in the theater!

yea but clean that sh*t up first

Parties were kind of her thing. She liked the comment and put her phone away. She sat in a not-broken chair simply going through the list on her clipboard and ordering all the things she had written down the day before. Despite all the dust and dirt everywhere, she felt like she was in the right place. Though she knew that in a few she would start to feel all the bacteria on the ground and in the air. Each order she made felt closer and closer to this dream. She sneezed and dust flew off the seat, yes she was gonna need a shower after this.


“How ya feeling?” Angel asked, slipping into her room

Voe pulls up her pajama pants “Clean after being in the dust-infested theater, why what’s up?”

Angel smiles “That’s not what I was talking about,”

“What were you talking about?”

‘The thing Smiles said?”

Voe seems confused for a moment before she remembers what Angel was talking about “Oh! That! Yeah well,” she shrugs

“How’d’ya feel about it?”

“I feel like if he needs to insult and embarrass me to make himself feel better then he’s pathetic,”

Angel gives her a high-five “That’s what I’m talking about. Forget Alastor, he’s old news,”

Voe lays back on her bed “I feel like I’m just working, is that bad?”

“No, but maybe you take some time to do non-work stuff?”

She sits back up “Like?”

Angel gives her a big grin

“What?” she scrunches her brows


She rolls her eyes and pushes him away “Oh gosh Angel,”

“I’m serious, when’s the last time you’ve had a good f*cking?”

She stops and thinks “With the Vees,”

Angel is perplexed “Really? sh*t! Is it cobwebs down there?”

Voe blushes “What? No!”

“Well, it will be if you don’t use it. Damn Alastor was careless,”

“That’s not fair. He doesn’t have a strong libido,”

“But he knows that you do, he don’t gotta dick you down to get you off,”

Voe squints in thought, Angel did have a point.

“Don’t make excuses for him! You deserve better,”

She stands up “Yeah, I do!”

“So go get it!

Voe glances over her shoulder at Angel with seductive eyes “I will,”

“I did a 360, now I’m back on my bullsh*t!” She said to her live She modeled her pink low cut back out mini dress and her hot pink pumps. “I’m going on a date, and I’m going to get f*cked

you mean f*cked up??

“Nope!” she grins at the camera cackling.

And she did, day after day, she was at the theater, and night after night she was in a mini dress and heels that ended up on the floor of someone’s apartment. Every morning when she did her yoga, she made sure that her split was on point so she could be ready for anything. Keeping herself and her day full worked wonders, but she still preferred spending time at the theater. So after weeks of having a new date every night, she decides to just relax inside her new project, waiting for the materials to arrive. She flexed and pointed her foot inside of her baby pink wedges as she waited. She ate her lunch out in the lobby so she wouldn’t miss the delivery or the cannibals helping them set up. Honestly, just sitting there was enough to entertain her, she thoroughly enjoyed this entire process. There was a knock on the door, which she was expecting, but who was behind it was not.

“Hello,” it was a male siren with grayish-blue skin and frosty white hair. Yellow eyes, and a pointy tail.

Voe tilts her head “Yes?”

“I’m Casper and I live at the Hotel with you. I’ve been watching you for a bit,”

She squints “What an odd thing to say,”

He scratches the back of his neck “Yeah sorry, but I just wanted to offer my services working on the theater. I could be like your assistant or something if you’d like,”

“Why?” she raises a brow

“I really love theater, even when I was alive,” he gives a shy grin

“And what do you want in return?” She crosses her arms

He looks around “Honestly?” she nods “I just want to be around you. I’m kind of a super fan. I just want to breathe your air,” he chuckles nervously

She squints skeptically, saying nothing before he speaks again.

“I’ll even give you my soul,”

Voe’s eyes widen in disbelief “Really? Just like that?”

He nods “Yes,”

She stares up at him through her lashes “Okay then Casper, give me your soul,”

Chapter 6: jealousy, jealousy

Chapter Text

“Husk! Husk!” Voe runs over to the bar

“What?” he sounds annoyed turning to see her

She sits on one of the stools “I did it!”

“Did what?”

“I contracted a soul!” she shows the cat the contract

Husker seems impressed “Well I’ll be damned,”

Voe turns around and beckons Casper, he comes “This is Casper, he’s been staying here the whole time, apparently!” she laughs

“Yeah, he’s been here a few times,”

Voe is shocked “Really? Where have I been?”

“Far up your own ass,”

“Okay. But aren’t you proud of me?”

Husk shrugs and continues to drink

“You suck,”

He flips her off as she walks away “Angel,”

“What’s up, baby? Oh hey, Casper,”

Casper waves “Hey,”

Voe does a double take “You know him too?”

“Yeah, he’s been here for like months,”

“Why have I- Okay never mind, but look I own him now!” She shows off the contract “he came to the theater and said he wanted to work for me,”

“So you took his soul?” Angel raises an eyebrow

“He offered it!”

“For what?”

Voe twirls her hair “To be around me,”

Angel looks at Casper who confirms “Yeah, kind of a super fan,”

“He said he wants to breathe my air. Casper, what do I smell like?”

Casper leans down and sniffs her “Mint,”

She giggles and then turns to him “Okay, you can go do whatever you like,” and he walks away

“Well, aren’t you giddy,”

“Don’t you see Angel? There’s probably thousands of other fans who feel the same way!”

Angel puts two hands on his hips “What if they don’t wanna be owned?”

She waves him off “We’ll cross that bridge when we get to it,”


“Okay okay, I got a question for y’all. So this is Casper. Casper say hi,” she pulls him into the camera

“Hi,” he says

Voe leans in “Okay so Casper is my new assistant, and the very first of the souls that I own. So, my question is, to the demons and demonesses that said they’d give me their souls last year, did you mean that? Because I’m coming to collect!”

yaass girlfirend i meant that sh*t

i wud tbh i aint got nothing 2 do

sure why the hell not?

“If you’re deadass about giving me your soul meet at the theater tomorrow and we’ll get it popping,”

The amount of demons that actually showed up was astounding, Voe was finally starting to understand what people meant when they said things were easier for her. This was phenomenal! It almost felt like a scam because of how easy this was, but hey, what was social media invented for if not to make things easier?

“Casper take care of this line, I’m going to go and check on the construction,”

“Miss, I don’t think I can do this alone,”

Voe thinks “How many people have already signed contracts?”

He looks down at the paper “302,”

Voe turns to the crowd “Okay I need 3 people who have already signed contracts to volunteer to help Casper with this line, if you do you get a special position later on,”

She picked three women to help him out and was on her merry way.

She approached the cannibals as they replaced the carpet with the fresh black one “Great job you all!” She climbs the stairs to access backstage “May I get back here, please?” a group of cannibals dusting. Voe grabs a duster and dusts in a harder to reach corner. “Amazing job guys,” she exits backstage, almost falling into the stage hole “Whoops!”

She checks the bathrooms and finds them spotless “Okay, who did these bathrooms?!” One of the cannibals approaches, she turns to them “This is phenomenal! Look, here,” and gives them a cash tip “You deserve that.”

At the end of the day, she had acquired 2,000 souls. Just from 1 live! and the only things left to do were pant and build the stage.

“Okay guys, I think it’s safe to say that today was a very productive day! Give yourselves a round of applause!! You guys did so well.” They clap for themselves “Also, any cannibals who no longer wish to work on the project are free to go, you will be sent your compensation via Rosie and I will have my new employees take care of it!” a large number of the cannibals do exit the theater but some of them choose to stay

“And now onto my staff, thank you so much for trusting me with the most precious thing a demon can have, your soul. I am honored by the sheer number of demons that trust me, thank you so much. Anyway, you will all be split into 4 categories from this point on, each headed by one of my 4 volunteers. Introducing Casper, head of marketing” They applaud “Reagan, head of construction/facility manager,” Applause “Mantria, Director of Theater Operations,” more applause “ and “Laureander, Front of House Manager,” one big applause at the end “you will each report directly to them, and they will report to me, understand? Great!”

Voe was ecstatic, this may have happened a little slower than she wanted, but she couldn’t be happier that it was happening all the same.


One of Alastor’s biggest passions was cooking which is why he did it so often. Tonight he decided to bless the hotel with jambalaya, which he didn’t make that often. Everyone came a got their plates, saying a polite ‘thank you,’ as they received them, except of course her. She came, took the plate, and left with absolutely no words to the handsome chef. He cleared his throat, catching her attention. She turns to face him and he says a curt “You’re welcome,” and she only gives a smirk and says

“I know,” sitting to eat alongside Angel Dust and Casper. They all sat and ate in silence, clearly enjoying their meals when she cleared her throat and said “Kinda bland,”

“What was that?” he asked giving her a chance to take it back

“Bland, is what I said. Bland. Like No seasonings, tasteless,” she spoke louder

Alastor was stunned into silence, his smile widening as his anger grew “You don’t have to eat it, my dear,”

“Okay great,” she stood and threw the entire plate in the trash, right in front of everyone. Was this her way of getting revenge for something she had caused? It all seemed pretty childish at that point.

“Voe, where are you going?”

“Most likely to tell the Vees more information about me,” Alastor stood with his hands behind his back

Voe whips around “Oh f*ck off! I already apologized and you won’t stop bringing it up!!” the rest of the guests are shocked at the loudness on display. Of course with Alastor standing there poised like a gentleman, it was easy to make Voe seem irrational and emotional. But Voe wouldn’t have that

“Ah, the person that ruined my reputation is telling me to stop talking about it,”

“Uh no! I want you to talk about it, but you won’t! That’s the f*cking problem, you’d rather sit there and throw petty insults like a middle-schooler!” she regains control of herself, breathes in, and says “Or are you just mad that you got dumped?” and raises her eyebrow

Angel spits out his drink as the deer have the whole hotel as an audience. The Billboard Doe smirks waiting for the Radio Demon to respond. He doesn’t instead choosing to dissipate once more.

Voe scoffs “Coward,”

Angel’s jaw drops as he starts to slowly clap with two pairs of hands, others joining in.

“Why are we clapping?” Voe asked

Angel sighs “Just go with it,”

Voe smirks, she was so back.

Voe tears apart her room, looking under and over everything, including her mattress. She looks in her underwear drawer, her sock drawer, and all of her purses.

“Where the f*ck is my phone?”

She tears apart everything, storming out and retracing her steps back down to the parlor, still not finding it anywhere.

“I NEED A COMFORT SNACK!” she screams to no one

Voe rushes over to the cabinet to find her cookies, opening the cabinets to find them bare. “What fresh hell is this?” she tip-toed to feel if they had been pushed to the back. Nope, nothing. “Where the f*ck are my cookies?” she speaks through her teeth. She opens the fridge, finding only a pot of jambalaya….with her phone ringing inside of it. Voe reaches into the pot and pulls it out, rice getting stuck in the charging port.

She cleans off her phone and calls back the unknown number and they don’t answer. She rolls her eyes, her blood boiling on the inside.

Voe bangs on the door of the radio station “Alastor! I know you’re in there!” she screams and he turns up the jazz music he was playing she fiddles with the doorknob until it breaks off, pink smoke emanates from it. She kicks the door in, tossing the doorknob at him. It misses him, but she made her point.

“Where the f*ck are my cookies?”

“Cookies? Whatever do you mean?”

She stalks toward him “My…cookies,” fire in her eyes

“Cookies? Hmm? Are you sure you didn’t eat them already? You go through them quite fast,”

She squints in fury “I’m going to punch you in the face,” she threatens

“Oooh,” he looks seductive “Don’t keep me waiting. But punching me won’t get your cookies back,”

“Where did you put them?”

He chuckles, staring at her in silence, “Not quite sure,” humming all the while

“Alastor I swear-“

“Ooh swear to what? Swear to what? What?” His grin widens

Voe takes a deep breath “Tell me where my cookies are,”

“Or what? Or what? What? OR WHAT?!” he stands, moving closer to her

“You bitch,

Alastor pretends to be shocked “Oh my! Are you done?” his grin takes over

Voe stalks out of the tower

“Enjoy the search!”

“What are you guys doing?” She asked them outside in the front yard

“We’re trying to see what’s under Hell!”

“I told them it wouldn’t work!”

“Shut up you were Catholic!”

They dig and dig “Awe, it’s just a bunch of cookies!”

“What?” Voe gets on the ground, pulling out her packages of cookies with a note that says ‘Eat my furry ass’ Voe’s eyes open as wide as possible. Okay, this was war.

Alastor throws things all over the parlor, the resident demons cowering in fear. Voe strolls down the stairs with a tea in her hand, sipping it gently and slowly.

“What’s all the hubbub?” she speaks in a sultry tone, smirking

“YOU!” He points at her with his cane

“What’s with the cane pointing?” Angel whispers

Voe shifts her weight to one leg “Me?” her smirk widening

“Where is my monocle?” His eyes twitching

She takes a sip “I have no idea, it’s usually on your face. Have you tried looking there?”

“Ah, there they are,” he rips her glasses off her face “Ugh, these aren’t mine,”

“I don’t need them! I wear them for comfort!” She screams back

“Well then,” he says before breaking the glasses right down the middle

Voe’s jaw drops and she gasps in anger, pulling out his monocle, tossing it on the ground, and crushing it under her foot.

Alastor picks up the TV and launches it toward Voe, but misses.

“Ah! The TV OH NO!!” Angel falls on his knees “What the f*ck did the TV do to y’all??”

“It ruined entertainment! And it ruined you!” he points at Voe “You lousy quiff!”

Voe squints in confusion “What?”

“Oooh,” Angel reacts “sh*t,”

Voe turns to him “Angel what?”

“Well toots, he just called you a slu*t,”

She slowly turns back to the red demon “Eat sh*t,”

“Not before you eat yours,” his grin turning manic before he dissipates

Voe turns back to the crowd “What the f*ck?”

They look down at the TV on the ground “Vaggie won’t like that,”


Voe sat in the kitchen typing on her computer, full of concentration.

“So we have too many ushers and not enough people working on construction.” She is talking on the phone “Tell some of them to switch. Tell them it’s temporary! There’s no audience until we finish building so the usher department can wait anyway. The training can start after we finish the stage. That’s the last thing we have to do. Okay, good job, bye,”

Casper walks up to her “Okay, so half of everyone is doing the stage,”


“Anything else you want me to do?”

“Well you can start on marketing, that’s something we can take care of ahead of time,”

He takes out a container “I brought you lunch by the way,”

She takes the container “Aw thank you, you’re so sweet,”

“And I didn’t think you’d want to eat cookies that were buried so…” he pulls out some brand new cookies and she takes them

“Thank you! Really, thank you so much. You spent your paycheck on your boss. I would never do that,” she smiles at him genuinely

He shrugs “I don’t see you as my boss. Can I tell you something?”


“I’m actually not a super fan,”

Voe’s eyes widen “So you’re actually a creepy stalker,”

“No! No, I just think you’re pretty…and I saw your live about wanting to be an Overlord, so I thought I’d help you out and give you my soul,”

“Oh! Well thank you,”

“And…now that we’re past that….I’d like to take you out tonight. If that’s all right with you,”

“Like on a date?”

He looks around “Sure,”

“Is it a date or not?”

“It is,”

“Okay,” she tilts her head “Where are we going?”

“I don’t know, I didn’t think I’d get this far, so I don’t know,”

She folds her hands under her chin “Well you better figure it out,”

“Yeah, I will. I’m gonna go before I embarrass myself. Um bye,”

Voe giggles “Bye,” she waves as he leaves, biting her lip in anticipation before going back to her computer.

“I knew it! Nobody would give up their soul that fast unless they wanted to get f*cked,” Angel was ecstatic when Voe told him in the parlor later. “‘f*cked by the Billboard Doe’ You better give him some ass tonight,”

“Tonight? On a first date?” she laughs

“We all know what you’re about Voe,”

“Are you calling me a ‘quiff’?” she asked jokingly

“I’m calling you a slu*t!”

“You’re a slu*t!”

“And so are you! Now you gotta wear the slu*ttiest thing tonight, cuz he chose you. Show him some appreciation,”

She tilts her head “Really?”

“Yeah really!”

Voe stands in front of Angel “So how do you think I should approach this date?”

Alastor stood in the shadows of the parlor. His ears twitched as he listened in to her and the spider’s conversation.

“Same way approach all of them. Sexy as hell, fine as hell, everything as hell,”

“Hmm, going somewhere?” Alastor asked, stepping out of the shadows

Angel grins “She’s got a hot date tonight,”

“Oh does she?” Alastor raises his eyebrow “So this will be hot date number….can’t count it on my fingers,”

Voe squints “What’s it to you?”

“Oh nothing, just be careful. You might catch something worse than a cold,” before dissipating

“You know he’s right, herpes in Hell is not what you want,”

“Angel I was being insulted…”

“Oh, right,”

Alastor paced his room wondering who she thought she was. Going on how many dates, didn’t even wait until the body was cold! He didn’t feel good about these petty insults, but they were his only forms of satisfaction at the moment. All his plans were slowgoing and not having Voe by his side was…taxing. One thing he would admit is that her vexing nature was…missed, and he would only admit it to himself. What was he going to do to stop it? What was he going to flay the siren alive and gobble him whole? Maybe rip out his soul and play it on his radio broadcast? Or let him ruin his own chances, Alastor knew for certain that this Casper was not what Voe needed…or wanted. But he knew who was.

“So, I didn’t know where to bring you so I brought you here. Siren Springs,” Casper gestures out to a large lake. Other sirens were laying and chilling on rocks. Voe was starting to think that her mini-dress was not right for the occasion

“Ugh, Casper! Stop bringing people who can’t breathe underwat- OMG is that Voe the Beau?!”

“I told you that I knew her!”

“Yeah but who believes you!”

They morph their tails into legs “Introduce us please?”

Voe turns to Casper “Can you do that too?”

“Do what?”

“Turn your legs into a tail?”

“Oh yeah, that’s like a thing I do!”

“We all do that!” Another siren called out

Voe laughs “So introduce us,”

“Trojan, Poseidon, Ariel, Ari, Caspian, and Louie. He’s lame, he chose a normal name,”

“Louie is a great name!”

Voe waves “Hi! I’m Voe,”

“We know! We watch your lives all the time!”

“Under the water?”

“What? No…we have legs you know?”

She laughs “I see them,”

“This is our hangout spot!”

“Casper, I wanna see you do that,” Voe pokes his chest

“Show us the thing you did yesterday!”

“Show us show us!”

Casper sighs and takes off his clothes. Voe sits on a rock waiting. He gets in the water and does a flip and a somersault into the water. The sirens cheer and Voe applauds.

“You have a lot of fans here Voe,”

“Why’s that?” she asked

He turns to her “A lot of us were owned by Val and he made us do really degrading and stereotypical things for his p*rnos. When you killed him, you freed us,”

Voe tries not to smile but can’t “Wow,”

“Yeah, you don’t really know how many lives you touch, do you? Well, afterlives,”

Voe felt pretty good after this, very sparkly on the inside. Appreciated is the closest she could describe. She felt like she had actually helped people and didn’t even know.

“And I’d do it again,” she smiles” The sirens laugh at her humor, and Voe sits and watches the sirens do tricks for her.

“Now I can have sex when I want to…but I don’t want to because I’m traumatized!”

Voe rubs his arm “How about you Casper? Do you have sex?”

“Uhh, here and there,” he blushes a dark blue

“Oooh here and there,” Voe joked “How often is that?”

He strokes his tail “Not really often to be honest,”

“Awe, that’s too bad,” Voe winks at him

Casper laughs nervously “Do you wanna ditch this scene?”


Casper takes her away from the lake deep into the forest. Voe was wondering if he was the type of man to do it in the woods because if so, she was down.

“What are you showing me here?” she asks him

“Well, I was thinking I could surprise you with something. Maybe we could have cupcakes?”

Oooh cupcakes she thought as she put her leg up on a stump

“Okay so, here they a-oh what’s this?”

“I was displaying my cupcakes,” she gestures to her breasts

His blush deepens “I was talking about…real cupcakes,”

“Oh,” she puts her leg down “Where I’m from it’s a euphemism for breasts,”

“I died around 2015, I know,”

“Oh okay,” they stand in silence for a few beats “Can I have one though?”

“Oh yeah! I got them for you!”

“Thank you!” She takes one and bites into it “Wait, so you don’t want to have sex with me?”

“Uh, no! Trust me, I’d love to be all over this,” he gestures to her body, making her giggle “I just thought I’d take my time,”

“Okay!” She bites the cupcake again

“Sorry if I gave off weird signals or something,”

Voe shakes her head “It’s not you, but my bestie put ideas in my head,”

“Who Angel?”

“Yeah,” she laughs

For the rest of the night, they were chatting about theater and what it meant to them. It was the most fun date she’d ever been on in her existence.

“Thanks for walking me back to my room, even though it’s a whole building,” she laughs

He laughs with her “Yeah, no problem,”

She waves “Goodnight,” she smiles

Casper turns away as Voe opens her room door “Oh!” he turns back “You forgot something!”

Voe looks back up “What?”

Casper approaches, tilts her chin up, and plants a chaste kiss on her lips. She tip-toed into it, holding his face. When he pulls back, he runs, leaving Voe giggling as she enters her room.

Alastor squints his eyes as he watches them from a dark corner, his scleras making their own light

Chapter 7: Don't Lose Ur Head

Chapter Text

“So, he didn’t want to have sex with me,”

“Aw dang, he’s gay? Well send him on over here”

She laughs “He’s not gay!”

“Please, all sirens are at least bi,”

“Well he’s not hom*osexual…he kissed me,” she said like a little schoolgirl

“Aww, how cute. And gross. ‘He kissed me’” he pokes her side “Oooooh,”

Voe laughs “Stop!”

Just then Casper walks up into the parlor

“Hi Casper,” she waves to the siren

“Good morning,” he waves back

She sits up “So tell me something, why did you run away last night?”

He blushes “It was just a…it was out of character for me,”

“The running or the kiss?”

“The kiss,”

“Well don’t worry, it was just right,” she winks at him

Alastor enters the parlor and sits in his usual seat. He stares at the doe and the siren as they chat, smiling from ear to ear, filling him with disgust. Casper goes and takes his seat in a chair, while Voe stares at him biting her lip. She leaves her spot next to Angel and sits on Casper’s lap. Alastor squints at them, only for them to fall off the chair. Alastor snickers, but stops when he hears her and Casper laughing as well.

“Thanks, Casper,” Voe says

“What? You sat on my lap!”

“Why are you sitting on the chair like that?”

“That’s how I sit on chairs!”

“You’re literally ‘on the edge of your seat’” she chuckles

Casper sits back on the chair, “Yes I am,”

Voe places her palm on the siren’s chest “Move back,” she pushes him further back on the chair and plops right down on his lap.


“Better,” she speaks seductively

Alastor thought this was a place for adults, not a playground. He had grown tired of her antics, clearly trying to get a rise out of him and he wasn’t going to let it happen. He wondered when she would give up this game and admit that she was wrong and then maybe they could move past this. He gets up and exits, knowing he can no longer stand the childish display in front of him. Alastor could not take this for that much longer. What was her end goal? What was going on through her mind? Toying with him in this manner was just cruel, and she was looking for redemption? She would never reach heaven if she continued to play with his feelings. Shoving her new date in his face like he was some common sinner. He was the Radio Demon for f*ck’s sake. He takes the time to breathe and compress, for him to think clearly. He had plans. Big plans. And he refused to let her and her foolishness get in the way. Even if he did miss her scent, her eyes, her hair, and her smile. Even if he sometimes dreamed about caressing her skin, pulling down her straps, and kissing her shoulder. Even if he thought of sliding down her-

Focus Alastor, focus.

“I want to see your hotel room, is there water in there?”

Casper scoffs “No,”

“Ugh, you’re so boring!”

“What do you think cuz I’m a fish that-“


“Oh my gosh,” he shakes his head “No, you’re wrong,”

“And you’re boring,”

“I guess I’m boring,”

Voe leans back “So, what did you do to get down here?”

“Apparently being a bystander in a frat house gets you into Hell,”

“Ugh, you were a frat boy?”

“Yeah, but I’m here because I want to change,” he purses his lips “Let a lot of things slide and when you let too much slide then you end up down here,”

“That seems so unlike you, but then again, I haven’t known you for that long,”

He picks up a grape with his tail “What about you?” and feeds it to himself

She leans on her arm “Um, I was a mean girl. A really mean girl. And I ruined a few people’s lives and reputations for my own desires. Like sleeping with married women.”

Casper furrows his brows “Why though?”

“Why what?”

“Why did you do that?”

She stops and thinks about it, no one had ever asked her why she chose to do the things that got her into Hell

“I guess because I was bored?”


She laughs “Okay!” she thinks some more “I guess so no one would pick on me, I picked on them myself,”

“Who picked on you?”

“When I was a kid other kids made fun of me for my autism,”

“You’re autistic?”

She nods “Yup, and you know other kids are really good at picking up on that kind of stuff. So they bullied me. Called me names and such. So I grew up with very low self-esteem, and you know.” she shrugs “People with low self-esteem do anything to feel good about themselves, even if it never lasts,”

Casper sits, staring at her


“I think it’s really admirable that you know what you need to fix,”

“I agree, but about you,” she pulls at her ear

Casper points up “Is that a stim?” she nods and he stares longer “May I kiss you again?” she nods again

Casper leans in and catches her lips with his and she wraps her arms around his neck as he lays her down on the carpeted floor.

Alastor came upon her in the hallway, her standing in place and texting. He dissipates his cane and decides to try something different. He approaches her from behind and wraps his arms around her pulling her close to his chest and resting his chin on her head. After hearing her sniff and snuggle back, she pulls away and whips around in anger.

“What are you doing?”

Alastor’s face turns a slight red in the cheeks, embarrassing really. “I-I apologize,” he walked away

He cannot be doing this now! He ignored her all this time and now once she’s getting into something with Casper, he comes along and gives her butterflies? Now he wants to give her affection? What was he trying to do to her head? Voe drops her head in her hands and makes herself sob. It sucks so bad that even after all this time she still loved him and wanted him.

“Then make yourself un-want him!”

Voe groans “I’m pretty sure that’s impossible,”

“I get it,”

She smirks a little “Like how you want Husk?”

“I mean, no. That’s not who I was talking about,”

She stares “Val?”


“Do you miss him?”

Angel tilts his head “Sometimes I do. Sometimes I miss him a lot,”

“What do you do then?”

“What I usually do to forget,”

“Get high?”

He nods “Yup,”

She stops and sits there thinking “Can I get high with you?”


She repeats herself “Can I get high with you?”

“Um sure, wanna go to the club?”

Voe shakes her head “No, not again,”

Angel laughs and pulls out a baggie, “Let’s do it!”

Voe has tears running in a constant waterfall down her face. She sobs onto Angel’s shoulder and the spider rolls his eyes

“Well, that didn’t work,”

“And I don’t understand! I just wanna feel special you know? I wanna feel pretty, am I pretty?”

He pets her head “You’re gorgeous,”

“Why doesn’t Alastor think I’m pretty?”

“I’m sure he thinks you’re beautiful,”

She sits up to look at the spider “Then he would tell me right? And I wanna be a good person, but it’s so hard when I feel bad about myself!”

“Don’t feel bad about yourself,’

Voe snorts “Thanks,”

“I don’t know! Dames are weird!”

“Sexist!” she sneezes

Voe stands and exits her room

“Wait where you going? Hey, hey!” he looks out the door and sees her getting in the elevator “Oh sh*t!” Angel rushes toward the elevator and gets there as the door closes “sh*t! Welp, it’s out of my hands,” he says as he snorts another spoon

Voe bangs on Alastor’s door, tears still running. She doesn’t say anything but stands there waiting for him to open the door. He does.

“Can I help you?” he asks with a confused look in his eyes

She swallows, holding herself “Do you hate me?”


“Go ahead and say it, you hate me!”

“I don’t hate you. Why would I hate you?”

She looks away “Because I told the Vees all that information about you. But I did not tell them everything!”

“Well, you sure told them enough,”

“I didn’t tell them about your dad,”

Alastor stands quietly “Probably because by then it was too late,”

“No,” she shakes her head

“No?” he raises his brow

“No, he-he-he Vox, he asked me for more after you told me that, and I didn’t tell him!” she flaps her hands vigorously.

Angel finally gets up the stairs “AH! What’d’ya say? Whatever she said she didn’t mean it,”

Voe claps at every syllable “I mean everything!”

“Ah sh*t, anybody gonna tell me what she said?”

Alastor turns back to Voe, ignoring Angel “Did you come here to accomplish something?” he raises his eyebrows

Voe points her finger at Alastor, poking his nose, he moves back “You don’t think I’m pretty!” she flaps her hands again

Alastor grabs her wrists “I think you’re beautiful,” looking her in the eyes

Voe blushes and cries a bit more “Then why do you treat me so bad?”

“The same reason you treat me so bad, my dear,” he poked Voe’s nose “Take her to bed,” he told Angel

“Yeah,” Angel picks up Voe and tosses her over his shoulder

“I’m not done!” she shouts

“Yeah, ya are. Maybe I won’t tell you about this tomorrow, it’ll be like it never happened,”

He stares at her as Angel carries her to the elevator, slightly waving as the doors close.

Alastor reenters his bedroom. He had been reading a novel before the sudden intrusion. He couldn’t get back into the intricacies of the story after that little debacle. What had she meant when she said that he didn’t think she was pretty? Of course, he thought she was beautiful. He always had. And she knew that. So why did she ask that? And what had she meant when she asked if he hated her? No, of course not. He did have some tendencies to be petty and cruel, but she knew this also, why was she asking questions that she knew the answers to? He had never been this confused before. Not when he decided to become a radio host, not when he committed murders, or when he ate other demons. Leave it to her to confuse him unlike he’d ever been before. He sits down in his armchair, perhaps he should try something different? Though he has done that and gotten this result, perhaps he needed to try something in the middle, he thought. Or perhaps she needed to wake up and smell the coffee.

“Hey, Casper?”


“I just wanna make something clear,”

He turns to look at her “Okay,”

She fiddled with her fingers “I’m not looking for something super serious,”

“Okay, that’s fine,”

“Like I’m not trying to fall in love,”

“Neither am I,”

“Great! We’re on the same page,”


They stand in silence for a moment “Can we make out again?”



“Okay, so I never want to do crack again. It didn’t help, all I remember is feeling even worse, guess because I wasn’t sober enough to suppress my feelings ha ha ha”

voe the crackhead???

crackhead doe 😂😂😂

“I’m not a crackhead! I just tried it once to feel better, but it didn’t work. So what else can I try? Not drugs!”

lol fresh outta luck


“Tried that already,”

lmao then outta luck lmaoooo

how is rhe theater???

yeah how’s the theater

what show ya doing?

do hello dolly!

“Oh my gosh, that show is so old! The theater is coming along wonderfully! If anyone else would like to work under me, you can come to the theater and sign the contract. But at the moment we are now working on the first layer of the stage, it’s almost done, we just have to fortify it. Is that the right word? I don’t know, we’re making it stronger I guess? Leaving some space in between to make it so there would be something of a hollowish sound when you step on it. Planks in between. I don’t know, you guys probably don’t care. But I’m not doing ‘Hello Dolly!’ I’m thinking of something more contemporary, on the bright side, I don’t have to worry about copyright and licensing laws because who’s gonna sue me? I’m in Hell!” She laughs

so what you gonna do?

“I was thinking of letting my staff decide, via voting. So if you want a say then you know what to do,” She gives a wink to the camera “Do y’all even like theater?”



never allowed in in my time period

im a man from the 1800s

theater makes you gay

theater is unbecoming for a woman

women shouldn’t be in theater

“How are you on social on social media with those opinions? Like, are you keeping up with the times or not?”

opinions matter

“They shouldn’t if they’re holding you back!”

…is she serious

she deadass??

“All I’m saying is that you shouldn’t let anything step in the way of your happiness,”



“Like…for real? Like antebellum south?”


“Well…sh*t, that’s crazy. Do you even know what theater is?”

are you sure you know what you’re doing?

“Is anybody ever 100% sure?”

she doesn’t know what shes doing

“Nope!” and she logs off.

Woof. Now she was sweating. That felt really intense for no reason. Perhaps she didn’t know what she was doing, but it much it was much too late to back down now. She wasn’t used to having to plan things out. She would always just wing it and it would work out. But it was time to get real, being an Overlord wasn’t a joke, and she really needed to get her sh*t together.

Chapter 8: Battlefield

Chapter Text

“What do you think about this dress Casper?” she models the retro halter dress and her matching wedges, in front of the siren

“I think you look nice, amazing really. It fits you very well,”

She smiles “It fits me well?” she lowers the pitch of her voice and bends over to be face-to-face with him as he sits

“Yeah! Like your waist,”

Voe leans on the arm of the chair “Where else does it fit me well, Casper?”

Alastor glances at them from the kitchen, listening to their conversation

“Um everywhere?”

“Goddamn it Casper!” She laughs, still bent over

“What? What did I do?” he laughs with her

“I’m trying to be sexy!”

He covers his face with his hands and laughs “Well then you look very sexy,”

“Do I? Or are you just saying that?”

“You look great,”

“Thank you, Casper,” She leans in and gives him a quick kiss

Alastor cleared his throat “Please refrain from public displays of affection! If you feel the urges, keep them to yourself! Perhaps in your room?”

Casper clears his throat as well “Sorry,”

“No, don’t apologize to him.” She turns toward Alastor “Why can’t you just ignore it?”

“Because you’re right in front of me,”

Voe crosses her arms “Um, no. You’re in the kitchen, we’re in the parlor,”

“And I can still see the disturbing view,”

“Why are you looking?”

“Because I am allowed?”

“But there’s nothing over here that would interest you, so why look?”

Alastor smirks “You’re right, absolutely nothing important over there,”

“Maybe we should go,” he starts to stand

“No, hold on,” she walks over to Alastor, “What is that supposed to mean?”

“I mean, there’s nothing important over there. Nothing ‘pretty’ either,”

She squints “Are you trying to insult me?”

“I’m just remembering something you said last night. Or perhaps the crack clouded your memories?”

She blushes “What are you talking about?”

“Aw, I guess you don’t remember. This is why you shouldn’t do drugs kids!” He stands his cane down “Perhaps contain your emotions before doing any substance? Wouldn’t want you coming up to my room, balling your eyes out about my ‘hating you’? Or something along those lines,”

“If that did happen, I didn’t mean it,”

“I honestly don’t care what you did or didn’t mean. Next time you wish to get emotional, maybe disturb someone else,”

She walks back over to Casper “Sorry you had to see that,”

“It’s okay. he talks to everyone like that. He likes to keep to himself,”

“Don’t excuse him,”

“It’s whatever, he’s an Overlord. Can’t really do much about them,”

“I’m not scared of him,”

“You’re also an Overlord,”

Voe smirks “Not yet,”

Casper shrugs “Then I guess you’re just cool,” he smiles

Voe bangs on Alastor’s door once more. This time being sober, she was not crying, not emotional, and not about to spill her guts. She banged furiously, so loud she was sure all the other guests could hear.

“Alastor! Open this door!” she balls up her fists, pink energy clouds appearing around them as she punches the door open with her bare fist. She sees Alastor reading in one of his armchairs. He sighs and rolls his eyes.

“Ugh, here we go again. Does my peace mean nothing to you?”

“Not at the moment, no,”

“Don’t worry, perhaps I’ll record this so you can remember it next time,”

“I’m not high,”

“So you’re drunk?”

She furrows her brow “No,”

“Oh. What?”

“You constantly shadow away and leave any conversation before we get to the meat of things. Why? It’s rude!”

“I don’t want to have a conversation with a child,”

She laughs sarcastically “Woah buddy, you’re the child here!”

“Yes, I’m the child. When I’m trying to read and you bust through my door,”

“Because you won’t talk to me and I’m sick of it,”

“Oh my, are you sick of it? Oh no!”

She nods “Yes, I am sick of it,”

“What are you going to do about it, cry?”

Voe growls at him

“Oh, should I get ready for impact?” He flutters his eye

“I want to punch you in the face,”

“Haven’t you made that threat before?”

“NO, I said I’d slap you, and I did,”

“Oh well, punch away,” he bites his lip in anticipation

Voe revs up and launches her fist at Alastor, who catches it in his palm “Oop, caught you. I’m not going to allow you to hurt me whenever you like,”

She pulls her arm, but his grip is solid “Let me go,”

“Or what? Are you going to use the other hand?” she pulls and pulls “Listen to me Vera, you may be an adult, but you are a child,”

“That makes no sense!”

“And you will always be a child,”

“I am not a child!” she screams, launching the other fist at him, which he also catches “You’re a piece of sh*t Alastor,”

“I may be a piece of sh*t, but you will always be a traitor to me,” he’s barely smiling at this point “I guess you would make a good Overlord,”

“You damn right I would, I could probably replace you,”

He chuckles “No child is replacing me. I’d kill before they could,”

“Then kill me, do it. DO IT! DO IT! YOU WON’T! YOU WON’T YOU KNOW WHY? YOU WANNA KNOW WHY ALASTOR?” She smirks “‘Cuz I’ve got you puss* whipped, you can’t do sh*t to me, right? Because you care about me? That’s why you’re still mad about being dumped,”

In that second Alastor slammed her against his wall, his hand around her throat “I care for no one,” he spits His fingers trail under her dress, ripping down her panties, her c*nt and its wetness feeling the cool air.

“You think that just because you’re smart, pretty, and oh so alluring” he enters a finger on each adjective, his thumb landing on her cl*tor*s on the last “That you get to disrespect me? You’ve gotten too comfortable ma cherie,” he narrows his eyes and begins pumping his fingers into her c*nt forcefully, jerking her body up and down “Who do you think you are? I have the power here, not you!” He speaks through his teeth

“I’m…Voe” she speaks between moans at the intrusion of his long slim fingers ”the f*cking Beau little bitch, and I’ve got you wrapped around my pinky don’t I? Ffffff-f*ck! Uhh!” His thumbs trailing quick circles around her cl*tor*s “Say yes mommy,” she gives him a devilish grin. He squints in response yanking her legs toward him and attacking her c*nt with his mouth. Nibbling on her thighs and sucking on her cl*t. He pushes her legs up over his shoulder and licks up her entrance.

“Say it!” she growls

“Never,” he growls back rocking her hips back and forth on his face. Alastor holds her by her hips as she holds him by his antlers and hair. He squeezes her ass, keeping her in place as he explored her insides with his long tongue.

“You know I’m Mommy, didn’t you want to give me your soul?” she grunts in pleasure “If someone didn’t already own it that is.

Alastor’s claws went deeper into the skin of her ass, drawing streaks of blood that went down her thighs as he attacked her cl*t with his mouth.

“Yes, give it to Mommy,” she says while he’s unable to respond “Yes yes! f*ck! Ugh f*ck Alastor!” she smirks, breathing heavily as she c*ms on his face.

He removes himself from between her legs, her slick covering his face and her c*nt reintroduced to the cold air.

“Have a good night,” he says, licking her slick off his lips

Voe bends down and picks up her panties “I’ll just take these, so you don’t snatch them,” she says, slightly out of breath.

She walks out of his bedroom, the scent of her core wafting all over his bedroom.


“What the f*ck?”

Voe bum rushes Angel later that morning “Do you smell me?”

“Uh, what?”

“Do you smell me?”

“Uh, no!”

“Okay great,” she lets his arm go

The reason she questioned Angel was because she was unsure if people could smell her vagin*, seeing as how she was wearing no underwear. This wasn’t a choice to be sexy, but when she had woken up, there were no panties in her drawer. Absolutely none, forcing her to go commando. And she only knew one panty thief in this entire Hotel.

She approaches him and forcefully turns him around

“Panty thief,” she whispers

Alastor gasps “I don’t know what you mean,”

“Do you know what you’ve made me do?”

“No, what have I made you do?”

“I am basically naked under this dress,”

He looks intrigued “Oh..how is that my problem,”

“It’s your problem because you have my panties,”

“Me? That doesn’t sound like something I’d do,”

She crosses her arms “You did it last year,”

“Hmm that must’ve been a different Alastor,”

“Alastor I’m serious,”

“Look at the time, better get downstairs, Charlie is about to have her morning activity,”

Voe grabs his arm before he shadows away, forcing them to appear in the parlor together,

“Aww look at you guys, ready for activities!” Charlie raved

“Oh she is, I’m not.” He turns to Charlie “You might want to put something down, she might leak,”

Voe turned her head slowly, staring at Alastor with a look sharper than a thousand daggers

“Ta ta!” he says, before shadowing away

“What does he mean Voe?” Charlie questions

Voe looks away “I’m not really sure,”

“Okay! Let’s do an activity!”

The arguing with Alastor only became more heated as time went along. She often found him sitting with Bean when he had free time, either teaching her creole or playing some hand game, either Numbers or Miss Mary Mack, that sort of thing. She saw this often, and the more and more it happened the more enraged Voe became. How was it that he was upset that she had elected to no longer be his partner, yet he made no attempts to speak to her or to win her back? He instead spent time with another sinner that he had no direct ties to, as if she was more important than Voe was. When she walked past them again, she’d had enough. She bends down and sets her elbows on the couch, only inches away from where their hands were moving. Her eyes moved back and forth between the two, Bean seeming to sweat a little more everytime Voe’s eyes moved back to her. They cease the game for a moment and Alastor turns to the doe.

“Can I help you?” he asked with a raise of his eyebrow

Voe shakes her head “Oh me? No, of course not. Don’t mind me. I’m just watching your little oh-so important handgame,” she wiggles her fingers

“You’re just jealous because you’re not as good as me,” he smirks

Voe slams her hands down on the back of the couch, “What?! I am so better than you!”

“Sure you are,”

“What you wanna go?”

Alastor laughs “I’d rather not, my dear. I’d hate to make you cry,”

“I’d so love to make you cry right now,” she mumbles before jumping over the couch between him and Bean “Come on, let’s go,” she puts her hands up

“No, that’ll give you what you want,”

She smirks “A win? f*ck yeah,”

“And to see me fail,”

“If that’s what it takes for me to win, then yes,” she grinned devilishly “Also you just admitted that I’m better than you,”

“I don’t play to win, I play for fun,”

“Spoken like a loser,”

Alastor scoffs “I don’t lose. Especially not to someone with large ears like yours,”

She’s taken aback “What?

“Your enormous ears!”

“What? You cannot be serious!”

“Your head is more ears than face!”

“Your ears are bigger than mine! And they’re made of hair!! What the f*ck is that about? And don’t get me started on your pencil neck!”

“You have dots on your skin, everywhere,”

“They’re called ‘freckles’ genius! And so what?”

“So what is that…is that….YOU’RE A CHILD!”







Cherri and Angel watch from the couch “50 bucks says they’re gonna f*ck,” she leans over and whispers

“100 says they’re not!”

“I’ll take that bet!”







Alastor tries to dissipate, but Voe grabs his wrist.

“Let me go,” his voice is icy and his eyes are bright


He growls “You know what? I hate you,”

Voe’s face falls a bit and she drops his wrist “Why would you say that?”

He looks smug “I thought we were being honest, dear,”

“That’s not cool Smiles,”

“Even I think that’s mean,” Cherri eats more popcorn

“Suffice to say I won the bet,” Angel whispers

Alastor seems embarrassed and dissipates from the room.

Voe drops her arms and stares off into the distance, feeling newly dejected. He hates her? Why would he say he hates her? They had been arguing but she would never say that she hated him. Had he hated her this whole time? There would be no fixing this relationship, she thought. Voe closed her eyes and breathed. She stood up straight and cracked her neck and back. It no longer mattered. If hated her, she hated him too.

Why had he said it? He should not have said that, but the feeling of her palm on his wrist was like a thousand needles piercing his skin, or an uncomfy sweater all over. He needed to be free of that grip on him. But that was definitely the wrong thing to say, but he couldn’t go back on it now. This was who they were now? He supposed he could add a new rival to the list, but he never expected it to be her.


With all the lights and the cameras flashing, it was surprising that she wasn’t going blind. Voe stood on the red carpet, holding a Tony award like it was her baby, as newscasters, photographers, and journalists asked her questions about the opening of her theater. She has practiced her smile and stance for this moment for years.

“Oh my gosh, Voe the Beau! Are you excited for the premiere of your first movie musical?”

“Of course I am,”

“Are you proud of yourself?”

“Yes, I-“

“Even though you’re a traitor and the Radio Demon f*cking hates you?”

Voe takes a step backward “Why-“

“Tell us! How does it feel? How does it feel? How does it feel?” They kept repeating

Voe looks to her left and her right, the microphones increasing in size and the people’s faces melting off until there is nothing left

“How does it feel to be a crackhead?”

“Are you you a crackhead?”

She turns around “What’s it like owning thousands of traumatized souls?”

Voe shrinks, dropping her clothes and her Tony. She is now a child, surrounded by her giant family “I thought we raised you to eat your vegetables, Vera,”

“I’m sorry!” she shouts, but her father’s eyes are unforgiving

“I hope the theater keeps you warm at night, ‘cuz we’re dead!” Brynn says with a smile “I never got to see Taylor Swift!”

Diane (the last woman she slept with in life) appeared and yelled at her child self “I don’t have custody of my kids because of you!”

“Vera! Vera! Over here!

“You know you’re unlovable right?!”

“How does it feel?!!! Hey!!! HEY!!!”

“YOU DUMB c*nt! c*nt! c*nt!”




Voe melts into the ground from all the sensations she is experiencing at once. When she comes up, she’s standing in a black void, as her human self. She’s wearing the same outfit as the day she died, sweatpants and a t-shirt, her black hair in a ponytail, and her glasses. She turns and sees Alastor, standing alone.

“How does it feel? Vera” and he laughs evilly

Voe hears the sound of a gun co*cking, she turns around and sees her killer, and gets shot right in the heart.

Voe woke up in a sweat, feeling all around her bed to make sure that it was all real. Once she does that she buries her face in her hands and cries, sobbing out all the pain that she’s been hiding.

Chapter 9: Bulletproof

Chapter Text

She let herself into the large golden door, she tried to walk steadily but she still felt shaken from the dream she’d had the night before.

“Lucifer!” She calls him inside the living room

He comes strolling in “Good morning Ducky, how was your sleep?”

She thinks about whether or not she should tell him, but she decides not to “Just swell! How about you?”

“I didn’t sleep at all really, I had much work to do. Who knew being King was so boring?”

Voe smiles “You think you’d know that after, what? 10,000 years?”

He chuckles “Yeah,”

Voe suddenly remembered what she had come there for “Oh! You already had me forgetting!” she jokingly chided him as she reached into her bag. She hands Lucifer an envelope.

“Ooh a secret love letter?” they both laugh as he opens it “Ooh, open mic night and grand opening?”

“Yep! The theater is finally done and ready to open and you better be there bitch!”

“Oh! Then I guess I better be there or be square as they all say,”

She points to him “No one says that anymore,”

“Really? Thought I heard it somewhere…”

“But yeah! You’re gonna be there, and then you’re going to come back to the Hotel with us,”

“Okay, I-“

She steps closer to him “To stay,”

“Stay? I don’t know about-“

“To stay”

“Fine, but tell me something,”

Voe nods

“Do you miss me?” he smirks at her

Voe crosses her arms “Yes, I miss you,”

“How much do you miss me, Ducky?” he steps closer

She leans in “So… much,”

“Well now that I know you miss me, I’ll think about it,”

Voe shakes her head “No you’re gonna do it,”

“I’ll think about it,”

“You’re gonna do it,”

“You must really want me there,”

She nods “And you will be there,”

“Hmmm…see you or don’t!”

Voe turns to leave “I’ll see you there!”

“Or not!”

“I will!”

“Or not!”

“Can’t wait to see you,” was the last thing said before the golden doors closed yet again

“Here you go Rosie,” she hands her an envelope

Rosie seems flattered “Oh my! For me!”

“Of course! You and your cannibals are the reason why this is even possible!”

“Oh well, you’re right,”

Voe and Rosie laugh together “So that invitation applies to any cannibals that want to come,”

“Awe, how sweet!”

“Even Susan,” Voe says with a grimace

“Awe, you’re so sweet!”

“I hope to see you there,”

“Indeed you will!”

“Lovely,” Voe says to the Overlord

“Here’s one for Charlie, Vaggie, and Angel! Oh, you can have one if you want to Cherri,”

“All right! I mean- it’s not really my scene but-“

“She’ll be there,” Angel smirked and said

Voe turns to the girlfriends “Charlie? Vaggie?”

“Awe! Is this for me?” she gasps “Open mic night??!! Vaggie, do you know what this means??” She shakes Vaggie

Vaggie looks at Voe “Look what you started,” and smiles lovingly at her girlfriend

“So…can I count on you coming Vaggie?”

Vaggie, still being shaken “Yeah,”

“You gals could do a duet!”

Charlie gasps and screams in delight “Vaggie holy sh*t that’s an amazing idea!”

“I love your voice Vaggie,” Voe complimented the Angel

Vaggie blushes “Thanks,”
“All right, I’m off to invite more people! Oh by the way Charlie, your dad is coming,”

Charlie’s eyes light up “Awe Voe, you got him to come?!” She rushes over and hugs Voe, who is slightly surprised by the physical contact. When she pulled back, Charlie said “You are such a good person!!”

Voe blushes and tears up a little “Really?”

“Really,” Charlie boops her nose

“Thanks,” she smiles and hugs herself, bleating shyly “All right, bye!”

Voe strolls up to the housekeeper “Hey Niffty,”

“HI!” she waves

Voe kneels, handing her an envelope “Here, come Mommy’s theater,”

“Ooooh,” she takes the envelope and devours it in a few bites

“So is that a yes?”
She nods vigorously and Voe pats her head

“Good girl,”

Voe bangs on the bar counter, waking up Husk

“Hm? What the Hell is this?”


“For what?”

She tilts her head “My theater opening,”

“Theater opening? What you want like a bartender or something?”

“I want you to come as a guest,”

“Hmm alright,”

“Amazing! Try to be less drunk?”

“Hmm? No promises,” and falls back asleep

Voe debated on whether or not she wanted to do this. On the one hand, the man said that he hated her, while on the other she wanted to shove her success in his face. And deep down she wanted him to be proud of her. What would even be the point of her inviting him, he wouldn’t come. But what if he did? She would never know if she didn’t invite him. She stood in front of the door and thought of all the times she’d knocked on it, deciding to add one more. This time she knocks quietly, normally, and in a way that portrays sanity.

“Busy!” He calls out

Voe knocks on the door again

“Hmm,” Alastor opens the door “What?” he asked, pretending to be annoyed

“Hi,” she waves


She takes out the envelope and holds it out to him

He looks down on it “And what is this?”

Voe purses her lips “It is an invitation,”


“The opening of…my theatre,”

His eyes widen “Oh! You finally finished that shabby old place?”

“It’s not shabby,” she feels defensive of her project

“I suppose not anymore,”

She looks down and lowers her arm “Are you going to take it?”

“I don’t know, open mic? I would hate to go and see a whole bunch of sinners screeching their lungs out in front of a mic,”

She looks away “Can you just celebrate my success…with me?”

“Why don’t you celebrate it with Casper,”

Voe rolls her eyes “He will be there since he works there,”

“Then I’m sure you’ll have all the support you’ll need,”

“Why are you being like this?”

“Like what?”


“I haven’t the slightest idea of what you’re talking about,”

She puts the envelope back into her bag “What is wrong with you?”

“Oh, what do you mean?”

“You’re being a complete jackass!”

“I suppose I’ll think about it,”

“NO, you’re going to come!”

Alastor raises his eyebrow “And if I don’t?”

“Then that’s it,”

“What’s it?”

She blinks “You know what,”

He sighs “That would hurt you more than it would hurt me,”

“Doing this with you is hurting me,”

“Then why even invite me?”

She blinks back tears and licks her lips “Because…”

“Because what?” he leans down to be in her face

“Because…” the volume of her voice lowers “I need to know, that you didn’t mean what you said,”

Alastor doesn’t speak

“Tell me you didn’t mean what you said,” her voice shakes slightly

Alastor grins “Would that make you feel better?”

Her eye twitches “Yes, it would,” she admits

“Hmm,” he takes the invitation and closes the door

He found it very difficult to trust her, but he couldn’t let it be over, he would not allow it.


Voe climbed up on the now-completed stage. She smooths her hot pink two-piece dress and approaches the newly installed mic. She taps it twice with her index finger and her perfectly manicured nails, quieting the large crowd of people in attendance.

“Hello? Can everyone hear me?”

“Yes!” They called back, standing at attention

“Welcome welcome to the grand premiere of my newest project!” She smiles so brightly that the camera in the back of the theater can see it clearly. “I just want to thank all the people who made this dream possible, that would be Rosie and all her cannibals,” Rosie is flattered in the crowd and people applaud “All my employees,” the applause gets louder “The Princess of Hell, Miss Charlie Morningstar!”

People start whooping for Charlie who blushes and puts some hair behind her ear. Just then Lucifer comes in, dressed in his coat and top hat. Voe widens her eyes and says “And the King of Hell himself, who has decided to bless us with his presence, Lucifer Morningstar!!” Lucifer waves in a kingly way, truly grinning. “I want everyone to enjoy the party and remember that this is an open mic night, so who wants to be the first to sing on this stage!”

The crowd woos and starts cheering Voe’s name

“Okay okay okay, I will sing for you,”


(song: Am I Yours?)

Am I yours? X2

Tell me ‘cuz I need to know to be assured

Am I yours? X2

You’re the reason I desire more

We aren’t the common pair, that’s for sure

But what we’ve got is something you cannot ignore

Am I Yours? X2

It’s getting tiring not to know what is in store

And I don’t think I want to do it anymore…

I must know for sure

After all I’ve endured

It must be secured

Or otherwise ensured




Alastor enters towards the end of the song, staying toward the back.

“Let’s all celebrate the Grand Opening of ’The Beau Theater’!”

She descends from the stage, allowing Charlie and Vaggie to take it for their duet. She freshens up her drink and runs into Lucifer.

“Hello, King,” she says flirtatiously

“Hey, great turnout!”

She seems flattered “Yeah, everyone wanted to meet the King and Princess of Hell,” she chuckles

He laughs “Oh no, they definitely came to see you. Everyone’s here!”

“Including you. Which I told you you would,”

“You told me that I would be at the Hotel, and I said I’d think about it,”

“And you will, be there that is,” she nods

“Mmm, still thinking about it,”

She gestures toward the stage “Look at her, can you really say no to that face?” referring to his daughter

“Mmm,” he groans “I’ll think about it,” he grins

Voe purses her lips “Hmm, what could I do to get a guaranteed ‘yes’?”

“Make sure you put on a great party,”

She puts down her drink “Would it lean you in the direction of yes if I danced with you,”

“Hmm, I’d tilt,”

Voe smiles “Then get tilting,” as she wraps her arms around Lucifer’s neck and he puts his hands on her waist. They sway to the music provided by the orchestra and Voe leans into Lucifer’s neck. She felt safe and comforted in that moment. Not at all thinking of the horrid thoughts that plagued her mind, or the dream that woke her up last night. Safe and secure in Lucifer’s arms. He leans down and kisses her hair. Voe looks up “That was friendly, right?”

“Yes,” he nods and smiles

“I like dancing with you,”

“I love dancing with you too,”

“You feel warm and safe odd, considering that you’re the Devil,” he laughs with her “How do I feel to you?”


She grins “So I’ve been told,”

“It’s good seeing you happy,”

“It’s good being happy,”

Alastor looks around the venue, watching everyone and taking them in. When he spots Lucifer dancing with Voe, he feels the same way as he did when he saw it for the first time, except now it seems closer, more intimate. What was she doing with him? She said she was done with him, that she had chosen Alastor over him. So what was this now? The dancing chest to chest, the kiss on her hair, gazing into each other’s eyes. She hadn’t even looked for him, hadn’t even swung by him come to see how he was? Did she even care about the two of them?

“Alastor!” Rosie called from a distance, parting crowds to make her way to him

He waves “Hi,”

“Where have you been? I feel like I haven’t seen you in forever!”

“Oh, I’ve been here and there,”

“Well, why are you standing here? You love a party!”

He waves her off “I thought I’d just sit back and let the youngsters have their fun,”

Rosie stands beside him “What are you looking at?”

“Nothing, just thinking,”

Rosie smirks “About her?”

Alastor pauses “No, just…thinking,”

“Then why are you facing directly toward her and His Majesty Lucifer?”

“That was just a mistake,”


He looks over at her “Really,”



“I don’t like when you lie to me,”

“It’s a good thing I’m not lying then,” he smirks “Excuse me, I have to go to the little boy’s room,”

“Ya not a little boy,”

“Well, I’m going to the bathroom,” and he does

Rosie goes up to Voe and Lucifer “Excuse me, Your Majesty?”

Lucifer looks up “Hmm?”

Rosie curtsies “Hello I’m Rosie and I’d like to borrow your dance partner,”

“Of course,”

Voe turns to Rosie “Yes?” her voice sultry

“So..excellent turnout,”

“Why thank you,”

“So, may I ask what’s going on with…you and Alastor?”

Voe rolls her eyes

“What happened? What he do? Do I need to give him a good talking to?”

“Give him a spanking,” she jokes

“Oh don’t tempt me,”

She shrugs “I don’t know, he told me that he hates me,”

“He what ? Oh no he’s definitely getting a talking to,”

“And he just won’t talk to me, so I don’t know what to do,”

“Trust me, I’ll make him talk. Men will go so far that they’ll drive the woman away,”

“I am this close to being driven away,”

“Exactly, that’s why you gotta force him! He’s not gonna do it himself, sometimes you gotta do things for him, sorry,”

Voe chuckles “I like you, Rosie,”

“Who doesn’t?”

Voe laughs and Rosie bids her adieu

The rest of the night was beautiful, she saw Alastor from where she stood, standing and watching everyone else and sipping whiskey casually. But he never once came up to her and spoke. Rosie was right, she would have to force him.

Back at the Hotel, she stormed up to the Radio Demon and was ready to start swinging.

“Hey!” she calls for him

“Hello, can I help you,”

“You must think you’re so smart,”

“Oh, I don’t think, I know,”

“You think that just showing up to the party was enough?”

He groans “So did you not want me there? I was there, as you requested,”

“You stood in the back and said nothing,”

“You said nothing about interaction,”

She laughs in disbelief “You’re unbelievable,”

“What am I doing now?”

“It’s what you’re not doing!”

“What am I not doing now?”

“Talking. You’re not talking to me!”

“You said nothing about talking to you,”


“I didn’t know actually!”

She shakes her head “You’re f*cking ridiculous you know that?”

“So I’ve been told,”

She waves around her arms “And you stand there like this is a joke,”

“I’m not standing like anything, this is just my face,”

“Why won’t you talk to me?”

Alastor sighs “It does not matter,”

“It does matter,”



He inhales “Nothing’s wrong. I apologize for how I acted tonight. That was very unbecoming of me and I will do better,”

“That’s it?”

“What do you want me to say? That I’m still hurt?”


“Everything that happened, you want me to embarrass myself in front of everyone and tell everyone how I feel. Is that it?”

Voe widens her eyes “You don’t have to tell everyone, just tell me!”

“Why? So that you can tell everyone? I can’t trust you, and it upsets me that I can’t. There are things that I want to tell you, but I can’t. I stop myself every time because I don’t know who you’re going to tell,”

She closes her eyes “I’m sorry, I keep telling you that, but it’s not fair that I keep getting punished for the same thing over and over. Even if you don’t trust me at least let me live it down!”

He blinks “Okay,”


“I’m sorry for bringing it up so many times,”

“That’s a start,”

“May I please go to bed now?”


He sighs “What now?”

“You told me you hate me, why would you say that to me?”

“You were touching me and would not let me go. So I had to do something,”

“So you say that?”

“It was the only way that you would let me go,”

“So the ends justify the means, right?”

“I…suppose not,”

“I would never say that to you,”

“I know, I apologize for saying that,”

“And that’s all you want to say to me?”

“For goodness sake woman what do you want? For me to get on my knees and beg? I will not be doing that

She smirks “You know, Lucifer was there at the party,”

“I don’t care what the depressed Duckman has to say about anything,”



“Well, I just wanted to let you know that he kissed my hair,”

“And what a disturbing sight it was,”

“Right, well it felt really good to me,”

“I’d wash my hair,”

“And so did his chest on mine, I could 1000% get used to that sensation, if someone else didn’t want to step up. Besides, why would I want anybody that so puny, when I could get someone that is actually… powerful? Like, what’s a radio to a Bluetooth speaker ?”

Alastor stands calmly and approaches Voe, he looks down at her and suddenly grabs her with the strongest grip. He bites her all over, somewhere between eating her and pleasuring her, the bites left are deep and bloody with some skin ripped off, particularly on her shoulder. A deep gash is left in its place. She moans instinctively then pushes him away, taking some of her skin with him. She cries out in pained pleasure.

“WHAT THE f*ck?”

He swallows the piece of her skin “I needed to remind you,” licking the blood left behind


“What exactly you do to me,”

Voe puts her hands over her face “What are you doing to me head?! It’s like one minute your’-e! And the next you’re! UGH!”

“I’m what dear?”

“You know what I mean!”

“But what if I don’t?

Voe screams into the air “Stop acting like you’re stupid!”

“Well, maybe I am stupid, hmm?”

“You’re not stupid,”

“How do you know?”

“Because if you were stupid then- never mind!”

“No! Go on! Say it! If I was stupid then what? Hmm? Hmm?” He steps closer with each sentence

“Then I wouldn’t love you!”


“If you were stupid I wouldn’t be in love with you,” she looks down at the ground with tears dripping out of her eyes.


“You don’t have to make fun of me,” she mumbled

“Why would I make fun of you?”

She shrugs “You’ve been insulting me for the past few weeks,”

“And you’ve been doing the same to me,” Alastor pauses “Voe, we are the same,”

“What do you mean by that?”

“We’re both big children,” he smirks

She smiles “I suppose we are,” she chuckles “Big goobers”

They both laugh and Alastor raises a brow “In love with me?”

Voe nods sincerely “Yeah,” she tries not to smile but can’t stop as her ears twitch in delight, letting out a small bleat

Alastor opens his mouth to respond but suddenly becomes aware of the audience they’ve acquired. He instead says “I need to go,” and dissipates into the shadows.

Chapter 10: Titanium

Chapter Text

Alastor took a stroll through Pentagram City, spending the time thinking things over. He looked around, not nearly enough people were cowering and setting themselves on fire to get away from him. Not enough people were looking over their shoulders to see what he would do and if they would end up on his broadcast. Far too many treated him as though he were a normal sinner. He wasn’t sure what to make of it, he was certain he didn’t like it. He was the Radio Demon, a name to be feared and revered. Not loved.


The last person that loved him was his mother. Let alone, in love with him. He ran through the events in his mind, over and over again.

If you were stupid, I wouldn’t be in love with you.

My my, what a way to make that kind of confession. Knowing that, the way she had been acting finally made sense, she wanted more from him. She wanted love from him. He meant it when he told her that they were just alike, and he meant it as the utmost compliment. He honestly found it so hard to believe that she would or even could be in love with him. He knew that he was wonderful, but to fall in love? It felt…uncomfortable that he was not entirely against the idea of it.

For seven days he wandered the Pride Ring, deciding his thoughts on the matter, and he had not concluded his feelings until he reached the hotel doors once again. Maybe he was somewhat dense to not have seen that before. But how was he meant to know that when she asked “Do you think I’m pretty?” that what she really meant was “Do you love me?”

Alastor was not well-equipped for this kind of thing. He was equipped for carnage and bloodshed. It was what he was good at, what he enjoyed. Ripping demons apart with his teeth, and literally ripping hearts out of their owners chests. Playing scream on his broadcast or putting them in his drinks. He hadn’t expected her to love him, and he certainly didn’t expect-

(song: Her)

He opened the doors and was met with an empty parlor, devoid of any existence. He strolled through, his footsteps barely making any noise. Suddenly he heard the door close and a rushing wind as Voe superspeeds down to where he was. Standing there in front of him, a large gauze on her shoulder and bruises all around her neck and chest from where he bit her. Her hair was down and she was wearing pink pajamas with hears on them, and matching slippers. His chest swelled when he looked at her, confirming the correctness of his decision. Her arms were crossed and there was a scowl fixed on her face, she tapped her foot impatiently as her right ear twitched with rage.

“Smile, my dear-“

“Where in Hell have you been?”

“Well I’ve been all over the Pride Ring-“

She cuts him off again “What is wrong with you?”

“Whatever do you mean?”

Her ear twitches more violently “You can’t just leave after I admitted something that personal! Do you know how embarrassing that is?!”

“I just needed time to think,”

“To think about what? Ways to reject me? I get it, I know you don’t love me back, but you don’t have to humiliate me as well,”

Alastor blinks “Are you done?”

She shrugs “Sure! I guess!”

Alastor grabs Voe’s face and lands a passionate kiss on her lips.


“So… are we like together now?” she asks all giggly

“Are we?” he mocks her tone


“I’m just teasing, my dear,”

She smiles jokingly, she chuckles “Are you my boyfriend?”

He looks at her with contempt for the idea “I suppose,”

“Ooooh!” she bounces and claps “Can I touch you?”


She grabs his arm and kisses his hand

“Awe,” he cups her chin and she holds his hand against her cheek

“Have you ever had a girlfriend?”

“Not a girlfriend, more like a girl that lived across the street from me,”

She flattens her brows “So then no,”

He smirks “We did share a kiss, once,”

She puts her hand over her mouth “You were not chaste! You’re a ruined man!”

“We were both 10,” he grins a silly one

Voe leans in “Ruined,” she whispered

He mocks her talking with her his hand

She shakes excitedly “I am so excited!”

“For what?”

She smiles softly, putting her hand on his cheek “To be yours,”

“Awe,” he tilts her chin up

Touching her and holding her was a kind of bliss that Alastor seldom experienced; it was something he had missed and something he would never grow tired of.

“And you’re mine! All the bitches need to know,” she growls

“Oh my, I believe I’m a little scared,”

“You should be,” she growled at him and smirked

He smirks at her and kisses her forehead. She pulls his face down

“You’re still gonna get it for calling me a slu*t,”

“I’m sure my punishment will be coming soon,” he smirks and they make out.

Voe bites her lip “Tell me you hate me now,” she kisses him “Go on, tell me,”

“No,” he kisses her back

“Yeah, I know you can’t” she licks her teeth

He playfully pushes away her face, his palm covering her whole face “Let’s just keep this private for now, hmm? I want you all to myself,”

“So I take it you really forgive me now?”

“Yes, I do,” he smiles softly

Voe looks down at his wrist “Where’s your bracelet?”

He looks down as well “I took it off,”

“Put it back on,”

“I will darling, I just have to go and get it. I put it in a safe place,”

Alastor tears apart his room to find the bracelet, but it is nowhere to be found. The last time he had thought of that bracelet was when he removed it at Rosie’s….f*ck.

“Rosie, my dear, have you seen a bracelet in your home?”

“You’re gonna have to be more specific Alastor,”

“You remember when I came to you…in an hour of need?” he leans forward

She suddenly understood “Ohhh that bracelet, oh well you left it here so I figured you didn’t want it. Susan has it, she really liked it,”

“Did she? Did she really?”

“Yeah, she wears it all the time. You can go get it from her,”

“Do you mind doing it for me?”

Rosie looks around “I do mind, yes,”

“Please? Please do this for me?”

“Alastor, no,”

“But she’s such a-“

“Alastor you’re a grown man,”


She sets her eyebrows “Alastor, no,”

His ears lower “Fine,” he approaches the old woman “Hello dear Susan!”

“Huh?” she turns around

“I said Hello!”

“What’d’ya want Albert?” she looks at him over her glasses

He gestures toward her wrist “I would like to procure that bracelet from you,”

“This isn’t yours. It’s Vera’s ‘Vera’ is a girl’s name,”

Alastor closes his eyes and breathes “Yes, a woman named Vera gave it to me,”

“No! It’s mine!

He blinks “I was told you found it here,”

“That makes it mine!”

“But I am the one who lost it,”

“Too bad! Finder’s Keeper’s deer boy!” she leans into his face

It took about 10 cannibals to remove Alastor from eating Susan.

“Rosie! Rosie!” Susan screamed

“What’s going on over here?”

“GIVE ME BACK MY STUFF!” Alastor screams

“Alastor!” Rosie’s voice gets gruff

“She won’t give it back,” he huffs, fixing his coat “It’s mine!”

“Actually it’s Vera’s!”

Alastor’s face gets red “HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO TELL YOU WOMAN-!”

“Alastor! Get yourself together, you’re a grown man. This is how you treat women?

“She won’t give it back!”

Rosie turns to Susan “Susan dear,”


“The bracelet belongs to Alastor,”


She nods “A woman named Vera gave it to him,”

Susan grumbles and hands it to Rosie, who then hands it to Alastor “See? No big deal,”

“That deer is a menace,”

“Okay Susan,” she pats the old lady’s back

“Oh so you and him and him and you again, huh?”


“Huh?’ he mocks her “I heard the sounds from the room!”

“What sounds? she grins

Angel raises a brow “Oh Alastor, oh oh f*ck!”

Voe blushes “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” she tries to keep from smiling

“You know what, you can’t tell me about lying when you’re lying to me right now!”


“I nothing! I heard what I heard and you were letting Smiles feel you up!”

“Stop!” she whispers

“Ain’t nobody stopping! You will not silence me!”

Voe whispers a little louder “Okay okay! Yes, we are together,”

“Ha! Knew it! I ain’t hear nothing!”

She punches Angel’s shoulder “Oh f*ck you!” he laughs with her

“But in all honesty, go ahead and get yourself a man!”

“You’re the one that said to dump him!”

“And he stopped being stupid, didn’t he?”

She acknowledges him being right “Is it bad that he said he wants it to be private?”

Angel shrugs “I don’t know, I guess not. The man wants his privacy. Ain’t nothing wrong with that,”

“Okay, I just didn’t want to fall into the same trap,”

“Yeah, I hear ya,”

Voe laughs “You know I just realized that you were probably included when he said that he wanted to keep it private,”

“Yep! But I would’ve found out anyway. Nothing gets past me!” Angel turns toward the window “Hold up,” he walks toward it and screams at a drone outside “Get outta here!”

Voe rolls her eyes “Vox huh?”


She tilts her head “I wonder if he’s still mad about the choosing Alastor and killing him and his friends thing,” she crosses her arms

“Oh, you have not been on that side of social media toots,”

“Do you think he might try to do something?”
Angel shrugs

“Is that something I may have to worry about?”

“Maybe…probably…most likely….yeah,”

She and Angel look out the window “Aw sh*t,”

“It’s just drones around it, it doesn’t mean anything,”

The drones begin zapping at the theater

“What the f*ck! We didn’t even put on our first show yet!”

Angel and Voe run downstairs

“Hey guys do you see those fireworks?”

“Yeah, that’s my theater,” she turns to Angel “It went down like the twin towers! Stay here please,”

“Well I ain’t gonna stay in this spot, but I ain’t going over there. And wait, what?”

Voe steps outside the hotel and transforms into her demon form, flying over to her partially trashed theater “VOX!!!” She roars, fire coming from her open mouth. She flaps her dragon wings flying up to the level of the drone, kicking one into orbit before being shot by another. She roars once more stomping the drones with her heels on and dodging the launch of flames. She crushes the drones with her hands and burns one with her fire breath. She’s destroyed the drones, but the theater had already faced the damage. There was a large hole in one half of it, enough to know that it was no longer ready to put on a show.

She flies over to the new V-tower, busting in through a window. It was smaller than before and had fewer employees, but she bulldozed her way through the building, screaming Vox’s name at the top of her lungs. She runs into Valentino,

“Hello gorgeous,” he winks “I missed you,”

Voe is disgusted “Why?”

He shrugs “That head-pulling sh*t was kinky,”

She waves him away “Where is Vox?”

Val licks his lips “Downstairs,”

She punches him in the gut for good measure and drills herself down through the floor into the basem*nt, once she reaches it she shouts “VOX!” with a noticeable growl

“I’ve been waiting for you,”

“What the f*ck dude?”

Vox smirks “What’s wrong my dear?”

“Why are you destroying my stuff?”

“Ohh, I don’t know. Maybe just to get you riled up.” he lowers his pitch “I love seeing you riled up,”

“Well, I would appreciate it if you stopped,”

“Oh you would, wouldn’t you?”

She looks around “Yes,”

He chuckles “Are you done?”

She shrugs “I guess,”

“Have a nice day,”

“Wait, what just happened?”

“You said what you needed to say,”

“Are you gonna stop?”

Vox smirks and says nothing

“Vox..?” she sets her jaw

“Voe…” his smirk gets bigger

She puts her hands on her hips “I will so kill you again,”

Vox bites his lip “Oh yeah? How will you do it?”

She steps closer “I could destroy your screen, or shoot you, maybe give you Valentino’s treatment and rip your head right off your body,” she leans down toward the TV man

“Yeah? Tell Daddy what else you would do to him,”

Voe’s eyes pop open “Who??”

“f*ck, I’ve been waiting for this day,”

“What do you think is about to happen here?”

“Are you not about to kill me?”

She steps back “Wait a minute, you want me to kill you?”

“Uh yeah! I was kinda jealous that you gave Val better treatment than me. I think I deserve better,”

“Why do you want to die?”

“‘Cuz I wanna get off,”

Voe blinks in disgust “Did you do this as some sick way to get my attention?”

Vox shrugs as this is obvious

“What’s wrong with you?”

He stands “What’s wrong with me? What’s wrong with you?? Don’t come in here with empty threats!!”

Voe looks around in confusion

“Gosh, you’re just as phony as Alastor! Get the hell out!”

“I-“ she looks around in disbelief, then busts her way out of the building

Voe and Alastor are sitting on her bed, her legs laid across his lap. He’s playing with her toes.

“Guess who had an eventful day?” she asks

“I’m guessing that it’s you?’ he raises his eyebrow with a close-lipped smile

She smiles at him “Yes it was. Guess who has to fix their theater because there’s now a hole in it?”

“I’ll go with…you, final answer,”

Voe laughs “Yeah, and it was Vox who destroyed it,”

“Hmm, I know you took care of him,”

“I actually didn’t because the man is a freak who gets off to being killed!”

He smirks “Hmmm yes, that,”

Voe leans in “Wait, so you knew this?”


“Why didn’t you tell me?”

“I like to let people figure things out for themselves,”

She shakes her head “I thought you cared about me,”

“I do care about you,” he bites her toes

She giggles and stares at him “Alastor?


“Can I ask you a question?”


Voe plays with her fingers “Why do you want to keep us private?”

“I just want to take things slow, to make sure I no longer feel hurt. I also don’t want people to use you as a way to hurt me, think of it as me protecting us,”

“I can take care of myself,”

“There are things you can protect yourself from but many things you cannot,”

“Like what?”

Alastor lids his eyes “Perhaps we should discuss something else,”

Voe pokes out her lips “You want to hear something about me?”


She thinks for a moment “I used to take antidepressants,”


“They’re pills that you take when your brain can’t make you happy,”

He tilts his head “How strange, a pill that makes you happy. Well isn’t that just the best thing since sliced bread,”

“What else would you like me to tell you?” She offers

“What do they do for…’autism’ now?”

“What do you mean?”

“Well, when I was alive the ‘autism’ was ‘cured’ with lobotomies. Do they still do that now?”

She shakes her head “No, lobotomies are considered inhumane,”


“And autism is usually treated with special kinds of therapy,”

“Like electroshock?”

“No,” she tries not the smile “Can I tell you something?”


She fiddles with her fingers “I am not a psychiatrist, but you strike me as autistic,”

“I am a lot of things, but I do not think I am autistic,”

“Of course you don’t,”

“Too bad there are no actual psychiatrists here,”

“Ask me more,” she tells him

“Like what?”


He strokes his chin “Why do you always think I’m making fun of you?”

Voe blinks “Because you’re mean,” she smiles “But seriously, people used to make fun of me all the time. Other kids and adults alike, it’s so strange that doctors couldn’t see it for a while because the kids in school had frickin’ radars for it. Adults felt the need to remind us that I was a ‘strange’ child, everyone let me know that I wasn’t normal. So I’m on guard for it, all the time. That’s why,”


“You do a lot of thinking instead of talking,”

“Is that a problem?” he raises his brows

She shakes her head “It’s just perfect,”

Chapter 11: Helpless

Chapter Text

“We are gonna destroy that ass. We are going to go down there and make sure that demon scum knows who’s in charge. It will never cross their minds to mess with Heaven ever again,”

“Sir, yes sir!”


“How do you even dress at these Overlord meetings?”

Alastor sighs “Just dress how you want, and hurry up my dear, we’re going to be late,”

“Okay, sorry!” She came out in a slim pink maxi dress and some sandal wedges, she fluffed her hair “Okay, let’s go,”

As they walk their way over, Alastor preps her “Do not look at the speaker, look past them. If you look at them, they will ask if you have a question, and if you don’t you will look stupid. What I do is look at a poster behind them. Are you listening?”

“Yes yes, taking mental notes,”

“And make sure to listen. I know it’s a lot, but this is how the meetings work,”

“Okay, got it! Thank you for bringing me,” Voe reaches and grabs Alastor’s hand, which he slips out of her grip. She doesn’t comment on it

“No problem, darling. If you want to become an Overlord, then I want to help you,”

They arrive at the building when they ascend in the elevator Voe has more questions for her partner

“Am I coming just to see what it’s like? Or am I coming to participate?’

“You are just here to observe,”

They stand in silence and when the elevator opens they step out and turn to each other “What are the other Overlords like?”

“Oh, half of them are ancient souls, the other half is somewhat young. And then there’s me, and Rosie of course,”

Voe smirks “You don’t include yourself as an ‘ancient soul’?”

He smirks “Don’t be ridiculous,”

Voe sat between Alastor and Rosie as if she were their child, and she felt much smaller than before. Everyone at the table was so tall or wide, and she was just a regular sinner.

“Hi Rosie,” she waved

“Hey!” She waved back “How ya doing sweetheart?”

“I’m good! How are you?”

“Well, I’m just fine. I can’t wait for this meeting to be over, cuz I have a line of cannibals waiting for me and my advice,”

“I’d wait a month for your advice Rosie,”

Rosie grins ”Awe how sweet,”

A woman with her hair fashioned into horns and metal shoes that had her standing on her tiptoes walks in and stands at the front of the table “Welcome everyone,”

Voe leans over to Alastor “Who’s that?” she whispers

He leans back “That is Carmilla Carmine. She called us all together for this meeting,”

“She has big hair,”


“Welcome Zestial,” she turns to a large spider demon with 4 red eyes and black wings, who sits down next to her

“Good Morrow my dear Carmilla,” he replied drinking tea

“Uh, Zestial?” Voe questions

“Yes, he is the Oldest Overlord. Some say that he’s the first,”

The door is slammed open, revealing Vox, Velvette, and Valentino “Vox, Velvette, Valentino, how are you?” The woman named Carmilla asked with thinly veiled disgust

“Good morning my dear Carmilla, can we get this meeting on a roll? We have lots to do today. So tell us, what have you decided to waste our time with this morning?”

Carmilla clears her throat “Overlords, I have decided to bring attention to the increase in the number of unowned souls in the past few months,”

None of the Vees were paying attention. They’re all staring at their phones.

“These souls need jobs and homes, they are struggling on the streets of the Pride Ring,” Voe observes Zestial placing his hand on top of Carmlla’s “I just want to make sure there’s a fair game between us Overlords-”

Vox clears his throat obnoxiously

Carmilla rolls her eyes “Yes?”

“Gee, all these unowned souls, most likely, absolutely, definitely came from us, therefore, they are ours. They should go to us,”

“Thy souls were released after thou was killed, they do not belong to thee,”

“They are in Pentagram City! They’re ours! How many Overlords are in Pentagram City? 1,2,3” Vox points to himself and the other Vees

Alastor pipes up “I think you’re forgetting me ha ha!”

“Nobody wants you to own their soul,”

“And they want you to own theirs?”

“I pay my souls and give them a place to live, what do you do? Give them housekeeping jobs?”

“Ha ha ha I don’t care what you give them. I don’t physically abuse them if they cough in the wrong direction,”

Vox slams the table “I don’t care what you have to say!”

Voe’s head was whipping back and forth, listening to these two interact face to face for the very first time. She was in awe at the art of deflection these men had perfected.

Carmilla places her hand on her forehead “Enough! Enough, that is not what this meeting is about. This is what I wanted to discuss, first things first Vox” she targets the TV man “These souls no longer belong to you. As you, yourself once said ‘If they are unowned, they are up for grabs.’ We cannot fight like these lower-level sinners over turf and resources. We are Overlords, we need to act like it,” she pounds her fist on the table “This is a new generation of sinners, they play by different rules. We need to play by those rules with respect and caution. If you want more souls or if you want your soul back, I suggest you abide by these rules. Meeting adjourned,”

“Always a pleasure Carmilla,” Vox turns away “That f*cking bitch,”

“That’s it?” Voe questioned “It just started getting good!” she whispers

“That’s it,” Alastor confirmed “Come along, my dear,” Voe stands and follows Alastor out of the meeting room, walking past the Vees who smirk at her. Valentino wiggles his tongue. “I hope you took in some valuable information, darling,”

“I did indeed, those souls are mine!” She gives an evil grin

“Good, I hope you have a great plan on how to get them. Not every soul is going to want to join your theater group,”

“I do have a plan! But I need help!”

“Well get on it dear,” Voe tries to slip her hand into Alastor’s yet again and removes it once more. “Ignore the Vees darling, they are nothing but dirt below your feet. But do not underestimate them,”


“If you need my help, do not hesitate to ask,”

Voe looks down at her feet “Okay,”

“But remember, sometimes you need to help yourself,”

“He took his hand out of my hand twice!”

“Hmm,” Angel thought “Guess the guy really wants his privacy. I don’t know, men are weird,”

“I know right? What’s the point of being a thing, if no one can know that you’re a thing??”

“Well, being an Overlord is serious business. Can’t have people knowing you’re going around and doing willy nilly,”

Voe looks confused “What? So being in a relationship means you can’t be taken seriously?”

“If you’re too busy on the lovey-dovey, when do you have time to do serious things? You in a relationship, everything goes out the window,”

“So Overlords can’t date? Maybe that’s why Zestial and Carmilla won’t just shack up!”

“Yeah, you can’t just talk about relationships. Being an Overlord is business business business,”

She waves him off “I don’t see how holding my hand would stop Alastor from getting things done,”

“You sure he trusts you?”

“Yeah, he said so,”

“You act like he’s never lied,”

She scoffs “Why would he date me if he doesn’t trust me?”

“Maybe you’re remembering stuff wrong, did he say he forgave you? Was everything finalized..in writing?”

“In writing?!”

“Well, I don’t know! Did he say he forgives you and trusts you or just forgave you?”

Voe sat and thought about it. What had he said?

“So I take it you really forgive me now?”

“Yes, I do,”

Voe’s back bends as she sinks into her seat “He never said he trusted me,”

“Yeah, he forgives you. But trust, you’re not there yet,”

“How do I prove that I’m trustworthy?”

“It takes time, you can’t rush that toots,”

She sighs “Ugh I hate my past self,”

“Yeah, don’t we all?”

The phone rings, and it’s suddenly answered “Hello? Lucifer?”

“Voe? Is that you?”

“Yes, hi,”

“How are you doing?”

“Well, I would be better if you came to the Hotel like I asked,”


“But that’s not why I called,”


“I need another favor. If that’s okay?”

“How may I be of assistance?”

“Well…I need another building. I have a great idea, and I need you to approve it,”

“Okay…wait hold on…yeah most buildings are owned by the Vees. So if you need one, then you might have to buy from them,”

She falls backward onto her mattress “Are you kidding? There isn’t some workaround that you could invoke as King?”

“Sorry, they’ve already bought the buildings, you could always just ask them,”

“Ugh, I don’t know if you know, but they don’t like me very much,”

“Ohh, I’m sure you could probably…I’m sorry I can’t do anything. You have to ask them,”


Voe rings the bell at the receptionist’s desk over and over and over again, she stands there annoyed as she leans on the desk waiting to be attended to.

“Hello?? I need assistance over here!”

“Hmm?” she asked

“I need to see Vox,”

She looks at her computer “Do you have an appointment?”

“No,” Voe says flatly

“Um, then you’re gonna have to wait,”

“I’m not waiting, tell him Voe the Beau is here,”


A voice cuts through the noise “Did I just hear Voe the Beau is here?”

Voe rolls her eyes “Yes,”

“Hola,” Valentino purrs “What have you been up to baby?”

“I’m trying to talk to your boyfriend,”


“Yes, Vox,”

Val winks at her “You can go right down,”

Voe’s eyes go so far in the back of her head as she walks past Val and he uses one of his 4 arms to slap her ass, she turns to growl at him and he grins back. When she gets down to Vox’s level she bangs on his door, not patient enough or in the mood to wait for whatever he is doing to be done.


When the door does open, Vox is sitting in his rotating chair behind his chair in front of a bunch of screens

“Ugh, what do you want?”

She storms up to him “I want to talk to you,”


“I need one of your buildings” she states under her breath

“Hmm? You need what from who?”

She groans “I need one of your buildings,” she says louder

“Really? You need a building? From me?”

“That’s what I just said,”

Vox smirks “I want you to beg,”

“Excuse me?” she raises a brow

“I want you to beg Daddy for this building,”

“Beg who?”

Vox stands “Daddy,” he repeats “Say, ‘Please Daddy, can I have this building’”

She laughs in disbelief “You can’t be serious,”

He looks at her, knowing that he is.

“Why…do you want this?”

“You want this building or not?”

“Ugh, yes,”

“Then you know what to do,”

Voe hangs her head and crosses her arms, staring up at the Overlord “Please…Daddy, can I have a building,” she says begrudgingly

“Of course you can baby, you can have whatever you want from Daddy,” he cups her chin and she slaps his hand away “Which one would you like?” He shows her a collection of buildings and Voe scans them

“I want that one,” she points to a luxury apartment complex

“That one?” He turns to her, looking down “That’s Daddy’s prized possession, but he might make an exception,”

“Why are you talking in the third person?”

Vox rolls his tongue over his teeth “I’ll do what I want, this is my building.”

“What do you want for it Vox?”

“Now, Daddy will be able to make an exception if…you repeat yourself…but on your knees,” he snickers “I couldn’t hear you before,”

She inhales deeply, getting on her knees “Please Daddy, can I have a building?” she says plainly

“Sorry I couldn’t hear you, could you say it in a deeper more seductive tone? Kind of like the one you use with Alastor,”

Voe blushes red and sputters, “Why- uh- how do you know about- what?”

Vox grins “Oh come on, you know how I know,”

Voe shakes her head “I don’t know how to do that,”

“You did two nights ago,”

Voe’s eyes pop out of her head “I don’t do it on purpose, it just comes out,”

“Do it now on purpose, and hurry up because if you don’t want this building, I’m gonna give it to Val. He wants to turn it into some place for traffic,”

Her jaw drops and she swallows her pride for her success. She closes her eyes and imagines Alastor leaning down and holding her neck, tilting up her head.

“Why so quiet, dearest? Daddy wants you to make some noise.”

“Please Daddy,” she moans “Can I have a building?” when she opens her eyes, her hand is around her own throat and her other rests on her chest

“Okay, I’ll give you the building baby,” his eyes half open “Have a nice day,” he winks

Voe walks up to the small blue demoness, as she played with a piece of skin that she had gotten from someone that was not her,

“Hi Bean,” she pulls out a chair to sit as the other demon looks up from the skin

She looks up “Hi Voe,” she says in her incredibly high voice

Voe scooches her chair in “I just came over to say I’m sorry for interrupting your time with Alastor,”


She continues “I can see that you see him as something like a dad, and he does give off that dad energy, so it wasn’t fair of me to take that from you,”

“No, I don’t see him as a dad”

Voe blinks “You don’t?”

“Not at all,” she looks back down “We’re acquaintances,”

“Why not?”

“Cause I don’t?- Is there a reason why you’re coming up to me?”

Voe is confused “You were playing ‘Numbers” with him, that’s an acquaintance? He treats you like you’re his daughter! Especially with all the time you spend together!”

“Well you’re mistaken, we just like to hang out with each other”

She looks around “So I didn’t hurt your feelings?”

“No, not at all,”

Voe stands again “Okay then! Great! Bye!”

“So I got the building and now I’m gonna use it to house those homeless sinners,”

“Oh, that’s great! I love not being homeless,”

“And I bet those sinners will as well,”

Angel downs some liquor “Say, didn’t you say that Vox owned the buildings? How did you get one? Did Lucifer come in to save the day?”

“Um nope, Mommy had to put on her big girl pants and do it herself,”

“Well, I am so proud of Mommy,”

She grins “I’m proud too,”

“So, did you give him a rim job? f*ck him from the back? Peg him?”

“Uh no! That would be cheating! I am in a relationship,” she jokes

“Oh please, it’s not a real relationship if he won’t even hold your hand,”

“I mean I get it, I did sh*tty things, but I don’t wanna be a secret,”

“Hey, it’s called the consequences of your own actions. Welcome to Hell,”

She rolls her eyes “Well, if Alastor was willing to claim me as his partner, other men wouldn’t be asking me to call them Daddy,”

“Honestly Vox would still want you to call him Daddy,”

“True, that would probably turn him on more,”

“But at least you got your building,”


Ever since Alastor had chosen to allow Voe back into his life, he was always aware of who she spoke about him with and what she said. Again she was talking to the effeminate spider. Why did it always have to be him? He always found a way to make the conversation sexual in nature, including when it came to him. He hated the image of his doe doing disgusting sexual favors for Vox of all demons. Has she called him Daddy? Well, that wasn’t as bad as anything the spider had mentioned, but it still sent a shiver up his spine. How exactly was it his fault that Vox was so desperate and that she was so pretty so he wanted something out of her? How was Alastor to blame? All he wished was to be…cautious. He thought again of her admission of love for him. Oddly enough, the shiver was larger than the one for Vox. Was he…scared? Of course not, Alastor was scared of nothing. There was nothing that he had ever seen that could terrify him. Although, someone loving him wasn’t something that he’d ever seen.

Alastor summoned his shadow back to him as he thought of what he could do to make her take back that statement. Their relationship was real to him, now he just had to prove it.

He chose to approach Charlie when no one else was around, that way no one would hear his request.

“Hello, Dear Charlotte,”

Charlie jumps, feeling startled. She looks up “Oh hi Alastor,”

“I have a question for you,” Charlie sits up at attention “How do you and Vaggie stay in such a positive relationship?”

Charlie breaks out into a large grin “Me and Vaggie always tell each other how much we love each other. We make sure that the other never has to wonder,” If Alastor could, he would grimace “But it’s not all words, it’s all about the actions!” she stands and walks toward him, and he leans back. “Little things, like going on dates, getting things that you know she likes, just because you saw them and thought of her, and even just little touches.” Charlie opens her eyes “You need tips for Voe?” smiling all the while

“Yes and you have been the most helpful, my dear,” he tells her, taking another step backward “I should thank you,”

“No problem! I am rooting for your relationship to work out!” She clasps her hands together “You two are so cute!”

“Oh stop,” he waves her off and disappears quicker than he appeared, leaving Charlie back to her work


Alastor’s long fingers covered Voe’s eyes as he led her through dark halls.

“Alastor please let me see. These heels are really high, I don’t want to trip!”
“I won’t let you darling,” he purrs into her ear

“Alastor!” she shouts when she almost misses a step, but he keeps to his word and uses one hand to cover her eyes and the other to catch her waist to keep her from falling. “Where are we going?” she asks chuckling

“You’ll see soon enough, my dear,” he leads her into a dark area that feels cool and empty. This is when he lets her go.

“Alastor?” she calls out, not seeing anything or anyone. In the echoing darkness, Voe heard a snap and around her, from the darkness, she watched as a restaurant formed. Full-on fancy French restaurant. Behind her, she heard an ‘ahem’ and when she turned around she saw Alastor standing with an actual suit on. Voe’s eyes almost burst out of her head at the sight. She had no idea what to say. She giggled instead.

“I was finally able to count all of the votes and the first show we’re going to put on in the, rebuilt, theater is Annie,” Alastor tilts his head in confusion “Oh right, you don’t know Annie. It’s a musical from the 80’s I believe. I think you’d like it, it’s where your favorite some came from,”

“My favorite song?”

She grins “You’re Never Fully Dressed without a Smile,”

Alastor claps his hands “Oh that sounds lovely! Will you be in it?”

She shakes her head “I’ll just be directing this one, but Rosie will be in it. She’s gonna play the mean lady that runs the orphanage,” she chuckles “She practically begged for the part,”

“That sounds like something Rosie would love!”

She nods “And there’s a lot of children in it! Oh how I adore children!” she sighs and places her chin on her hands, staring at her partner

“What is it darling?”
“I can’t believe you did this. You conjured up a whole restaurant for me?”

“Sweetheart, that was nothing. Please, expect more from me, you deserve it!”

Voe had hearts in her eyes as she watched and listened to him speak. She looked down at his plate and something about it felt familiar

“Is that deer meat?” she asked while laughing

Alastor smirks “Venison, yes. Would you like some?”

She thinks for a moment and nods, leaning over the table as he holds out his fork for her to taste it. She uses her tongue to flick it off the knife. When she sits back down she savors the taste.

“Maybe cannibalism isn’t such a horrible idea,”

Alastor’s eyes widen and so does his grin “Now you’ve seen the light!” he stretches his arms widely

Voe laughs and stares at her partner, she leans her head on her arm, that was now perched on the table. Alastor chewed, looking up at his doe staring at him.

“Is there something on my face, my dear?”

“I love you,” she says plainly

Alastor almost choked on his food and Voe looked worried for a moment.

“Sorry!” She says, trying not to laugh at the sight

Once Alastor has himself together, he levels his eye with her “My dear, I must let you know that the only person I have ever loved was my mother. I didn’t even have very many friends when I was alive. I have never felt the feeling that you’re communicating to me,”

Voe sighs “I know,”

“But,” he stops her “I won’t say that I can’t, I would never tell myself that I’m incapable of anything,” he smirks

“Of course,” she smiles back at him

“So I will accept your love, darling. Just know that I care for you deeply,”

Ve smirks “I thought you cared for no one,”

He stands and offers her his hand “No one, but you,”

She takes his hand and allows him to lead her to the next thing that he has in store for their evening.

“You won’t need those heels for this next part ma cherie,” Alastor calls from behind her “In fact, you won’t need any clothes at all,” his cool breath hits the back of her neck, making her shiver “Can you guess what it is?”

“You can’t wait to taste me,” she replies

Alastor chuckles “True, however, I will have to. This is simply a warm bath for you my doe,”

“You ran me a bath?”

“As you ran me one,”

Voe had goosebumps all over her skin as Alastor unbuckled and removed her heels, calmly and carefully placing them on the side. She quickly puts up her hair for Alastor to slowly and sensually unzips her dress from behind. This does nothing to help her goosebumps, though he hadn’t once touched her skin.

The dress falls to the floor in a clump, her tail standing up on end, wagging from anticipation. Now, his claws finally graze her skin as he trails them down to unbuckle her bra, letting her breasts fall into their natural position, though he only sees her bare back, just hinting at what was on the other side. Then finally came her panties, down over her tail, over her plump ass, and down her legs onto the floor. There Voe stood naked in front of the Radio Demon, as she had a million times before, but the Billboard Doe had never felt so exposed as she did at this moment. She covers her breast and steps out of her panties and towards the bathroom, not turning to see her partner’s reaction behind her. It had been a while since he had seen her full skin, and oddly he felt hungry for it. She hears the click of his hooves behind her, then the slight scratch of his claws on her shoulders as he lightly guides her towards the tub, filled with water that had steam rising from it and decorated with bubbles.

“Entrer,” he whispers in her ear, his nose ghosting over the skin of her neck and then her shoulder

Voe steps into the tub and sinks with a large breath. She tilts her head back against the edge at the same time that she sees his arms with the sleeves rolled up, position themselves on her shoulders, massaging out any tension there might be in them.

“You know, you could push me under this water if you wanted to,” she smirks as her eyes flutter open when she makes that observation

“I do know that actually,” he tells her “Why do you think I like this position?” he chuckles, pretending to push her, instead holding up her chin to look him in his eyes, fully exposing his neck for him to bite.

Voe moans at the pressure and the pain.

When her bath had finished, he wrapped her in the robe that she had given him months ago. Of course, it dragged the floor, but he liked seeing her wearing his garments. He could get used to that. He lotioned her legs as he had done months ago as well, feeling every inch of her skin as he passed over it. Up he went to her back, leaving soft and cool kisses along it up to her neck, stomach, and breasts. She turned to lay on her back, giving him a full view of her beauty, falling into insistent, needy, sensual kisses, barely allowing room for air, not that they needed it. Voe reaches up to remove his clothes, unbuttoning expertly. Their time apart had not tamed their knowledge of each other’s bodies, nor the desire for them.

“Let us try something my doe,” he whispers between kisses

“What?” her eyes fluttering and lidded

“I would like you to sit on my face,”

Voe seems worried “Are you sure?” she asks their bodies tangled together like a pretzel

“Yes,” he says lying down on his back

Voe lowers herself onto him, immediately feeling his tongue inside her and his nose up against her cl*tor*s. She slowly rocked against his face to make the sensation grow, as Alastor held her hips in place, one hand sliding up to her breast, massaging the nipple between his fingers. Voe’s hungry, depraved, moans cut through any noise that may have covered their activities beforehand. If anyone outside this room was unaware of what was taking place before, they knew now, and neither of the two participants cared. All Voe could feel was Alastor’s tongue filling her, massaging her insides as it felt as though all 8,000 nerve endings were being activated at once. There was no space for care or embarrassment. And all Alastor felt was pleasure from pleasuring her. He wondered why he had spent so much time being ridiculous when he could have spent that same time tasting his doe, it would’ve been a much better way to spend that time. Voe felt that familiar knot inside as she rocked onto her buck’s chin and nose, she looked over at the hand expertly playing with her nipple, spotting the bracelet with her name on it.


The sight, knowing that he was hers is what made that knot snap. She grabbed his hand and sucked on his fingers as she rode out that org*sm, cumming all over the Overlord’s face. Slick dripping down his chin and neck, as well as her thighs, which he happily cleans up with his tongue. She pulls him back up to reconnect their lip into kisses, tasting herself in the process. Thinking again of what her partner had told her

You deserve it.


“Would it be crazy if we got married?” Voe pipes up unwarranted. Alastor pulls away and stands with his back to her

“If we are going to do this, it will be done correctly. I am officially declaring my intention to court you.”

Voe looks confused “But we’ve already…”

“No! I will treat you like the lady you are.” He summons a bouquet of roses and offers them to her “I refuse to keep this private any longer. All of Hell must know that you are mine.”

She giggles, accepting them “Okay,” she says coyly while staring up at him “But you’re aromantic. How can you-?”

“I have no trouble performing romance, my Belle. I rather enjoy it.”

“So it’s not real?”

He leans down and cups her chin “It is. In the sense that I believe it’s what you deserve.”

Her cheeks are blazing red now, as she stares into his eyes.

“My feelings for you may not be completely romantic, but it is much more than friendly. But do not worry your pretty head about it.”

“So is this what you want? To marry me?”

“I wish to court you, yes. Then see where things go from there,”

She sticks her face in the roses “Okay,” hiding her blush with the flowers.

Chapter 12: Sadie Sadie

Chapter Text

“I gave Adam the utmost respect as a leader. But there was one thing that led to his demise, and that was his arrogance. He was so sure of our victory that it stabbed him in the back, literally. I admit even I fell victim to arrogance. This time we won’t make that mistake, we will use every advantage we have. Including, surprise,”

“Do you really believe that I could be an Overlord?” Voe asks pulling on her clothing in the morning
Alastor fastened his bowtie “I believe in you as much as I believe in myself,”
She smiles while shimmying into her hot pink skirt “I should hurry up, today I have to get down into the city for the ribbon cutting,”
“For your new building?”
She nods “It’s very important for me to be there,”
“Of course darling! I won’t hold you…unless you want me to,” he smirks, lidding his eyes
She giggles and leans forward onto his chest planting light kisses on each other’s lips.
“Good luck darling,”
Voe smiles “Thank you,” the butterflies in her stomach were flitting about and just wouldn’t stay still
“Hello all! Welcome to the grand opening of the Beau Apartment Complex for Homeless Sinners!” There’s a loud applause “I believe that no one should have to experience homelessness and that every sinner deserves a chance-“
She looks out into the crowd, scanning for the heckler, when she doesn’t find them she says “Okay,” under her breath “To gain access to an apartment you must file an application, which will then be approved or denied by me! Don’t worry it’s a very simple application! Now presenting the Beau Apartment Complex!!” the audience applauds as she cuts the ribbon with the comically large scissors, gesturing to the open building. The grin on her face shined in the light, everyone in Hell could see how proud she was of her good deed.
“So what is courting, exactly?”
Alastor strokes her hair “Well I take you out and we get to know each other,”
“We know each other already,” she eats a cookie
“True, but I can get to know you more,” his fingers dust over her chin
“Well, I suppose there are parts of me you haven’t explored,” she giggled
“See? I have so much to get to know about you,” he chuckles “Courting involves all the things that dating do, with the goal of marriage,”
“Okay, then court me!”
“Yes, we are already courting,” he smirks “which involves flowers,” he pulls a bouquet from behind his back and hands it to her.
She takes them “Why thank you, my good sir,”
“You are very welcome,” he bows before her and she turns her attention to the flowers
“You want to know something that I noticed during the Overlord meeting?”
Alastor glances over his shoulder, looking in the mirror as he fixes his coat “Hmm?”
“Nobody really cares about you,” Alastor’s eyes widen then squint, giving her a chance to explain herself “Not like you could just like permanently die and no one would notice, but more like…they weren’t waiting with bated breath for you to come back.” She turns to him
“You say that as if everyone cares about you,” he hisses defensively
Voe stares at him, and he feels the guilt immediately “Hmm, I thought that would bother me,” she smiles “but that’s okay, not everyone has to care about you or me. Because we care about each other, right?”
Alastor nods slowly while Voe looks shocked at her own words
“Who am I?”
“Places places people! We’re doing a full run!”
Someone moans “Yes! I love tech week!”
Voe smiles walking past them with a headset and clipboard “Where’s Rosie’s costume?”
“Right here!” and they step on and trip on the costume
Voe rubs her forehead “Now there’s a footprint on it, send it out for dry cleaning!”
“Okay,” they let out a pained croak, running away
“Rosie dear, there was a bit of an issue with your costume, are you okay performing in your regular clothes? If not, we can delay this rehearsal,”
Rosie shakes her head “Oh no, that’s why I bring my own clothes everywhere,” she pulls out a replica costume “Auntie Rosie knows the show must go on,”
“Well, Auntie Rosie is a lifesaver and a genius!”
Rosie grins “She knows,”
“Are all props set?” she gets no response “ARE ALL PROPS SET?”
“We’re at 20!” the stage manager shouts
“Thank you 20!” Voe and the actors shout back
One of her employees runs up to her “Um Miss Voe, someone’s here to see you,”
She raises her eyebrow “Who?”
The demon swallows “The Radio Demon,”
Voe smirks and walks from behind the stage, her heels clicking on the stairs and the floor “What are you doing here?” She asks playfully
“Why I’m here for the show, my dear!” he places his cane down between his legs
“This is tech week, the dress rehearsal is next week, and don’t tell me you forgot, why are you really here?”
“Maybe I just wanted to see my intended,” he smirks down at her
“Well here she is,” she smiles stealing a kiss. He tenses a bit “You’re still just as scary. Actually you’re even more scary now that you have someone to protect,” she whispers placing her hands on his chest. She turns to see some employees staring “What are you looking at?” she yells “Back to work!” and the demons obey
“Well, being the boss looks good on you,”
“I know right?”
Rosie comes to greet them with open arms in her costume “Well hello to the happy couple!” she hugs them both Alastor’s smile widens
“Hello dear Rosie, just here to see the progress,”
“More like here to see me,” Voe says and they all laugh
“So when’s the wedding? You never told me,”
“That’s because it’s a secret,” Alastor chuckles
Rosie’s voice gets high pitched “How are you gonna keep it a-“
Voe and Alastor start laughing
“Honestly! How do you expect us to come?!”
“We don’t know,” Voe tells her
“We’re at 10!”
“Thank you 10!” Voe turns to her finacé “Do you want to stay and watch?” He nods and Voe leads him down to the front, giving him a seat at the table. Alastor watches as she and the tech manager discuss lights and sound effects. He watches the demons working smile and laugh with the cast, as they enjoy their cultivated community. He stares at his soon-to-be bride and feels a wave of understanding wash over him. He needed her, the way this theater did, and he needed her as soon as possible. Alastor leans over and kisses her hair.
“Next week,” he whispers
“Hmm?” she questions while writing something down for a cue
“I want to marry you next week,” he repeats himself
Voe’s eyes pop out of her head “What?”
He sets his face into a close-lipped smile “You heard me,”
Voe turns to her stage manager “Can you handle this?”
She nods “Yup,”
She stands and pulls Alastor with her, out into the lobby.
“Are you…crazy? Don’t answer that, I know you are,”
“I think we need to be married as soon as possible,”
“But next week is opening night!”
“What better night!” He grins at her
Voe closes her eyes and thinks for a moment “You’re insane,” she laughs and shakes her head
“Sure I am! But that doesn’t change how I feel for you,”
She paces around her partner and then stops “Fine, let’s get married next week,”
“Let’s get married next week!” He spreads his arms out wide
She smirks “Would you like a hug?”
“From you? Of course,” and they embrace
“How many souls have I gained today?”
He reads through the documents “2,”
“2?! What do you mean 2??”
“I mean 2 miss,”
“Where are they from?”
“From the apartment complex miss,”
“How many souls do I have now?”
“Thank you, Casper,”
“No problem,”
“Pink and red obviously, I want the flowers to be pink and red,”
“And what else miss?”
She turns to Alastor “What else my love?”
“Sweetie, does everything have to be deer-themed?”
Voe looks around at the deer-themed arch, the deer-themed chairs, the deer-themed walkway, and down to the deer-themed wedding rings. “Yes!”
“Well, it’s your day,”
“It’s our day Alastor. It’s your wedding too!”
He shakes his head “A wedding is a woman’s day,”
“No, that was back when women were considered property. Nowadays the men should be helping,” She places the book in front of him “That’s not a suggestion,”
“Well then let us get to work,”
“Indeed,” Voe spots the Princess passing through “Oh Charlie! Here,” she hands the demoness an envelope with her name on it
“Oh, what’s this?” she asks with a smile
Voe looks up at her “It’s an invitation,”
Charlie gasps “For the wedding?” Voe nods “Oh I’m so excited!”
“Say, why haven’t you married Vaggie?”
Charlie blushes “I don’t know,” she strokes her ponytail “But I’m so glad that you are Alastor are tying the knot! I knew you two were meant to be!”
“Well, thank you for always believing in me and us,”
Charlie’s smile shines bright “You can always count on me,”
Voe smiles back “Well get to it, it is next week,”
She looks down at the invitation “Next week! Oh sh*t! I gotta pick my clothes,”
Voe calls after her “The invite is for Vaggie too!” she sits down next to Alastor “Well this is gonna be exciting,”
“Hey y’all! Did I tell y’all about the apartment that I opened for homeless sinners? All it takes is a simple application and you’re off the streets of Pentagram City!”
thats a good idea
great idea
good job
it ain;t all that
Is it only for peopel in Pentagram City??
“Of course not! Anyone and everyone is allowed!”
my application wasa denied
“On what grounds?” Voe leans in to read the comment
da grounds of YO MAMA!
on the grounds that the apartment was full
“Full? What do you mean full? this was never reported to me,”
she wasnt meant to run a business
she dont really care bout yall
“I’m gonna look into this as soon as possible,”

“Yes ma’am?”
“Why is it that I’m hearing that some people are getting denied in the apartment complex?”
He checks the clipboard “Well, we have to deny them because the building is full,”
Voe is flabbergasted “How did it fill up that quickly?”
Casper is confused “There are a lot of homeless sinners,”
I approve applications and they’ll say it’s a clothing store, but it’s secretly a drug ring
“Let’s pay a visit to the apartment Casper,”
“Yes ma’am,”

When Voe and Casper reach the building, they can barely recognize it. It looks run down and there are demons outside the door, looking shady and seedy. She approaches them
“Password,” one of the demons says
“Password? What do you mean password?”
“This is her building. She owns it,”
The demon gets in Voe’s face “Don’t look like it,”
Voe lowers her volume “Listen, I will rip your spine out of your body and use it like a jump rope,”
He backs up “Yeah, whatever,”
“Get away from my building!”
When they enter the building they’re met with another demon asking “Which sinner are you here to see?”
Voe blinks “This is my building,”
“I don’t care, what sinner are you here to see?”
She steps closer “If you don’t move out of my way, I will rip you and your cronies to shreds, get the f*ck out of my way,” he moves to allow them in, grumbling as they walk past. Voe knocks on one of the doors and patiently waits for it to open, when it does she sees a setup of a methamphetamine lab. Chemicals bubbling all the while.
“Excuse me, I am the owner of this building and I would like to know what it is you’re doing here,”
“Uh…running a bakery,”
Voe gives the demon a blank stare, “Get out,”
“But- we’re making muffins!”
“You heard her, get out!”
They gather the lab equipment and leave the apartment, cursing her out on the way “Yeah yeah, this is for homeless demons. Homeless!”
The next apartment had strings of women in lingerie and they were greeted by a minor pimp once the door opens “Which girl do you want?”
“Do you work for Valentino?”
He seems nervous “Uh, no,”
“Yes, you do I recognize you! You live in V-tower!”
“Get out!”
“What? My application was approved!”
Voe rolls her eyes “Because you lied on the application,”
“You have to be homeless to live in this building! Get out!”
He turns over his shoulder “Come on Bethanys” and a line of identical women follow him out
The building was a bit of a bust, seeing as how the majority of the rooms were being rented out to people that lied on the applications about being homeless, all for a place to run drug rings and to pimp out prostitutes.
“What is happening here?” Casper exclaimed
“Demons taking advantage of my kindness. I suppose I should have expected that,”
He turns to her “What should we do?”
“The only thing that we can do is make the application more difficult. I don’t want to shut down the project just because some sinners don’t take it seriously. On the bright side, those applications that were denied can now be reexamined,”
“This place is trashed, I can get a team here to start cleaning if you want,”
“That would be amazing Casper, but tell them they’re not getting paid overtime because my budget is running thin. I would have to get more money from my sponsor since the theater hasn’t brought in any money yet, and neither will this project,”
“I am so sorry this happened to you. Are you okay,”
She takes a breath “Yeah, I’m fine. I just have to work harder,”
“And I’ll be here to help you,”
“Well of course you will Casper, I own you,” she laughs
“And I’m you’re friend, here to help,”
She places her hand on his shoulder “Thanks, call in that team ASAP,”
He pulls out his phone “Got it,”
Voe sets up her camera and hits record.
“The issue with the building has been resolved. The reason that the building was full was because many demons lied about being homeless, but that problem has been taken care of, those demons have been removed and the applications are now open again! I encourage you to apply!”
She uploads the short video and exits from Sinstagram, waiting to get responses. A few minutes later she gets notification
cool job
she dont know what she doing
So the feedback was not amazing, but her best bet was to listen to Husk and not react, she may not have known what she was doing, but she had to at least pretend that she did, because then when it worked out people would think she had a plan to begin with. It’s all coming around, all she had to do was wait.
One week later.
Alastor sat in front of the mirror contemplating his choices, he never thought that he would engage in such a frivolous activity like a wedding. It never seemed to even be on his agenda, or even crossed his mind. That is until he met Voe. She had turned everything that he thought he knew about himself upside down. His mother would love to see this, and he wished that she could be here. She would tell him that she knew he could do it, fall in love that is. Fall in love? He wasn’t sure that he was in love with Voe, or anyone for that matter. He adored her surely, despite her quirks and irritating idiosyncrasies, but to say that he was in love might be somewhat of a stretch. He did want to marry her, he needed her like a fish needs water, but he would hate to see what would happen if he told her that he didn’t love her. Well, he wasn’t sure if he loved her, he didn’t know what love felt like for him, the way that others described it was nothing like anything he’d experienced. Again, the only person he’d ever loved was his mother, and it never felt like a burning flame that could never be extinguished. All he knew was, he wanted Voe in his afterlife, and he would do anything to keep her there.
Voe sat in front of a mirror surrounded by women who were primping and prodding her all over. On her hair, her face, her dress, her feet, everywhere. Though it was her eyes that stayed trained on the mirror. She had never been in love before, and now she was getting married. This just felt right, like everything was falling into place, even though none of it was. She was somewhat embarrassed to be doing this, baring her soul to everyone, as if she hadn’t bared her body to Alastor on multiple occasions, but something about this felt more, intimate than all those other times. She didn’t know what it was, but it had her blushing like there was no tomorrow.
“Are we almost done, ladies? We have about 5 minutes before the ceremony starts,”
“5 minutes? 5 minutes?” Only 5 more minutes before she became Alastor’s bride.
“Well we have been getting you ready for hours,” one of her workers stated
That was true, she had been in this chair for hours and she still didn’t feel ready enough for him. She didn’t think she ever would be, so best to just go out now. She stands, shocking all the women around her, marching out of the room robotically.
The veil was held in place by a small crown with red jewels the veil covering her face and the train of her dress dragging on the ground. Voe was very much a fan of these huge gestures, but today it felt silly like she didn’t need all this to declare her love, but it was too late to take it off now.
Niffty went down the aisle throwing flowers and dead bugs with them, a feature that Voe had certainly not specified, and her bridesmaids went down, including Charlie Vaggie and Rosie. Then it was finally time for her. She didn’t know what to expect when she opened that door. She knew that everyone would be staring at her, but she didn’t know that Alastor was going to look so cute in his pink bowtie. She floated down the aisle, seeing Lucifer on the platform and waving, to which he waved back, as well as shooting a smirk at Mimzy, who only rolled her eyes. But Voe’s entire body felt hot, like she was blushing all over, all coming to a head when she stepped in front of Alastor on the elevated platform. They clap for her, Charlie tearing up and Rosie looking like a proud mom.
“You may all be seated,” Lucifer says “Now uh never done one of these,” he mumbles
“Well, it shows,” Alastor mumbles in response
Voe punches Alastor on the arm
“How about we start with the vows!” Lucifer calls out
“Oh, thank you,” Alastor states, causing some people to laugh, Voe rolls her eyes “Speechless. That’s what I was whenever you walked into a room. I couldn’t take my eyes off you. You were and continue to be the only thought that runs through my mind every second of every day. And that’s how I want it to be for the rest of eternity. Spent with you,” the audience claps at his words
“That’s not exactly what I would’ve said but okay!” Lucifer mumbles “Voe, now it’s time for you,”
Voe is tearing up at Alastor’s words and shakes her head to refocus. She looks down at her index card “Hey Bambi,” she starts with a grin on her face, “You drive me crazy, at first it wasn’t necessarily pleasant, but as we learned to share our bodies and our souls, we grew together. And now you mostly drive me crazy in a good way. It is you that makes it all feel right, that makes everything feel chaotic and beautiful, just like you. I love you,” she places the cards back “Okay I’m done!” she laughs and so does the audience. Alastor takes her hands, turning her head up to face him, looking him directly in the eyes. Her entire face turns red.
“Now by the power vested in me-“
“I OBJECT” Vox kicks the door open, sending a barrage of drones in to tarnish everything
Voe closes her eyes and growls, turning into her demon form “VOX!!!” She roars, flying up to him on one of the drones “What do you want?!”
“You can’t ignore me Voe! I created you!”
He rolls his eyes “Yeah, I created something,”
“You’re a sick woman! You’re sick!”
“You haven’t seen the last of me! You need help!” He points to Voe as she spanks his ass and kicks him out.
Voe lands back on the platform, wiping her hair from her face “Not today!” she jokes as Alastor pulls her in for a deep kiss. The audience claps loudly.
“You are now married!” Lucifer yells over the people.
They went directly from the wedding to opening night. The show was wonderful, the kids were amazing, Rosie brought it like Voe always knew she could and shockingly, the theater was packed and sold out. Voe didn’t know if her joy for the night was coming from the success of the show or the wedding hours earlier. She was a successful director, she’d made some money that night, and she was now Alastor’s wife. After the audience had left, she found herself strolling and dancing around, singing. Rosie catches her lost in her own world.
“Next show we put on should be Funny Girl,” Rosie laughs “Maybe you could play Fanny Brice,” she winks
Voe smirks and snickers “I’m Sadie Sadie, married lady, that’s me,” she sings strolling out of the theater, her heels clicking with every step.

That night Alastor appeared in her room.
“Good evening, my dear wife,”
Voe giggles “Good evening husband,”
He steps closer to you “I have something that I need you to attend to,”
She raises her brow “Yes?”
“It’s me,” he looks smug
“What are you getting at?”
“Sexually, my dear,” he grins
“But Alastor, it’s not mating season-“
He grabs her hand and places it on his crotch, she feels a tight and hard bulge in her palm “Oh! What’s got you-?”
“It is you, my doe.”
“I seem to have developed a specific affinity for you ma cherie.”
“Only me?”
“Only you.” He leans down to kiss her deeply “It’s quite fitting that the only person I’ll ever feel these urges for is my wife.”
Voe giggles and blushes “That sounds so sexy coming out of your mouth,”
“You sound sexy cumming into my mouth,” he whispers with a nasty grin
Voe gasps “Alastor!” She says in disbelief, lightly hitting his chest
They cannot wait to get to each other’s bodies like starving people wanting to get some food. Peeling off each other’s garments, first his blazer, then her veil, his vest, her shoes, his shirt, her dress, pants, bra, shoes, tights, boxers, panties. The only things they left on were their rings.
“I never told you how good your puss* is,” he grunts while she bounces on his co*ck,=
“Tell me,” she pants, holding onto his growing antlers like handlebars
“Your puss* feels like home, like everything good in life and afterlife,”
“Your puss* is the true Heaven,”
She moans “Yeah?”
He nods “This c*nt makes me want to kill for you, to die for you.”
“Uhh, yes! Kill for me, baby!”
“I’d do anything for you,”
“Anything. If I could, I’d give you my soul,”
Voe throws her head back, holding onto his neck.
“If I could I’d give you my babies, my doe”
“Yes, Alastor! I want them!” Biting her lip, making her moans muffled
“You’re so gorgeous, f*ck!”
“Thank you, baby,”
She starts rocking back and forth on his co*ck, smushing his face into her breast, which he takes as an opportunity to bite and pull on her hardened nipple. She pushes him down onto his back, he pulls her with him by her nipple in his mouth. He twists the other nipple in between the tips of his fingers and pulls on it, making her moan above. But he wanted to feel it on him, in his mouth. Her necklace with his name on it swung and the cold metal hit his face. He pulls her down further onto his co*ck to kiss him while he played with her nipple, the moans now going into his mouth, allowing him to slip his tongue inside, past her lips. He thrust his hips up into her puss* as she grinded her cl*t into his crotch further. Voe pulls away from his kisses, him pulling her back in multiple times, until she’s sitting upright, riding him to her heart’s content, his hand on her waist and hers around his throat. She throws her head back and moans, her thighs twitching over his co*ck, and her walls twitching around it alongside them.
“Yes, give it to me baby,” she looks down at him with her red eyes glowing “I love you,” she growls forcefully as she bounces her ass up and down on him, rolling her hips
“I-“ Alastor starts but cannot get the rest out
“Shhh, it’s okay. My sexy husband doesn’t have to say anything,” she drags her hips along his co*ck, making him cum inside her and her cum around him. Voe collapses on top of Alastor and wraps her arm around him “Don’t pull it out, I want it in me while I sleep,” she whispers
Alastor holds her as she sleeps unable to believe that he could find this woman to marry.

Chapter 13: You're Never Fully Dressed Without A Smile

Chapter Text

“I can do this…for you Adam,”


Voe grinds on Alastor’s co*ck, rough and unrelenting. She pulls him up by his bowtie and pulls her husband in for a sloppy kiss, wrapping her arms around him, and pulling him as deep as possible. She bucks her hips up to get more of him inside of her. She f*cks him like she needs him, like she would die without him. Like she had to know for sure he’d never leave her.

“You feel amazing baby,” she whispers

He raises his eyebrow “Sweetheart, is there something you’re trying to accomplish here?”

“Shh,” she places her finger on his lips, continuing to grind

“Okay...” he says feeling her twitching walls on him, cumming inside her once more. He goes to remove her, but she stops him

“Wait! We have to make sure it takes,”

He grabs her hips “It took the first three times,” and pulls her off of his co*ck.

Voe leans on Alastor’s chest “Are you okay?”

He sighs “I think…I need to rest,” he’s breathing heavily

“I gave you a workout, huh?” she laughs

“Yes,” he answers seriously

She snuggles close to him “I love being your wife,”

“And I love being your husband,” he holds her close, still breathing heavier than normal

Voe dances alone in the parlor, singing You’re Never Fully Dressed Without A Smile from 2014 Annie, her music loud enough to be heard by the rest of the Hotel. Some demons come downstairs, including Angel Dust and Bean, and they gather around to watch her dance.

“Voe! You pissed again?”

She shakes her head lazily. “Just…happy”

One by one she pulls each of them to dance with her until it’s something like a party and the happiness is contagious, they spin around indulging in Voe’s joy.

Alastor joins them downstairs “What’s all this?

Voe pulls him into the center of the circle, laughing and smiling, having him dance with her until the song ends, and they share a kiss.

“I love you,”

Alastor chuckles back in response, kissing her forehead and holding her close

Alastor opens the blinds at 6 in the morning, letting the red light stream into the bedroom. Voe groans, turning over in her sleep and waving her arm at him, signaling that her husband should close the curtain. He walked over to his wife, shaking her gently.

“It’s time to rise, my dear,”

“Listen,“ she spoke sternly “Get me pregnant or walk away,”

Alastor stands near the window “My dear, we’ve been over this, you know that sinners can’t reproduce, don’t you?”

She sighs “So then…walk away,”

“Very well then,” he tells her not moving

They are silent for a few moments when Voe waves her arm over her head “Are you still there?”

“Yes, dear,”

She beckons for him to come to her and he does, sitting next to her and placing his hand on her “Don’t you think about having a baby?”

“Of course I do, but it is simply not possible,”

“But you’ll help me try right?”

Alastor seems apprehensive

“Right? Alastor?”

He sighs “Of course, my dear,”

Voe sits up “Amazing,” she wraps her arms around her husband’s neck and starts by kissing his neck.

Alastor slams his glass on the bar counter with a loud groan

“What’s eating you, Boss?”

He somewhat ignores the cat “I adore my wife but I can’t take it anymore!”

“Can’t take what?”

“She keeps…mounting me, and I loved it in the beginning, but I’m tired Husker!”

He refills his boss’s glass “What’s got her so worked up?”

Alastor is silent as he guzzles his drink “She wants to have children,”

Husk stops “Does she know that…”

“Yes! I’ve told her over and over but she keeps wanting to try! I’m exhausted Husker!”

“Alastor!” they hear Voe’s voice coming down the staircase

“Don’t tell her you saw me,” he tells the cat before dissipating

Voe strolls into the bar, dressed like a housewife “Hello Husker,” she says “Have you seen my husband? Ugh, love saying that!”

“No,” he tells her flatly

Voe purses her lips “I don’t believe you,”

“You don’t have to,” he takes another swig from his bottle

She walks over to Charlie and Vaggie in the middle of a conversation, approaching them with a smile and a wave “Hey guys, how ya been?”

“We’re fine. Do you need something?” Vaggie asked

“Do you know where Alastor is?”

“Uhhh..” Charlie’s gaze is affixed behind her to Alastor shaking his head “No!” she answers

Voe tilts her head “What?” She turns around, Alastor dissipating before she can see him “What are you looking at?”

“Nothing!” Charlie gives her a nervous smile

“What about you Vaggie?”

The fallen angel smirks and looks in the same spot Charlie was staring in, she’s looking at Alastor begging her not to tell Voe that he’s there. “No,” she decides to say

Voe turns around, frustrated “What are you looking at?”

“Nothing!” They both respond at once

“Ugh!” She groans at them before walking away

“Alastor!” she wanders around the hotel “Alastor!” she furrows her brow “I just wanna talk!” she takes a few more steps “We don’t have to have sex again! Please talk to me, I won’t climb on you again, I promise!”

Alastor forms behind her “Yes?”

Voe whips around and takes a breath “Oof you scared me!”

He raised a brow “What is it you need, my doe?”

“I wanted to say sorry for all the ‘work’ I’ve been making you do,” she tilts her head “The honeymoon phase is officially over!” she waves her arms about “We can both get back to our jobs!”

“Lovely! I was starting to wonder if you were trying to kill me,”

She steps closer “Only if you’re bad,” she whispers and winks “But I have to get to the theater anyway, I wanted you to see me off,”

“So we are done with this baby nonsense?”
Voe looks down and fiddles with the end of her dress. Alastor leans down to get closer to his wife’s face.

“Vera…?” but she won’t she won’t at him

“I can’t say that I am, but don’t worry! I’m not going to ‘mount’ you anymore. I will figure something out,”

“My doe, there’s nothing to figure out, sinners cannot reproduce. It is part of our punishment. There is nothing else to it,”

“I know,” she looks away and he turns her face to him

“You will be all right, we will be content together,”

She smiles as he kisses her on the cheek, but once he dissipates the smile falls alongside her mood.


“All right we’re at 3,000 souls Casper, what can I do to get that last 2,000?”

Casper looks through his notes “Ummm, maybe you could open a rehab?”

“A rehab?”

“Yeah, it could be like…for people with addictions. Some people can’t get over their sins because of something that happened during their life on Earth. And it could be connected with the Hotel!”

Voe tilts her head “Yeah… and it could be like joined together with like a mental hospital maybe? What do you think of that?”

“That’d be great! And you could have therapists come to the Hotel!”

“So the sinners could start at the hospital, then move to the Hotel…”

“Yeah! First, they work on mental health, then they can work on redemption!”

“Casper that is literally genius!”

He hugs his clipboard, trying to act nonchalant “Well, yeah…”

“We can use Angel!” she realizes


“This is gonna be great!”

“So we were thinking of connecting it to the Hotel,”

“Holy f*ck! That’s amazing! You are full of amazing ideas Voe!” Charlie gushed to her

“Well, this one was Casper’s idea,”

She turns to the siren “Oh my gosh good job Casper,”

“Amazing, so Charlie, I need you to call me a limo to dad’s place again,”

“Of course! I’m so glad that you and my dad are on good terms again!”

Voe smiles “Your dad has always been a good friend to me,”

“Yeah…I’ll call the limo,”

Voe turns around and sees Angel on his phone strolling through the parlor “Oh hey Angel!”

He looks up from his phone “Hey, what’s up?”

She walks over to him “Me and Charlie are doing a joint business endeavor and I want you to be the first to try it!”

“Try what?”

Voe is giddy to tell him “Hazbin Rehab!”

Angel looks confused “You mean the Hotel?”

“No,” she waves him off “It’s a new thing that Casper and I came up with together. It’s to help sinners get over addictions and mental health issues-“

“And you thought of the neighborhood crackhead to be the first to join?” he is offended by this

Her eyes dart around “Well, I wasn’t thinking of you as ‘the neighborhood crackhead’”

“Look, this is sweet and all, but I don’t need help. You know me,”

“Yes I know you, and you’re high right now,”

“Yeah and I was high yesterday, and the day before, and when you met me, and before you got here. What’s wrong with me now?”

“There’s nothing wrong with you,”

“Then why do I have to be the first for this little experiment?” he’s getting angry

“Well, I thought that it was obvious that your drug addiction was impeding your progress,”

“Progress on what?”


“You think that because I do a little something here and there I can’t be a good person?”

She’s getting confused “No! But it’s not here or there, it’s every day,”

“So what?”

“So, it’s a roadblock that you need help overcoming,”

“I do not need help,”

“Yes, you do,”

“You know, you became the biggest influencer and now you think you’re better than everyone else? You think you can tell me what to do? Save that for your souls”

She steps closer “Angel, I’m trying to help,”

“Well, you ain’t!”

“Oh come on, Charlie and Vaggie were gonna have you get rid of that stuff anyway!”

Angel furrows his brow “And I was gonna get more! Honestly, why are you all friends with me, if you don’t like who I am?! You were fine with me doing this literally a few months ago. Now you’re up on your high horse with your stupid theater nobody cares about!”

She shakes her head “Angel, your addiction isn’t who you are,”

“How do you know who I am? You got here, what? A few months ago? I’ve been here for decades. I think I know who I am!”

“Angel think! You were the first sinner here, and you’re still here! Obviously, something isn’t working!”

“Ever think, maybe I just want to be here?”

Voe is getting frustrated “Well the Hotel isn’t for people who just want to be here! It’s for people who want to be redeemed! Right Vaggie?” she turns to the angel “Or does that not apply to Angel because he was here first?”

“No, that applies to everyone,” she puts her hands on her hips

Angel is stunned and silent for a moment “Well, I’ll leave then.” he turns to go to his room “Tired of all this bullsh*t anyway!”

Voe immediately regrets her words “Angel, wait,”

He whips around “WHAT? I’m tired of being everyone’s guinea pig! What? Is Angel Dust the biggest screw-up here?”

“No, it’s not like that,”

“What? So why you thinkin’ of me first huh? What is it like?”

Voe can’t find the word, she doesn’t know what to say.

“You talked a lot of sh*t to Charlie about not knowing anything about sinners, but do you know anything about trauma? Did your parents hate you? Were kicked out of family events? Were you left reaching out for help, but left to die?? NO! You don’t know sh*t!

Voe stares in the face of her friend, flabbergasted at his uncontrolled rage at the mere suggestion of her help. “That’s a lot. Sounds like you need to talk to somebody,”

“Sounds like you need to get the hell out of my way,” he pushes past her and goes to collect his things

“Sorry, I just got off the phone, what happened?”

Vaggie stares at Voe, then turns to her girlfriend “I’ll tell you later,”

Voe can hear Charlie asking “Wait, where’s Angel going?” as Vaggie pushes her away. Voe stands in her spot, replaying the interaction in her head, wondering where and when she went wrong.

Voe bangs on her husband’s radio tower door. She stood impatiently waiting until he opened the door.

“How can I help you, my dear?”

She is very direct “I need you,”

“And whatever for?”

“I just got into an argument with Angel-“

“Oh and you would like me to finish it for you?” he grins devilishly

She seems confused “What? No! I just want you to make me happy, take me somewhere I don’t know,”

“Oh, my doe! Would you like an embrace?”

“Yes,” and he hugs her, resting his chin on her head, between her ears “Were you seriously going to kill my friend?”

“I’ll do anything for you,”

“So take me somewhere,” she says into his chest

He grins further “I know just the place. Put on your dancing shoes my darling,”

After dressing herself in s co*cktail dress and small heels, Alastor shadows him and his wife to a seedy-looking nightclub

“Is this like a 1920s-type joint?”

“Just a place for people that like to stay in their time,”

She smiled “So…it is,”

He gives her s closed-lip smile “Sure,” he offers his arm and she takes it, stepping inside a regular-looking bar, and a bartender behind it. Alastor knocks on the bar and the bartender asks

“What’s the password?”

Alastor grins “Whiskey”

The man smiles “Welcome back Alastor,” and pulls on a rope, opening a door in the back of the building. Alastor leads her through the door and down the stairs, closing it behind them. At the bottom of those stairs was a lively party. A full band playing jazz music and people dancing like there’s no tomorrow, switching partners and swinging the fringe on their dresses so it looks like they’re about to fly.

Mimzy spots them as soon as they enter.

“Mimzy!” he opens his arms to her for an embrace

“Alastor!” she accepts the offer, Mimzy looks up and sees Voe standing next to him

Voe sticks her hand out “Hello Mimzy, do you remember me?”

Mimzy looks confused “Hmm, I don’t think I do,”

“I’ll jog your memory, I’m Alastor’s wife,”

“Hmmm,” she turns back to him “Anyway Alastor, what brings you here?”

“Well, I wanted to bring my dear wife to something of a relaxing scenario,”

Voe grins “This is relaxing?”

He looks down at her “More relaxing than the chaos at the hotel,” he blinks

“Well, you’re right,”

“I know I am, darling,” She looks up at him, smiling “Would you care to dance?” he offers her his hand

She takes it and stands in front of MImzy to dance with her husband

“Are you sure that you don’t want to dance for old time’s sake?” Mimzy asks

“I am going to dance, with my wife,” he says over his shoulder, and Voe grins devilishly at the other dame.

Alastor is a party animal, he can dance like there’s no tomorrow. Voe is out of breath by the time they’ve stopped to take a break.

“Oh my gosh!” she laughs

“Come now, I thought I was the old one!” he grins down at her as she takes a breath

“I’ve never danced like this before! You’re really good!”

“Oh stop!” he blushes slightly

She stood up and placed her hands on him again “Teach me, slowly,” she smiled

“Could you keep up with that?” he jokes

“Oh ho ho, someone’s gotten co*cky then?” she raises her eyebrow


He teaches her step-by-step until she can dance at his speed.

“Okay okay, I got it,” she says before tripping over her own feet and falling on her butt. She puts her hand on her forehead and laughs, Alastor laughing with her as he helps her up “I did have it,”

“Yes? For about 0.2 seconds”

She smiles “It’s something!”

They left before Voe could fall on her ass again “That was fun,” she tells him

“I told you,” he smiles down at her

“Whatever,” she punches him lightly, before feeling a tight grip on her ass “What the f*ck?” Voe stops and turns to see a male demon behind her “Did you just grab my ass?”

“What do you think toots?” he says, before licking his teeth

Alastor’s head spins around before his body “I think you’d like your soul on my broadcast!”

“Screw you Radio Demon, no one’s scared of you anymore!” he starts to laugh

“Well, you are mistaken. Y̸̧̺̻͉̬̟̩̋̀̈́̐͒̑̚͘o̷̦̲͕̼͚̻̩̅̈́̍̀̏͂͘͜ͅu̴̧͓͕̘̹̦͊̌̏ ̸̗̝̞̅͆́͌̅́̆͐̔̐̚̚͝͠s̷̫̫̬̃̇̋͑̿̊͆͝h̵̫̱̘̱͂̒o̸̢͉͈͍͕̝̠̲̘̼̦͓̝̼͆͒̓͝u̴̧̧̹̲̜̜͓̭̼̗͙̣̒͋̿̀̿͗̊͠l̴̨̡̯̦̭̯̫̠̝̬̣̦̑̈́͌̈́̋̌̿͌̕d̷̛͚̹͖̥͛̿̽̌̓̃̒̈́̉͛̕ ̶̡̘̪̳̠̫̱̙̠̺̤̳͔́͛͐̊ͅb̵̛̀́̊̈́̋͗͆͗̾̒̓͘͘͜͠ḙ̷͖̪̌͐,̷̧̜͖̺̼̱̠̼͖̭͙͙̱̯͈́̅̊̈̋͑̂̓̆́̂͘”

Alastor laughs with the demon, growing in size, his tentacles shoot out, grasping and squeezing the demon before he has a chance to run. He slams the demon on multiple surfaces and squeezes him until his eyes are bloodshot. His eyes are now radio dials and he opens his enormous mouth to ask

“What shall I do with him, my doe?”

Voe squints “You can stop,”

Alastor seems quite perplexed “You know mercy isn’t part of redemption, darling,”

“In fact, let him live.” She taps her chin

Alastor is confused, his claws still dug into the other demon’s chest “Are you sure dearest?”

She nods with a contemplative smirk. Alastor releases the lesser demon, who stays frozen in shock. “You heard my wife. GO!” His voice morphs with added radio effects.

The demon scrambles to get up and runs off in the opposite direction, while Alastor turns to his wife.

“Are you all right-“ she puts up a finger, and brandishes a knife 🔪 her eyes still on the running demon, which she launches the blade at.

They hear the knife make contact and the sound of a loud thud. They both make their way over to where the sound was heard, to find the knife firmly lodged in the wall of a building, and the demon’s head and body separate and on the ground, the knife had gone clean through his neck. Voe retrieves her knife and examines the blood before licking it off and putting it back in her pocket. She dusts off her hands. Stunned by the silence, she turns to her husband who practically has hearts in his eyes while staring at his wife.

“Oh my, looks like you’ve been busy,”

“What do you think I sit in my little tower all day and do nothing?”

Alastor widens his eyes “Do you want me to be honest?” and she slaps his arm as they dissipate back to the hotel.

Chapter 14: Someone Gets Hurt

Chapter Text

“We attack when they least expect it. Leaving them alone for a year was the best way for them to build complacency. But we’ll be striking at the end of the year,”

“Where do we strike?”

She grins a sick grin “That bitch and her Hotel,”


“And the hospital would be connected to the Hotel, in that after they pass through the hospital to take care of their traumas and their addictions, they can head right on over to the hotel to work on getting redeemed!”

“You seem to have really thought this out,” Lucifer answers

Voe nods “And I’m coming to you because we’re friends and you’re the king and I really don’t want to go to Vox again,”

“Okay, fair enough”

“So can you maybe, make me a building?”

“Ugh, fine,”

“Yay!” Voe jumps excitedly and hugs him, she pulls back quickly “Sorry,”

He dusts off his jacket “No worries, I’ll have that building for you by the end of the week,”

Voe rocks back and forth on her feet, itching to ask for one more thing

“What?” The King questions

“What?” Voe asks

“You’ve got something on your mind, say it,”

Voe closes her eyes and blurts out “Can I get one more thing?!”

“You are asking me for a lot of favors madam,” Lucifer raises his eyebrow and gives a tiny smirk

“I know and I’m sorry, but you are the only being that can help me,” she puts her hands together “Please,”

“You can put those puppies away,” he jokes “What is it you need?”

Voe takes a breath “I need you to get me pregnant,”

Lucifer spits out his drink, coughing up a lung “Excuse me?”

“Well, I need your help getting pregnant, with Alastor’s baby,”

“Why didn’t you just say that?

Voe tries to hold back a smirk “Well, if I’m being honest, I thought it would be funnier that way. And I was right!”

Lucifer dusts himself off “Sinners cannot reproduce,”

“I know, why is that?”

“Part of your punishment,”

“But it’s so not fair. I don’t think anyone deserves that. Please Lucifer! I know you can help me. You helped me with one dream, help me with another,”

He ponders “One of your dreams is to be a mom?” Voe nods “You seem more like a career woman,”

Voe scoffs “I’m a feminist,”

“Oh no of course! I just didn’t think of you as the mom type!”

She squints, her pitch lowering “What does that mean?”

He shifts his facial expression “Nothing. Sure I’ll help you,”

“Really?” She is ecstatic, there are stars in her eyes. She hugs Lucifer once more “Thank you thank you, thank you"

“Don’t thank me just yet, this situation is very precarious. I’ve never done anything like this before, so I’ll need to monitor you and you’ll need to follow very intricate instructions. That means you have to do what I say, okay Voe?”

She nods once “Okay,”

“And I have to keep a close eye on you,”

“So….maybe you can move back into the Hotel…?” She suggests. She’s on the edge of her seat waiting for his response


“You expect me to come back and forth here pregnant?”

“Yeah! Limo…”

She sets her brows “Lucifer,”

“Fine…” he turns away for a moment “When do you want to start?”

“Right now!!” She jumps up and down

Lucifer is shocked “Um okay so,” Lucifer poofs a vial into existence “Drink this,”

Voe examines it “What is it?”



“sem*n mixed with grape juice,”

“Why am I drinking sem*n?”

Lucifer looks nervous “It was actually a joke, I just didn’t laugh. It’s angel blood,”

“Wait, is that your blood?”

He shrugs “Well it’s not like I can go to Heaven and get another angel’s blood,”

“Why do you have your blood in a vial?”

“I don’t know, I save a lot of things. I still have Charlie’s baby teeth. You never know when you might need something,”

“What are the odds that you might need your blood?”

He stares at her “Are you gonna drink it or not?”

Voe cautiously takes the vial, opens it, and downs the contents, first, it tastes sweet, then it becomes the most vile taste imaginable. Voe almost vomits until Lucifer covers her mouth.

“No no, don’t throw it up. Swallow it,”

Voe swallows with great effort and a grimace on her face.

“Did you swallow it?”He asks and she nods “Great, so next it this,” he manifests four vials for her “I want you to wait until your period comes and fill these with your blood. And then with Alastor’s blood,”

She takes the vials and then thinks “Will I have to drink that too?”

Lucifer blinks and stares back at her “Just wait, you’ll see,”

She shudders “How will I know when my period is coming,”

Lucifer laughs “Oh you’ll know, call me when you get it done,”

“I thought you were coming to the Hotel?”

“I will after these first few steps, I don’t want to have moved if you end up chickening out,”

“I am not gonna chicken out!”
He smirks “Good, so I’ll see when you’re done with that,” Voe turns to leave with the vials “Oh Voe!” she turns back “That taste will be in your mouth for the rest of the week!”

“Bleh!” she responds

“Yeah, that baby’s been stewing for a while,” he smirks



“Draw me a picture Alastor,”

He looks up from the novel he’s reading “Hmm?”

“Draw me a picture,”

“Of what?”

“Of me,”

He raises his eyebrow “Why are you asking this?”

“Because I know that you love drawing and I want to see how you draw me,”

He closes the book “Very well,” He manifesta a pen and paper and starts drawing “Pose for me, darling,”

She poses with her arms down and her cheek turned “Alastor,”


“If I found a way for us to have a baby, would you want to?”

He sighs “We’ve gone over this darling,”

“I know! But I’m just asking if I found a way for it to be possible,”

“There is no way to make it happen,”

She turns to him getting frustrated “You’re not answering the question,”

“What I’m doing is telling you the facts, my dear,”

“But that’s not what I’m asking you. Do you want a baby,”


“So if I found a way for us to have a baby would you want to??”

Alastor hesitates

“What is the problem, it’s a simple yes or no!” he continues drawing “Do you not want a baby with me?” she seems aghast

“Who else would I have a baby with dear?”
“Then why won’t you answer the question??”

He exhales “I just didn’t think-“

“That I’m mother material?”

“I wouldn’t take you for a mother, no,”

“That is so unbelievably rude! Just because I’m young and like partying and drinking, and and and…sex! Does not mean I can’t be a good mother!”

Alastor doesn’t respond and just shows her the picture he drew of her. It looks just like her and it’s adorable, Voe falls into his arms and he holds her

“It’s a good drawing,”

“Do you really want to be a mother?”


“Then if it were possible, I know you could do it,”

She smiles into his chest “Thank you, that’s all I wanted to hear,”

“Can I ask you something?”

“What is it, my dear?”

“What do you think about my idea with the hospital?”

“I think it’s a lovely idea, get sinners to talk about uh….I’m sorry, what is it again you’re doing?”

Voe sighs “It’s a mental hospital and addiction center. A rehab, it’s meant for the sinners to help resolve trauma and quit their addictions, and then they can properly work towards redemption,”

“Hmm, so are they talking to a shrink or something?”

“You mean a therapist?”

“If that’s what they’re calling it,”

“Yes, many therapists, that will all in turn belong to me,”

“And how many therapists do you have already?”

She hesitates “2,”

“Hmm. Do you have anyone to test run your little…place?”

Voe smiles “Well…I was hoping…that….my darling husband would help me out?”

“I’d be happy to help, but I assume you’d need someone with actual problems,”

Voe gives him a long blank stare

“Do you believe there’s something wrong with me?” he asks flatly

“No! That’s not what this is about,”

“I will help you, but you do know that you singlehandedly ripped off the Vees heads a few months ago,”

“Yes, well actually just Val’s, I ripped out Vox’s heart and you ate Velvette,”

“You’ve still killed people,”


“But I’m the one that needs help?”

She doesn’t have an answer for this, but she looks down at her fingers “I just need you to help me,”

“And I will, I just want you to know you’re not helping your case,”

She throws her hands up “I suppose I need help too,”

“You suppose?”

“I do! Whatever!” her voice cracks

“So when would you like me to start?”

“Maybe tomorrow?” she looks giddy

His eyes are lidded “Mhmm,”

“Thank you, baby,” she kisses his face all over


She grabs Alastor’s face “By the way, can I have your blood?”

He raises his brow “Excuse me?”

“I mean, may I have your blood?”

“Oh, that’s better! No!”

Voe pouts “Why not?”

“Why do you want my blood?” he is quite perplexed

“I-It’s for something important,”

“Which is?”

“It’s.. a surprise,”

“I’ve never been one for surprises,” he sets his brows

She sighs “Please,” she begs

“All right…fine,”

Voe is ecstatic “Yay!” she kisses his nose

“You are too eager today!”

“I just love how helpful my husband is,” she says in a sultry tone


Voe sees Angel in the parlor, later on, just sitting and angrily scrolling on his phone. She stops behind him

“Thought you were leaving,”

He exhales in frustration “Well obviously I’m not,”

“What made you change your mind?”

“I don’t have anywhere else to live,”

Voe stiffens up as the awkward air wraps around them “Just so you know, I’ve got someone else to test the hospital out for me,”


She breathes in and out “Honestly I don’t know why you’re so upset,”

“Welp, probably nothing. Probably just overreacting,”

“If it’s this upsetting, I want to know,”

“Why do you want to know?”

“Are we not friends?”

“We are, but you’re kind of forcing a lot out of me,”


“Cuz I’m telling you to stop and you keep asking questions. If someone tells you to stop, maybe you should. You don’t know how to stop,”

“Angel, sometimes boundaries need to be pushed…to make progress,”

“So you think you’re in the right here?”

She walks around the couch “I don’t know Angel! I don’t even know you’re side!”

“My side of what?!”

“This issue,”

“What issue? I don’t have an issue, you already know me!”

“Yeah, I do. And I know that you have an addiction, and I don’t think I’m better than you. I’m tired of people saying that sh*t about me,”

“Stop thinkin’ you can change people! Stop!”

“So when Charlie does it, it’s righteous. But if I do it then I’m being annoying?”

“I never said that sh*t was righteous, I hate when she does it too! Neither of you know when to stop!”

She sits down near him “Oh cut the sh*t Angel, I never said that I’m perfect or that something was wrong with you! That’s you! You hear my words and that’s what you’re telling yourself. I never said it, you did!”

He puts his phone down “You know what, don’t ever talk to me again,” he gets up and stomps past her up to his room, Voe drops her head into her hands and sobs

“Hello? Lucifer?”

“Hey! What’s going on?”

“I did it,”

“How’s it going?”

“It’s gross, I can still taste your blood,”

“Did you get your period yet?”

“About that, when would I be getting my period?”

“Oh, you’ll know,”

“What comes next?”

“Well, you get your blood and his. Then mix it together and you drink that-“

She’s disgusted “Ugh”

“That’s not even the worst part!” he laughs “The next part is you rub the rest of the blood on your stomach and leave it overnight and you will not be sleeping. It’s horrifying,”

“When are you coming to the Hotel?”

“After the last step. And I am not trying to be there for that night. It is not pretty. You will not be getting sleep, I don’t know why humans want me to get them pregnant,”

She smirks, even though he can’t see her “Because you’re hot!”

“Y-w- anyway, Not insomnia no sleep, pain! Like skin-expanding pain. Like it will feel like a creature is ripping you open pain,”

“Oh yay,” she says unenthusiastically

“Are you ready for that?”

“No, but I’ll do it,”

“Great! Then after that, it’s normal pregnancy stuff, which I will be there for! Because bad things may happen like you might get a miscarriage…or die,”

She holds the phone away from her face “Like regenerate die?”


“Like permanently die?”


“Oh my goodness,”

“Yeah, but you know that may not happen, don’t worry about it,”

“Yeah, I am totally not worried,”

“Okay, I am off to wait for my period, bye,”

“Do you know what a pentagram is?”

“The thing people use to summon you?”

he pauses “Yeah, when you get the blood, draw a pentagram on your stomach with it after you drink half of it,”

“Does it have to be perfect?”

“What happens if it’s not?”
“Well, you have a higher chance of death or you may give birth to a lizard,”

“Ugh, so many things could go wrong here,”

“Just like regular pregnancy!”

She stops for a moment “I have one more question,”


“Do I get to do the fun stuff?”

“What do you mean fun stuff? What fun stuff?”

“Uh, you know how normal people get pregnant?”

“Uh no, you’re not a normal person. You may have a strong craving for raw meat, whether alive or dead,”

“So cannibalism?”


She sighs “Okay, is that all?”

“I think so,”

“Okay, bye,”


Alastor enters her room, the pitter-patter of his feet and cane on the carpeted floor “Who were you talking to?”

She looks surprised seeing him, and she puts her phone down “Oh, just Lucifer,”

“O, what did he have to say?”

She smiles and laughs a little “Nothing, he was just helping me with something,”

“With what?”

“Nothing really,”


She shakes her head “It’s part of the surprise,”


“How would you feel if he came back to the Hotel?”

“I would think that he’s done sulking in his own misery,”

“But how would you feel?”

He shrugs “I suppose indifferent, how would you feel?” He raises his eyebrow

“I guess I’d be happy,”




“Nothing, you’re not lying to me are you?”

She looks around smiling “No,”

“Because lying to me again would not be the best idea, my dear,”

“I’m not lying,”

He stares at her in silence

“I am not lying to you,” she looks him in the face with a blank expression

“You believe me, right?” she touches his arm

He stares daggers into her “Of course,”

She approaches him with a hug, and he embraces her, continuing to stare forward.

Chapter 15: Best of Wives and Best of Women

Chapter Text

“Let’s show this bitch who’s in charge,” she says fastening on a metal arm.


Her period came the next day, but it didn’t come out of her vagin*, it came out of her mouth. For days upon days, she was throwing up blood, chunks, and clots. She took two vials and was disgusted at the idea of having to reingest it.

“Hello?” she called the King on the phone

“Hey, how we doin’?”

She was enraged by his chipper tone “I got all the blood,”

“That’s great! Got Alastor’s blood?”


“Great! Now put it in a ceramic bowl and mix with your fingers,”

“Um, my blood has clots in it, is that okay?”

“Um no,”

“I have to take them out?”


She goes and follows his instructions while on the phone with him “I swear Lucifer if this is some kind of joke,” she says raising the bowl to her lips

“Oh, this is no joke. This could kill you,”

“I did it in a ceramic bowl with my hands,”

“Okay, now take a small spoonful and eat it,”

“Does the type of spoon matter?”

“I… don’t think so,”

“You don’t know?!”

“I literally told you this is the first time I’m doing this!”

She lids her eyes “So I only need to eat a spoonful?”

“Small spoonful. Small,”

She takes out a small spoon “Okay okay,” she stares at the spoonful and closes her eyes before drinking it. She gags many times “I’m guessing I can’t throw this up either,” she says between gags


“Okay, now I’m drawing the pentagram,”

“Pay attention Voe, this is very important. The way you do this will affect what kind of baby you have,”

“Okay, I did it,”

“That fast?” he sounds worried

“Do you want me to show you?”

“No no! Don’t show me!”

“Well now I’m scared, I wanna show you!”

“No! Don’t!! Okay, what time is it?”

She looks up and down “You don’t know what time it is? Just look at your phone,”

“Voe just tell me the time,”

Voe looks down at her phone “It’s..one,”

“It will start to take effect at three,”

“Of course, it will. And how much will it hurt?”

“You want me to get into the details again?”

Shakes her head “No, never mind,”

“Listen, you’ll be fine…It’ll be like a nightmare,”

“How long will this last?”

He inhales “I’m not sure, but I forget how long the witching hour is,”

She looks around “It’s one hour Lucifer,”

“So…maybe one hour, maybe?”

“Oh, my goodness. And when will you be here”

“I will be there when you get up!”

“Okay…I’m sending you a picture!” she hits send and hangs up.

Voe ties her shirt up, to not mess up the Pentagram, and she zips up her oversized vest to cover it. She puts the bowl in the sink. She stands up straight and takes a breath.

“I know you’re usually up this late, but what are you doing down here?”

Voe jumps at the voice of her husband, she turns around to see his ever-present grin, with suspicious-looking eyes. “Hey!” she says a little too loud


“What are you doing?” she asked

He starts to circle her like a shark “I just heard some noise down here and decided to come and see. And here you are,”

“Here I am,” she sounds nervous

“What are you doing?” He sounds like an adult grilling a child

She inhales “I was just…eating,”

“Eating what?”

She tilts her head “Why are you grilling me?”

“Hmm, I suppose you’re right. Would you like some company in your room tonight?”

“No!” she answers quickly

Alastor squints, his anger growing “No?”

“No, I think I need space tonight,”

He looks her up and down “Fine,”


Alastor leaves the kitchen with his back turned to her, very coldly. Every step that he took made his rage bubble like a pot of soup. She was lying and he knew it. She thought he was dumb, dumb enough to believe in that innocent look in her eyes. Was she unfaithful? She had been speaking to Lucifer at great length. Alastor’s fingers danced along his cane as they itched for violence. He did not want to believe his theory, but if it turned out to be true, he couldn’t be held responsible for what he might do.

Voe lays on her bed shirtless and waits for the hours to tick by. She’s waiting for the world of pain that she was told about, but it was worse than she ever could have imagined. It was rip your hair out of your scalp pain. Like your skin is being peeled off pain, like your spine is being ripped out pain. It took everything she had not to scream a the top of her lungs, she almost suffocated herself trying to keep down the noise. It was torture, and suddenly, it was over. Voe looks over at the time and it is 5 AM when the pain stops. Seems like the witching hour was a little longer than expected.

She looks over to her phone when it lights up with a new text

Hey 🦆 how’s it going?

She’s drenched in sweat when she reaches over to respond

It just ended

can I wash the blood off now?

Shud b gone

She looks down and sees that the pentagram she took so much time to get perfect has vanished.

it’s gone

great! 😅

so what next?

Now u wait! ⏰

See u tomorrow! 🌅


“Welcome back!” They all call out as Lucifer walks through the door, most demons are either indifferent or smiling. Alastor is in the back trying to keep smiling when he really wants to snarl. The first person that Lucifer goes for is his daughter

“Happy to see me?” he asks Charlie

“Of course, dad,” she pauses before going in for another hug

The very next person he goes to is Voe, their embrace is deep and long she closes her eyes as she hugs him.

“Hey!” he says when they pull apart

“Hi! You’re finally back!”
“Yeah, you practically threatened me,”

“Well, it didn’t stop you from saying no before,”

“Mhmm, I am strictly here on business,” Lucifer looks around and whispers in her ear “Where’s the baby daddy?”

She squints “I don’t know if I like you saying that, she chuckles

“Is he not the father of the child?” he whispers back

She rolls her eyes “Yes,”

“Then baby daddy,”

Voe smirks and looks around “Alastor,” she calls for her husband

“Hmm?” he asks far behind the two of them simply watching

“He’s over there,” she points toward him

“Trouble in paradise?”

She leans into the King’s ear “It’s getting hard hiding this,”

“Well, it was your idea to hide it,”

“I know that, but I don’t want to get anyone’s hope up and then it doesn’t work,”

He shrugs “Well you have to roll with the punches,”

“That’s easy for you to just shrug off, he thinks I’m lying to him,”

“Voe I don’t know what you want me to do about that,”

“I just want you to listen,”

“I’m listening but I’m not hearing anything that I can do,”

“Whatever Lucifer, ugh men,”

“Don’t have an attitude with me. You wanted my help.”

She rolls her eyes again “Okay, I get it. Go make yourself comfortable,” Lucifer touches her shoulder as he walks past her.

Alastor’s eyes moved along with Lucifer, he was getting a bit too handsy with his wife. What had they been whispering about? And that hug had been awfully deep. He watched as his wife stared longingly after the king and his rage increased steadily, his fingers unable to stay still. But he still needed more facts than this to conclude on what fate she should suffer.



“How many therapists do we have now?”


“Okay, that’s better. Do we have any interested sinners yet?”

He looks at his clipboard “No, unless you could Alastor,”

“I don’t”

“Then no. Have you been advertising? Maybe you should do a live?”

“I don’t know how to advertise it. Especially with Alastor being the first volunteer,”

“Well if the Radio Demon admits that he needs help then anyone can,”

“I don’t know how he would feel about that,”

“Don’t ask, just do it,”

She grimaces and groans at the idea


“I know you don’t know about this, but I kind if betrayed his trust in the past. I know that he’s only doing this for me, but I don’t know if he wants other people t know about it,”

“Well we have to do something, or we’re going to be stuck with 5 therapists and zero patients,”

She lowers her head “Ugh, this is why I wanted Angel,”

“Have you talked to him since?”

“Yeah, once. Then he told me to never talk to him again,”

“Oh damn,”

“Yeah, it’s a tough subject for him,”

“Maybe you can say that in your live. Talk about how it’s tough,”

Voe stares into the distance “I have an idea,”


“I was talking to my husband and he was saying that if he needs help then so do I. What if I did it?”

“You as the first patient? Are you ready for that?”

She looks away “I don’t think anybody is,”

“But are you ready?”


“Okay. Do you want to livestream your first session?”

Voe groans

“So when do you want to see your first therapist?”

“Make it happen by the end of the week,”


She knocks on Alastor’s bedroom door which opens on its own, allowing her to step inside.

“Alastor! I have some good news!”

“And what’s that?” he asks appearing behind her and closing the door

“I will be participating in my hospital endeavor,” she clasps her hands

His eyes widen “Oh! So you’ll be your own guinea pig?”

“Yes! What better to get sinners to try it than if I do?”

“And what if you don’t like it?”

“I don’t think anybody likes being told about their issues. I would also still like you to participate, as long as that’s all right,”

“I am fine as long as you are doing it,”

“We want to get this done by the end of the week,”

He puts his arms behind his back “Then I guess you need to get to it,”

She glances up at her husband “I have a question,” she says apprehensively


Voe hesitates “Would you be…upset if I were to use your participation as part of advertising the hospital?”

He squints, and pauses before answering “Of course not! As long as you do something for me,”

She smiles “Another deal?”

“Just a small favor,”

Voe tilts her head “What is it?”

“Stay away from Lucifer,”

Voe’s eyes bulge “I- what?”

“Stay away from Lucifer,” he repeats, slower this time

She pulls her hand up to her chest “Why?”

“Why do you want to be near him so badly?”

“I…I need him,”

“You need him?” his eyes narrow

She inhales “Yes, and he’s my friend,”

“Then why doesn’t your friend help you with this, since you need him?”

“I figured my husband could help me,”

“Then why doesn’t your friend help you?”

She looks away “He is! Just with something else,”

“With what?”

Voe thinks for a moment “Are you jealous?”

“No, I just don’t understand why you can’t do something for me, but I have to do something for you,”

“You don’t!”

“I don’t?”

She grabs her arm “Well, no I just would like you to,”

“And I would like you to do something for me, which clearly you can’t do,”

Voe walks up to him “Alastor I will do anything else for you, just not that. I can’t do that,”

“Fine,” he spits, clearly enraged

She reaches out for him “Alastor,” she calls softly


“I love you,”

“Hmm,” he responds before dissipating

“I don’t know if y’all have heard of my hospital, but I will be the first patient and my session will be at the end of the week! How do we feel about that?”

lolllll can’t wait 2 c her in a psych ward

getting her crazy on

u gettin a lobotomy????

“No, I’m not getting a lobotomy. It’s just therapy. You know, you talk about your problems and the therapist tells you why you act like that and gives you a plan to improve yourself,”

sounds boring


hmmm i might give that a shot

“Who better to test it out than me? Right?”

gud luck

better u thn me

ur gonna do great!

“Wish me luck!” she says before ending the live. Voe taps the back of her phone, wondering what it was that she was getting into.


Alastor cuts his eye as his wife interacts with the King of Hell, he had known her before, before he did actually. And had he come back to taste more? More of his wife? They cease their whispering and go to embrace, him leading her into his office. Alastor’s eyes shined bright in the shadows where he stood, he listened intently for any rhythmic movement, but he heard nothing. Perhaps they kept the debauchery silent? Perhaps they were only necking? In his experience Voe always had a difficult time keeping herself quiet when his lips were on her neck, maybe she’d always had the skill and she never used it on him. But it would come in handy when hiding an affair. Alastor inched closer to the door and was greeted with a loud noise that turned out to be Lucifer coughing.

“Sorry,” he says between coughs

He must have been penetrating her orally and couldn’t handle it. Alastor smirks, Amateur, he thinks before he remembers that it was his wife who was getting this treatment from a man who was not him. He needed more facts, more info before he acted, but he was already getting closer and closer to that point

“What do you think?” Voe asks as Lucifer examines her

“Welp, she’s rowdy!”

She looks up quickly “Wait, she?”

“Wait, sorry no. I was talking about your heart. Your heart is going crazy. That’s not good,”

“What does that mean?”

“Uhh, well…it means you should probably chillax a bit. Calm down,”

She drops her arms “Well how am I supposed to do that? I run three businesses and my husband thinks I’m lying to him about something. He asked me to stay away from you,”

He rolls his eyes “Of course he did. Drama Queen,”

“And I’m worried I might die from this,”

Lucifer stands “Well, only one of those things is something you should actually be worried about, the rest can fall by the wayside. You need to relax or you could lose your baby, or worse-“

“Die,” they say at the same time “So you are positive that there is a baby in there?”

“I am positive that there’s a living organism in there. Do not get your hopes up for a baby. It could be-“

“A miscarriage?”

“That or it could be a lizard,”

She squints “What do I do if it’s a lizard?”

“Do you want a lizard baby?”


“Then throw it in a fireplace, or dumpster, or sell it. Maybe keep it in as a pet!”
She seems horrified “Can we just make sure that I don’t have a lizard baby?”

“You need to make sure that you don’t have a lizard baby. No stress! Why not go to that therapy thing you were talking about?”

“Blah blah blah, I’m going,”

“That’s what your lizard baby will say. Blah blah blah,”

“Stop!” She whines, punching him as he laughs

Lucifer opens the door “Now go somewhere and lay down or something!” slamming the door behind her


“For the rest of the week, you need to handle my affairs,”

He looks around “Oh, um okay sure,”

“I need to take a break, from now until Sunday everyone reports to you,”


“Tell them that,”

“Got it,”

“I’m gonna go and lay down,”

Voe lays down on her back, unsure of what to do. Should she take a nap? Scroll on her phone? Read a book? What do people do when they rest? She stared up at the ceiling in silence, all her thoughts clouding her mind, until she drifts off to sleep.


Voe is in the kitchen and Charlie approached her.

“Vera!” Charlie screams “You’re in labor!

“Wait, how did you know my name?”


Voe is suddenly lying on the kitchen table with her knees spread open, everyone screaming around her. A scaly hand reached out from her vagin* and grabs Angel Dust and pulling him in

“Voe what have you done?!” Charlie screams

“Wait, what?”

“I knew you were up to something,” Alastor stands next to her calmly shaking his head

“Something’s coming out!” Vaggis screams

A Komodo dragon crawls out of her vagin* and spits out Angel’s boots, roaring like an actual dragon and then letting out a fawn squeak.

“I told you,” Lucifer breathes fire throughout the hotel, setting it on fire

“Oh my gosh! Voe! Why would you do that?”

Alastor is holding a stack of papers “Here’s the divorce papers, my dear,”

Voe is screaming at the top of her lungs when Taylor Swift pops out “You are now officially divorced! Into the fireplace, you go!”

The other hotel staff and residents picked her up and carried her to the fireplace, while she watched her lizard baby cheering them on. She burns to death as they all tell her


Voe wakes up in a sweat, it’s the middle of the night and she is alone, she looks down at her stomach and sees it move a little, but not much. She removes her shirt and then collapses on the bed once more as she has to remind herself that none of that nightmare is real.

Chapter 16: Anybody Have a Map?

Chapter Text

“Sera says that we need a reason, so we’ll find one. They’ll mess up, just wait,”


“Hello, my name is Dr. Wither and you must be Voe,”

“Yes, I own this place,”

“How are you doing today?”

“I’m okay,”

She smiles cheerily “What brings you here today?”

“Can I be honest?”

“I would appreciate that, yes,”

“I am here to do a test run of the therapy to get more sinners to come in here,”

She writes all of that down “Now, Voe I would appreciate some honesty,”

“I was being honest,”

“Did you eat breakfast today?”

Voe scrunches her brows “Hmm?”

“Breakfast, did you eat breakfast?”

“Uhh, no,”

“Mhmm, something must be on your mind”

“Why do you say that?”

“Well, you missed breakfast. And according to your lives, you never miss breakfasts. You always do a segment about what you eat,”

“You watch my lives?”

She nods “Oh yes, of course!”

“Hmm,” she looks her up and down

“Now, how’s your time been in Hell? As of lately,”

Voe thinks it over “Umm, hard I guess,”

“Well, I really want to be an Overlord, but I also want to get redeemed and- You can’t tell anyone about what I say, right?”

“Of course not!”

“I want to have a baby and Lucifer is helping me with that,”

“Lucifer, as in King of Hell Lucifer?”

Voe nods. “Yes, that Lucifer,”

“You and Lucifer are best friends?”

“I guess you could say that,”
She writes it all down in a notebook “And you are married, correct?”

“How did you know that?”

“Your lives,” she smiles genuinely

“Yes, I am married,”

“And your husband knows you’re trying to have a baby?”

Voe opens her mouth and then closes it back “No, actually he doesn’t”

“Oh!” she wrote that down as well “Is there a reason you’re keeping this from him?”

“When I brought it up before, all he told me was that it wasn’t possible,”

“Well impossible and illegal,”

“What do you mean illegal?”

“Well according to Heaven, sinners are not allowed to have children,”

Voe sits back in her chair “I don’t care about Heaven, I want my baby,”

“No matter the repercussions?”

“No matter the repercussions,”

Dr. Withers writes down her words “Would you say you were a rule breaker while alive?”

Voe smirks “I was the rule maker,”

“Hmmm, do you think breaking the rules led to your demise?”

“I wouldn’t say that,”

“What would you say?”

“I don’t know, I got shot,”

“Does that make you feel bad, everyone you left behind?”

Voe looks away “Only when I think about it,”

“What do you do to not think about it?”
“I do things,”


She moves her hands “No, literally, I do things. I’m not being evasive. I keep myself busy,”

“What’s your favorite thing to do?”

“It’s a three-way tie,”

“Listening to music, putting on makeup, and f*cking,”

“And f*cking is your favorite thing?”

“I told you, it was a tie,”

‘When you find yourself thinking about your family, is there something specific that you do?”

She picks at her fingers “I don’t I guess I like hugs?”

“Have you thought about your past as of recently?”


“When did you first discover that you liked f*cking?”

Voe shrugs “I don’t know, the first time I did it?”

“And what age was that?”


Dr. Wither sits up “Let’s dig into what happened a few months ago,”

“What why?”

“Unless you’re not comfortable talking about it,”

Voe scoffs “I’m fine. I just want to know why,”

“Because it seems like you’re very stressed out lately. Months ago you worked for the Vees correct?”


“And how did that feel? Having that fame,”

“Well, I was an influencer already, but it was nice making more money, I don’t know,”

“Did the Vees treat you well?”

Voe throws her hands up “Of course not!”

“What did they do to you?”

“I didn’t like that they yelled at me,”

“What did they yell at you about?”

Voe looks away “Not getting info fast enough,”

“On what?”

“Not what, who,”

“Well, who?”

Voe closes her eyes “The man who is now my husband,”

“And how did that feel to do that?”

“At first it felt like whatever, but then when I got to know him, I hated doing it,”

“Why did you keep doing it?”

“I thought I had to, I had to follow the rules,”

“What rules?”

“The rules they gave me,”

“The Vees?”

“Everyone I guess,”

“Why everyone?”

She shuts her eyes “I’m autistic and I never know what to do really? Or how to act. When someone gives me rules, I follow them, because then I don’t really have to think about it.”

“And how does it feel when you have to think for yourself?”

“It makes my brain hurt,”

“Has there ever been a time you had to make up your own rules?”
“yeah, I told you I was the rule-maker,”

“But you said that made your braid hurt,”

“Everyone else’s rules are stupid,”

“But you follow them anyway?”

Voe is exasperated “What kind of question is that lady?”

“What do you mean?”

“Yeah, I follow them anyway,”

“Because I want to succeed!”

“But you want to be an Overlord, correct?”

“Yes, I want to be an Overlord,” she sounds annoyed

“Wouldn’t you have to come up with your own rules then?”


A beeper goes off “Oop! That’s time! Thank you for coming in! For your assignment you have to write down 3 rules you would make as an Overlord, and they have to be original! And there’s your next appointment date!”

“But I didn’t even- Okay,”

“Pleasure to meet you!”


“She was picking my brain, Casper!”

“Well yeah, that’s her job,”

“And she gave me a next appointment date!”

“Is that bad?”

“I didn’t even make an appointment or ask for one. She just did it for me!”

“Maybe she saw that you needed one,”



“I am freaking out! What is going on with my buildings?!”

He looks at his clipboard “The theater is doing pretty well, there was a little drama group today, and the apartment complex is increasing in homeless sinners,”

“Do we have any more therapists?”

“At the moment…no,”

“Okay, well I’m extending your stint of being in charge. I need to rest,”

“Is there anything I can do for you? That isn’t work-related?”

She puts her hand on her forehead “Yeah, order me a mini fridge and a few cases of water, and have them sent to my room,”

“Uhhh okay,”

“Keep your phone on Casper,”

“You got it, boss!”

Voe taps Alastor on the shoulder while he reads

“Yes, my dear?”

“Hello, my love,” she speaks seductively and sultry


“May I touch you?”

“Sure, what have you been up to?”

Voe wraps her arms around her husband “I went to the therapy,”

“Mhmm? How did that go?”

“Don’t worry about that. All you need to know is that I missed you,” she snuggles into his neck

“I missed you too, I thought you’d be up there with Lucifer,”

Voe pulls back “Why?”

“Since you needed him,”

“You know I need you too, just differently,”


“I need you more,” she kisses his face

“Then maybe you should act like it,”

“Okay, I’m sorry baby,” she says kissing his neck

“Are you actually sorry, or are you just trying to shut me up?”

“Why would I want to shut you up? I love to hear you talk” She trails kisses down his throat

“You love hearing yourself talk more,”

“Doesn’t change what I said,”

“Why are you acting like this?” he grabs her face

“What do you mean?”

“You are not acting like yourself,”

She scoffs “I think I’m acting the most like myself,”

“Maybe with the other men you were sleeping with before we married, but not with me,”

She pulls away from him “What does that mean?”

“What are you hiding from me?” he holds her wrists

Voe scoffs and laughs in disbelief “What are you talking about?”


“So I can’t kiss you now?”

“I don’t mind that you’re kissing me, but you’re acting different,”

She smiles “How?”

“Like you’re trying to hide something,”

“And what would I be hiding?”

“I don’t know, but I’m going to find out,”

She and Alastor stare at each other intensely.

“Tell me you don’t want me. Tell me right now!”

“The problem isn’t that I don’t want you, but I’m not sure you want me,”

Voe shakes her head, laughing “What?”

“You can keep all the secrets you want Vera, but I will find out what you’re keeping from me,”

“Alastor, I want you all the time,”

“But you need Lucifer?”

“For right now, yes,”

“Then why are you here with me?”

Voe’s mouth drops open “Because I want you and I love you!”


“What, you don’t think I love you?”

“Did I say that?”

“You didn’t say anything,”

“Exactly, how do you know what I’m thinking?” he stands “Vera, you don’t know anything about me,”

“I do, that’s why I love you!”

“Is that why you told all my information to the Vees?”

Voe’s mouth stays open as she runs her hands through her hair and turns to leave “I’m not doing this with you, I’m not,”

“Have a good day Vera!”

After about two days Alastor sat in his armchair reading once more while playing jazz music. Alongside the music, he heard footsteps approaching his door, he braced himself for the knocking when instead a piece of paper was slipped underneath the door and he heard the footsteps get quieter. Alastor places the novel down and strolls over to the paper, bending over to pick it up. He unfolded it and saw a message in Voe’s handwriting:

your appointment for therapy is today, I would like it if you went but you don’t have to.

Of course, he didn’t have to, but he was a demon of his word and he had given it to her. He sighed and tucks the note into his coat then dusted it off. Off to the nuthouse, he was going apparently.

When he walked into the building he was surprised at how white it was. It almost hurt his eyes. The receptionist trembled when seeing him which made his grin grow wider.

“How can I help you Mr. Radio Demon?” she asked

“Apparently, I have an appointment today,” he dissipates his cane and fixes his sleeves

She looks over her notes and nods, still trembling “The third room on your left,” she tells him

He nods and walks toward it keeping his head held high. He enters the room to see a doctor already in there, who does not tremble upon seeing him. His smile falls slightly

“Hello! You must be the Radio Demon! I’ve never seen you in person!” the doctor spoke

“I’m sure that you’re quite honored to be in my presence,”

“Of course! Have a seat, please!”

He does take a seat, crossing his legs, the picture of class. She smiles at him, a genuine one, an odd thing to see in his mind. He narrowed his eyes in response before she spoke again.

“How are you feeling today?”

“Quite well, and yourself?”

“I’m feeling wonderful! My name is Dr. Spoon. Would you like me to refer to you as the Radio Demon or,” she looks down at her papers “Alastor, as it says here?”

“Alastor is just fine,”

“Great! First things first, what brought you in here today?”

He taps his foot “I was told by the owner that I should be in here,”

“Told by the owner? Elaborate,”

He raises a brow “Voe? She made this appointment,”

“Oh I am aware of who made the appointment, but what do you mean she ‘told’ you? And what is your relationship to her?”

“She is my wife, and she said that I ’needed to be here’,”


He raises his brow at her “Excuse me?”

“Why did she say that?”

Alastor fixes his collar “Well she explained that it was because I am a serial killer,”

Dr. Spoon sits forward “Ooh tell me about that!”

“Being a serial killer?”


“There’s not much to it. I kill those that deserve it,”

Dr. Spoon seems to get excited “That right there. What do you mean by ‘deserve it’?

“Those that need to be punished,”


“Because they chose to mess with me,”

Dr. Spoon sets her brows “Everyone that you’ve ever killed has messed with you personally?”

“Oh yes, everyone loves to take a hot at the Radio Demon,”

“Yes, of course. But I’m talking about ‘Alastor’”

He sits back “I’m not following,”

She sits back as well “Before you were the Radio Demon, you were Alastor, yes?”


“I want to talk about that man,”

“I hardly remember anything about my life before Hell,”

“What do you remember?”

He stops and thinks for a while “I mean I guess I remember my mother, and how we spent time together. Most of the other things are a blur,”

“Your mother?”


“No father?”

“Hmmm, I don’t remember him,”

“Why not?”

He looks away “I’m not sure, it’s a blur,” he lies

“What else do you remember?

“What’s with all the memory questions? This is therapy, not a memory game, is it not?” he sounds amused and annoyed

“Well, I need to know things that have happened to you to understand you as you are now,”

“I don’t remember a lot that happened to me,” he starts “At least not when I was alive,”

“Is that because of time? Or are you blocking it out intentionally?”

He stops and narrows his eyes “I’m not sure,” Alastor becomes very still.

She types it all down on a laptop “Is your mother down here?”

“Oh no, of course not!”

“So then you remember her from when you were alive?”

“Well, yes,”

“Why do you remember your mother from life, but not anything else?”

“She was always there for me,”

Dr. Spoon looks like she’s had a eureka moment “But no one else was,” she says this as a statement, not a question.

Alastor’s eyes widen, how had she known that? “I suppose not,”

“So you felt on your own for the majority of your life, only feeling like you could rely on your mother,”

“I didn’t feel like I could, I could,” his eyes get brighter

“Right, but this is about how you feel,”

“I feel fine!”

“How you feel about yourself,”

“I love myself dearly,”

She tilts her head “Do you love anyone else?”


“Except your mother,”


“Not your wife?”

He stops and thinks about what he said to her “I..never thought about it,”

“You’ve never thought about loving your wife?”

“I care deeply for her,”

“But you don’t love her,”

“What is this?? Did Voe put you up to this?”

She scrunches her brows “Of course not! I’m just doing my job! She just happens to be your wife!”

“And your boss,”

“True, but I’ve never met her,”

“OH that’s ridiculous, how have you never met your boss?”

“Do you think I’m lying?”

“If the shoe fits, my dear,”

“Okay. May I be frank?”


“I think you’re lying,”

Alastor scoffs “You think I’m a liar? Do you know anything about your boss? She’s the liar!” he raises his voice

“First off, I said I think you’re lying, not that you’re a liar. Also, it seems that you have some vitriol toward your wife,”

“I do not,”

“You just called her a liar, unprompted,”

“Because that’s what she is,”


“For one she betrayed my trust and told my sworn enemy everything about me. And then she’s going off and cheating on me,”

She looks shocked “Cheating on you?”


“How do you know that?”

“I just do,”

“But what makes you think that?”

“Because she is shacking up with Lucifer, and I know it,”

Dr. Spoon types “Why did you marry her?”

“Because I thought I could trust her,”

“So the things with her giving out your information happened after the marriage?”

“No, before,”

“And you still haven’t forgiven her?”

“I suppose not fully,”

“Then why marry her?”

“I don’t know,”

“Do you not want to be married?”

“Of course I do!”


“Why what?”

She repeats herself “Why would you want to be married if you feel you can’t trust your wife?”

“I don’t know,”

“Have you talked to her about this?”

“Yes, but she continues to sneak around,”

She puts her pen and paper down “Let me clarify, Have you discussed your emotions with your wife?”

Alastor stops and thinks, discussing his emotions. Why would he ever do that? “I suppose not,”

“You should, then she will understand how you feel. What have you been saying to her, that this is not resolved yet?”

“I…would rather not speak about this anymore,”

A timer goes off. Dr. Spoon quiets it “Luckily for you, that’s time. Here,” she hands him a paper

“What’s this?”

“Your next appointment,”

“Oh no, my dear, I won’t be needing a-“

“I’ll see you then. Your assignment is to discuss your feelings with your wife,”

“Uh-huh,” he tells her before dissipating out of the room

When Voe sits in her room at her desk, rifling through papers, Alastor appears inside. However, she is so focused on her work that she does not notice her husband to the side of her. He stares around her room, not so much as tidy as she usually likes it. Clothes were strewn about and an almost overflowing can of garbage. The way that Voe was hunched over her papers and computer told him that she had been working for hours straight, maybe even days. Had the moment she slipped the paper under his door been her break? He wondered. He also thought that now would be the perfect time to get some answers from her.

“Vera,” he whispered in her ear

Voe jumped up like she was ready to fight someone. Had no one been up here to check on her? “Agh! What?”

“I came to apologize to you Vera,”

She seems skeptical “Really? Why?”

“Because! I am quite sorrowful for my abhorrent behavior earlier,” he dissipates his cane and approaches her, massaging her shoulders “You seem quite tense darling,”

She doesn’t want to show him how good it feels out of spite “I-uhh. I guess I am,”

“That’s no good,”

“I guess not,” she sputters “Why are you acting like this all of a sudden?”

He pushes her spine so she’s sitting up straight and he rubs the back of her neck. “Why I went to your therapy of course! It really helped, my dear!”

She turns around “Really?” she’s confused by his attitude

“Oh yes indeed,” he purrs next to her face “Thank you so much for recommending it to me,” he kisses her cheek and trails down her neck

“Uhhh,” she moans, leaning into it. She pulls away “Wait a minute, weren’t you mad at me for doing this exact thing?”

“That’s what I’m apologizing for sweetie,” he kisses her collarbone

“Uhhh, Alastor,” she holds his head there, dropping all of the things she was working on “Mmmmm, I like that,”

“I know you do ma cherie,” he tells her as he moves from her collarbone to her lips

Voe turns to give her all to kissing her husband, wrapping her arms around his neck as he pulls her up out of her chair and into his chest. With their mouths connected Alastor walks her over to the bed and then lays her down, face up. He loved looking at her like this. From this angle, he could delude himself into thinking that she was a helpless and harmless little doe, who could never betray him. The way he thought of her before all this mess. She reaches up for him, pulling him down onto her. Alastor’s clawed hands travel up her body, one resting on her neck and the other on her breast, massaging it as he tightened his grip around her throat. Voe’s moans came out as constricted whines and aches for air and he chuckles feeling the power of having her fate in his hands. Alastor removes his hand from her throat and opens up the buttons on her shirt, quickly and quietly, he forcefully rips her bra off and trails his long, thick tongue around her nipple in careful and steady circles. Voe whines in pleasure, the noises begging him, please, to put her out of her misery and just suck on the nipple. Instead, he places the whole breast in his mouth, sucking and dropping it down.

“Uhhh!” It comes out high-pitched and needy as he does the same to the other breast, then flicking the nipple back and forth with his tongue. Voe pushes his head down onto her nipple wanting him to stay there forever, but he had something else he wanted to suck.

Alastor unbuckles her pants and pulls down her panties, slipping them into his pocket for later use, and spreads her legs wide. He hadn’t seen this treasure in a while, the smell welcoming him inside as he kissed up her calves and thighs. his tongue inching toward paradise-

“Wait!” Voe sits up

Alastor’s eyes shoot up between her legs “Yes?” he sounds frustrated

“I can’t, I mean you can’t,”

“Can’t what?”

“Eat me out,”

His eyes grow brighter with anger “Why…not?” he has his tentacles shoot out and bind her leg on each word

“Because I can’t,” the tentacles stretch her legs wider than they were before

“Why not, my dear, you aren’t explaining,”

“Well…Lucifer is helping me with something and he said I can’t have any penetration for it to work,”

Alastor pauses and his tentacles relax, he stands with his back facing his bride and is silent for a moment or two. Then his tentacles constrict her ankles once more several others come out to grab her waist and each wrist, making sure that she can’t move without his permission.

“Ahh…Lucifer..” he speaks calmly, antlers growing. When he turns around his eyes are black with radio dials in the center, stitches on the corners of his smile, and a small red ‘x’ in the center of his forehead “Lucifer doesn’t get to tell me what I can do with my wife,” he says bordering on yelling. His tentacles hold her up in the air and he strokes her chin gently “Understand?”

Voe nods, growing wetter by the second, to the point where it dripped down her legs and up her tentacles. Alastor notices this and wraps his tentacle further up her leg to tickle her cl*t. Voe’s body jerks forward, her hips jutting out at the pleasure.

“No penetration you say? Fine then, I won’t penetrate you,” he walks a few steps away “But I will still be making you cum today. What I will do is make you cum just from teasing. I will lick the lips around your c*nt up to your cl*t until you cum for me. If my tongue accidentally falls in,” he looks up into her eyes “Will you want me to stop?”

Voe knows that she’s risking her baby for some satisfaction from her husband, but her thighs are already shaking “No,”

“Lovely!” he tells her approaching her hips and pulling her core down onto his face. At a snail’s pace, Alastor drags his tongue over her slit, careful not to let his tongue fall in. It was easy since his tongue was so thick, what wasn’t easy was making sure it didn’t fall in while he was running it over her inner lips, dragging it over, and savoring it like it was his favorite meal, the taste of a lifetime, all the way up to her cl*t which he sucks like there’s no tomorrow. And if that was cruel enough he has another tentacle of his recreate the action of his tongue on her inner lips. Then had two more massaging her breasts. Voe’s body jerked in all different directions as her arms and hand ached to hold him to touch him, to feel him. She lets herself cum not once, twice, or thrice, but four times at the ends of his tentacles until he drops her back on the bed, staring down at her with the biggest sh*t-eating grin.

“Never thought I’d be into tentacle play,” she breathes out

“See? No penetration and I still get to taste you,” Alastor sits next to her on the bed

“You are still fully dressed,” she sits up,”

“Indeed I am,”

“Get naked!” she yells jokingly

Alastor seems uncomfortable and shifts away “I-um hmm,”

She stops laughing and sees his reaction. Voe is very calm “You don’t have to do it,” He starts to remove his jacket “Don’t. You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do,”

Alastor’s ears fall “Lucifer would, and you’d leave for him”

“What? I’m not. I will never leave you,” Voe stands and puts on a robe “Why are you so concerned, nothing is happening with me and Lucifer, I swear it. He is just helping me,”

“With what?”

Voe hesitates “It’s supposed to be a secret,”

“Why are you keeping secrets from your husband?”

“I don’t know, why can’t you trust your wife?”

Alastor cannot answer this question “I suppose I should go,” he stands and heads toward the door

“Alastor,” she calls from behind him

He turns around to see her

“Will you ever truly forgive me?” she stares at him, eyes pleading for an answer

“I don’t know,” is all he says before leaving her room.

Chapter 17: Beauty and the Beast

Chapter Text

“I can’t wait to finally tear that other eye out of her f*cking face,” ______________________________

“Hey y’all ya bitch did it! Ya, bitch went to therapy! Say hi Dr. Wither!” Voe turns the camera to the doctor

The doctor leans into the camera “Hello,”

“Tell them about our session,”

“Why don’t you tell them?”

Voe laughs and says “But I could be lying, if you say it they’ll know it’s true. So tell them about the session Dr.”

“Well Miss Voe the Beau seems very lonely, and talking to people on live does not help! So I suggest she spend more time with the demons in the Hotel!”

Voe looks perplexed and flabbergasted “Uh- she just read me for filth,” she looks back at the camera “I did that for y’all, I let this Doctor, read me for filth for y’all! Come on guys come to the hospital, and your business won’t be on live but you will know so much more about yourself and who you are. If I can do it, so can you!” she turned off the live without reading the comments, to not see what people were saying.


“Hmm?” She looks up at the Doctor

“Maybe if you took your visits a lot more seriously, then your audience would as well,” she smiles

“I am taking it seriously,” she turns her full body to the doctor

Dr. Wither purses her lips “It doesn’t seem like it. It seems like you’re making it seem more funny than it is, so you don’t have to commit to the vulnerability,” the doctor folds her hands in front of her

“I-“ She doesn’t know what to say

“See you at our next session!”

It had been a while since she met with Lucifer, but the visits had not stopped. She was showing now, but no one had mentioned her weight gain. Perhaps they hadn’t noticed or maybe it was because she was hiding it under the clothes she wore. Big and baggy.

“Everything seems fine. Are you relaxing like I told you?”

“Yeah, who knew that the secret to feeling refreshed is sleeping more?”


She sucks her teeth “Okay,”

“I’m glad you’re doing well. Maybe in a week or two, we can find out the gender?”

“I have a question though,”


She lifts her shirt “Is there a reason that I’m this big?”

Lucifer looks around “You’re having a baby,”

“Yeah, but I look 8 months when I’m 5 months,”

“This isn’t an ordinary pregnancy Voe,”

“Is it still possible that my baby could be a lizard?”

“Mmm, not sure, but everything looks good,”

She lets her shirt fall “Thank you so much for this Lucifer, you are such an amazing being,”

“It’s no problem Voe,”

“No, I mean it. You could be a great king,”



“Uhh, what’s happening here? I’m helping you and now I’m not a good King?”

She sits down “You’re kind of a nothing king,”

Lucifer seems shocked “Wow okay,”

“That’s not meant to be an insult,”

“Uh huh?” he sits down as well.

“I think you’re doing better, but not as good as you could be,”


“I’m sorry, am I upsetting you?”

He taps on his knees “No, I just don’t know where this is coming from, but I’ll put that in the suggestion box: Not a good king,”

“That’s not what I said,”

“Can I say something?”


“I think before you start helping other sinners, you should help yourself first.

She nods “Okay, it’s my turn,”

“Your turn for what?”

“To say something,”


“I personally think you’re doing everyone, especially Charlie a disservice by not stepping up as King,” she turns to him “There are people that feel comfortable disrespecting her to her face because you haven’t been the King that Hell needs. You told me once that I have a certain power in me. You’re the most powerful being in Hell! Act like it!”


“You understand me?” she smirks at him



“You and Alastor still not talking?”

She cuts her eye “Why?”

“Oh, I’m just asking. Making conversation,”

“Not really no,”

“How do you think he’s gonna feel about this?” he points to her belly

“Well, he’ll feel really dumb,”

“Or that it’s mine,”

“Oh God! No offense,”

He raises an eyebrow “Are you sure keeping this a secret from everyone wasn’t a mistake?”

“Of course not! In one more month, you sure be sure it’s viable right?”

“Yeah…” he says unsurely

“Wait what?”

“It could be? Maybe not,”

“Whatever, I’m planning on telling them once there’s a higher chance of it being viable,”

“Great! Well, that’s all! Thanks for coming in for your…baby…lizard,”

Voe scoffs and chuckles “It’s not funny,”

“It’s hilarious actually,”

“Yeah, whatever,” she says in a fake Italian accent

She stands and goes to exit the room, closing the door behind her. She looks up and is startled to see Alastor standing right outside the door waiting.

“Had a good talk with Lucifer?”

Her eyes dart around “Yes,”


She nods and goes to walk around him.

“You know, you wanted to marry me,”

Voe spins back around “What?”

You wanted to marry me. Did you do that to play some sick game?”

“What are you talking about?”

“I just wanted to let you know,”

“Know what?”

“Not to hurt people if you don’t want to hurt them so much,”

She is confused “How am I hurting you?”

“You are deliberately keeping something from me, and you are lying about it. You’re the one that was going on about ‘will I ever trust you?’ How can I trust you when you’re keeping things from me?”

“Alastor I can’t talk about this,”

“Be with Lucifer because I know you want to be,”

“What? I do not want to be with Lucifer,”

“Right. Then what is going on?”

Voe starts walking down the hall and Alastor follows her, his footsteps angrily hitting the carpet “Can we talk about this later?”

“We don’t have to talk about it at all. Or anything else for that matter, since you wish to hide things from me,”

“Alastor don’t be like this. I want to be with you. I need to be with you,”

“Strange, you said you needed Lucifer!

“Yes, but in a different way,” she bounces down the stairs

“In what way?” he questions

“He’s helping me,”

“With what?”

She groans “Maybe Lucifer was right, maybe this was a mistake,”

“What was a mistake?”

“Keeping this a secret,”

Alastor’s anger slowly increases “Keeping what a secret?”

“Alastor, when you find out I’m sure you’ll laugh and realize all of this was for nothing!” she smiles a bit

They are in the parlor now “My dear, this sick little guessing game of yours is growing old and tiring, very fast,”

“It’s not a game!”

Others gather in the parlor to see what the commotion and screaming are about.

“Then what do you call it?”

“I don’t call it anything, I’m not doing this to hurt you! I’m doing it for you. For us!”

“If this is ‘for us’ then you need to tell me what it is,”

Voe looks around and notices that they’ve gathered an audience.

“Can we do this in private please?” She reaches for him but he pulls away

“No,” he sounds stern “Tell me right here and right now,”

Voe looks around and then drops her eyes and her voice

“I’m pregnant,”

Alastor stands before her with an open mouth, aghast. He tries to speak, but the words won’t come out at first “What?”

“I’m pregnant, okay Alastor? I’m pregnant!”

Charlie happens to be walking past and hears her “What???” she rushes up to Voe “You’re pregnant? But how??”

“If you are pregnant, why were you spending so much time with Lucifer?” Alastor counters

Voe throws her hands up “Because sinners don’t normally reproduce! So I went to the most powerful being in Hell to help me with that.” She gestures to Alastor “I mean, you said that if it were possible, you’d love to have a baby with me,”


“Dad??!!” Charlie rushes to her father who just entered the room. He looks confused “You helped Voe get pregnant? That’s so nice!!”

Lucifer looks at Voe, he isn’t sure whether to confirm or not.

“They know now!” she crosses her arms

Lucifer exhales and nods, Charlie hugs him for his good deed.

“If that’s true, why keep it a secret?” Alastor questioned

“Because Lucifer said he’s never done this before, so he wasn’t sure if the baby would last the whole gestation period. So I didn’t want to tell you all and then I have a miscarriage. He was keeping an eye on me until he knew for sure the baby would make it,”

“When would he know for sure?”

“About 6 months,”

“How many months are ya?”

She smiles a bit “5,”

“Voe!! We should have a party! Wouldn’t you love that?” Charlie asked

Voe frowns “No, I don’t want anything,”

Charlie is shocked “What? Why not?”

Voe looks away, trying and failing to stop the tears from flowing “Because I-“ a sob is caught in her throat

Lucifer sighs “She had this whole plan. She was gonna have her own party, and then tell you all there that she was pregnant,”

“And now it’s ruined!” She covers her eyes with her hands. Charlie goes to comfort her, but Voe waves her hands in front of herself “No no, in fact, just treat me like I’m not here!” she runs off crying as Alastor remains in his spot, speechless

Voe ended up in her room of course, and that’s exactly where Alastor found her, appearing on the bed next to her as she cries. Before Alastor can open his mouth, Voe speaks

“I know I know! I GET IT!” she snaps “I know it’s my own fault, but I really wanted to do this my way and…now I don’t even know if I want to do it anymore,”

“Well, might as well try something else. Your way is already ruined! It was not a good idea, my dear,”

Voe’s sobs get louder “Why did you even marry me? How can we raise a baby when you don’t trust me? Or love me?”


She wipes her eyes “Yeah I know, I’m sorry I shouldn’t have said that. I know you can love your kid. Can you go though? I just wanna lay down and cry,”

Two days passed when there came mail at the hotel. Voe had just come from checking in on the theater and was planning on going straight back to her bedroom.

“Miss there’s mail for you,”

She sighs “Follow me to my room Casper,”

“So, I guess congratulations are in order then,”

Voe shoots daggers into him with her eyes


“Just follow me,”

He comes with her into her room and she closes the door.

“Casper,” her tone is sad

“Yes ma’am?”

“Tell me how the hospital is doing,”

“We’ve had a huge influx of patients in the past few days, plus your soul count went up!”

“Up to what?”

He looks through his clipboard “About …oh! 5,600”

Voe’s eyes dart up “What?”

“Yep! 5,600,”

“Casper you know I will murder you if you’re lying,”

“What? No! Look!” he shows the paper to her

Voe blinks in disbelief “Casper open that letter!”

He rips the envelope open and unfolds the paper “Dear Voe, we are writing this to wish you congratulations, for you have officially passed the soul count to be considered one of us, an Overlord,”

Voe’s eyes widen as he reads “Keep reading!”

“Okay okay! Um, we will be holding a ball in your honor that the other Overlords and their plus ones will attend and you will be allowed a plus one as well,”

“Well, obviously you’ll come with me, Casper,”

He blushes “W-what? No, what about your husband?”

“He’s also an Overlord, he’s already been invited. Come with me, I’d like to have a friendly face there with me,”

“No, bring a friend with you”

“Are you sure?”


Voe sat and thought about it. Who could she bring with her? There was one person, but she wasn’t sure he even wanted to see her.

Angel Dust sat in his room scrolling. Voe approached the door, noticing that he still had her picture up on his door “THIS BITCH!!!!!” it read. She smiled and knocked on the door lightly, hoping he wouldn’t answer.

He opens the door, towering over her “What?”

Voe rocks back and forth on her feet “Hi,”

“What do you want?

“Can I talk to you?”

“I am not in the mood for one of your little lectures,”

She smiles “Great, ‘cuz I’m not in the mood to give one,”

“What do you want?”

“To apologize,”


“I’m sorry I pushed or tried to push you into something that you weren’t ready for. I know I push a lot, and sometimes it’s charming, sometimes it’s not,”


“I don’t ever want to be not your friend. I will do anything to make it up to you,”

He sucks his teeth “Well, I guess I forgive you,”
“You guess?”

“Fine, I forgive you. Since it’s your first offense. I’m sorry for lashing out,”

She stands on her tiptoes making happy noises “Oh! I also wanted to give you something,” she hands him the ticket to the ball

“What’s this?” he looks it over “Oh wow, thanks!”

“You’re happy!” she says

“Whatever!” he tries to hide his smile

“And thanks,”


“Not taking my picture down,”

“Oh, that? Ya lucky you came on time, I was about to take it down,”

She smirks “Mhmm, I’ll see you tomorrow at 8,”

Arriving at the ball with Angel in tow was as awkward as possible when Alastor insisted on leaving with them instead of before them. Alastor had chosen Niffty as his plus-one who wore her normal dress without the apron. Alastor wore his usual with his coat freshly pressed. She and Angel were the ones who showed out. Angel wore something similar to his usual clothes, but his pants were longer with some added flow to them, making them look a bit like a dress. As the guest of honor, Voe was the most extravagant in her clothing. She wore a large gown, hot pink in hue, covered in jewels, and strapless with a shoulder piece and a trailing train. Angel was kind enough to walk behind her and carry it as Niffty climbed in and out underneath the gown.

“You’re going to have a wonderful time Angel,”

“Ehh I don’t know, I might not fit in very well,”

She looks over her shoulder “But you’re here with me! Everyone will love you! And if they don’t then they can f*ck off!”

Alastor walked beside his wife, intent on having his presence noticed, though he chose not to speak.

Angel catches up to the doe “Hey, what’s going on with you and Smiles? He seems creepier than usual,”

Voe rolls her eyes “He’s just being petty, that’s why he wanted to leave with us, just to annoy me and ruin my grand entrance!”

“So ya’ll still aren’t talking?”

She shakes her head “Nope,”

“Don’t ya think maybe ya should?”

Voe shrugs and starts clapping when they arrive at the venue. “Okay everyone go in before me!”

They heed her words, Alastor included. Voe is surprised that he went in, and didn’t insist upon entering alongside her. No matter, this was her moment and nothing was going to ruin it for her. She enters the hall and all eyes are on her. She had taken to doing things for the good that it would bring to Hell, but she never got over the feeling of being the center of attention. It was brilliant how they all clapped as she descended the stairs and took Angel’s arm instead of Alastor’s and let him lead her to the dance floor.

“You sure you don’t wanna dance with Smiles?” Angel asks as they turn to the music

She shakes her head “I’m dancing with who I want to dance with Angel?”

“Aww, ya miss me?”

Voe just smiles at him and lets him twirl her “If you don’t like Husk maybe you could find a cute Overlord to date? You know, unless you like Husk,”

“No, I don’t,”

Voe raises an eyebrow “Really?”

“Really, we’re just friends,”

“But is that all you want to be?”

“Right now, yeah,”

“Aww, how noble of you,”

And off they were when it was time to switch partners. Angel ended up with Zeezi and Voe ended up in the arms of Rosie.

“Rosie! How are you?”

“Hi! How’s the marriage going?”

“We’re doing just fine!”

Rosie purses her lips “Is that why you both came in separately, and you haven’t danced with him yet? Why you not dancing with your husband?”

Voe sighs “We are in a bit of a spat,”

“Oh, already? Marriage ain’t easy huh? I hope you’re not thinking about divorce or anything,”

Voe shakes her head “No no no, well I’m not,”

She raises an eyebrow “But he might be?”

“I don’t know what he’s thinking,”

“Oh my goodness, you want me to talk to him?”

She shakes her head “No he’s a grown man,”

“It’s that bad huh? Divorce is hard, that’s why I ate my husband before he could file for divorce,” she laughs heartily

Voe laughs “Oh Rosie, you’re so funny,”

“People always say that but I never tell jokes,” she thinks “Oop! Now I’m off! Good luck!” she called out before switching partners.

Voe looked up and saw that she was dancing with her former boss.

“Hello Velvette,” she says with a straight face

“Well well well, if it isn’t the manipulative bitch who promised us the world and is giving us nothing!”

She raised her brow “I’m sorry?”

“You should be! All you do is break people’s hearts and tear families apart, and the world needs to know!”

“To what are you referring exactly?”

“You keep your promises with everyone else, but with us, you don’t. You say you’ll kill us again and then you don’t. You’re sick!”

Voe tilts her head “You want to be killed too?”

“You’re a sick woman Voe, you need help!” She pulls her hands away “Don’t touch me,”

Voe stands in confusion when Vox slips into Velvette’s place “Hello, my dear,” he smiles at her

“Hi, Vox,” she rolls her eyes

“Look at you breaking people’s hearts again,”

“Look, I don’t know what you’re deal is. Why do you want to be killed again?”

“Probably because you gave us an experience we can never forget, and now you’re cheapening out on us! You’re a cheap bitch!”

She widens her eyes “Do not call me a bitch,”

“You’re a bitch,”

“So you want things to get violent?”

He smirks “Yeah,”

“At a ball Vox?”

“You’re the only one glitzy about these things, we’ve been to millions of these! Now fulfill your promise and do something about it!”

“What? Do you want me to punch you?”

“You know what I want, don’t act like you don’t! You bitch!”

Voe stares at Vox before kicking him in the crotch.

“Ahh Yes!!” he cries out

“In fact,” she walks up to Vel and Val, slapping Velvette and punching Val in the gut.

Val is bent over in pain “I can’t believe this, you’re even sicker than I thought, you’re a sick woman and you need to be put away for a long time,”

Voe groans and turns away to be met by the chest of her husband, before she can speak or move he grabs her and leads her back to the dance floor, twirling her elegantly and classy-like. Voe tries to pull back but gets shocked when he holds her waist tightly.

“Good evening, my dear,” Voe doesn’t answer and looks away from him “What’s the matter with you?” She raises her eyebrow at him “You know if you don’t tell me what’s wrong with you I can’t fix it. Didn’t your mommy ever teach you that?”

She scowls “You know what’s wrong,”

“I do not,”

“You ruined my announcement,”

He scoffs “That? My dear, it is just a baby,”

She is flabbergasted “What??”

“What? Is it not a baby? Is it a lizard?”

“That’s not funny,”

“I think it’s hilarious,” his grin gets wider

She leans in and whispers “A baby is a big deal in Hell,”


“Okay? What do you mean, okay?”

“Vera, I think you’re making this a bigger deal than it is. Congrats on the baby, the announcement thing I don’t see what the big deal is,”

“Of course you don’t,”

He raises a brow “What is that supposed to mean?”

“It means that you don’t care about other people’s feelings,”

“I just think you’re focusing on the wrong things, you’re having a baby and that’s special enough. Who cares about a silly announcement?”

“It wasn’t silly to me! And I think you need to understand that some people find different things important,”

He sighs “So you want me to apologize?”

“If you have to ask then no,”

“So what do you want?”

“I was doing just fine before you grabbed me,”

“So you want to not talk to me forever? If that’s the case, why marry me? Why waste someone’s time?”

She laughs in disbelief “I was asking you that same question, and you never answered!”

“What question?”

“Why marry me?”

“Because you wanted me to. You were the one who brought it up,”


“And couldn’t stop talking about it,”

She burrows her brows “And you’re the maniac who said,” she mocks his voice “Let’s get married next week!”

“Okay? What does this have to do with the baby? Is the baby not mine?”

Voe squints “How dare you? I should slap you right now,”


“How dare you insinuate that I was unfaithful? All I went through to have this baby?”

“Oh come now, it was a joke. And also you couldn’t have had a baby if you had been unfaithful,”

“Are you here to insult me?”

“I came to talk to my wife and see why she’s ignoring me. Now I see it’s because of some announcement you cared about so much,”

He twirls her “So you’re not even sorry,”

“Well I am sorry, but you told me you didn’t want me to say sorry, so I’m not,”

“If you’re sorry, then say sorry,”

“You told me not to say sorry. Some people don’t want that, my dear,”

“Leave that up to the person you’re apologizing to,”

He rolls his eyes “I don’t want to be thinking about how I’m wasting my time,”

“You’re wasting your time saying all this!”

“Fine! I’m sorry!”

Voe relaxes her shoulders and then looks at her husband “Thank you,”

“You’re very welcome, I don’t know why we had to go through all of this for me to say so,”

Vow groans “You drive me crazy!”

“I drive everyone crazy!” his grin gets even wider

She shakes her head, knowing that no one gets her like this but him. “What am I going to do with you?”

“I don’t know, maybe you should slap me one good time, maybe that will do it,”

Voe tries not to laugh “I can’t stand you,”

“Hmm, what are you going to do about it? Hmm?” He leans in and she leans back blushing

“Stop! Don’t make me laugh!”

“Aw, you know I’m funny,”

“Are you really?”

“Yes. I am,”

She puts up her index finger and thumb “Maybe a little bit,”

“Ha ha, maybe a lot,”

“Don’t let it go to your head,”

He chuckles “Too late, my dear,”

Voe sighs and leans on his chest “I missed you,”

“As did I, darling. Congratulations by the way,”

She looks up at him “For which thing?”

“For becoming a mother and an Overlord,”

“Congratulations are in order for you as well,”

“For what?” Voe takes his hand and puts it on her stomach while staring up at him with bright eyes “I suppose this is quite a wonderful day,”

She closes her eyes “I’m sorry,”

“Whatever for?”

“Keeping it a secret and making you worry,”

“Oh well, that’s quite all right,”

Voe chuckles and smiles “I love you,”

Alastor leans down and kisses his wife on the forehead.

Chapter 18: Everything Changes

Chapter Text

"Game on,"

"Good morning Voe,"

"Good morning Dr. Wither," Voe cautiously takes a seat in the armchair that Dr. Wither has for patients

The doctor smiles "You're really showing now!"

Voe nods "Yeah, it's getting difficult to ignore at this point," she laughs as she sinks into the chair "Whoa,"

"Tell me about that, about how that makes you feel. Have you finally discussed it with your husband?"

"Yes, I did and we had a bit of a spat with each other over it,"

"Over what?"

She plays with her fingers "Well I had this whole plan to tell everyone but he pressured me to tell before I was ready,"

"And did you talk about that with him?"

"Yeah, just recently actually,"

"And what did you two discuss?"

She thinks "Mostly about whether or not I wanted an apology,"

Dr. WIther sits back "Then you didn't really address the issue did you?"

"What do you mean?"

"Why were you upset that your plan was ruined?"

"Well, I guess, because I put a lot of thought into it and this was something that I was able to control which I Haven't had in a while,"

"Did you tell your husband that?"

She squints "No…"

"Then you didn't address the issue,"

She sits there, mouth shaped like an O "I suppose I didn't then,"

"You need to always address the issue otherwise he doesn't know what it is that he's apologizing for. Also, you don't know what apology you're accepting,"

Voe rolls her head around "So I should bring it up again?"

"Well everyone knows, so you might as wellnotbring it up again,"

"So what exactly do you think I should do?"

The doctor thinks "Have you thought of a baby shower?"

Voe's eyes light up "No!"

"You should have one to celebrate then. Maybe you can't do your pregnancy announcement, but you can celebrate yourself. Is that the real issue? That you wanted to celebrate yourself?"

"Hmm, maybe. I still feel sore about my announcement,"

"That's to be expected, but instead of fixating on things you can't change, maybe deal with the actual issue and address it. You wanted to feel celebrated. Okay, so instead of the announcement do a baby shower!"

"Okay! I can do that!" She tries to stand, but can't on her own. Dr. Wither helps her up.

Dr. Withers lets go of her arm "Also, next time just communicate to your husband, 'I want to feel celebrated', and all the the vitriol can be avoided. Married couples are supposed to be happy, not spending time ignoring one another. Okay?"

"Okay!" Voe steadies herself

The doctor looks at her phone "Wonderful, that's time! I'll see you at your next session! Your assignment is to communicate your needs to your husband. Make your thoughts known. And have a baby shower!"

"We need to have a baby shower," Voe told her husband later

Alastor looks up from his novel "I'm sorry, weneedto have a baby shower?"

She blinks "Yes,"

"Are we having a baby shower?" Charlie burst into the conversation, and the pair stared at her "Can we have a gender reveal?"

"What do you mean 'we'?" Voe asked

"I assumed you wanted help,"

"Oh okay, but I'll tell you I'm not doing a damn thing,"

Charlie grins "Okay baby mama,"

Voe squints and grimace. She turns back to Alastor "We have to do this to make up for my lack of announcement,"

He closes the novel "Very well,"

"Yay!" Charlie jumps up and down clapping

"She might be more excited than me," She whispered to Alastor

"She's more excited than everyone," he smiles at his wife and kisses her on the cheek

She's startled "Oh! What was that for?"

"Just blessing me with your presence,"

"How sweet!" Charlie squeals

Vaggie comes by and pushes her girlfriend out "Okay, come on Charlie,"
"It's so beautiful Vaggie," they hear as the women get further and further

Voe looks down at Alastor "May I sit?"

He offers his lap to her and she takes a seat "A little heavier are we?"

"You're carrying your wife and child,"

"What do you suppose it is? Girl? Boy? Lizard?"

She punches Alastor in the chest "Stop!"

He laughs "So are you inviting all your little fans or are we keeping it small?"

"My relationship with my fans is parasocial,"

"Oh, so you want to keep it a secret? They are going to hate that,"

"Perhaps I'll hold a contest, one fan can come,"

"Ooh, a bloodbath. Maybe you are a bit evil,"

She chuckles "Would you have married me if I wasn't?"

"Let's focus on the future,"

She slaps his arm "Anyway, I'm hoping it's a girl,"

"Huh, I do too,"

"Really? Why?"

He shrugs "I'm not sure, I've always wanted a little girl running around,"

"Oooh, girl Dad,"

"I suppose,"

"Welcome Sovereign Overlords. We are gathered here to introduce and welcome our newest Overlord, Miss Voe," Carmilla Carmine gestures towards her as the other Overlords clap cordially and Voe waves politely.

"Well this is fun," Voe whispers to her husband

"Now you can contribute, congrats! But remember you think before you say things,"

She tilts her head "I always do that,"

He blinks at her "Yes but, thinkmore,"

Voe purses her lips and says "Well I'm up for questions if anyone has got some,"

"Okay…" Carmilla breathes

She turns to Alastor "Should I not have said that?"

"Oh, you're fine darling. We just have business to attend to,"

The Vees are in the corner laughing like schoolchildren

"What are they talking about?" she asks, tilting her head

"Ignore them," Alastor tells her

"The number of our souls has remarkably gone up. I just want to express how proud I am of all of you," she says with no change in tone,

"As we are of you Carmilla," Zestial jumps him
Carmilla wears a small smile after Zestials words. "Moving on, I just wanted to tell you that, but we have to stay focused because we never know when Heaven will return. We must stay ready and strong. That is all. The meeting is adjourned,"

"What?" Valentino screams "This could've been an email!"

"Or a text!" Velvette waves her phone

Carmilla blinks "Well, I know one of you cannot see, so I thought I would do you a favor,"

"Who's she talking about? Is she talking about me?" Val asks

"Val, I'm over here," Velvette says from the other side of him

"Are they always this short?" Voe asks

"Oh no, once we had a 16-hour debate,"

"About what?"

Alastor thinks and shrugs "I don't even recall," Voe laughs and jumps up running after Rosie

"Rosie!" she calls

"Voe! Aren't you looking well? Come, you must meet the other Overlords!"

Rosie guides her around the table introducing her to the others, like Zeezi, as well as Carmilla's daughters, Clara and Odette.

"Hello," Voe greets them

"Pleasure to meet you," Odette shakes her hand

"Hi!" Clara responds

"Ladies, this is the newest Overlord, Miss Voe the Beau. I don't know if you ladies have social media,"

Odette shakes her head "We aren't on social media,"

"Okay…" Voe says

Clara looks down at Voe's stomach "Oh, you're pregnant? I don't know how, but Congratulations!"

"Clara, I didn't bring it up on purpose,"

"Oh, sorry,"

Voe smiles "it's okay, I am pregnant,"

"Congratulations! How are you pregnant?"

"Clara, you cannot just ask people how they got pregnant,"


Rosie starts to lead her away "Come now, so many more people to see. You girls behave!" she leads her to the head of the meeting herself, Carmilla "Hey Carmilla. Great meeting! And hello to you too Zestial, I wasn't interrupting anything important was I? Wink wink? Oh, I'm just kidding! Hello to you both!"

"Hello, Rosie," Carmilla breathes out

"Pleasure to make thine acquaintance," Zestial responds

"This here is Miss Voe the Beau, isn't she adorable?"

Voe waves to the two Overlords that tower over her "Hello,"

"It's quite a pleasure to meet you," Carmilla says, looking down at her

"I know we didn't get to the introductory part of it, but I can answer anything you need to know,"

"I have business to attend to but Voe," the doe looks up into her eyes "We should talk more," she states walking away with Zestial

Voe whispers "Yes Mother…" She shakes her head "Rosie!"


"I wanted to invite you to my baby shower," she smiles

Rosie gasps "Oh I thought you'd never ask!"

"Well! If it isn't my two favorite people? Hello, my dear Rosie," Vox interrupts, straightening Rosie's hat, Rosie tilts it back

"Hello Vox," she states, her voice lowering

Voe rolls her eyes and crosses her arms

"What are you sneaking around for?"

"I can't say hello to my best friend?

"Oh now! I help you with one thing and now you're acting all crazy!"

Vox laughs "Me? Crazy?" he puts his arms around them both "Don't be ridiculous. I would never do that to my favorite Overlord,"

"Don't you try to butter me up! Last time I helped you it was a complete disaster!"

"I just wanted to say high to our newest Overlord and the mother-to-be,"

Voe moves from under his arm "Don't touch me,"

"Honestly, I hope you're having a girl,"

She scrunches her brow "Why?"

"I don't know, I got that girl feeling,"

"You're gross,"

"Goodbye Vox," Rosie takes Voe and walks away "Ugh, annoying guy, but good with deals. Always remember you may have enemies, but keep them close. You might need something from them,"

"It's so weird, ever since I killed them, the Vees are like obsessed with me,"

"Yeah, they're like that with everybody,"

Alastor walks up to the two ladies "Where have you two been?"

"I've been showing yourwifethe ropes,"

"I hope you didn't show her too much,"
"Wouldn't want the ropes to be too tight!" They laugh together as Voe stares at them, not at all understanding what they are talking about.


No no, that name was much too 'Salem witch trials'. He would adore it if her name started with an 'A'. Alice? Like Alice in Wonderland, the book was not like whatever film Vera had shown them. Why were they using real human beings? Anyway, he would bring the name up to her later. Alastor sits down making paper dolls for the baby shower. He watches as his wife sits in his chair, giving orders to everyone on how things should look. He stared at her form, there seemed to be something of a glow about her. She was indeed thelightof his afterlife haha! He never thought that he would be sitting on the couch waiting to be a father, let alone helping prep for a baby shower. He hadn't killed anyone in a while, he didn't have the urge to, this was more than enough for him at this moment. He wondered what his baby girl would be like. Would she be like him or like Vera? Perhaps a mix of both? Oh goodness, not a mix of both. There was one of him and one of his wife, both of them in a single child would be too much for even him to handle. He could teach her hand games and Louisiana Creole, and his mother's recipes, he could braid her hair and dress her in cute little 1920s dresses and hair bows.

"I like Jason!"

Alastor snaps back into reality "What?"

"You didn't put any boy's names," Niffty said "I like Jason for a boy!"

"Well, it's going to be a girl,"

"How doyouknow?" she asked

"I just do,"

"I made a list of all the boys' names," Niffty sticks her tongue out at Alastor and slides him a list

He sticks his tongue out back at her and takes a look. All the names start with a 'J' "Well thank you Niffty, but we won't be needing this,"

"Yes, you will! You will!" She bites Alastor's hand and rubs Voe's stomach, whispering "Jason,"

Voe removes her hand from her stomach.

Alastor cared for Niffty very much, but sometimes, she scared the dickens out of him.

"You're thinking of names?" Voe asked


"What you got?"

He crumples up Niffty's list "I have a few,"

"Tell me,"

"I'll tell you later,"


"Haven't picked the perfect one yet,"

Niffty can be heard in the background asking Angel "Can we name him Jason?"

"It's not my baby!"

"Can we name you and Husk's baby Jason?"

Husk immediately opens a bottle and downs half of it.

"What? Can't imagine getting me pregnant?"

"I'm not even going down that road with you,"

"Hey," Voe called for her husband

He snapped back to attention "Yes?"

"You excited?"

"Quite," he smiles

"Me too!" Niffty says from on top of Alastor's head

"I want to invite some Overlords to the baby shower, what do you think?" Voe says

"You want to invite those old coots?" Alastor raised an eyebrow

She smiles and pokes his chest "I'm married to one of those old coots,"

"Hmm well, I'm one of the better old coots,"

"Oh of course, but I'd like to invite Carmilla and Zestial. They seem…family-oriented,"

"Hmm, very well,"

Voe hands Alastor two envelopes "Drop them off for me sweetie,"

He takes them "Of course,"

Voe leans on her arm "Look at you, when's the last time you've killed? I can't even remember,"

He chuckles "I haven't felt the need to. my dear,"

"What's gotten into you?"

"Perhaps having a family to take care of?"

"Well I don't want you to give up part of who you are for me, that wouldn't be right,"

"Oh now, I don't even remember why I started killing. It's been so long, it's faded from my mind,"

Her eyes widen "Wow, therapy has been working huh?"

"I suppose," he closes his lips into a thin smile

"If it ever comes back, I won't stop you," she smiles

"I don't believe it will,"


He stands "Alastor, your new and improved husband,"

Voe laughs "I love everything about you,"

"As do I,"

She smirks "You love everything about yourself?"

He grins and nods "And you,"

"I wonder which of us our baby will be like,"

"Let's hope she has my everything," he laughs "I'm teasing darling, I hope she has everything from you,"

"How would you feel if they started killing?" she stares up at him

"Just for no reason?"

"No, if they had a reason. Like you did,"

He thinks "I don't want to raise them that way. I think about what my mother would think about my killing. She would probably blame herself, I wouldn't want to disappoint her further,"

She rubs her stomach "You really miss your mother,"

"Hmm, I think about her often,"

"I wish she could meet her grandchild,"

"So do I,"

"So now do you want to become the man your mother would be proud of?"

"I suppose so,"

She tiptoes and kisses him "I admire you,"

"Ugh darling, of course, you do!" He grins "But you shouldn't,"

"But I do,

"Well, thank you,"

"Do you admire me?"

"Oh very much so. Sometimes I look up to you,"

Voe smiles "Really?"

"Really. You may annoy me, but I enjoy your company,"

"Oh, you thinkI'mannoying? Have you met you?"

"Well yes, I have. Have you met you?"

She rolls her eyes "I suppose I have,"

He tilts her head up and gets close to her face "You are the most annoying person that I have ever had the pleasure of meeting,"

"And you are that to me,"

He presses his lips to her lips, over and over again

"I'm so glad I met you," they say to each other staring into each other's eyes

What was more surprising than Voe wanting to invite Zestial and Carmilla was their willingness to show up. They came in together and bearing gifts when Bean opened the door.

"Hello sweetheart, we are here for the baby shower," Carmilla says

"Yep! That's right in here,"

Zestial takes his hand and places it on Carmilla's lower back "The utmost thanks to thee," he tells Bean as he guides Carmilla in

Voe sees them as she approaches Bean "Wow they came!" she does a double take "Anyway Bean,"

"Huh?" she asks with a mouthful of candy

"You have one job…keep Vox out,"

"Yup, I got it!"


"Mhmm, I got it!"

"Because he got into the wedding, so be extra vigilant,"

She nods, eating more candy "I don't know how he got in that time, but I'm super focused,"

Voe grabs the candy out of her hands. They are VoxTek gummies "Yeah, uhuh," she throws them back to her

"I promise! No funny business!" she eats more candy "I'm focused!"

"Voe! Why are you standing? Sit!" Charlie came to get her

"I wanted to greet everyone,"

"Well don't strain yourself!"

She walks over to Carmilla to have a chat "Hi! I guess you remember me,"

"Yes, Voe the Beau. Hello, how are you?"

"I'm doing wonderful. I know I invited you, but I'm honestly shocked that you came,"

"I enjoy little gatherings, and I haven't been to a baby shower in decades,"

Voe smiles "And how did you get Zestial to come?"

"Well we were already out, so I asked him to tag along,"

"Honestly, I'm surprised that no one has asked about my pregnancy,"

"How is that going by the way? I've been so busy It completely slipped my mind,"

Voe tilts her head "My pregnancy is going great, I hope my baby is a girl,"

Carmilla glances down at Voe's stomach "You're quite large for one baby."

"Well, Lucifer told me that it wasn't a normal pregnancy,"

Carmilla chuckles "Well Lucifer may be powerful, but he is only a man. I know about pregnancy, that's the size of twins."

Voe widens her eyes "Twins?"

"Twins. You have two babies in there,"

Voe stares off thinking about what she was just told as Carmilla grabs a drink

"I never thought of Alastor as a husband, let alone a father. Then again, I barely think of him at all," she says taking a sip "But knowing what I know about you, it makes sense that you're together,"

"What do you know about me?"

"That you're a woman about change," she smiles as if she were a proud mother

Voe blushes "Oh, um thank you,"

"My pleasure,"

"Can I just say that you have Mother energy? I know that you're a mother, but you have mother energy,"

Carmilla raises her brows "Uhuh,"

"It's a compliment,"

"Then thank you,"

Voe looks around, not knowing what to do at that moment "Well enjoy the party, drink for me because I can't!" she laughs

"Not much of a drinker myself, but I will enjoy the party, thank you,"

Carmilla turns to walk away "Thanks for coming!"

The rest of the baby shower went off without a hitch, Charlie continually telling her to sit as she handled everything. Alastor stands beside her, ensuring she doesn't get overwhelmed while opening gifts. Charlie bought a stuffed bear, while Carmilla bought her a pacifier. Voe loved being the center of attention when she had planned for it. She had a smile plastered to her face the entire evening.

"I want to thank you all for coming, and for all your gifts! Let's just hope I don't end up having a lizard baby!"

They laugh at her joke, but Charlie speaks up "A lizard baby?"

"Yeah, your dad told me about how if anything went wrong my baby could end up a lizard,"

Charlie rolls her eyes "UghDad!You dug up that lizard baby thing?"

"Well- ugh- It was supposed to be funny!"

Voe slowly turns her head toward the king "Wait. Lucifer! Was that ajoke?"

The King's eyes dart around "Uhh lol?"

"Charlie, hold me back. I'm gonna punch your dad in the face!" they laugh again, and she shakes her head "Sorry about that everyone! But thank you for coming! I appreciate you all!"

"Hello Alastor,"

"Hello Doctor," he spoke calmly

"What would you like to talk about today?"

He folds his hands on his knees "I have decided that I no longer want to kill,"

"Oh? Why's that?"

"I thought about why I was killing so much when I was alive and I can't remember the reason. I do remember that my mother was unaware of the type of mischief that I was getting into and I don't my kids to get into that kind of trouble,"

"Trouble? This is your entire reputation that we're discussing is it not? You give up killing, you give up being the Radio Demon do you not?"

"Mmm hold on, no one ever said I'd give up being the Radio Demon, I just said I've given up killing,"

She inhales "Alastor, you understand that you got the name because of your killings?"

"I got that name because of…." he stops and thinks "Huh, well maybe I'm ready to give up being the Radio Demon," he could not believe the words he was saying. Giving up his title? "Maybe it's time for me to just be 'Alastor',"

"My, what led you to this decision?"

"I don't know, I feel like maybe I need to make a change,"


"I suppose I want to be a good father,"

The doctor leans back "Ah, so this is about your wife's pregnancy?"

"Yes, my child comes first and I want her to see her father as…' Daddy',"

She smiles "That's very sweet Alastor. I'm proud of you,"

"Well, I suppose," he found the feeling strange. He felt the respect coming from her, but it was odd, it felt different like he earned it without having to terrify her.

"How does that feel to you?"

He tilts his head "I suppose I feel good,"

"So you're giving up killing?"

Alastor nods "Mhmm,"

"All killing?"

"All killing,"

"What about, if you needed to?"

"I think there may be a different way to do things. I may not have to kill,"

She blinks "That's very unlike you to say. Did you tell your wife this?"

"I spoke to her briefly about it,"

"How did she react?"

"She was surprised like you, but she was happy,"

"She was happy to see you give up a huge part of yourself?"

"It's not an important part of myself,"

"So things in your relationship will change, yes?"

He tilts his head, smike strained "I don't think that it has anything to do with the relationship,"

"But the relationship began while you were killing, so either she liked it or was used to it,"

"I don't know, but this is my decision,"

"And you are certain about this?"


She types on her laptop "This will be difficult, you are aware yes?"

"Well, I do like a challenge,"

"I think that perhaps you should take things slower instead of up and quitting unless you arecertainthat quitting cold turkey is best for you-"

"Oh, I'm certain!"

"Well then I wish you all the success in your relationship, parenthood, and your endeavors," a timer goes off "And that's time. I will see you at your next appointment and you've already given yourself an assignment, good luck!"

Alastor stands and dusts himself off "Good luck indeed, I will come back and we will see who's won this challenge ha ha!" he walks out of the room

"Alastor! I think you're taking it-" she calls after him "And he's gone. Welp, at least he's enjoying his sessions!"

Two months later they were wondering who would be delivering the baby. They were coming any day now and Voe was almost ready to pop.

"Maybe Lucifer should do it," Voe offered

Alastor glares "Absolutely not!"

"Why not?" she tilts her head

"I don't want him touching you,"

"But he's been there throughout the entire process,"

"Why does it have to keep being there?"

Voe tries to sit up, and Alastor helps her sit straight "He needs to make sure that nothing goes wrong,"

"I am sure that I know what's going on with my wife,"

"Not with this pregnancy,"

Alastor's eyes betray his smile "Mhmm,"



Voe looks to the side "Tell me,"

"It does not matter,"

"Your thoughts matter,"

"I just don't want him touching you,"

She tilts her head "He's touched me before,"

"I really would not like to be reminded,"

Voe reaches for him, and he bends down to place his face in her hands "Okay, he won't deliver the baby,"

"Okay," his smile seems more sincere after that

"But who should?"

"I don't know,"

Voe grimaces "You know you're quick to shoot an idea down but very slow on giving your own,"

His smile grows wider "Well I'm sorry that I'm not an expert on who can and cannot deliver babies, but I am an expert on my emotions,"

She scoffs "When did you get that title?"

"Just now, when I declared it," his grin is cute and smug

Voe smiles at him, staring into his eyes before something comes to her mind "Carmilla!"

Alastor looks confused "What about her dear?"

"She can deliver the babies!"

"Why her?"

"She said she knows about pregnancy,"

His smile still wide, Alastor looks to the side "I don't think that's what she meant, my dear,"

Voe waves him off "I just thought about something, how are you going to eat if you aren't killing anymore?"

"I eat other things, my sweet,"

"Right, but you love being a cannibal,"

He shrugs "It's not something I need. Besides, venison is my favorite anyway,"

She touches his hand "You know you don't have to do this,"

He nods "I know, I want to,"

Voe doesn't look at him, "It…just seems so unlike you,"

Alastor's eyes widen "Do you have an issue, my dear?"

"No! I-" she stops "I don't know,"

"Tell me the truth,"

"It's just that one of the first things that pulled me toward you was when I saw you massacre that group of demons that thought they could take you. It was…riveting," she crosses her arms over her chest "Something about it touched me," she sighs, slightly moaning "It was…titillating,"

Alastor puts his hands over his lap "So it does bother you,"

"No! I, don't want to say goodbye to it. I feel like killing issometimesjustified,"

"And when is it justified?"

"When you're being threatened,"

"Hmm, I suppose a good tussle would be in order, but perhaps not murder,"

She pretends to be offended "Who are you?"

Carmilla Carmine had many skills, but delivering babies had not been on the list of things she was planning to learn. So when she got a letter from Voe the Beau, asking for her to be the one to deliver her babies, she was flabbergasted, at least the most flabbergasted that Carmilla Carmine could be. She wrote back telling them that she doesn't have experience in such matters but she is willing to take a stab at it.

Voe was pacing, knowing that something was off about her today she couldn't exactly put her finger on what it was.

"Can you stop pacing in front of the TV?" Angel asks her. Voe picks up the remote and turns off the TV. "Okay, or turn it off," He sits back.

Angel, Cherri, and Bean are sitting on the couch, now with nothing to do, but watch the doe pace.

"Something feels wrong, or at least strange," She turns to the gals "Do you guys feel that?"

"No," Angel shakes his head, pulling out his phone

Voe shudders out of nowhere "I swear guys, something's-" She stops her movement, the sound of liquid hitting the floor is deafening

"Mate, did you just pee yourself?" Cherri asks

"Gross," Angel commented, Bean looks grossed out. "Remind me to never get pregnant," he continues scrolling

"My water just broke," she whispers

"Oh sh*t! What should we do?"

"Maybe we could deliver the baby!" Cherri offered

"Or….get her husband?" Angel says as Voe flops down into the chair behind her, leaking all over the chair and the floor. "Uh, Alastor?" Angel calls for the Overlord "Alastor! Hey Smiles, where you at?!"

Alastor appears in the parlor, looking annoyed "What?" Angel points toward his wife and he approaches her quickly, seeing her leaking. "What's the matter, my dear?"

"My water broke," she choked out "The baby is coming,"

Alastor's eyes open wide as he says "I will get Carmilla," and he dissipates from in front of her. She stands with much effort and starts to walk, Angel helping her walk to the elevator.

She lay on the bed, having passed her pacing over to Lucifer.

"Okay breathe, in and out okay?"

"I know how to breathe Lucifer," she tells him

Alastor reappears with Carmilla in tow, surprised to see Lucifer in the room with them "What ishedoing here, my sweet?"

Lucifer scowls "Heis the reason this baby exists at all!"

Carmilla rolls her eyes at the men and tucks some towels under Voe's head "Are you alright?"

Voe nods "Just a lot of pressure,"

"Physically or emotionally?"

She's stunned that Carmilla even considered both possibilities "Both," she breathes out. She turns to the men "Shut up!" They both quiet and turn to her "Come over here and help!"

Alastor dusts off his sleeves and approaches his wife, Lucifer walking up as well.

"What would you like me to do?" They both ask, glaring at each other

"Lucifer you can just watch to make sure everything is good, Alastor stay here with me."

Alastor dissipates his cane "Of course, darling," holding her hand

"Open your legs," Carmilla smirks "I know you can do that,"

Voe lets out a pained chuckle that soon gave way to structured and steady breaths. She opens her legs and Carmilla is met with a widely dilated vagin*.

"Okay, your vagin* is dilated,"
"Is that good?" Voe tilts her head, already sweating

Carmilla nods "Yes, that means it's ready for the baby to come out. Areyouready?"

"I don't think I can get any more ready," she admits "What do I do now?"

"Now, you push,"

Voe's pushing is bloody and bestial. She wasn't sure if what she was doing was helpful or not, all she knew was that Carmilla said to push and that is exactly what she was going to do.

"It feels like I have rope burn in my vagin*!" She screams, pushing as hard as she can while squeezing Alastor's hand to the point where she almost breaks it.

Alastor is very unsure of himself at this moment, very uncommon. His wife was pushing a watermelon out of her crotch. This was something that he could not and could never relate to. He was starting to lose feeling in the hand that she was holding, but he kept his composure because he was sure that if he were to do anything else it would be quite unhelpful. His eyes were wide and alert. He took in the scene. Carmilla between his wife's legs, reaching inside her, Lucifer sitting on the edge of his seat being useless, which Alastor rolls his eyes at, and his wife, sweaty and screaming, a vein popping out of her forehead. She throws her head back in agony as Alastor tries not to get lost in his thoughts.

"Because the babies have hair," Carmilla tells her, continuing to gently pull on the baby. Voe grabs onto Alastor's arm, pulling him down to her.

"Babies?" Alastor questions "You seem to be mistaken Carmilla. There is only one baby,"

Carmilla just shakes her head and goes back to gently pulling. The room is filled with the sound of a loud gasp and even louder crying as the baby's head is fully exposed. Soon the rest of the body is out, leaving only an umbilical cord connecting her to Voe. The baby cries loudly and nonstop. Carmilla immediately takes a few towels to softly wipe the baby off and swaddle them, calming them down to a large degree.

"It's a girl," she tells them

At that moment Alastor's grin became genuine, tears almost falling from his eyes. He got his baby girl. He looks over to his wife who has collapsed on the bed, covered in sweat and breathing heavily. Lucifer notices as well and approaches "Are you alright?"

Alastor glares at him "I think I can handle this!" He snaps "Are you alright, my sweet?" Lucifer rolls his eyes

Voe nods faintly "She just took so much out of me,"

"Would you like to do the honors Alastor?" Carmilla turns to him presenting the angelic steel scissors that shine even without any light coming in through the windows.


Carmilla nods "Customary for the father to cut the cord," she says while holding the baby

Alastor cautiously takes the scissors, remembering his last encounter with angelic steel

"I can do it if you're not up for it Al!" Lucifer volunteered with a little smirk
Alastor shot him a dirty look and took the scissors to the cord, carefully snipping it and letting it fall. Carmilla smiles and walks up to Voe.

"Are you sure that you're alright?"

Voe sits up with much effort, "Yes, now let me hold her," she reaches for her baby which Carmilla places in her arms, returning to her open legs

"You lost a lot of blood, it's okay if you're not okay,"

But Voe isn't listening, she is enamored by her baby "Hi Alyson," she says as she rocks the baby back and forth

Alastor stares down at the two of them. Alyson was a beautiful name.

"I'm your Mommy!" she grins but has to stop to breathe.

"Voe! I think maybe you might need some assistance," Carmilla insists

"I'm fine!" She snaps at Carmilla before returning to her baby,

Alyson had Voe's skin tone along with her deer spots. She had the color of Alastor's sclera and brow irises. Voe noticed that her pupils were radio dials, which she pointed out to Alastor, who seemed to be stuck in awe of his child. Her hair went from red to pink to black, and she had Alastor's ears and tail, and hooves! Tiny baby hooves!

"She's so beautiful,"

Alastor chuckles "Just like her mother,"

Voe looks up at him weakly and closes her eyes to take a breath before screaming bloody murder, causing Alyson to start crying at the top of her lungs. Carmilla checks Voe's open canal.

"Alastor, take her,"

"What?" he is very confused

"Take the baby! There's another one coming!"

Alastor grabs Alyson from Voe who inhales deeply before pushing once again, much more blood comes out this time and it's a long and strenuous process. It takes 3 hours for this baby to come out, but before they know it, Voe and Alastor have a beautiful son. Carmilla goes through the same process as Alyson and has his all swaddled. Voe starts singing a series of random notes that the babies seem to respond very well to. Voe has a huge grin until sharp pain courses through her body, she doesn't say anything, however.

"Can I hold one?" Lucifer asks

"No!" Alastor sounds as if the idea is ridiculous

"Let him hold one," Voe says, her breath shaky and labored

Alastor reluctantly hands over Alyson to Lucifer, reaching for and taking the baby boy. So Carmilla had been right, there was another baby. He did not know how to feel about having a son. He'd hoped for a daughter so he could avoid the mistakes that led to him turning out the way that he did, having a girl would have prevented that. He knew nothing about being the father of a boy, his own father was awful and wretched toward him, so he'd learned nothing in that department at all.

"Voe, tell me what's wrong," Carmilla states, snapping Alastor from his thoughts

"I'm okay," she says taking large breaths "Just really tired," she closes her eyes to rest

"You're not okay, you've lost a lot of blood, too much blood,"

"I just need to rest," she says before falling limp into the bed, the blood still gushing out from her vagin*,

Carmilla puts her hand under Voe's nose

"She's not breathing,"


"She's not breathing!" Carmilla grabs Voe by the shoulders "Voe stay with me, stay with us!"

"His name is Vernon," she breathes out "Vernie,"

Her eyelids flutter before closing, and she did not open them for a very long time.

Chapter 19: Your Fault

Chapter Text

Two months. Two long and harrowing months Voe was gone.

"That's a bad way to go too," Angel gossiped to Cherri "Childbirth? You know my sister almost died in childbirth, it was crazy!" he nodded to emphasize the story

What was wrong with them all? They had just moved on as if she had never existed. They spoke in their same crude manner, not even acknowledging her passing. Alastor stormed in and out of rooms in silence, his anger filling the room before he entered it. She was gone and had left him with…children. Two children. Alyson, with gorgeous brown eyes and skin sometimes with little radio dials as her pupils; and….Vernon. he didn't know what to think of his supposed son. He kept staring at Alastor as if he wanted to tell him off or thought he was better than Alastor. He was sure Voe would agree with him on the boy's impertinence. Usually, Alastor passed him off to Niffty, who was ecstatic to have a toy to play with finally. But he couldn't get enough of Alyson, she was a gorgeous child, reminding him of Voe in every way, she was attached to his hip wherever he went and whatever he did. Fighting the urge to kill again was quite difficult with all the hotel patrons and residents acting as if his wife's life was not important, but he was willing, forher.

Their laughter was thunderous on one occasion, and all of them gathered in the kitchen when Alastor arrived looking for Alyson, he could hear the sounds from up the stairs.

"These kids are classic!" Angel laughed

"Love this kid!" said Cherri Bomb

"They're so cute I just can't" Charlie added

Alastor stood outside the kitchen, indignant at the sound of their joy. he cleared his throat "So, I see you're all enjoying my wife's absence,"

They all turn to him and stare.

Charlie says "Oh hey Alastor! You gotta see this! The twins are doing this super cute thing! It's-"

"No wait! I wanna say it! I found it out!" Angel interrupted "If you touch Vernie's nose, Aly's nose scrunches up!"

"Oh yes! It's so funny!" Alastor places his hands together

They look around "Well, we thought it was cute,"

"So cute that my wife isn't around so you're replacing her with mydaughter?! It's sickening!" His grin is menacing

Angel turns to Cherri "What's happening?"

She shrugs "I think he's mad,"

Lucifer rolls his eyes "Oh here we go,"

"Tell me about it," Vaggie agreed

"You all should be ashamed of yourselves!" he points to Lucifer "Especiallyyou!"

Lucifer puts his hand on his chest in faux shock "Me?"

Alastor stalks up to the King "Ifyouhadn't put the stupid idea in her head, this would've never happened!

Lucifer waves his hands in front of his face "Woah woah woah, I didnotgive her the idea. It washeridea,"

"Thatyoudecided to go along with! Both of you keeping this from me, and you encouraging it!"

"What? That was her idea too!"

"I bet you were glad to keep this from me. Wanted to see the Radio Demon look stupid!"

"Uh no! I was the one telling her to tell you, she said she didn't want to!"

Alastor chuckles evilly "Sure you were,"

Lucifer sighs "Okay Alastor, whatever," He waves him off, walking away

"Hm! Going to abandon your daughter once more?"

Lucifer turns back to him "No actually, I was going to my room. Are you abandoning your son like how your father did to you?"

"Oh sh*t!" Cherri covered her mouth

Alastor's eyes turn black "Excuse me?"

"Yeah, I read your file 'Al'. That's what he called you right? 'Al'?"

Alastor looks furious but straightens up, knowing that he can't fight Lucifer "I am going," then goes over to the table and scoops up Alyson "She is the only one here worth my time," and dissipates away

Vernie sits on the table, leaning forward to keep himself up on his hands, staring at the spot where his dad was just standing.

"Come on Sam," Niffty picks him up and drags him off the table

Angel turns to Cherri "Is it just me or is that not his name?"

"Oh look at you!" Alastor tells Alyson as he teaches her hand games "So smart! And such a cutie pie!" Alyson smiles at her dad, putting her palm out for Alastor's game. Vernie crawls into the bedroom and up to his sister and father. He hits Alastor on the knee, looking up at him with a big smile. "Can I help you?" Vernie just laughs and smiles bigger, trying to crawl onto his father's lap. Alastor rolls his eyes and picks his son up, holding him as far away from him as he can "Niffty dear!" she does not come immediately "Niffty! Niffty!" She comes running around the corner

"Yes sir?"

"Do please come when I call you dear. Take this," he gives her Vernie "And off with you," he waves her off as Vernie reaches for him with a smile

"You got it," she giggles, dragging him away "Let's go, Sam!"

Alastor dusts his hands off and returns to Aly "Now where were we? Ah yes, we had gotten up to two,"

Lucifer found himself wandering over to the room where Voe's body lay still and cold. They had decided not to move her when Carmilla had declared her dead. Alastor had entered a fit of screaming rage after Voe had finally closed her eyes, while Lucifer stood in silent shock and confusion. It had been his job to make sure that nothing went wrong, and Alastor made sure that he knew it. Screaming at the top of his lungs at the confused King, he didn't even know what had happened. Had his blood caught up with her? Had she done the pentagram wrong? Was she too stressed? He knew that he had been warning her that she could die during this process, but he didn't actually expect her to.

"I know that you'll come back but I need to know, what happened?" he whispered to her lifeless body

In truth, he didn't know if she would come back, they had used angelic steel on her, it was just to cut the umbilical cord, but he didn't know how that affected sinners, since this was something that had never been done before. Maybe he just didn't have the power to make it so both the children and the mother could live. Perhaps that was part of the punishment of being a sinner. Do you want kids? Here, do this and you'll get them, but in return, you die permanently? He hated thinking that he might have been the cause of her death, maybe Alastor was correct, perhaps he should dissuaded her the kids would not exist, but she would still be here.

She may have broken his heart, but Lucifer liked Voe, even if he knew he couldn't ever have her, he enjoyed her company. She was such a dynamic person, and to see her, her body at least, lying that way, motionless and cold, was chilling. Alastor didn't want him near this room, but he was the King of Hell, he did whatever thehellhe wanted.

"Was it worth it?" He asked the body "I told you that you might die, and you did it anyway. You wanted this so badly!" Lucifer inhales deeply "Why did you need this so much? Why did you need his babies? Why did you needhim?"

He stifles a sob "And now you're gone andnobodygets you." He throws up his arms, kneels by the bed, and grabs her cold hand "You left them. Your babies, your husband, the Hotel. Why did you leave us? Why did you leaveme?"he stifles a sob. "I admit it, you were right, I'm not a very good king. I couldn't even save you from this. I don't even know if you'll come back," The tears stream down his face and land on the bed "And I lied to you, I never stopped loving you,"

He choked down some air "I don't know why but I just can't," he put her hand on his forehead "Please come back, please!" he begged her "I know I can't be with you, but I need you to come back, come back to us, come back tome, Ineedyou around,"

After his confession, he stares at her body, still motionless and limp as he drops her arm. Her lips slightly parted, he thinks about kissing them but decides against it. He didn't want to be creepy, and he didn't want to get his hopes up for the real thing instead. So he leaves, as stone-faced as he entered.

"Going somewhere?" Alastor asks, just outside the room Lucifer had left

Lucifer rolls his eyes, ignoring Alastor, continuing to walk

"Although I'm more interested in the place that you left," he shadows in front of Lucifer in the hall "What were you doing in that room?"

The King opens a portal to the parlor and steps through it, not wanting to deal with Alastor's nonsense, but Alastor simply shadows and follows him there.
"What? What would you like to hear? Do you want me to tell you that I was f*cking your wife's dead body? I mean, I wasn't but, is that what you want to hear?"

"I want you to stayawayfrom my wife," Alastor squints

Lucifer sighs "Are we still doing this? She is literally dead,"

"And yet you still find a way to be around her!"

"Since you care so much, why was I able to get in there in the first place?"

"Most likely because you're a sneaky little bastard,"

The King widens his eyes "OhI'mthe bastard?'

"Get f*cked,"

"I would! If you weren't in the way!"

"Really classy, this is our King everyone,"

He crosses his arms "And your wife probably wishes she'd chosen me,"

A loud static is heard emanating from the Radio Demon, his eyes glow and his teeth are bared. He is smiling of course, but he isnothappy.

"It's all your fault!"

Lucifer is aghast "My fault? How aboutyourfault for stressing her out!"

"You keeping it a secret stressed her out!"

"For the last time, that was her idea! And you not trusting her was not helping!"

"And as the leader, you just listen to everyone else? Excellent Kingship!" he claps sarcastically

Lucifer grits his sharp teeth "I was helping out a friend!"

"Right, by leading her to her death? Common friendship activity!"

"I warned her that she could die and she wanted to do it anyway!

"So again, you allowed your 'friend' to do something potentially dangerous. No wonder your wife is still with you- Oh wait!" He grins down at the King

Charlie holds her ponytail, hearing everything they've said "You guys, can we maybe not argue? At least not in the parlor?"

"I don't want to hear anything from you either! You with your silly redemption project having her every which way, making her think she could somehow be better!"

"Do NOT speak to my daughter that way!" Lucifer's eyes turn red

Alastor turns back to the King "You! Your 'concern' for my wife is laughable. What's this really about hmm?"

"It's about you not deserving her. I cannot believe she married you. You're a terrible husband and a useless f*cking father. You are just…awful!"

Alastor smirks "Well I am in Hell for a reason,"

"No, it's not cute or funny. Voe needs to know what kind of person you are and not who you pretend to be!"

Alastor rolls up his sleeves "I don't pretend to be anything. I am who I am, and she knows that. The fact that you've convinced yourself that there's some secret hidden layer of me that you believe she's not aware of is comical. You think she only chose me because she doesn't know me when the truth is," He leans down to be at eye level with Lucifer "She chose me because she does,"

Lucifer shakes his head "No no no!"

"Yes indeed," he grins evilly "Perhaps there are some parts of her that you are overlooking yourself because she and I are not that different. So if you hate me, why do you love her?"

Lucifer doesn't know how to answer that question, so he opens a portal to whoever knows where and steps through it.

"Come on Sam!" Niffty calls after Vernie as Lucifer walks by later

He kneels "Why do you keep calling him Sam?"

"That's his name!"

"No, it's not,"

She waves him off "Whatever!"

"Did his father not tell you his name?"

"He doesn't call him by his name. He just says 'Hey you' all grumpy like, ha ha!" She goes and starts dragging the baby, which Lucifer promptly scoops up

"His name is Vernon," he tells her while holding the baby. He looks into Vernon's eyes and sees so much of Alastor, but the spots remind him of Voe "That's what his mom named him,"

Niffty crosses her arms "Pssh, he doesn't even have a mom anymore,"

Lucifer bounces Vernie on his hip, smiling while looking into his eyes, how could this have come from Alastor's blood? He thought until he used his claws to scratch Lucifer's face and then smiled about it.

Oh, that's how.

Lucifer took it upon himself to care for Vernie, playing with him and treating him as though he were his own son. They sit in the parlor playing.

"Hiya, how are you doing? How's your day?"

Vernie leans forward and grabs onto his nostrils, smiling all the while.

"Oh, this is so funny for you isn't it?"

Vernie claps his hands and laughs, flapping his hands happily. He grabs Vernie's nose.

"Well I've got your nose!" he tells him, Vernie slaps his nose and whimpers in worry "Okay! Here!" he pretends to give the nose back. Vernie curls up his lip.

"What? What? Did I do something wrong?" he asks the baby "You don't want it? FIne I'll keep it," he pretends to take his nose again, and Vernie reaches out for it, almost falling over.

"Sam!" Niffty called "There's my baby!"

"His name is not Sam!" Lucifer corrects her

"But Alastor said it was okay! And I wanted to give him a surprise when he woke up from his nap!" She picks up Vernie and drags him to Voe's bedroom, where Alastor lies with his daughter, both of them sleeping. She places Vernie in between the two of them, who climbs up onto his father's chest, snuggling between his father and his sister.

Alastor wakes from the sudden intrusion, seeing Vernion on the bed between him and Alyson. Vernie looks up at his father and smiles

"Niffty! Niffty!" she does not respond so, he picks him up like he's something that belongs in the garbage and brings him downstairs "Niffty!"

"You woke up from your nap!" She answers from behind the bar with Husk

"You were meant to be keeping him, why was he in the bed?"

She sits on the counter "I put him there. I thought it would be cute for the whole family to nap together!" She laughs

"It's not!" he yells at her, Niffty's smile drops and so does Husker's jaw "You do what I tell you, not what you want! Are we clear?"

Niffty's eye teared up at Alastor's volume. "Whoa Boss, that's not cool,"

"Was I speaking to you Husker? I do not believe I was!"

"Why you yellin' at Niffty?" Angel came up from behind him

Alastor puts Vernie on the floor "I don't have to tell you anything!" Vernie crawls to Alastor's feet, he looks down at the boy "Hmm,"

Lucifer steps in "What is your problem?" He picks up Alastor's son off of the floor "Now you're yelling at the housekeeper? I mean seriously, you have completely lost it these past few months,"

"Mind your business, I own Niffty, therefore I can do whatever I like,"

"And why does it bother you that your son is in the bed with you?"

"Probably because I toldNifftyto do a job and she didn't do it,"

Lucifer shakes his head "Let's get to the bottom of this, for some reason, you hate this little boy" He shakes Vernie's tiny had

Alastor rolls his eyes "For goodness sake!"

"No, why do you never interact with your son?"
"The same reason you didn't interact with your daughter!"

Lucifer tilts his head "Depression?"

"Enough of the depression nonsense. There was nothing wrong with you, you just didn't want to deal with your kid,"

"That's where you're wrong snobface. Charlie is the light of my life. Depression is real and it is serious and you do not have it!"

"Mhmm, are you done?"

"No! Take care of your kid!"

"If you care so much you take care of him!"

"I am! Because you're not, andyou'rehis father!"

"Lucifer, why don't you start worrying about being a good ruler and stop worrying about my parenting skills,"

Lucifer is appalled by Alastor's behavior "Like father, like son huh?"

Alastor gives a fake chuckle "Eat sh*t,"

"You eat sh*t, what kind of man has a bone to pick with a baby?"

"I'm not picking anything with him, that's why I give him to Niffty,"

"You know you're an awful father,"

"And you're an awful husband, no wonder you're wife didn't want to be with you,"

He steps closer "You think this what Voe would've wanted?"

"We don't know what she would've wanted because you killed her,"

"Ikilled her?"

"Yes, you did,"

"You're honestly ridiculous,"

Alastor nods "Mhmm, you're probably glad she's gone because now you don't have to fight the urge to f*ck her. Unless you f*ck her dead body,"

"What? No!"

"Sure Lucifer,"

"This isn't about me, this is about the innocent baby that you won't even give yourself a chance to love!"

"Sure Lucifer, keep changing the subject,"

"That was the subject from the start!"


"Uhh guys," Vaggie calls from upstairs "Sorry to break up this dick fight (not really), but where's Voe's body?"

Both men look up at her on the stairway "What?" Alastor snaps

"Her body, it's not here,"

They look far and wide for the BIllboard Doe's body but can't find it anywhere. Alastor goes to wake up Aly and bring her to his radio station, the stress has overwhelmed him. He thought that perhaps a nice broadcast would calm him down, however, he found that he had no signal. No matter how he tried, it would not work.

"What in Hell is going on?"

He noticed his little Alyson up against the window, slapping her little hands up against it "What is it? What do you see?" she tapped the window harder "No no no, I may be impenetrable, but these windows aren't," he laughs and picks her up, pulling her to his cheek "What is it, sweetheart?" Aly just reached out for window once more.

Alastor looks out the window and sees nothing, but when he stands still he can hear something on top of his radio station. He puts Aly down on the opposite side of the station and opens the window, leaning out as far as possible. When he looks up he can see a lump, a person sitting on the tip top of his radio antenna, his antlers grew along with his rage. Who woulddaredisrupt his broadcast? He almost climbed out to give them a piece of his mind, when large wings spread and they jumped, gliding down and coming directly toward him. Alastor retreats inside the window and grabs his daughter as the stranger flies in through the window. They're wearing all black as they stand directly in front of them. Alastor steps forward before the demon sheaths their dragon wings, before he can react, they open their gorgeous plump lips and speak.

"Well hello handsome," Voe smirks at her husband

Chapter 20: I've Never Been In Love Before

Chapter Text

"Voe!" the gang hugs her, surrounding her

"Finally the gang's all here!"

Voe has a large grin on her face "Except for my sweets, where are my babies?"

Alastor approaches with Aly in his arms "Well Vernie is asleep but here's Aly,"

"Hi baby, here's my baby! Come to momma!" Alastor hands her to Voe, she bounces her and Aly rubs her eyes and scrunches up her face. She wipes her eyes again and raches for Alastor "What's wrong baby? It's me, Momma!" Alyson leans out of her arms toward Alastor, letting out a distressed bleat.

"Okay, she's bleating, hand her back!" Angel covered his ears

"Angel!" Vaggie scolded through her teeth

"What? It's getting loud!"

Voe pouts and hands the fawn back to Alastor, which is when she finally quiets down, rubbing her eyes once more "What's wrong?" She asks Alastor

"I'm guessing it's because you've been gone for 2 months,"

"But they should know I'm their mom by scent, right?"

"I don't think they had a chance to know your scent,"

Voe pouts again, "Great," she says sarcastically

"All in due time my dear,"

"What about my son? I want to see him," she states

"Okay! He's upstairs! You can go get him!"

Angel puts his hands on his hips "Nah why don't you go get him Smiles?"

Alastor turns to Angel stiffly "Why don't you go get him, Angel?"

"Nah, you get get him….Daddy," the spider smirks knowingly

"Go get him Alastor," Voe commands

"I hate you," he whispers, handing Alyson to Angel

Angel holds her with two hands and gestures with the others "She looks just like you! Look at your momma!" He looks down at her and she smiles up at him "Look! Your momma! Look where my hand is pointing!" He holds up a free hand "This is a hand," he waves it in front of her face, she just laughs

Voe sits down on the couch and is calmed by the sound of her baby's laughter, but saddened, knowing that it wasn't her causing it.

"Oh, let go of my antler, please," Alastor says from afar while more laughter is heard "All right," and he approaches with his son "Here's your baby boy!" He puts him down on Voe's lap

"Hi," she says to him. Vernie looks up at her and just stares, quiet and still "You okay? It's me, Momma," Vernie scrunches up into a ball Voe gives up "Someone take him please," and Charlie picks him up, he curls up to her side

She bounces him "I feel so bad,"


"They're more comfortable with us!"

Voe shakes it off "That's fine," she tells the princess

"But they should be getting to know their family," Charlie tells

"Charlie," Voe starts "You are their family,"

"Aw," Charlie pats Vernie's back "Thank you Voe,"

Voe nods, concealing her sadness once more, she was an expert at this point

Voe logs into Sinstagram sets up her camera and turn it on. It takes a while for her to get a substantial amount of viewers, but when she does she starts

"Hey! Guess who's back? And guess who's amother?"

oh sh*t hey

hey how ya doing'?

"Hey! Did y'all miss me?"

omg yes!

yes girl!

"What y'all been up to since I was gone?"


what it was like to die?

"It just felt like a deep sleep, and then I woke up apparently two months later,"

wyd now that u hav no souls?

Voe squints and purses her lips, getting closer to the camera "Excuse me?"

u have no souls

Voe stares blankly at the camera unmoving for a few moments before shutting the laptop. She gets up and super speeds over to Casper's room, she bangs on the door. "Casper!" she can hear him talking inside the room, but he doesn't come right away. "Casper!"


"Come out here!"

"Give me a minute!"

Voe looks around in disbelief and kicks the door open. Casper is in the room with Bean and Cherri Bomb having a conversation. "Casper," she says, slightly out of breath

"Yeah, hey. What's up?"

"Come here please," she gestures outside

He turns to the other women "I'll be back," then comes outside with Voe "Yeah?"

Voe crosses her arms and stands in front of Casper "I don't have any souls?"

"Uh, no. You don't. That's what happens when you die though."

She closes her eyes and shakes her head "We have to get them all back,"

"Well, yeah definitely," He nods "How are you going to do that?"

She shrugs "The same way I got them in the first place?"

"Cool, but there might be a problem with that,"


"Well when you died, the news spread pretty fast. You can thank Vox for that. People panicked and went back to the Vees,"

Voe rolls her eyes so far that he can see the whites of them "Dammit Vox! Why would they rejoin the demons that they were so scared of?"

"They had no protector, that was you,"

She looks at her phone "I lost 2 million followers!" She shows Casper the phone

"Yeah…you were inactive for a while…"

"I was dead!"

"Yeah, they know it's just….people are not patient,"

Voe slaps her forehead "Okay, how's the theater?"

Casper's eyes dart around "Well…..the cannibals are still there…"

"So everybody quit?"

"Well yeah…..they were afraid,"

"Of what?"

"Of the Vees…"

Voe sighs "What about the hospital?"

"Umm…there's still Dr. Wither,"

"And that's it?"

"Yeah…she's been pretty stressed,"

Voe spins in disbelief "Okay so let me get this straight, I lost all my souls, all of my businesses are failing, and my kids hate me?"

Casper shakes his head "No, your kids don't hate you! They don't know you, but they'll get to know you and then they'll love you!"

She covers her face "All that work for nothing!"

Casper grabs her shoulders "You could still get it back! Might take a while, but you could get it back, I believe in you. You may not own me anymore, but you're still a smart cookie!"

"Did you miss me?" She turns to Lucifer, smiling

He blushes and smiles back "Yes I did. There wasn't a day that went by that I didn't think of you,"

She stands "Well, at least you're happy that I'm back,"

"Is Alastor not happy?"

"Oh no, he is. I just meant everyone else,"

"A lot of sinners are used to people dying, don't take it personally,"

Voe turns to face Lucifer "What am I supposed to think? I lost all my souls, my businesses suck and my kids hate me!" she reaches for angelic steel scissors "I may as well die permanently!"

"Oh whoa," he grabs the scissors from her "These things take time," he holds her by the shoulders

"So what do you know about my kids that I don't?" she asks defeatedly

"Did they not give you the book? Angel was supposed to give it to you,"

She rolls her eyes "I shouldn't need a book, I'm their mother!"

"I know! We made itforyou, to make this process easier,"

She leans on his shoulder and hugs him around the waist "Lucifer…."

He blushes and hugs her back "Come on, let's go far a walk,"

"A walk?"

"Yeah, I know, a walk. Let's go, you need to get your legs moving,"

He takes her walking down the hall and they stop in front of the door

"Why are we at Alastor's room?"

Lucifer opens the door "Oh! Is this his room, my bad! Let's go inside,"

"Lucifer, wh-"She is caught off guard by the sight of Alastor's foot on the face of her son, she sets her brows and screams "Alastor!" her voice getting low and her eyes turning fiery

"Oh! What is this? I had no idea this was happening!"

Alastor lowers his foot and Vernie jumps up to his neck and hugs him, Alastor's smile falls a bit.

"Wow! Bad dad alert am I right?" Lucifer adds

Voe storms up to her husband, teeth growing sharp and horns coming out of her head "What are you doing?!"

"I was…reading…?" He responds

"Yikes, bad dad," Lucifer sings

"Don't treat me like an idiot," she growls

Lucifer stands there smirking, Alastor scoffs "Why areyoustill here?"

"Oh right, I should probably let you two talk about what's been happening, like him not taking care of his kid! Bye!" he sings

Voe turns back to her husband "So this is something that you've been doing while I was gone? This is ahabit?!" when Alastor is speechless, Voe grabs her son, despite him curling up, and exits the room, slamming the door on her way out.

"I am so sorry you had to see that," Lucifer said, outside the room

"No you're not, you brought me here to see it," she scowls

"I just wanted you to see that he wasn't doing his responsibilities as a dad,"

"And then what, Lucifer? What did you expect to happen?"

His eyes dart around "Nothing…"


"I…don't understand why you're upset withme,"

"Because," she starts "You're more happy at the idea of getting Alastor 'in trouble' than you are upset at the way that this baby is being treated,"

"That is not true. The entire time you were gone, I took care of him because Alastor wouldn't. He just gave him to Niffty, and Niffty calls him Sam! I think he thinks his name is Sam!"

She shakes her head "Why are you telling me this?"

"Because I'm your friend and I wanted you to know. I'm not trying to sabotage you or break the two of you up, but I believe you deserve to know this!"

"Okay," she nods at Lucifer "I believe you,"

Voe is in her bedroom the twin fast asleep in their cribs already and Alastor waits on the bed for her. She rolls her eyes and enters the bathroom to get herself ready for bed.

"So you don't want to hear my piece I suppose?" Voe doesn't respond from the bathroom, Alastor hears the shower turn on. He approaches the door "I do apologize for how I've been treating him I just don't know how to raise a bay,"

Voe still doesn't respond from behind the door and he takes it upon himself to enter, after removing his shoes. She had to have heard the clicking of his hooves when he entered.

"I am sorry, dear," he states, standing outside the shower

He hears the running water instead of a response. Alastor undresses, leaving his clothes on the floor and rips open the shower curtain.

"Ah, sh*t! What the f*ck!"

"Ah sh*t indeed, is it just me or did death give you a glow-up?" His smirk turns the size of Texas

"What are you doing?"

He steps in with her "I'm sorry, do you not know what this is? I'm taking a shower," He closes the shower curtain "And you're ignoring me," he turns her to face him "And I do not like being ignored," he turns her back around, slipping the bar of soap from her hands and washing her back "My behavior with Vernon was contemptible I agree, but I do know things about them both. That silly book is riddled with errors. Give me your arm, sweetheart." He scrubs her arm "First off, Vernon isnotallergic to shrimp, it's peanuts he's allergic to. Alyson," he turns her to face him "Is a biter, and they both fall asleep at the same time," He tilts his head, staring at her as the water rolls down both of their bodies

"What else?"

"They eat raw meat, but I don't recommend you let them,"


"It makes them hungry for human flesh," He dips her under the showerhead

She rubs the water out of her eyes "So they're cannibals?"

"Indeed they are," he grins at her

Voe smiles a little "Just like their daddy,"

"Yes, indeed. See? I know things about my children,'

Her smile falls "That doesn't excuse your behavior,"

"I know that It doesn't. I just…had some reservations about raising a son,"


"I don't know how to be a father to a son, I never had a role model for it,"

"So you perpetuate the cycle?"

"Not on purpose,"

She swallows "But you're doing it regardless,"

"Noton purpose,"

"It doesn't matter,"

"I know it doesn't,"

"Stop agreeing with me!"

Alastor rolls his eyes and crosses his arms "Would you like to have an argument instead? Iunderstandit's just difficult for me,"


"I have to try, I know,"

She looks down and back up "Where's the man I married?" she smiles a little

"Right here," Alastor reaches over and turns the shower off, watching her step out and wrap herself in a towel, she glances back at him with a wink.

The twins awaken the two with their crying, Voe sitting up almost immediately and Alastor only too willing to try and ignore them. She walks over to the crib and tries to pick them up, but they only roll away from her.

"I know, I know, I'm sorry," she shushes the babies in their crib "I know you don't recognize me, but I promise that I'm your Mommy," she whispers, the babies not being soothed by her promises "I do love you, you know. I know that you don't remember me but I risked my life for you, and I would do it again. I would give it all up for you,"

(Song: Safe)

They settle at the sound of her singing, falling right back into that peaceful sleep they'd been in before. She watches them, overcome by the beauty that is their innocence when a voice startled her.

"You know your voice is beautiful,"

She jumps a bit and turns to him "You scared me," she closes her robe

"Aww, I'm sorry,"

She smiles "No you're not,"

He chuckles "I'm not," he pulls her back over to the bed and kisses her on the cheek

Voe looks back over to the crib in awe "We made them," she tilts her head

"Yeah, we did," he said a hint of sarcasm in his voice

She turns to him "What?"

"Well, you and Lucifer made them," his smile turns strained

"With your blood,"

"And his," he points out

Voe closes her eyes for a moment, then turns to face him "I want you to know something. There was a point where I had to choose, and I choseyou. I chose you because I can feel it in my soul that Ineedyou always, I desire you, I crave you and I will for eternity. And nothing will ever change that. Yes, I needed Lucifer for this, but I need you Alastor, forever,"

Alastor takes her face into his hands and passionately kisses her lips. Their mouths move in sync and Voe runs her hands up Alastor's undercut and through his hair. Alastor pulls her body as close to him as possible by her waist and sits her down on the bed. Voe wraps her legs around his hips pulling his clothed crotch to touch hers, rubbing them together through their slowly wettening clothes. Alastor pulls away from the kiss and Voe reaches for him as he puts up a finger telling her to wait. He kneels and removes her shoes one by one, walks his sharp claws back up her calves, then thighs, and pulls down her trousers to reveal her panties. He takes off his coat, placing it on the bed next to her as he goes back into their kiss.

Alastor's hand traveled down past her aching nipples to her dripping c*nt. He rubs the slit through the fabric, wetting it with her slick and causing some desperate moans

"Alastor," Voe breathes out

"Vera," he breathed back into her open mouth, using the opportunity to invade the space with his tongue, something of a preview for what was to come. His tongue in between her lips, as he focused his fingerwork on her cl*tor*s, rubbing in small gentle circles through her panties. It was his mission to make sure that this pair wasruinedso he could keep them. Voe sucks in some air, grabbing her husband's wrist to make sure he doesn't stop

"Please," she begs

"You'll have to say it louder, my dear,"

"Please," she pleads

"Hmm?" he asks as he rubs the nub a bit faster

She clutches his arm with all her mind "Please," it's just a squeak at this point, too weak from being so close to cumming

"Please,what, darling?"

"Please don't stop," Voe choked out before gulping in some air and jerking her hips forward, her cum leaking out into her panties, so much so that Alastor could see her c*nt through them.

"You snapped back ma cherie," he whispers kissing her neck

Alastor's hand stayed down in that area, pulling the panties off and pocketing them while she gripped his antlers and his tentacles making sure that her legs stayed open while removing his trousers. Voe grinds her hips into the mattress in anticipation, he rolled up his sleeves to give himself two handfuls of her ass and pulls her closer to his lips. Lips that he used to kiss the dripping lips in front of him, the ones between her legs. Voe flinches at the feeling, but quickly desire more, and without exchanging any words Alastor beings to French kiss Voe's puss*, his tongue filling it to the point where she can't tell if the wetness is her slick or his saliva regardless, Alastor's face is covered in the wetness that he doesn't wipe off untilafterhis kisses his wife once more, making sure she tastes herself.

He removes his shirt and climbs on her, laying them both on the bed. The weight of him on top of her was cool, familiar, and comforting. She wanted him closer. Voe pulls his co*ck inside her, moaning hungrily at the feeling of him spreading her open as he thrusts inside her slowly.

Alastor chuckles "Mhmm, you like the way yourhusbandgives it to you?"

Voe moans needfully "Mmm yes, love it when myhusbandgives it to me. Who are you giving it to hmm?"

"Mywife, mother of my beautiful children. You're so pretty, beautiful, gorgeous. So sexy. I want you. Ineedyou,"

"You need me?"

"I need you, I need my wife by my side for all eternity,"

She grabs him, digging her sharp nails into his flesh and drawing a few drops of blood "I love you Alastor," she grabs his face "Look at me," pulling his face down so their eyes meet "I love you, I'm yours forever,"


"Don't say anything, show me,"

He stares licking her up her body, slowly with intention, the intention to taste every bit of her, skin, sweat, blood, all of it. He goes all the way up her neck and stops at her chin.

"You are absolutely beautiful my Belle,"

"And you are stunning my Beau," she smiles, knowing that she finally used the term correctly

Alastor digs his teeth into her, tempted to devour her deliciousness, but only left bites all over, claiming, and marking her as his.

"f*ck! Vera, what have you done to me?" He cries out

Voe smirks and chuckles, pulling his face back down to look at her "Made you mine,"

Alastor closes his eyes to feel the clenching and twitching walls around his co*ck, as well as her legs trembling around his torso, he unloads inside her, the clenching and trembling becoming more intense as he does. Voe's eyes rolled back into her head as her climax took her, and her body fell limp afterward.

He removes himself from her and kisses her sweaty forehead as she curls up. He watches her for a moment, then goes to run her a warm bath ? with bubbles. ? He picks her up and carries her, placing her in the tub and pulling up her hair. He washed her body, gentle and soft, to not hurt her, and then dried her off and tucked her into her bed, all without a word exchanged between them. They didn't need to, he already knew what she needed. When she falls asleep, he stays there, watching and caressing her in her first moment of peace since motherhood. He leaned down, kissing her still lips when he suddenly realized.

"Mo laimm twa," he whispers, rubbing her back as she slept "It took me a while, but I do"

His mouth had said the words before he was even able to process them. He loved her. He does, helovesher. He is certain of it. Voe had managed to do the impossible, make the Radio Demon fall in love.

Chapter 21: Someone Gets Hurt (Reprise)

Chapter Text

"Hey baby, hey," she walks up to her children, they both stare before Alyson crawls away. Vernie, however, stared up at his mother and watched her movement. Voe squats down and sits before her son "Hi baby," she says. She is met with wide eyes and no movement or response. "Come to Mommy?" she holds her hands out for him as he continues to stare up. Voe drops her hands and just stares back at him "I'll win your heart one day," she pouts at him

Vernie stares as Voe gets up and walks away, making a little bleat.

"They'll get to know you, they just gotta get used to you," he turns to Cherri "Is that it?"

She shrugs "I don't know, I'm not a mother," she puts a piece of gum in her mouth

"So," Angel starts again "How do you plan on getting your souls back?"

Voe shrugs "I have no idea. Most of them went back to the Vees, so they're not even claimable,"

"Why don't you just go kill 'em again?" Cherri offered

"You could do that," Angel agreed "Show them who Voe the Beau is,"


"What? What's wrong toots?"

"I was a different woman when I did that,"

"What? It's because you're a mother now?" Cherri rolled her eye

Voe shrugs again "Being a mother changes you!"

"You and Smiles, bringing down your rep!"

"Hate to say it toots, but this is Hell, if you want those souls back, you gotta get your hands dirty,"

She tilts her head "Can I be honest?"

"Eh, sure,"

"I'm not that upset that they're gone. I mean being an overlord did matter to me, and I'm glad that I achieved it, but I don't know if it's a goal that I want to keep pursuing,"

Cherri hits Angel's arm "See Angie? And you thought she was gonna be mad that you went back to Val!"

Voe whips her head around "What?!"

Angel glares at Cherri as she slinks away "Oh sh*t…."

Voe steps up to Angel "You went back to Valentino?"

"Look, I needed a job and-"

"After everything he's done to you?!"

"He's done thingsforme too!"

Voe is flabbergasted "I'vedone things for you,"

Angel furrows his brows "Look, I'm grateful for everything you've done, but," he seems exasperated "Val's the one that made me famous!"

"Yeah? So?"

"I'm tired of being unknown! There were people on my live last week asking 'Who the f*ck is Angel Dust'? Can you believe that? 'Just some p*rn actor' they said. I'm not just 'some p*rn actor', I'mthep*rn actor!"

"So fame is worth more than your safety?"

"Yes," he sounds resolute, but she can tell that he's unsure "I won a Sex-xx-i Award! 5 years in a row!"

"And what did it feel like? Huh? When you came home and Val would smack you because you deviated from the approved speech, or didn't smile correctly?"

"I don't care about all that! I care about fame! I want millions of people to see me on their screens. I can't be forgotten! I want to be loved again! "

Her volume increases "ANGEL YOU ARE LOVED!"

"Good on you for being a mom and all that, but I gotta do things my way," he glares at her and walks away

Voe goes back to her room and face plants on her bed. There was nothing she could do to fix anything anymore. At this point, all she wanted was for her children to love her, and that would be enough.

"Okay Casper, what can we do the fix the theater? The theater is my biggest love and I want to share that joy with the denizens of Hell, no matter how many souls I do or do not own,"

"Well, we can try to put on another show, or have a party? You know, I don't know," he sat and thought "I got it! What if we did something for poor sinners instead? Like a soup kitchen or something,"

"And we can run it out of the Hotel! Casper, you're a genius!"

He looks proud of himself, "Yeah,"

"So what do you think Charlie? Can we do it here?" Voe asks

"Oh my gosh! Of course!" Charlie has tears in her eyes "You are getting better every day. You are gonna be redeemed in no time!"

Off in the shadows where he was the most comfortable, stood Alastor watching his wife converse with the princess.

"Why I think it's a wonderful idea! Why don't I help out?" He steps forward

Voe is shocked "Really?"

"Of course! I will my wife anyway that I can!"

She smiles "That's so sweet Alastor,"

"Of course, anything for you, my dear," he wraps his arm around her "And maybe Angel could help! He could make something Italian,"

She looks over at Angel who says "Uh sure, I can help…if Voe wants me to,"

Voe looks down and turns her head away from Angel and at the floor.

"Look, I know that you don't want to talk to me, I just want you to know that whatever I do is my business. But you're still my friend and I'll help you if you want me to,"

"Okay, I guess,"

"Great! You know Voe this is amazing!" Charlie beams "I thought you might have given up after the thing with your businesses and all that!"

Voe tilts her head demonstrating that she would rather not talk about that, and turns to Alastor "Well, we'll need your best recipes babe," she pats his chest

"I will make sure that they are the best dishes any homeless sinners have ever had.Ifthey've ever had any! Ha ha!"

Voe taps his arm "Thanks babe," she tells him

"Good morning Sam!"

"Niffty," Voe kneels in front of the housekeeper "That is not his name,"

"Oh! Come on Vernie!"

"Hi, Vernie!" He made a bunch of gibberish noises and a happy bleat in response. "How are you doing baby?"

He stares up at her with curiosity, and his little nose twitches rapidly. She sits on the floor and allows him to climb up onto her.

"Hi Vernie! Hi!" he runs his nose over her as he climbs up her legs. He continues to sniff her and then lays his head on her shoulder. Voe slowly wraps her arms around her son to see if he would allow her and he does not protest when she does. He stares at her from his spot on her shoulder, taking her in as she holds him. Voe is quietly excited, to not startle or upset him. "It's Momma. I'm your Momma," she tells him, with him blinking in response.

Vernie continues to rest there on her shoulder, opening and closing his hand, and letting out a fawn squeak in return. Voe tries not to smile but can't help it, and Vernie smiles back.

"Alastor! Look, at what Vernie has on!" She tells him

Alastor looks as she holds up their son, and he's wearing a cute red onesie with black feet. "Cute," he muses

"Look, it has a little bowtie like yours!" she is so excited to be dressing him ever since he let her hold him. Vernie is opening and closing his fingers with his other fingers in his mouth. "And the bottom has little hoof prints like your shoes!" she lifts his little foot to show him

"Aw isn't he precious?" he states looking down at them both

She hands Vernie to him and Alastor is taken aback by it for a moment, then holds him properly as Voe holds up another onesie.

"I got this one for Aly, but I don't know if she would let me dress her. It has a bow like my dresses, and it has hoof prints too!"

"Well, why don't we go see?"

They approach Aly in the crib, she's sitting up when Voe approaches, and she puts her arms out reaching for her daughter. Aly looks up and sniffs her mother the same way that her brother did, analyzing her scent to make sure that she is trustworthy. After careful sniffing, Aly reaches up for her mother.

Voe gasps in happiness as she picks up her daughter "Alastor!" she whispers

"I see," he responds, shocked himself as he holds Vernie

She turns to her daughter "Let me massage your little hoovsies," she smiles, putting her down on the bed and rubbing her hooves. Voe pulls out the onesie, Aly claps her hands, and smiles her pacifier falling out of her mouth. "Someone likes the onesie. Can Momma put it on?" Aly grabs at it "Ooh patience!" she puts on the onesie, tying the bow. She holds her. "Look!" she shows Alastor, tearing up.

"My dear, she's adorable," he hugs Voe

"Look at us a big happy family!"

Alastor sighs "Indeed we are," he kisses her forehead

"I'm gonna cry,"

On the day of the soup kitchen, the turnout was wild. The Hotel was full of. impoverished sinners looking for a meal. There was nowhere for any of the residents to sit, but that was worth it to be giving back to the community. Voe had her hair tied up and big plastic gloves on behind the table as she served salad and rice alongside Casper, Niffty, Charlie, and Vaggie. The dispenser of juice sat at the

"Don't forget your bread!" Niffty calls out

"Actually I can't have any-"

She giggles "Don't forget!" and piles some garlic bread and rolls on the demon's plate

"This is amazing, right Casper?"

"Definitely, this was a good idea!"

"Well, it was your idea,"

Casper sighs proudly "Yeah,"

They had Cherri at the door since Bean was unavailable, and she seemed like she was doing a good job

"You sign in or you starve!" she called out

"What do you think Charlie? Is this great or what?"

"This is AMAZING! Oh- you lookreallyhungry," she piles food on the demon's plate

"This is so fun! I'm so glad we're doing this!" Voe seems cheery and teary-eyed

Casper chuckled "Don't cry into the food,"

Charlie gasps, about to put food on the empty plate "Eric! What are you doing?"

"I just want some lasagna, just put it on my plate,"

"Uh no! This food isn't for you!"

"So we have to starve?"

"Eric, this food is for homeless sinners!"

He scoffs "So I have to starve because they're homeless?"

Charlie is appalled "Leave," she points


"Don't forget your bread!" Niffty places a large roll on his plate

"Damn, thanks Niffty!" Eric takes a large bite out of it, swallowing quickly. When he walks away there's a queasy look on his face before vomiting on the floor. Everyone stops and stares at him. It's complete and total silence before someone else vomits. Then another, and another. Everyone who had eaten was throwing up the food. Voe spotted someone recording in the corner before they threw up as well. Charlie and Vaggie ran out to try and help the sick sinners, but all that Voe could do was stand behind the table in disbelief as it all went to sh*t.

"At least we had somewhere they can rest?" Casper offered

Alastor appears "What a shame there's no hospitals in Pentagram City,"

Voe widens her eyes "What about my hospital?"

"That's right! We can take them there!" Casper agreed

"How are we going to get all those sinners there?"

Voe thinks, "Well I can fly…"

"Why don't we bring everything here?" Charlie asks

"Where are the residents going to be?"

"There are still rooms left and the sick ones can stay here until they're better,"

Voe sighs "Fine,"

"Great! Let's get everyone to a room!"

They each help sinners to a room, filling them all in about an hour. Voe and Casper collapse on the couch

"Well, that was a disaster,"

"Well, at least we were able to fix it,"

She sits up and looks to her assistant, "We gotta do something else,"

"Like what?"

She looks away "I have no idea,"

Casper sits up with her "Maybe a…state fair? People Love State Fairs,"

Voe turns and shakes Casper "Why are you so smart?"

"Uhh, I don't know,"

"Hi again Lucifer!" Voe sings entering the King's room

He turns to greet her as he looks up from his novel "Oh hey,"

"I need a favor again," she smiles tightly


"So, our soup kitchen didn't turn out well…"

"Oh yeah, I saw that,"

She gets closer to him "So, I was thinking…maybe we could have a state fair?"

He slams the novel shut "A what? Where are you having a state fair?"

"Well, remember you told me about how you had a theme park?"

"And remember how I told you that we can't leave this ring? Sinners cannot leave the Pride Ring,"

Voe falls over him "But why…?"

Lucifer tries not to laugh "Because…should I remind you that sinners are here for punishment? Not on vacation. This is what you get,"

"But I wanted to do something nice!"

"Sinners don't get nice,"

"Please!" she begs

He sits up "I'm sorry, they can't leave the ring. It's not just me, you'd have to ask the Seraphims in Heaven for permission too, and you're not going to get permission from them,"

"Maybe make one in the Pride Ring? Please?"

He sighs "Fine. I will help you, but only because I feel bad about you dying,"

She twirls her hair "Is that the only reason?"

"Do you want my help or not?

"Of course!"

"Okay then,"

"Oooh A state fair! That is amazing that you helped out Dad, remember LuLu Land? Great memories!"

He crosses his arms "Yeah, something like that,"

Voe is standing along with Alastor, their children in baby carriers, and Voe is beaming "Isn't this amazing Alastor?"

"It's an amusem*nt park, pretty childish isn't it?"

"I like amusem*nt parks! And we should be able to be silly instead of killing each other all the time!"

"I suppose, but most of these sinners are adults, it's a bit strange,"

Charlie butts in "I think it's amazing!"

"I think it's a great idea!" Lucifer agrees with a wide grin

Alastor squints in frustration "Very well,"

"Alastor, have you ever been to an amusem*nt park?"

He sighs "I guess not,"

Voe's eyes widen and her jaw drops "You're going on a ride,"

"Oh, I'm not the ride type, my dear,"

"You never know until you try!" Voe goes up to Vaggie "Can you watch them, please?"

"Of course,"

"Look at my girl being a babysitter,"

Vaggie puts her head behind her ear and blushes, taking the twins "Whatever,"

Voe pulls Alastor to a rollercoaster and goes to the bathroom while waiting in line. Some sinner demons in front of them turned back and flinched ostentatiously when they saw the Radio Demon behind them.

"Don't turn around," they whispered and Alastor's grin grew wider. As he waited for his wife, he leaned over to the side and slowly loosened a visible screw in the ride, just before his wife rejoined him at his side.

"Did I miss anything?" she asked

"Nothing at all, my dear,"

Alastor dissipates his cane and steps on, the ride creaks as it starts up and Voe holds on to the bars in the seat.

"Are you ready?"

"Yes indeed," he says with a smirk

The ride starts and up they go, when they come to the first dip everyone physically reacts except for Alastor, whose stance and smile stay in place. Once they get to the highest point on the ride, they get to the tippy top of the hill she grabs into Alastor's arm, and the creaking returns as they head down the hill. The car starts shaking intensely and instantly falls apart. Dozens of sinners are free falling in the air, including Voe. All that was running through her mind was that she would have to get reacquainted with her children again and how they wouldn't remember her. She starts to cry when she feels cool hands around her back and legs. She opens her eyes.

"Oh! Look at that. I wasn't expecting to win something so beautiful at the carnival today," She throws her arms around Alastor's neck and cries "Aww you must be frightened, don't worry I've got you,"

"Oh my god Voe are you okay?!" Charlie, Vaggie, Angel, Husk, and Lucifer rush up to the doe "I swear it was sturdy this morning. We tried it out so many times,"

"Yeah, I was the one riding it the whole time," Angel agreed

"Huh," Alastor muses as he puts his wife down.

"What?" Angel asks

"And where were you today? Didn't want to join in on the festivities?"

Angel tilts his head "Huh?"

"And you went out and never returned a few weeks ago during the soup kitchen. Why is that?"

"Now hold on, I know you not blaming me,"

"Come on guys, let's just make sure Voe is okay. And everyone else!"

"I'll take care of my wife," Alastor pipes up

Voe runs over to Vaggie "Give me my babies!"

"Of course!" She holds her twins close to her and they are utterly confused by her tears.

Casper runs up to her "Are you okay? Are you injured?"

She shakes her head, not able to speak through her tears.

"This is probably not a good time,"

"Is there something wrong Casper? Let's discuss," Alastor takes him to the side and questions "What is it that you wanted to tell her?"

"Well, whatever sickness was going around a week ago is back, and people are throwing up by the barrel. There's also some other malfunctioning rides on the other side of the park, and Sinstagram is ripping her a new one, so tell her to stay away from social media,"

"Oh my,"

"In a bad way right? You're saying it in a bad way?"

Alastor does not respond to the question but instead says "I will take care of it, don't you worry!" his grin growing wider

Alastor returns to Voe who has finally stopped crying "Hello my dear, how are you doing now?"

She inhales "I'm okay now," the twins are in their carriers "I amsosorry for making you go on that ride,"

"Now now, you are not to blame. I think you should call it a day,"

She nods "Yeah, I just want to spend time with my kids right now,"

"Splendid," Alastor agrees "Oh here's your phone," he hands it to her

She sniffles "Thanks,"

"A LuLu Land knockoff gone wrong,"

"She doesn't know what she's doing,"

"Is Voe the Beautryingto kill people?"

"Worse than any Overlord,"

"This is just insulting at this point!"

Voe shuts the laptop urgently and falls back on her bed. She looks over at her kids in their crib as they sleep, knowing that they deserve a mother who does wonderful things for people and isnotdisgraced by the public. Two outings, two L's, she had one more chance to get a W, and she had to make it count.



"I have a question,"

"Yeah, but first I have a question for you. Are you okay?"

She waves him off "Don't worry about me. But, what is the rest of Hell like?"

"What do you mean?"

"Is it like this? Or is it like a proper society?"

"I guess you could say it's a proper society, but it's kind of hard for them because of poverty,"


He looks up confused "Huh?"

"No, not excellent that people are poor. But excellent that there are some societies in Hell," she turns her back to him "Can you leave this ring?"

"Oh yeah!"

"I need you to bring something to another ring for me,"

"Wait is this about redemption?"


"I think you should take it slow, maybe rest?"

She whips back around "I can't rest, my children my children have a disgrace for a mother!"

"What? Voe you're not a disgrace,"

Voe slumps onto his bed "Everyone else thinks so,"

"Screw what everyone else thinks!" he sits next to her

She leans on his shoulder "I don't know why things keep going wrong,"

"Maybe, just take it easy. Relax. The people that love you donotthink that you're a disgrace,"

She looks up at him through her lashes "You love me?"

"Of course I do," he kisses her forehead "Why wouldn't I?"

"I don't know what to do Lucifer,"

"You know what? I'll make sure nothing happens to your next event, you'll be guaranteed to succeed,"

Voe sits up "Really?"


She went and posted a video saying "I'm going to have a bake sale out of my theater, and all the profits will be sent to orphans in the Greed Ring. Run, don't walk!" She's scared to do lives now, afraid of what people would say, but she posts the video and closes the app immediately, hoping that it would make some kind of noise.

"Do you need any help, my dear?" Alastor asked as Voe prepared to bake

She shakes her head "No, I love baking, I can do this on my own. Besides, you've done enough baby," she kisses him, and he is frustrated now unaware of how to proceed.

The videodidmake some noise, but unsurprisingly was mostly people who were coming to see her fail. They stood outside the theater screaming and making fun of her entire plan, kind of like the opposite of a protest.

"Would you like me to take care of them?" He raised his brow

"I thought you weren't killing anymore,"

He smirks "I didn't say I was going to kill them,"

"It's fine, leave them be,"

"Your choice,"

Voe meets Lucifer inside and she hugs him before he helps her set up the booth. Everything was going quite well, people hoards of people buying baked goods from Voe the Beau, perhaps they didn't care about the cause but it didn't matter, she was feeding them and they weren't throwing up and nothing was collapsing.

"Hey babe, could you watch the stand and keep everything going for me? I have to use the bathroom,"

"Of course!"

Lucifer stood by as she left. Why hadn't she asked him? He was the one who pledged to make sure that nothing went wrong today. He was basically watching over everything anyway. He knew that his chances with Voe were over, but it still irked him to see her askhimto do any of the things that he knew he could do for her, which was everything that he did and more. He could do anything that Alastor could do… including standing there and letting people take the money from the box?

Lucifer jumped into gear, stretching out his hand and paralyzing the would-be thieves, before he went over and retrieved the money from them, turning them into worms for good measure. Voe comes storming out when she hears the commotion.

"What just happened?" She asks

"These two sinners were trying to steal all of your money," Lucifer told her immediately


"And Alastor let them!"

Voe looked as if she was smacked in the face by those words "W-what?" she asked, much softer "No, I think you saw wrong Lucifer," she looked up at her husband and waited for his response

"Of course, he saw wrong. I would never do that! I was trying to stop them! If anything, I would talk to Angel,"

Voe blinks slowly "See Lucifer, you had it all wrong," she says, but her tone betrays something else. And so does her silence for the rest of the event as Alastor stands beside her. _

When Alastor enters Voe's bedroom, he sees that the twins have already been put to bed, everything is in order and Voe lays on the bed with her back to the door. He reaches over to give her a kiss goodnight when she sits up.

"I think you should go to your room tonight,"

"What? What's the matter, darling?"

She looks away from him "I don't…want to share a bed with you,"

"…Why? Do you really think I would try and sabotage you?"

She looks down at her fingers and takes a deep breath "Alastor you were there,"

"What do you mean?" he squints

"For everything, you were there,"

"Well I-"

"You were theonlyone that was there for everything," she stares at him as he stands in silence "Say something!" she hisses

"What would you like me to say?"

Voe shrugs "I don't know, maybe 'Of course I didn't'"

"You seem to have made up your mind that Ididdo it,"

Voe shakes her head and laughs "Why you would do this to me? I know you may notloveme, but I thought you at least cared about me,"

"I didn't do anything," he asserts

"Ruining not only my endeavors, but my reputation and I could havedied!"

"But you didn't and I saved you, that proves I didn't do anything. I was also on that ride,"

"There was a moment where you were left unattended every single time,"

"You really think I would do that to you?"

Voe rubs her forehead "Please stop lying to me,"

"I don't know what you want to hear,"

She stands and rushes him "Why are you f*cking up my progress?!

"I do not know what you mean," his smile was tight

"What's your problem?"

He stood in front of her, the ever-present smile wavering ever so slightly

"I don't think Heaven is the proper place for you, dearest." That was all he said

"What?! That's why I'm trying to be redeemed!" She crosses her arms

"Well, maybe you shouldn't." He spat back quick as ever

"What? Why? I'm so close to finally leaving this place!"

"Well, maybe I don't want you to leave!" His radio filter dropped, along with his ears, eyes, and the rest of his body

"May I touch you?"


"Okay. You may touch me." He turns and looks over his shoulder apprehensively, before turning back and slinking his arms around her waist, burying his face in her chest.

She stood very still, suppressing the urge to hug him back, her arms limp at her sides, when he took her hands and placed one on his back and the other in his hair. She smiles softly and scratches the spot behind his ears, and they perk up

"You know you could try," she tells him

Alastor stares up at her in slight confusion "What?"

"You could try to be redeemed, and we could go together. Bring our kids along with us. You've already chosen to stop killing, so you're on your way. Have you ever thought of that?"

No, he hadn't thought about it. He hadn't even considered that there was a universe where he was good enough for Heaven, or one where he wanted to go. But in truth, he wanted to be wherever she was.

"How about this, I'll halt my redemption plans for you. That way we can go together, however that works. Ha ha,"

"How does it work?"

She shrugs "I have no idea," she laughs "But we'll make it work, for us," she holds his chin "Okay?"

Alastor gives her a soft smile and relaxed eyes "Okay," he buries his face into her chest and they sit there for a moment. One nice and peaceful moment, that is immediately ruined by the sound of attack drones firing outside the window.

Chapter 22: Wait for Me

Chapter Text

They make their way outside, seeing the Vees sitting at the top of a giant robot, Vox in the middle.

“Try and ignore me now Voe!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!”

“Are you serious?”

Alastor rolls his eyes “Ugh,”


“Less and less!”

“f*ck YOU!”

Vox presses a button and shoots a missile at the hotel. Voe whips around at the damage, as Angel runs outside.

“What the f*ck?! That wall again?! Oh hi, Vox,”


“Everybody likes me!”

“Velvette, are you seriously part of this nonsense?”

She sighs, holding up her phone “No, I’m just here for the views,”

Voe sighs “Fair enough,”

Alastor grows ten times larger and shoots out his tentacles, wrapping them around the giant robot’s legs and pulling them forward as the Vees crash down on the ground. They shoot another missile that Voe narrowly avoids.

Alastor growls “Have a nice trip? See you next fall,” he laughs and he stands and steps atop the robot crushing its legs

“MY LEGS!!” Vox screams

“And next will be your face! LEAVE! HA HA!”

Vox points up at Alastor “YOU DON’T SCARE ME!”

“But do I?” Voe flies up in her demon form baring her teeth

Vox scoffs and turns his head up in concern “WHAT THE f*ck IS THAT?!” he points upward

Voe crosses her arms as Angel brings out Charlie, Vaggie, Lucifer, Casper, and many other residents. “Nice try, but I’m not a child,” she glances down seeing everyone else looking up as well, and turns to where Vox is pointing.

A hoard of exorcist angels descending from a portal to Heaven wielding weapons as they get closer, with Lute front and center.

“I think we should go,” Val tells Vox

Velvette nods “Agreed,”

Vox presses a button and the top of the robot ejects and launches them back toward V-Tower.

“What’s going on? Why are you here?” Charlie asked

“You’re overdue on an extermination,” Lute spits through her teeth “But we’re here by order of the Head Seraphim, to eliminate a pair of illegal sinner children,”

Voe’s eyes shoot open and glances back down at her husband and Lucifer. Illegal sinner children?

My children. She thought. Her children, innocent and little, never asked to be here and only brought love and light to every room they entered. They slept peacefully in their crib and here come angels trying to kill them.

“We don’t know what you’re talking about,” Charlie lies, her eyes darting back and forth

Lute scoffs “You’re a terrible liar. Bring us the little abominations and you can keep whatever is left of the ‘hotel’ once we’re done with them,”

“NO!” She screams without thinking

For the first time, Lute turns to her “Oh? Are the abominations yours?” she smirks a sick smirk

“You’re the abomination with your metal arm, that’s not natural. Isn’t that against Heaven’s way?”

Lute laughs dryly “Funny, but we’re still killing your children,”

Vaggie flies up next to Voe, her spear drawn “Then you’ll have to get past us,” she points it at Lute

“I intend to. You and I have a score to settle,” she grins before launching at Vaggie

“Vaggie!” Charlie called out

The angels descend upon them, as Voe twitches and convulse, turning into a large dragon. She bites and swipes at them as Alastor uses his tentacles to grab and throw exorcists about, Cherri throwing angelic bombs, Angel shooting angelic bullets from machine guns, Husk with his cards, and Niffty with her dagger. One of the exorcists zooms past them, straight through the glass of the window looking into their room, Voe changes back and follows her, finding her babies crying after being awoken.

“Aw, how cute are they? Shame they’ll have to die,”

“If you don’t leave my kids right now, I will kill you with your own weapon

She chuckles and reaches down to grab Alyson when she is suddenly slammed through the wall by Voe.

“Not my daughter, you bitch!” Voe spits through her sharp teeth. The tussle between them lasts a bit. Voe is not above scratching and biting, leaving as much damage as possible, her nails coated with angelic steel. She wrestles the sword out of the woman’s hands and slowly inserts it into her abdomen “I say exactly what I mean!” she comments before running her through with the sword and slicing her up the middle. Golden blood splattered onto her face.

Voe slices her way through every exorcist who tries to lay a hand on her babies, braving through the slashes they land on her as well. Her anger was more righteous than the ones attacking them.

“I told these bitches that she would come back!! AAAAHHH!” She screams while sltting an angel’s throat “Why didn’t you just kill her?!!!!!” she slashes an angel’s stomach open. She takes her time to soothe her babies back to sleep “I’m sorry, I know Mommy is being loud, let me move you somewhere else.” she takes them to her closet, wraps them in clothes, and places them on the floor “I know I’m sorry this isn’t ideal, but I want to keep you safe, okay? I’ll come back once this is over, alright? Momma loves you,” she kisses their foreheads as they fall back to sleep closes the door behind them.

Voe takes a deep breath and rubs her head, the sounds of battle getting to her. When she opens her eyes she sees Alastor, taking care of one exorcist while another sneaks up behind him. Her eyes widened as she dove out the window with no hesitation, using her wings to glide down and intercept the exorcist’s blade. The only consequence being that she herself was slashed, the blade meeting her skin and being driven deep into her torso. She closed her eyes, the pain taking over her body as she screamed out. The pain is lessened while her eyes are closed, the blade no longer being driven deeper, but still inside her skin.

She opens her eyes and all of the crew surrounds her, bending and leaning down to look.

“It doesn’t look good,” Angel whispers

“Dad, can you do anything?” Charlie asks and Lucifer looks away knowing that he can’t

Alastor breaks the semicircle, his smile tighter than it had ever been “Why would you- what?”

Voe coughs and sucks in some air at the pain of movement “She was…going to attack you,” she smiles a little “So I stopped her,”

He moves his hands around frantically “W-why would you do that?” he cups her face

“Because I love you,” the words came easily and naturally to her, even in this moment where every movement was hard

Lute lets out one more battle cry, trying to attack from behind, and Alastor enraged, grabs her spear with his bare hands and turns it around on her, making this her final stand. When he comes back, Voe’s eyes are closed and she has stopped moving, not even breathing as they all stare.

“Come on Voe,” Charlie gently tries to wake her “You can do this, you can stay awake,” but she can’t

Alastor can do nothing but stare with everyone else, as he forces his tears to stay inside their ducts, at least until he can be alone.

Voe lets out a large gasp and coughs heavily.

“You’re all right?!” he asks her

She coughs again “I guess so, I felt myself dying, and then I just….didn’t,” she reaches for him and he helps her stand. Once she’s steady, she pulls the blade out of her with lots of effort, the sound of her screams the only thing heard. She drops the blade and beds over trying to breathe, a deep red spot soaks its way through her clothes. Alastor embraces her when he lets go, he holds her face, neither of them caring about the blood everywhere on them, mixing together.

“Once upon a time, you said I was a monster,” he breathes into her

She nods with tears in her eyes “Yeah.”

“You could truly love a monster?”

She smiles with the tears flowing “Only if that monster is you.”

She leans in to kiss him and he leans to kiss her back before Voe feels an agonizing pain, as though her flesh was being torn. She bent forward in pain as two wings ripped themselves out of her back.

She collapses on the ground in pain. Alastor kneels to tend to her.


She lifted her head slowly “I’m okay. I’m okay.” She looked at her lover, smiling “I’m okay.”

“You have wings, my love,”

“Yeah, I can feel them” she laughs. She tried to pull him in for a kiss once more when a blinding light appeared behind them and Voe began floating towards it.

“Love, what are you doing?”

She whips her head around “I’m not doing that,” Higher and higher she floats toward the light “Alastor?” Her arms are outstretched toward him, while he remains frozen in shock. “Alastor!”

Her cries snapping him back into reality and he jumps onto his feet, grabbing her hands as she is pulled toward and into the light.


And just like that, she was gone. The image of her crying out and reaching for him, burned itself into his mind. And for the first time, Alastor did not care about his image, nor that people were watching, fell to his knees and cried.

“I never got to say I love you,”

Fawning for You - nkirukaj319 (2024)


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Author: Nathanial Hackett

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Author information

Name: Nathanial Hackett

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: Apt. 935 264 Abshire Canyon, South Nerissachester, NM 01800

Phone: +9752624861224

Job: Forward Technology Assistant

Hobby: Listening to music, Shopping, Vacation, Baton twirling, Flower arranging, Blacksmithing, Do it yourself

Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.